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Hanoi, 2019
PART A: INTRODUCTION.................................................................5
1. Rationale...................................................................................................5
2. Aims and objectives of the study..............................................................5
3. Research questions ...................................................................................6
4. Scope of the study.....................................................................................6
5. Significance of the study...........................................................................6
6. Design of the study....................................................................................6
PART B: LITERATURE REVIEW..............................................7
1. An Overview of Vocabulary......................................................................7
1.1. The definition of Vocabulary..............................................................7
1.2. The roles of Vocabulary.....................................................................7
1.3. The aspects of Vocabulary.................................................................8
2. Classification of Vocabulary.....................................................................8
2.1. Receptive Vocabulary.........................................................................8
2.2. Productive Vocabulary........................................................................8
2.3. Active Vocabulary..............................................................................9
3. Some common Techniques of Teaching and Learning Vocabulary...........9
3.1 Teaching Vocabulary..............................................................................9
3.1.1 Teaching Vocabulary Based on Texts................................................9
3.1.2 Teaching Vocabulary by Using Synonyms, Antonyms.....................10
3.1.3 Teaching Vocabulary through Translation........................................10
3.1.4 Teaching Vocabulary by Using Techniques......................................10
3.1.5 Teaching Vocabulary Using Games..................................................10
3.2 Learning Vocabulary..............................................................................11
3.2.1 Learning Vocabulary by Using Dictionary.......................................11
3.2.2 Learning Vocabulary by Using Flashcards.......................................11
3.2.3 Learning Vocabulary by Using Highlighting Words........................11
3.2.4 Learning Vocabulary by Making Vocabulary Tree...........................11

3.2.5 Learning Vocabulary Using Word Formation Charts.......................12
3.2.6 Learning Collocations........................................................................12
3.2.7 Praciting and Reviewing Regularly...................................................12
VOCABULARY- A CASE STUDY..............................................................13
1. Subject of the study...................................................................................13
2. Data collection method.............................................................................13
2.1 Interview...............................................................................................13
2.2 Questionaires........................................................................................13
2.3 Observation...........................................................................................13
3. Summary.................................................................................................13
ENGLISH VOCABULARY.......................................................................15
1. Recommendation for the Teacher..........................................................15
1.1 Using Context Clues to Present Word Meaning................................ 15
1.2 Encourage Students to Develop Their Seft- studying....................... .15
1.3 Provide More Useful Teaching Facilities........................................ .15
2. Recommendation for Students.............................................................. 16
2.1 Read more........................................................................................ . 16
2.2 Guess Word meanings from Context then Making It Personal........ 16
2.3 Using Dictionary and Thesaurus Handy........................................... 16
2.4 Learn Some Words a Day................................................................ 17
2.5 Engage in Conversation.................................................................... 17
2.6 Play Some Games............................................................................. 17
2.7 Using Some Vocabulary Tools or Webs.......................................... 17
2.8 Motivation............................................................................. ...........17
PART E : CONCLUSION....................................................... 18

A. Books
1. Norman Lewis (1949) Word Power Made Easy
2. Chris Lele (2018) The Vocabulary Builder Workbook: Simple Lessons
and Activities to Teach Yourself Over 1,400 Must-know Words
3. Maxwell Nurnberg, Morris Rosenblum ( 1949) How to Build a Better
4. Ahmed, M. O. (1989). Vocabulary learning strategies.
5. Arnaud, P. J. L, Bejoint, H (Eds.) (1992). Vocabulary and applied
6. Carter, R. (1987). Vocabulary: Applied linguistic perspectives.
B. Journal Articles
1. .

