Character Sheet

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Created Wares, come from Raw Resources. These are the Resources obtained by your character or Faction.

Resources can be found in various Regions throughout the Kingdom. Resources can also be bought or sold
on the Markets. There are two ways to obtain Resources in this Kingdom. One- you can purchase them, or
two- you can earn them. To earn them, you must work. There will often be Jobs available within your
Faction, either set by the Faction Leader or from their officers. Market Owners can also hire workers. These
Jobs will be posted in the Factions Group Discussions. You can also purchase and sell Individually Created
Wares, in the Underground Market. There are options to make Gold Coins.

Factories are Owned by the Faction and often given (as a Soldier Job) to the person in charge of Treasury,
to look after. Each Faction is given 3 Factories at a time. These Factories are based on the Region and the
Resources found in that Region. If they wish to change their Factories, they will need to submit a request to
the Kingdom Heads. Markets are owned by Individuals. From Miners to Cooks, you can obtain a job and
work for your Gold and your Raw Resources. Factory Jobs pay for you to provide them a service just the
same as Market Owners. They pay with the Raw Resource or Created Wares they provide, as well as with
Gold Coins. Refer to your Faction's Group discussions to find out what jobs are available in your Faction,
what is required and how much they each pay.

There must be enough Resources, within each Region, to sustain each member of your Faction. Faction
Leaders are taxed by the Kingdom each month. The amount the Kingdom taxes for each Faction member is
half of what the Faction receives each month from each member. This tax can be converted to Gold Coins if
desired or needed. If the member is unable to pay this tax, the Faction is required to pay it anyways. The
member will then be in debt to the Faction Treasury and will not be allowed to sell any Created Wares, until
their debt is paid. Each member requires a specific amount of Resources per month. Below, is a list of Ranks
(in order from lowest to highest), and Classes (in order from lowest to highest) as well as the Resources
they require per month. If you want to see what Each Rank and Class has for Income from either their
Faction or the Kingdom, Refer to the Members tab under the Income and Outcome. You can find a full list of
what each member of each Faction requires, based on their Individual Character Sheet. This Character sheet
can be found in the profiles of each Kingdom Member.

(Potions- (Potions are not listed here because they can only be obtained through a Lab by an Incantor and
then sold as a Created Ware in the Underground Market. Potions can only be used in Raids and Concurs.
They are not required Raw Resources and will be removed from your inventory after each use)

Rank: Children

Children require and consume half of what their caretaker or parent does. This can vary, based on the
caretaker or parent’s Rank and Class.

Rank: Plebiean

Class: Plebiean Commoner (Lower Class): This Class does not consume or need to consume much in order
to survive. Each month, this amount will be automatically deducted from their inventory and will reflect on
their Character Sheet, which is reviewed and either approved or denied by their Faction Treasury Leader, via
Website Email any time there is a change in member’s inventories. If it is denied, the member has 24 hours
to fix the problems stated on the denial email.

Meat-1 lb per week

Farm: 2 lbs per week
Created Wares: Clothes- 3 articles per week: 1 single top, 1 single bottom, 1 pair of shoes (Or 3 Basic
Dresses and 1 pair of shoes. Custom Clothes and shoes cost more)
Armor- (optional: Amor is optional. If Armor is used on your character, it is owed at the end of every month,
to your Faction Treasury. Armor will be reflected on your profile. Custom Armor costs more.)
Weapons- (optional: Weapons are option, however if your character is a Commoner or Child, it is not. If
Weapons are used on your character, it is owed at the end of every month, to your Faction Treasury.
Weapons will be reflected on your profile. Custom Weapons cost more.)
Class: Plebiean Merchant (Middle Class): This Class requires a bit more Resources to survive than the
Children or Commoners do. They work harder and therefore consume a bit more. Each month, this amount
will be automatically deducted from their inventory and will reflect on their Character Sheet, which is
reviewed and either approved or denied by their Faction Treasury Leader, via Website Email any time there
is a change in member’s inventories. If it is denied, the member has 24 hours to fix the problems stated on
the denial email.

