Desainer Grafis

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Desainer Grafis (Freelance )

Pendidikan Min. D3 Desain Grafis / Seni Rupa / Arsitektur / sejenisnya

Mampu merancang / membuat desain untuk majalah
Bisa mengoperasikan software InDesign CS2, Photoshop, Ilustrator dan Freehand
Dapat bekerjasama dalam tim

Lampirkan : Contoh karya desain layout majalah !

Kirimkan CV dan berkas lamaran anda ke:

HR Department
Group of Magazine – Kompas Gramedia
Gramedia Building, 1st unit, 8th floor.
Jl. Panjang No.8A Kebon Jeruk
Jakarta Barat 11530

Atau melalui email ke:

Junior Graphic Designer

Male / Female applicants are welcome, 21-25 y.oS1 for Junior Graphic Designer expected from Design Communication Graphic/
ArchitectureMaster in adobe photoshop, adobe illustrator, adobe indesign, macromedia freehand (additional 3d software is a priority)Fresh
graduate or 1 year experience creative design working environmentWell
undrestanding of creative workflow creative especially in print
production (Material preparation phase until final artwork for printing)

If YOU’RE the one who are we looking for, please sent your CV and Porto before July 31th 2009 to: / /

Monday – Friday, April 13rd – 29th 2009
within 2 – 4pm
PT. Prismas Jamintara
Plaza DM, 6th floor
Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 25
Jakarta Selatan, 12920
Telp: (021) 522 99 16 – 21
Attn : Ms. Bunga / Ms. Lisa

Graphic Designer


Hold Bachelor degree in graphic

Having 2 years experience
Creative and can create new
Ability to communicate ideas
and concept
Flexibility and have emotional
stable to work under pressure
Must expert in 3D, Photoshop,
Corel Draw and Flash

Promotion & PR


S1 Degree, preferably in
Marketing or Business
Having Experience at least 2
Informasi Perusahaan
Deskripsi Singkat
Nama Perusahaan -
Masari Group/ Hermes Paris
PO BOX 8899 JKPWR years in Marketing/Promotion/Event
Jakarta 10220A, Indonesia Organize
Understand the planning and
Website executing process of promotions and
Good network with partners for
Informasi Lowongan developing events
Able to make a strategic plan
Level Karir Fresh / Entry Level Detail oriented with patient,
Jenis Pekerjaan Design friendly, and energetic personality
Posisi GRAPHIC DESIGNER Good interpersonal and
Lokasi Kerja Jakarta Pusat communication
Waktu Kerja Full Time
Jenjang Pendidikan Diploma 3
Send your application and Curriculum
Umur -
Vitae to:
Pengalaman Kerja (tahun) 2
Gender Tidak diutamakan
Gaji yang ditawarkan Negotiable VELOXXE  CONSULTING®
Deskripsi Kerja -
Persyaratan 1. Male and Female maximal 35 years of age
Recruitment Department
2. Graduate from related educational background
PO Box 1254
3. Minimal 2 years of experience in the same position
JKB 11012
4. Good knowledge of dekstop publishing

5. Willing to work flexibel hours, including weekends and email :

public holiday

6. Pleasant personality, mature, multi task and customer

service oriented

# 07 Desember 2010 #
Blog dengan ID 132217 Tidak ada
Tanggal Pemasangan Iklan 04 Dec 2010
Tanggal Penutupan Kami membutuhkan Part Time Graphic
03 Jan 2011 Designer
untuk design logo dan stationery
  perusahaan dengan syarat :
Melamar langsung :
Cantumkan pada Pojok Kiri-Atas surat lamaran anda: (Kode : GD)
1. Pribadi kreatif dan mandiri
Kirimkan Surat Lamaran, CV lengkap & Pas foto terbaru ke:
2. Memiliki komputer sendiri
3. Minimum lulus SMA, diutamakan
Masari Group/ Hermes Paris pelajar jurusan desain grafis
PO BOX 8899 JKPWR Jakarta 10220A, Indonesia 4. Pengalaman tidak diutamakan
Atau kirimkan melalui email : recruitment 5. Mampu bekerja keras dan siap bekerja
sesuai jadwal
6. Mengerti proses cetak
7. Menguasai:
Graphic Designer
(Jakarta Raya)
* Adobe Photoshop
* Adobe Illustrator
Responsibilities: * Adobe Indesign CS2
* Corel Draw X3
 Creating ideas and concepts for promotion and advertising materials.
Bila anda merasa memenuhi syarat-syarat
 Designing and execute ideas and concepts for promotion and advertising materials.
kirim resume dan contoh karya ke email :

 Male/Female, age max 25.  Masari Group/ Hermes Paris -

 Holds degree from Art & Design or Advertising. GRAPHIC DESIGNER

 Able to operate min. Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop.

 Bursting with ideas and able to work well with deadlines.

 Good attitude, Hardworking, Self Motivated with good Initiative.

 Good command of English both oral & written.

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