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Bella’s Sisters part 4

Heather’s POV
I looked at the house it was awesome.  Edward got out and opened the door for us.
“ Thank you.” I said jumping out.
“ Your welcome.”
“ So Edward what have you been doing?” I asked.
“ Um playing video games with Emmett.” He said quickly.
“ What game?”
“ Um guitar hero.”
“ Last time I checked guitar hero does not involve killing a crazy mountain lion.” I said with a
smirk. He look both shocked and nervous.
“ Um what do you mean?”
“ Edward don’t lie to me because I can spot a liar a mile away.”
“ Well lets go inside.” Bella said, noticing Edward was in a awkward moment.
“ Okay.” He said and led us to the door. A giant boy who looked eighteen answered, it must be
“ You must be Bella’s sisters.” He said and I rolled my eyes. He was definitely stupid.
“ You must be Emmett.” I said walking in.
“ Which one are you?” He asked.
“ What?”
“ Which twin?”
“ Oh I am Heather the normal one.” I said and Brianna smacked me in the back of the Head.
“ And I am Brianna.”  She said.
“ Cool I’m Emmett.” He said and I rolled my eyes.
“ I know.”
“ AHHH are you a spy everyone run for it.” He screamed before running out the back door.
“ I see you have met Emmett.” A pixie like person said dancing down the stairs with a tall blond
boy behind her.
“ Yea.” I said
“ I’m Alice and this is my hus-boyfriend Jasper.”  Wait she was about to say husband this family
is strange.
“ Okay. Nice to meet you.” I said still suspicious and then I immediately felt calm.
“ Were going to be great friends.”  Alice said.
“ Of course you will be.” Brianna murmured. I elbowed her.
“ Hey!”
“ Sorry, nervous reaction.” I said while smacking her in the head for more effects.
“ Weirdo.”
“ Um, Your the one with problems, your calling everyone weird!”
“ What ever.” She said while walking away from me and into another room.
“ Gasp! This room is the best I've every seen!”
“ Thank you.” someone said. I walked in to see a nice, young looking women.
“ I’m Esme by the way.”
“ Okay nice to meet you.” Brianna said.
“ Same here.” I said. Just as I said this, a man, probably the most gorgeous looking man in the
world, walked in.
“ I’m Carlisle.”
“ HI.” both me and Brianna said at the same time.
“ So what are your names?” Esme asked.
“ Well, I’m Heather, the normal one,  and this is Brianna the weird freak.” As I said this, Brianna
rolled her eyes and hit my in the in the back of the head....again.
“ Children, come in here please.” Esme yelled. All the kids came in quickly, one after the other.
That's when I noticed something strange. They all had the same eyes, and they were adopted.
“ By now, I think you girls all know who my kids are, Edward, Jasper, Emmet, Alice, and
“ Ya, we kinda figured it out.” I said
“ Okay, well, we’ll leave you kids to bond together.”
“ Yep.” Brianna said, and with that, Esme and Carlisle left us.
“ So it’s nice to met all of you.” I said awkwardly.
“ I’m sure it is.” A Blondie with long hair said nastily.
“ Wow some one’s in a mood what is it you time of the month?” I asked with a smirk.
“ Listen you little brat, if it were not for the fact that your my brother’s girl friends little sister, you
would be dead right now.” She said trying to sound intimidating and started to walk out of the
room I laughed
“ Bye bye Bitch.”
“ What did you call me?”
“ Bitch B-I-T-C-H.” I said in a tone like i was explaining to a five year old.
“ You little.-” She began but Emmett put his hand over her mouth.
“ I got an Idea let’s play some guitar hero.” Emmett said nervously.
“ Like you have been all day?” I asked hoping to catch Edward in a lie.
“ What where did you get that idea I have been wrestling with Jasper all day.” He said confused.
“ Well that is what Edward told me.” I said smirking at Edward.
“ Did I saw Emmett I meant Alice.” He said quickly.
“ Alice put your clothes away you got today.” Esme called from upstairs.
“ Okay.” Alice said running up the stairs and I smirked at Edward who was beyond nervous.
“ Rosalie you too.” Esme called again before Edward could say it was her.
“ Okay lets play.” Emmett said excitedly and I noticed the entire game was set up wow that was
“ Awesome how about we make it a competition two teams whichever team gets the highest
score wins.” I said.
“ YA the Cullen brothers against the swan sisters.” He yelled like a little boy.
“ Do I have to?” Bella asked whining.
“ Yes.” We all yelled at the same time
“ Fine.” she muttered.
“ I call mic.” I yelled and.
“ Drums.” Brianna yelled.
“ Yay finally I can play without being forced to sing.” Bella said happily.
“ We go first.” I said.
“ Why should you?” Emmett asked.
“ Because it’s ladies first and were the guests.” I said and Emmett pouted and sat down.
“ Okay good luck girls.” Jasper said sitting down next to Emmett.
“ Same here.” Edward said kissing Bella on the forehead and sitting down.
“ What song?” Brianna asked.
“ Um....... We could do he could b the one by Hannah Montana.” I said that was my favorite.
“ Okay.” Bella said flipping to the song and turning it on. It took a minute to load and when the
lyrics came on screen I began singing.
Smooth talkin', so rockin'
He's got everything that a girl's wantin'
He's a cutie, he plays it groovy
And I can't keep myself from doin' somethin' stupid