Meat-1.5 lb per week

Farm: 3 lbs per week
Created Wares:
Clothes- 6 articles per week:
2 single tops, 2 single bottoms, 2 pair of shoes (or 4 Basic Dresses and 2 pairs of shoes. Custom Clothes
and shoes cost more)
Armor- 4 articles per week:
1 Basic Chest Plate, 1 Basic Leg Armor, 1 pair of Basic Boots, 1 Basic Helmet (Required: Basic Armor is
required for this Class and must be stated on your profile under your Character Sheet. Custom Armor costs
Weapons- (Optional: Basic Weapons are optional for this Class, however if your character is uses them then
they must be stated on your profile under your Character Sheet. Custom Weapons cost more.)

Plebiean Market Owner (Upper Class): This Class requires the consumption of more Resources, because they
work much harder than Children, Commoners and Merchants. Each month, this amount will be automatically
deducted from their inventory and will reflect on their Character Sheet, which is reviewed and either
approved or denied by their Faction Treasury Leader, via Website Email, any time there is a change in a
member’s inventories. If it is denied, the member has 24 hours to fix the problems stated on the Denial

Meat: 3 lbs per week

Farm: 5 lbs per week
Created Wares:
Clothes- 9 articles per week:
3 single tops, 3 single bottoms, 3 pairs of shoes (Or 6 Basic Dresses and 6 pairs of Basic shoes. Custom
Clothes and shoes cost more.)
Armor- 7 articles per week:
2 Basic Chest Plate, 2 Basic Leg Armor, 2 pairs of Basic Boots, 1 Basic Helmet (Required: Amor is required
for this Class. You can choose the Armor of your choice; however, it must be stated on your profile under
your Character Sheet. Custom Armor costs more.)
Weapons- 1 Basic Weapon (Required: A Basic Weapon is Required for this Class. You can choose the
Weapon of your choice; however, it must be stated on your profile under your Character Sheet. Custom
Weapons costs more.)

Above Plebiean are the Phylarch. These are the Faction Leaders. Under the Phylarch Rank are two Classes-
Officer and Soldier. Faction Leaders themselves are considered the Officer, unless they assign this as a job
in the Military. The Faction Leader will require similar amounts of Resources per month as the Officer.
Soldiers are hired by the Officer and placed in their assigned Job. Their Required Resources are as follows:


Meat: 5 lbs per week

Farm: 10 Lbs per week
Created Wares:
Clothes- 12 articles per week:
4 single top, 4 single bottom, 4 pairs of shoes (Officers are not permitted to wear dresses (in their profiles
Armor- 11 articles per week:
3 Basic Chest Plates, 3 Basic Leg Armors, 3 pairs of Basic Boots, 2 Basic Helmets (Required: Basic Armor is
required and must be stated on your profile under your Character Sheet. Custom Armor costs more.))
Weapons- 2 Basic Weapons (Required: Basic Weapons are Required and must be stated on your profile
under your Character Sheet. You may choose your own Weapon however, Custom Weapons cost more.)

Meat: 5 lbs per week

Farm: 10 Lbs per week
Created Wares:
Clothes- 9 articles per week: 3 single tops, 3 single bottoms, 3 pairs of shoes (Soldiers are not permitted to
wear dresses (in their profiles description)
Armor- 10 articles per week:
3 Basic Chest Plates, 3 Basic Leg Armors, 3 pairs of Basic Boots, 1 Basic Helmet
(Required: Basic Armor is required and must be stated on your profile under your Character Sheet. Custom
Armor costs more.))
Weapons- 2 Basic Weapons (Required: Basic Weapons are Required and must be stated on your profile
under your Character Sheet. You may choose your own Weapon however, Custom Weapons cost more.)
The Kingdom, owns all Factions, until a Leader is made. Once a Phylarch is announced to the Faction,
then the Faction is rewarded with the following:

1. 4 Mines (1 of each type and size)

2. 2 Farms (Pre-set to small)
3. 1 Armory and Blacksmith Shop (Size set by Faction Phylarch)
4. 1 Bakery Shop (Size set by Faction Phylarch)
5. 1 Butcher Shop (Size set by Faction Phylarch)
6. 1 Hunting Ground (Size set by Kingdom)
7. 1 Treasury (Size set by the Kingdom)
8. 1 Hostel (Size set by the Kingdom)

All of these Businesses have pre-set names, which can be changed with request and approval from the
Royal or Crowned Heads.

