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Perez, Julia Stefanel M.


According to a statement from Gilbert Ryle, the self is the way people
behave. If you combine mind and behavior, you will form yourself in which I
truly agree with. It is because for me, self is defined base on their behavior.
What you do, think, or say is actually you since it will reflect on your
personality. But also, you have to be very careful towards your action since that
is how will they recognize you. Speaking in a humane way, if you do good things
then probably you are a good person but if you don’t, it is the other way around.
An example of this is what we do on our daily basis. We act base on our
behavior and what we are. We perform those actions because it is what we feel
and what we want to express. What I’m doing or showing to other people is
actually myself.
Tabula Rasa. Each individual started from a blank state, then through
your experiences you become who you are right now. This is somehow related
to the statement of Gilbert Ryle; you’ll be who you are as time goes by. Through
your experiences, you make amends to your actions and that will define who
you are, what you can be, and what you will be.

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