Think I'm really fallin' for his smile

Yeah, butterflies when he says my name

He's got somethin' special

He's got somethin' special
And when he's lookin' at me
I wanna get all sentimental

He's got somethin' special

He's got somethin' special
I can hardly breathe somethin's tellin' me
Tellin' me maybe he could be the one

He could be the one, he could be the one

He could be the one, he could be the one
He could be the one

He's lightnin', sparks are flyin'

Everywhere I go he's always on my mind and
I'm goin' crazy about him lately
And I can't help myself from how my heart is racin'

Think I'm really diggin' on his vibe

He really blows me away, hey!

He's got somethin' special

He's got somethin' special
And when he's lookin' at me
I wanna get all sentimental

He's got somethin' special

He's got somethin' special
I can hardly breathe somethin's tellin' me
Tellin' me maybe he could be the one

He could be the one, he could be the one

He could be the one, he could be the one
He could be the one

And he's got a way of makin' me feel

Like everything I do is perfectly fine
The stars are aligned when I'm with him
And I'm so into it!

He's got somethin' special

He's got somethin' special
And when he's lookin' at me
I wanna get all sentimental

He's got somethin' special

He's got somethin' special
I can hardly breathe somethin's tellin' me
Tellin' me maybe he could be the one

He could be the one, he could be the one

He could be the one, he could be the one
He could be the one
While Bella was doing guitar and Brianna did drums I got a perfect score because I sang this
song constantly so I was used to it I turned around to see all the boys mouths hanging open
“ That bad?” I asked sarcastically
“ YOU CHEATED!” Emmett shouted and I rolled my eyes
“ No I did not now go take your turns.” I said.
“ Fine.”, He said,” I call drums.”
“ I call guitar!” Edward yelled.
“ No way in H*** am I singing!” Jasper shouted.
“ Then you lose.” Brianna said smugly.
“ Fine then I will sing.” Emmett said walking towards the mic.
“ NO WAY.” Jasper said taking the mic.
“ HA.” Emmett said going back to the drums.
“ What song?” Edward asked.
“ TIK TOK!” Emmett yelled ( FYI I HATE THAT SONG)
“ Any better idea?” Emmett asked.
“ JASPER DO LOVEBUG!” Alice yelled from upstairs I was surprised she could hear.
“ Why?” He asked in a whiny tone I agree that was a girly song even if it was sung by the Jonas
“ Because you know it is my favorite.” She said from behind me causing me to jump I had not
even heard her come downstairs I noticed Edward shooting her a warning look.
“ Fine.” He said in surrender.
“ Yay.” She said sitting.I felt very pissed for some reason but I do not know why everyone else
seemed too. Edward walked over to Jasper whispered something in his ear and I felt relaxed
again. That was weird.
“Can I please do a different song?” Jasper asked whining.
“ Fine.” Alice said with a pout.
“ Octopus garden.” Jasper said I had never heard of this song. ( This is my dad’s favorite.)
“ Okay.” Emmett said.
“ Um should I know what that is?” Brianna asked.
“ It’s a song by the Beatles.”, Edward explained but me and Brianna were still confused.“ They
are a band.”
“ Okay.” Brianna said slowly. The song began and Jasper started singing.
I'd like to be under the sea
In an octopus' garden in the shade
He'd let us in, knows where we've been
In his octopus' garden in the shade

I'd ask my friends to come and see

An octopus' garden with me
I'd like to be under the sea
In an octopus' garden in the shade.

We would be warm below the storm

In our little hideaway beneath the waves
Resting our head on the sea bed
In an octopus' garden near a cave

We would sing and dance around

because we know we can't be found
I'd like to be under the sea
In an octopus' garden in the shade

We would shout and swim about

The coral that lies beneath the waves
(Lies beneath the ocean waves)
Oh what joy for every girl and boy
Knowing they're happy and they're safe
(Happy and they're safe)

We would be so happy you and me

No one there to tell us what to do
I'd like to be under the sea
In an octopus' garden with you.

When the song was over Jasper got a almost perfect score when we combined everyone on
each of our teams scores we one.
“ WHAT HOW DID A BUNCH OF GIRLS BEAT US?” Emmett asked screaming for the third
stinking time.
“ We got a higher score then you.” I explain AGAIN.
“ I bet you cheated!” He yelled.
“ Can’t you just lose and not complain?”
“ NO.”
“ Did your mom drop you on your head as a baby?” I asked.
“ How would I know that was a hun-eighteen years okay.” Wait he was about to say hundred
wow this family is definitely keeping a secret and I am so determined to figure it out.

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