To learn more about Mines and Farms, please read the Forum titled: "Farms and Mines".
To learn more about the Shops, read the Forum titled, "Shops and Markets".
To learn about Hunting, read the Forum titled, "Hunting, Trapping & Fishing".
To learn about the Treasury, read the Forum titled, "Treasury".

When a Faction is just starting out, their Businesses will be ran by NPC'S. The Kingdom gives gold to each
business within the Faction, be it Market, Farm, Mine, Hunting Grounds, Treasury or Shop. Each of these
businesses have the potential to hire both Soldiers and Workers. Soldiers are paid differently than
Workers. To understand the difference, read the sub-Forum titled, "Income & Outcome". If there are no
Soldiers or Workers available, then the total of the Resource is what we call a Base Wage. Base Wages
are the minimum you can get for each Business. You are allowed to add 1 Soldier to each of the above
businesses. Markets are owned by the individual. Markets are paid directly to the Individual Owner, and
they are then taxed by the Faction. To learn, exactly how much each business is worth, refer to
"Businesses and Taxes" Under the "Income and Outcome" tab on the bar near the top of the screen.
Soldiers are allowed to Hire and Fire, as well as advertise available jobs and pay Workers.

Creating a Job, and hiring a Soldier as a Worker, will yield a bigger profit with both Gold Coins and
Resource. The Gold Coins will be reflected on the Faction's monthly income from the Kingdom, under:
Military Pay. The Resource are added monthly, as well. If there are no Worker's, Solider's or Officer in
the Faction, assigned to the Businesses, NPC's will be used. The Business will be given the Base Wage for
that specific Business. The Phylarch may appoint only one Officer per Faction and only 1 Soldier per
Business. If there is no Officer or Soldier, the Phylarch will oversee the Business and it will be ran by
NPC's to remain active and receive Business Pay as well as Resources. Phylarch's must list each Business
in their Monthly Report to the Crowned Heads, in order to receive Military Pay and/or Business Pay
from the Kingdom.
Soldiers and Workers make the Faction money. The yields can then be sold to the Kingdom in the
Regional Market or sold in the Faction Market and sometimes, even in the Underground Market. The
sizes and monthly yield of each will be sent to the Faction Leader, after Rank has been awarded. The
Names and Types of Businesses, are pre-set, however if a request to change either is made and
approved, they can change. Your Faction Leader may only request to have a Farm or Mine, changed to
the Raw Resources available in their Region. This request must be made to the Royal or Crowned Heads

Once the Faction Leader is a bit settled in, they will be rewarded for making their Faction a success. The
bigger the success the bigger the Monthly Income.

Every month the Factions will receive an Income from the Kingdom. This Income is given, simply for
taking charge over the Kingdom. As a Phylarch, this is going to be a hard job. But, as they say, Work
Hard, Play Harder. The benefits for Phylarch are amazing. Gold Coin is a monetary currency in this
Kingdom. Not only will the Phylarch receive Gold Coins every month, from the Kingdom, but the Faction
Treasury will as well.

Your Factions Leadership position in the Kingdom, greatly effects the amount of Gold Coins and
Resources your Faction will receive from the Kingdom, monthly.


There are 4 types of Mines. Each of these Mines are only able to extract certain deposits. Your Faction’s
Mines are preset, however the Phylarch may request for a change, so long as it is to one of the other
mineable Resources in the Region.

Below are a list of each Mineable Resources categorized by the Mine that extracts them. Below each,
shows the Lbs that each Mine can hold per month, as well as the Kingdom Business Pay (for overseeing
this Business). Only if it is on the Monthly Report to the Crowned Heads, will be added to the Faction
Inventory, found under “Treasury”, at the beginning of each month. If your Phylarch wants an income,
they will turn in their monthly reports to the Crowned Heads.