1. Rationale
Nowadays, Language is a methodical means of communication by using
sounds or conventional symbols. Language is the key capaple of expressing
ideas and concepts as well as moods, fellings and attitudes. It is the official
language of air transport and shipping, the leading language of science,
technology, computers, and a major medium of education, publishing. With
the open-door policy, to fulfill the duty of industrialization and modernization,
learning English is more and more important. Therefore, in almost every
school and university in Vietnam, English has become a compulsory subject
for every student . Among four basic language skills-listening, speaking,
reading and writing, Vocabulary is learned and practiced regularly during the
process of learing English.
However, Vocabulary is the problem that the first-year students at
Faculty of English are face with difficulties in understanding. The more words
you have, the more you can understand whatever you read and hear. With the
experience of being the second-year student and with the hope of helping the
first year students at the Facutly of English, HOU to reduce limitations and
expand vocabulary. Therefore, in this study, I would like to give an overview
of vocabulary and find out some difficulties that most students are facing in
their learning process.
2. Aims and Purposes of the Study
- Exploring the learning of vocabulary of the first-year students at Factuly
of English,Hanoi Open University.
- Finding out the problems and difficulties that students usually are facing
in learning vocabulary process.
- Giving some strategies to improve and enlarge vocabulary effectively for
the first-year students.
3. Scope of the Study
The study limits itself to the investigation of the difficulties in learning
vocabulary of all students from elementary school, junior and senior high
schools to colleges or universities. It only concentrates on some common
problems which the freshmen meet during English lessons and some strategies
to develop skills. Moreover,the study could not touch upon all the student at
Facutly of English at HOU. Therefore, it is confined to the first-year student
at Facutly of English only.

4. Reaseach Questions
- What are common techniques of teaching and learning vocabulary of the first-
year at Faculty of English, HOU?
- What are the difficulties and limitations that students are facing with ?
- What are suggestions for students to develop their vocabulary ?
- What is the effective solutions to improve teaching and learning methods?

5. Methods of the Study

This study mainly using descriptive method, interview, questionares or

6. Design of the Study

The study is divided into three parts:
Part A: Introduction

Part B: Development : Including three chapters :

o Chapter 1: Literature Review

o Chapter 2: Problems of Almost Students in Learning English Vocabular-
A case study
o Chapter 3: Some suggestions for improving students’s English
Part C: Conclusion.

1. An Overview of Vocabulary
1.1 The Definition of Vocabulary
The term "vocabulary" is a simple concept but in fact, it is extremely
difficult to give an exact definition of vocabulary. According to
Neuman&Dwyer (2009), "Vocabulary" can be defined as "words we must
know to communicate effectively, words in speaking as expressive vocabulary
and words in listening as receptive vocabulary".
While Ur (1998) states: "Vocabulary can be defined, roughly, as the
words we teach in the foreign language. However, a new item of vocabulary
may be more than just a single word: for example, post office, and mother-in-
law, which are made up of two or three words but express a single idea”.
In addition, Burns (1972) defines vocabulary as "the stock of words
which is used by a person, class or profession. According to Zimmerman cited
in Coady and Huckin (1998) said that: "Vocabulary is central to language and
of critical importance to the typical language learning".
1.2 The Roles of Vocabulary
Vocabulary is core to English language teaching and learning process
because without sufficient vocabulary, students cannot understand others or
express their own ideas. Wilkins (1972) wrote that: "While without grammar,
very hittle can be conveyed, without vocabulary, nothing can be conveyed".
This point reflects our experience with different languages, even without
grammar, with some useful words and expressions, we can often manage to
communicate. Teaching vocabulary helps students understand and
communicate with others in English. Voltaire purportedly said: "Language is
very difficult to put into words"
A good mastery of vocabulary helps the learners to express their ideas
precisely. By having many stocks of word learners will be able to comprehend
thereading materials catch other talking, give response, speak fluently and

write somekind of topics. Although a considerable amount of vocabulary,
learning is associated with primary language learning in early years.
1.3 The Aspects of Vocabulary Knowledge
The concept of a word can be defined in various ways, but three
significant aspects teachers need to be aware of and focus on are "Form",
"Meaning", and "Use". According to Nation (2001), "the Form" of a word
involves its pronunciation (spoken form), spelling (written form), and any
word parts that make up this particular item (such as a prefix, root, and suffix).
When teachers teach vocabulary to build students knowledge of words and
phrases, helping them learn any and all of these different components assists
them in enhancing their English vocabulary knowledge and use.
2. Classification of Vocabulary
There are various ways to classify the words of a language. A useful way
for "English as a Second Language" students is to divide vocabulary in the
following three broad categories: Everyday words, Subject-specific words,
Academic words.
But some experts divided vocabulary into two types: "Active
vocabulary" and "Passive vocabulary". The first type of vocabulary have been
taught and are expected to use. Meanwhile, the second one refers to the words
which the students will recognize when they meet them, but which they will
probably not be able to pronounce. Having two kinds of vocabulary, namely
"Receptive vocabulary" and "Productive vocabulary" .
2.1 Receptive Vocabulary

Receptive vocabulary is words that learners recognize and understand

when they are used in context, but which they cannot produce and do not use
it in speaking and writing.
2.2 Productive Vocabulary

Productive vocabulary is the words that the learners understand and can
pronounce correctly and use constructively in speaking and writing.

