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F ∝ m1 m2

F ∝ m1 m2
F ∝1 r2
F = gravitational force between two bodies
m1 = mass of first body
F = Gm1m2 m2 = mass of second body
r = distance between the centre of the first
r2 body and the centre of the second body
G = gravitational constant (G = 6.67 × 10-11 N m2 kg-2)

The larger the mass of the body, Gravitational force decreases when
The larger the gravitational force. the distance between the two
F1 < F2 bodies increases.
F1 > F2

On the surface of the
At height, h from the Earth, height h = 0
surface of the Earth,
distance from the centre Therefore,
of the Earth is r = radius of the Earth, R.
r = (R + h)
Gravitational acceleration
With this, gravitational on the surface of the Earth,
acceleration, g = GM
g = GM R2
(R + h)2
Where M is the mass of the Earth.

g = GM

1.62 ms-²

274 ms-²
always experiences changes in the direction
of its motion even though its speed is fixed

F = centripetal force
F = mv2 m = mass
v = linear speed
r r = radius of circle

a = v2
v = linear speed of satellite
r r = radius of the orbit of
F = mv2
F = GMm Substitute :
r2 v = 2πr

M = mass of the Earth

m = mass of the Moon
r = radius of the Moon’s orbit M = 4π2 r3
T = period of revolution of the
Moon around the Earth GT2
v = linear speed of the Moon

5.972 × 1024 kg

1.989 × 1030 kg

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