Underground Mine: Diamond, Emerald, Silver, Tugsten, Zinc, Coal

Holds: 200,000 Lbs per month.
Business Pay: 5,000 Gold Coins/month

Surface Mine: Tanzanite, Lapis Lazuli, Hematite, Malachite, Oil, Rock

Holds: 300,000 Lbs per unit, per month
Business Pay: 2,000 Gold Coins/month

Placer Mine: Pearl, Garnet, Sand, Shell, Onyx, Opal

Holds: 10,000 Lbs. per unit, per month
Business Pay: 1,000 Gold Coins/month

In-situ Mine: Iron, Copper, Clay, Bone, Wood, Manure, Compost

Holds: 100,000 Lbs per unit, per month
Business Pay: 3,000 Gold Coins/month

Each Faction will be given 1 Mine of each type. These mines contain Metals, Gems, Stones, Ceramics and
Fuels. Each Faction is allowed only 4 Mines to be operating at a time.

In order to Mine, individually, you will need a pickaxe. You can find this in the Basic Tools section of the
“Recipes” or purchase one on the Market. To mine, you will need to send a request to the Faction
Phylarch. Example Below:

Request to Mine-

Mine Desired: (Type of the Mine here)

Deposit Desired: (Type of Resource you are Mining here)
Number of Pickaxes Used: (Number of Pickaxes here)

_______(don’t forget to sign your name)

The Phylarch will respond with either a successful or failed Mine Report. Example Below:

Mine Report-

____Lbs of ________ received.

Mine Report-

You lost your Pickaxes.

(In both successful and failed Mining, you will lose all Pickaxes you take with you, even if you are not
Each available, Mineable Resource, for each Region, is listed under the Regions tab, on the specific
Region’s page.


There are 4 Farm Sizes. Each Small Farm holds 3 crops. Each Faction is given 2 Small Farms with 6 pre-set
crops, available from their Region, to begin with. As the Faction grows, so do the Farms. Below is a list of
each Farm and how many different crops each hold, as well as the number of Faction members you
need to grow your Farms. Below these are the Kingdom Business Pay and the Lbs each Farm collects per

Small Farm: 3 crops each- 11 to 39 Faction members

Kingdom Business Pay: 2,000 Gold Coins/month
5,000 Lbs per crop, per month (split evenly between crops)

Medium Farm: 6 crops each- 40 to 99 Faction members

Kingdom Business Pay: 3,000 Gold Coins/month
7,000 Lbs per crop, per month (split evenly between crops)

Large Farm: 9 crops each- 40 to 100 Faction members

Kingdom Business Pay: 4,000 Gold Coins/month
10,000 Lbs per crop, per month (split evenly between crops)

Extra Large Farm: 12 crops each- 100 Faction members or more

Kingdom Business Pay: 5,000 Gold Coins/month
15,000 Lbs per crop, per month (split evenly between crops)

Each Region lists their available crops and they are only able to cultivate the crops available to their
Region. They are also, only allowed to cultivate the crops that their Faction’s Farms are currently
producing. Each Regions available crops are located under the Regions tab, on the specific Region’s
page. In order to Mine individually, you will need to send a request to Farm, to the Phylarch. Example

Request to Farm-

Desired Farm: (the size of the Farm, or name (if set) goes here)
Tools Used: (Enter the number of tools used here)

_________(don’t forget to sign your name)

The Phylarch will send a Farm Report back once verified. Example Below:

Farm Report-
______Lbs of ______
______ Lbs of _____

(Tools used will be gone at the end of each Successful or Failed Cultivation. The Success or Failure is
determined by the Phylarch)

Each Region has Huntable, Trapable and/or Fishable Meats, specific to their Region. Rare meats, like
Dragon and Human, can only be hunted on Kingdom Hunting Grounds or bought and sold on the
Underground Market. Each Faction is given a Hunting Ground once a Phylarch is appointed. Below is a
list of the Huntable, Trapable and Fishable meat.

Huntable: Aligator, Buffalo, Deer, Bear, Dragon, Human

Trapable: Hen, Clam, Bat, Rabbit
Fishable: Tilapia, Blobfish, Mackerel, Goblin Shark, Angler

Soybean, Lentil, Jackfruit and Mushroom are considered a Meat Substitute, as well as Human meat,
however Human meat can only be found on Kingdom Hunting Grounds or purchased in the
Underground Market. Soybeans, Lentils, Jackfruits and Mushrooms can only be found in the Kingdom
Farms and bought and sold within the Markets. The Butchers Shop will not carry Meat Subs at all. Each
Region’s Huntable, Trapable and Fishable Meats are found on the specific Regions page under the
Regions tab.