Productive vocabulary can be addressed as an active process, because the
learners can produce the words to express their thoughts to others.
2.3 Active Vocabulary

An active vocabulary is made up of the words readily used and clearly

understood by an individual when speaking and writing. On the other hand, is
vocabulary that you can recall and use at will when the situation requires it.
Manser, M. (2004) notes that an active vocabulary "Consists of the words that
people use frequently and confidently. If someone asks them to make up a
sentence containing such and such a word and they can do it then that word
is part of their active vocabulary." In contrast, Manser, M. (2004) says: "A
person's passive vocabulary consists of the words whose meanings they know
so that they do not have to look the words up in a dictionary but which they
would not necessarily use in ordinary conversation or writing".
2.4 Passive Vocabulary

A passive vocabulary is made up of the words that an individual

recognizes but rarely uses when speaking and writing. Also known as
recognition vocabulary. According to Reynolds, J. and Acres, P. (2013),
“Your passive vocabulary is likely to contain more words than the active one.
One way to improve the range of the vocabulary in your own writing is to try
to transfer words from your passive to the active vocabulary”
3. Some Common Techniques of Teaching and Learning Vocabulary
3.1. Teaching Vocabulary
3.1.1. Teaching Vocabulary Based on Texts
The first type is the context within the text, which includes
morphological, semantic and syntactic information, while the second one is
the general context, which is the background knowledge the reader has about
the subjects being read. In order to activate guessing in a written or spoken
text, there should befour elements available: the reader, the text, unknown
words, and clues in the text including some knowledge about guessing. This
will help them build up their self-confidence so that they can work out the
meanings of words when they are on their own.
3.1.2. Teaching Vocabulary by Using Synonyms, Antonyms
Synonyms and antonyms are especially important in building new
vocabulary because learners are able to know vocabulary, it can plausibly be
stated that they allow students to understand the world at a deeper, richer level.
Learming synonyms, students learn to differentiate between shades of
meaning. In addition, by learning antonyms, students learn the logical
opposites of important words, thus enhancing their overall command of
language. When students expand their vocabulary with sysnonyms and
antonyms, thay increase thier comprehension of English and learn to express
themselves with greater clarity.
3.1.3. Teaching Vocabulary through Translation
This is a type of teaching method has been around a very long time, This
method aims at having students completely understand the grammatical rules
and vocabulary of any foreign language. Teachers should be aware of the
importance of incorporating vocabulary teaching into their classes. It is
fundamental to help learners build their initial vocabulary by teaching them
what is meant by "learning words" and showing them how to learn the words
most effectively. These word combinations or relationships, often called
collocations, are very important for learners and most of the time.
3.1.4. Teaching Vocabulary by Using Techniques
There are many vocabulary teaching techniques, the teacher should
choose the most suitable techniques. The technique must enable students to
improve their vocabulary knowledge. Vocabulary teaching requires several
strategies to be put into use and supported by technology, which empowers
the process. There are the most innovative and applicable strategies:
- Using visual representations of words in text.
- Let students use multimedia to show vocabulary knowledge.
- Online vocabulary games.
3.1.5. Teaching Vocabulary Using Games
Language learning is hard work. Effort is required at every moment and
must be maintained over a long period. Games are used at all stages off the
lesson, provided that they are suitable and carefully chosen. There are some

common games used in teaching vocabulary such as: Cross Puzzle, Jumble
Letters, Pictionary, Word Bingo
3.2 Leaming Vocabulary
3.2.1 Leaming Vocabulary by Using Dictionary
A single word may have several possible meanings, and the appropriate
one can oflen be determined based on contest. Walz (1990) claim that:
"Dictionaries are the essential source for information about words in a
language". Most people know how to use a dictionary to look up a word's
meaning. Here are some pointers on how to do this as a part of a vocabulary-
building program:
- Have your own dictionary
- Circle the words you look up
- Read the entire entry for the word you look up
3.2.2 Learning Vocabulary by Using Flashcards
Vocabulary flashcards are great tools for studying. They can be fun,
colorful, and creative ways to aid in memory and retention of vocabulary
words. The key to using flash cards is to look at the word or definition on one
side, and test yourself to see if you can remember the answer written on the
other. Each of these websites has flashcards for introducing and reviewing
language: Mystery Box, Guess the Picture, What is Missing, Teacher?
3.2.3 Leaming Vocabulary by Using Highlighting Words
When using simple texts, encourage the readers to use a highlighter to
mark familiar words in one color, unfamiliar words in another color. To ensure
deep absorbtion of the new vocabulary words, teachers should ask the students
to highlight or underline those words whenever they use them in writing
assignments. Mark up the margins of your textbook with key words, symbols,
and diagrams that help you remember the text. Use highlighter pens of
contrasting colors to "color code" the information.