To Hunt, you need a Weapon. Basic Weapons can be made, by anyone, in Created Wares, using a Basic
Weapon's Recipe of choice. If you work in a Blacksmith and Armory Shop or own a Blacksmith and
Armory Market in your Faction, you can send your Faction Leader, a Weapons Recipe Request for a
Custom Weapon Recipe to be added. Only those who are Blacksmith and Armory Workers, or
Blacksmith and Armory Market Owners, can create custom Weapons. Those that do not, can purchase
custom Weapons in the Black Market or Create a Basic Weapon or and Armor Ware, using the correct
Recipe. Each Weapon has a listed HP (Hit Points) number on each Recipe for both Combat and Hunting.
The number of HP for Hunting, will be used in Hunting only. Each Meat source will have a specific
number of HP as well. This will be listed under the Regions Meats on the specific Region’s page, under
the Regions tab. Some Regions will have the same species of prey, however not all species will have the
same HP amount, so pay attention to the Region. You will lose all Weapons used in a hunt, regardless if
it is a Success or a Fail.

Hunting is done, only on Hunting Grounds, specified by your Region. Hunting Grounds are owned by the
Faction, but the species able to be hunted, are set by the Kingdom, according to your Region. To Hunt
within a Faction, you must send a request to the Phylarch. (Phylarch's can assign Soldiers to tend to the
Hunting Grounds). The Kingdom will pay the Faction an income called Business Pay for their Hunting
Grounds, each month. Officer and Soldier Pay will be listed under Military Pay.

Example of Hunt Request:

Request to Hunt-

Hours Requested:_____
Traps or Poles:______

____(Type a number here, from 1 to 500. If your number is no more and no less than 10 digits away
from the Soldier assigned to the Hunting Grounds, then your Hunt will be successful)

_______(dont forget to sign your name)

When the Request to Hunt is sent, the number is Set. The Phylarch will send an Email, notifying the
Soldier of a Hunt in Faction. Example Below:

Hunt in Faction-
How do you respond? _____ (Their number goes here)

If the Hunt is successful, the Phylarch will send a rewards Email to the Hunter and the Soldier. Example

Hunter Successful:

_________: Type of Meat: ______ Pounds of Meat
_________: Type of Meat: ______ Pounds of Meat
_________: Type of Meat: ______ Pounds of Meat
(ect. as needed)

(NOTE: All Weapons brought into a Hunt, will be consumed by the end of the Hunt. Only Weapon Hit
Points and Species Hit Points will be calculated on a Hunt.)

If the Hunt is not Successful, the Phylarch will send a denial to the Hunter and the Soldier. If there is no
Soldier assigned, the Hunt will be made at the Phylarch's desecration. Hunting Grounds with Soldiers,
yield a bigger profit from the Kingdom.

There is only one size of Hunting Grounds for all Factions, when they start: Small. This size is
determined by the Kingdom and will only grow, as your Faction grows. The amount of species (per Lb)
per month, is listed below, next to the size of the Hunting Ground. Below it is the Kingdom’s Business
Pay and the number of Faction members needed for each. To account for a growing Faction, your
Phylarch must turn in a monthly report to the Crowned Heads.

Small: 15,000 Lbs of meat/month

Business Pay: 2,000 Gold Coins/month

0 to 10 Faction members
Medium: 30,000 Lbs of meat/month

Business Pay: 3,000 Gold Coins/month

11 to 39 Faction members

Large: 50,000 Lbs of meat/month

Business Pay: 5,000 Gold Coins/month

40 to 100 Faction members

Extra Large: 90,000 Lbs of meat/month

Business Pay: 10,000 Gold Coins/month

100 Faction members or more

Markets & Shops-


There are three different Market’s inside the Kingdom.

Regional Market; Where Bulk Resources and Bulk Created Wares (both Rare and Common) can be
purchased and sold between the Kingdom and Factions, ONLY.

Faction Market; Where Bulk Resources and Bulk Created Wares as well as (both Rare and Common) Bulk
and Individual Resources and Created Wares can be purchased and sold between Faction Markets and
Merchants, ONLY.

Underground Market; Where Individual and small bulks of Resources and Created Wares (both Common
and Rare) can be purchased and sold between Phebieans (Lower Class) and Merchants (Middle Class)

In each Market, listed above, there is a limit for Purchases and Sales. This is determined by the Rank of
the Individual Seller or Purchaser within that Market. Below are the listed Rank’s and their amounts for
each Market:
Crowned Heads: No limit on buying or selling within the Regional Market Only.

Phylarchs: No limit on buying or selling within the Regional or Faction Markets.

100 Created Wares or Resources in the Faction Market per 24 hours.
50 Created Wares or Resources in the Underground Market per 24 hours.

Market Owners:
500 Created Wares or Resources in the Faction Market per 24 hours.
100 Created Wares or Resources in the Underground Market per 24 hours.


Shops are for the Faction’s Individual members, ONLY. Shops are given, automatically, when a Faction
Leader is appointed as Phylarch, however, Individual Faction Members (Commoners and Merchants) can
run shops for a daily fee. NPC’s are used when no Faction Members are available to take the Job as a
Worker, for the Faction Shop. In this instance, the Officer, (or Phylarch if there is no Officer) will man the
Income and Outcomes of the Faction Shops. The shops for each Faction, are listed below. The type of
Created Ware or Resource found in the Shops, are determined by the Basic and Custom Items (see:
“Recipes”) within your Region and Faction. When an Individual Member rents a shop, they will list their
selling Inventory in the specific Shop. Refer to the sub-Forum titled, “Markets and Shops”, under the
Resources Forum, for more information. The names of each shop are pre-set by the Kingdom, however,
they can be changed, if requested and approved by the Royal or Crowned Heads. Below is a list of the
Shop sizes for both Factions and Members. Next to this, the type of Shop, then below this, is the
Kingdom’s Business Pay.

Mines- Blacksmith and Armory Shop


Small - Rental: 300 Gold Coins per day

Basic Prices (Read: Specific “Recipes”) for Basic Created Wares, and Resources Prices.
Allowed to sell: Up to 50 Items per day, according to Region and Individual’s Inventory. Inventory can be
found on each member’s profiles. A weekly report is verified by their Faction Treasury. A Bi-Weekly
Report is sent to the Phylarch, by the Officer or Soldier. A monthly report is sent to the Crowned Heads,
by the Phylarch and a Quarterly Report is sent to the Kingdom’s Royal Heads, from the Crowned Heads.
Kingdom Business Pay: 500 Gold Coins per month
Medium – Rental: 500 Gold Coins per day
Moderate Prices (Read: “Recipes”) for Basic and Custom Created Wares and Resources.
Allowed to sell: Up to 100 Items per day, according to Region and Individual’s Inventory. Inventory can
be found on each member’s profiles. A weekly report is verified by their Faction Treasury. A Bi-Weekly
Report is sent to the Phylarch, by the Officer or Soldier. A monthly report is sent to the Crowned Heads,
by the Phylarch and a Quarterly Report is sent to the Kingdom’s Royal Heads, from the Crowned Heads.
Kingdom Business Pay: 1000 Gold Coins per month

Large – Rental: 1000 Gold Coins per day

High Prices (Read: Specific “Recipes”) for Basic and Created Wares, and Resources Prices.
Allowed to sell: Up to 200 items per day, according to Region and Individual’s Inventory. Inventory can
be found on each member’s profiles. A weekly report, for Individual Inventory is verified by their Faction
Treasury. A Bi-Weekly Report is sent to the Phylarch, by the Officer or Soldier. A monthly report is sent
to the Crowned Heads, by the Phylarch and a Quarterly Report is sent to the Kingdom’s Royal Heads,
from the Crowned Heads.
Kingdom Business Pay: 1,500 Gold Coins per month

Farms- Bakery Shop

The Bakery Shop includes inventory that is strictly food. Mostly these shops will sell cooked food,
however, you can also find some basic Raw Resources here as well.