3.2.4. Learning Vocabulary by Making Vocabulary Tree

The vocabulary tree is a graphic organizers which can be useful in
helping students build vocabulary. Students are able to expand on the single
idea or term and create visual connections that will help them see how the

many concepts or vocabulary words in a text are related. The vocabulary tree
is made up of a trunk, roots, branches, and leaves. The trunk holds the main
concept or key term, and the branches include related terms, ideas, or
examples. The leaves of the tree are used for the definitions of the terms or
ideas listed in the branches.
3.2.5. Learning Collocations
Collocations refer to words that often or always go together. If you use
the normal collocation your English will sound a lot better and more natural
and it will be easier for native speakers to understand you. Set phrases, verb
patterns, and idioms are really just strong examples of collocations too.
Collocations are very important for you to achieve a larger vocabulary.

3.2.6. Practicing and Reviewing Regularly

Once you have begun looking up words and you know which ones to
study, vocabulary building is simply a matter of reviewing the words regularly
until you fix them in your memory. Set a goal for the number of words you
would like to learn and by what date, and arrange your schedule accordingly.
Fifteen minutes a day will bring better results than half an hour once a week
or so. In order to review words effectively, all the information on a word
should be kept in one place in a notebook.

1. Subject of the Study
The study using statistics was provided from about 130 students belong
to different English levels. These students would be required to say about their
English learming vocabulary and present their attitude towards learning
English vocabulary.
2. Data Collection Method
To anssure the validity of the survey, the author uses the combination of
interview, questionnaires and observation.
2.1 Interview
The interview was carried out with 40 students of Facuty of English in
Hanoi Open University and 35 students studying at ABIT English learning
center, 40 students at Dong Da high school. The interview provided the
research with the practical answers from those students about their English
learning vocabulary.
2.2 Questionnaires
This Questionnaires include 10 questions for the students. questionnaires
were done in this chapter with the hope to identify the student's skill, learning
methods and difficulties when they learning English vocabulary. It would be
a good instruction to collect data in the short time and the analysis of answers
to closed questions is straight forwards.
2.3 Observation
Observation is an advantageous method that they provide the researcher
with the opportunity to collect large percentage of rich data on the student
behavior and actions within a particular context. This process was allowed
and supervised by teachers to join and observe several English vocabulary
lessons with the purpose of estimating students level .
3. Summary
In Part B, from the findings, the author has explored not only the current
situation of teaching and learning English vocabulary but also some
difficulties of students in learning English vocabulary. Through the statistics
analyed above, it is obvious that students need develop more different skills.
A student's vocabulary bank can be enriched on a gradual basis and one should
always show keen interest and enthusiasm in finding, learning and
understanding new words. Therefore, in the next chapter, the author hopes to
provide some useful solutions and helpful recommendations in order to give
suggestions to improve student English vocabulary effectively.

1. Recommendation for the Teacher
1.1 Using Context Clues to Present Word Meaning
When attempting to decipher the meaning of a new word, it is often
useful to look at what comes before and after that word. The surrounding
words can give readers helpful context clues about the meaning and structure
of the new word, as well as how it is used. Using online tools, teachers can
post the list of context clues (and some corresponding examples) on their class
wiki, website, or blog.

1.2 Encourage Students to Develop Their Self-studying

Most students are not aware of the value of good study skills to their
success. Self-study is a great relief for students in vocabulary learning because
it provides the learner with many privileges as:

- Self-study enhances the learner's motivation and leads to more effective

vocabulary learning.
- Self-study caters to the individual needs of learners at all levels. Self-study
has a lasting influence.
- Self-study enhances the learner to master the basic skills that are required to
lasting learning.

1.3 Provide More Useful Teaching Facilities

Beside the existing teaching aids like blackboard, course books. cassette
player etc. There are several teaching facilities to creating an effective learing
English vocabulary environment for students, which ane summarized below:

- Computers: The computer as a teaching and management tool and a teacher

- Project: Project is one of the modern method of teaching.

- Online collaboration tools in Google Apps, allows students and instructors to
share documents online like a new word, edit or save them in real time and
project them on a screen.

2. Recommendation for Students

2.1 Read More
When you have become more aware of words, reading is the next
important step to increasing your knowledge of words. It is also the best way
to check on words you have already learned. What should you read? Whatever
interests you whatever makes you want to read. Newspapers are usually easier
than magazines. There is no point in trying to read something you simply are
not able to understand or are not interested in. As you read and uncover new
words, use a combination of attempting to derive meaning from the context
of the sentence as well as from looking up the definition in a dictionary.

2.2 Guess Word Meanings from Each Context then Making It Personal
According to Gaskins (2004): "A language learner reads most words in
text as sight words and uses information in text to lock the meaning of
unknown words.” Knowledge of the words surrounding an unknown word
helps language learners infer the meaning of the words in context. Vocabulary
also provides learners with information regarding the words using their affixes
to predict its meaning.

2.3 Using Dictionary and Thesaurus Handy

A dictionary is the first indispensible resource to improve your
vocabulary. It's only by looking up a word in a dictionary that you will learn
its precise meaning, spellling, alternate definitions, and find much more useful
information about it. A thesaurus is also a valuable resource for learning by
finding connections between words, such as their synonyms and antonyms.
Here are some recommendations: Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary,
The New Oxford American Dictionary, The Oxford American Writer's

2.4 Learn Some Words a Day

Using a word -a-day calendar or website or developing your own list of
words to learn is a great technique many people use to learn new words. This
approach may be too rigid for some, so even if you do use this method, do not
feel you must learn a new word everyday. There are many websites that
provide free word-of-the-day services, delivering them in many formats - such
as e-mail, RSS feeds, podcasts and even text messages sent to your cell phone.

2.5 Engage in Conversation

Simply talking with other people can help you learn discover new words.
As with reading, once you hear a new word, remember to jot it down so that
you can study it later and then slowly add the new word to your vocabulary.
Engage in everyday conversation, no matter how basic and try using one or
two of your learnt words when talking to somebody. See how they react, see
if you get response.

2.6 Play Some Games

Word games that challenge you and help you discover new meaning and
new words are a great and fun tool in your quest for expanding your

2.7 Using Some Vocabulary Tools or Websites

Digital tools have advantages. For example, many allow students to: hear
pronunciations, view photos and images related to words, reinforce word
learning through interactive games, collaborate with classmates to create
virtual words walls.

2.8 Motivation
Perhaps the most important factor in a successful vocabulary-building is
motivation. It will be very difficult for you to study words month program ater
month without a strong feeling that it is worth doing, that a larger vocabulary
will help you in school and on the job, and that it can well lead to a more
exciting and fultilling life. We certainly feel that this is true, for nothing
contributes more to success in life more than vocabulary.

Learning vocabulary is not an easy task. First and foremost, it is a process
that never ends. Language leamers have to be prepared for constant
vocabulary learning experience. This paper was carried out with purpose of
finding out some obstacles in learning process of the first-year students of
English, at Hanoi Open University and giving some recommendatons to help
the freshmen overcome some difficulties in learning English vocabulary.
Word learning strategies will enable students to learn the target language
vocabulary more efficiently, and to be able, eventually, to manage their own

The next chapter is a survey's analysis about the students' studying and
developing English vocabulary process as well as popular difficulties. Giving
some recommendations for both teachers and students to deal with current
difficulties, set up their learning environment more vivid lively, interesting,
in order to make a great effect on their English vocabulary learning process.

Learning how to build a better vocabulary can be a pleasurable and

profitable investment of both time and effort. Through my study, I find that
almost students have many troubles with their poor English vocabulary in fact.
The reason is they are seem to be become lazier, un-concentration
pronunciation, word meaning, collocation are their peoblem too. Hence, the
aim of this paper is find out suitable strategies for stadents to improve and
expand their English vocabulary.

Play role is an author of this stady, I have tried my best to complete my

However, there are some unavoidable imperfections, so I hope to get
sympathy from readers. And I would like to receive feedbacks from teachers
and readers about my any shortcomings of this study to make a better version.


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