Small –
Rental: 300 Gold Coins per day
Basic Prices (Read: Specific “Recipes” for Basic Created Wares, and Resources Prices.
Allowed to sell: Up to 50 Items per day, according to the Individual’s Inventory. Inventory can be found
on each member’s profiles. A weekly report is verified by their Faction Treasury under the members
report, sent to the Faction Treasurer (Officer or Phylarch if there is none). A monthly report is sent to the
Crowned Heads, by the Phylarch and a Quarterly Report is sent to the Kingdom’s Royal Heads, from the
Crowned Heads.
Kingdom Business Pay: 500 Gold Coins per month (Must rent Shop for a minimum of 12 days in a month
to receive Kingdom Shop Pay).

Medium –
Rental: 500 Gold Coins per day
Basic to Moderate Prices (Read: “Recipes” for Basic to High Pricing of Raw Resource and Basic and
Custom Created Wares)
Allowed to sell: Up to 100 Items per day, according to Region and Individual’s Inventory. Inventory can
be found on each member’s profiles A weekly report is verified by their Faction Treasury under the
members report, sent to the Faction Treasurer (Officer or Phylarch if there is none). A monthly report is
sent to the Crowned Heads, by the Phylarch and a Quarterly Report is sent to the Kingdom’s Royal
Heads, from the Crowned Heads.
Kingdom Business Pay: 1,000 Gold Coins per month (Must rent Shop for a minimum of 12 days in a
month to receive Kingdom Shop Pay).

Large –
Rental: 1000 Gold Coins per day
Basic to High Prices (Read: “Types of Prices” for Basic to High Pricing of Raw Resources, as well as Basic
and Custom Created Wares)
Allowed to sell: Up to 200 items per day, according to Region and Individual’s Inventory. Inventory can
be found on each member’s profiles. A weekly report is verified by their Faction Treasury under the
members report, sent to the Faction Treasurer (Officer or Phylarch if there is none). A monthly report is
sent to the Crowned Heads, by the Phylarch and a Quarterly Report is sent to the Kingdom’s Royal
Heads, from the Crowned Heads.
Kingdom Business Pay: 1,500 Gold Coins per month (Must rent Shop for a minimum or 12 days in a
month, to receive Kingdom Shop Pay)

Meats- Butcher Shop

Small - Rental: 300 Gold Coins per day

Basic Prices (Read: Specific “Recipes”) for Basic Created Wares, and Resources Prices.
Allowed to sell: Up to 50 Items per day, according to Region and Individual’s Inventory. Inventory can be
found on each member’s profiles. A weekly report is verified by their Faction Treasury. A Bi-Weekly
Report is sent to the Phylarch, by the Officer or Soldier. A monthly report is sent to the Crowned Heads,
by the Phylarch and a Quarterly Report is sent to the Kingdom’s Royal Heads, from the Crowned Heads.
Kingdom Business Pay: 500 Gold Coins per month

Medium – Rental: 500 Gold Coins per day

Moderate Prices (Read: “Recipes”) for Basic and Custom Created Wares and Resources.
Allowed to sell: Up to 100 Items per day, according to Region and Individual’s Inventory. Inventory can
be found on each member’s profiles. A weekly report is verified by their Faction Treasury. A Bi-Weekly
Report is sent to the Phylarch, by the Officer or Soldier. A monthly report is sent to the Crowned Heads,
by the Phylarch and a Quarterly Report is sent to the Kingdom’s Royal Heads, from the Crowned Heads.
Kingdom Business Pay: 1,000 Gold Coins per month

Large – Rental: 1000 Gold Coins per day

High Prices (Read: Specific “Recipes”) for Basic and Created Wares, and Resources Prices.
Allowed to sell: Up to 200 items per day, according to Region and Individual’s Inventory. Inventory can
be found on each member’s profiles. A weekly report, for Individual Inventory is verified by their Faction
Treasury. A Bi-Weekly Report is sent to the Phylarch, by the Officer or Soldier. A monthly report is sent
to the Crowned Heads, by the Phylarch and a Quarterly Report is sent to the Kingdom’s Royal Heads,
from the Crowned Heads.
Kingdom Business Pay: 1,500 Gold Coins per month

Your local Shop renter will need to keep a Transaction Report to turn into the Treasury every week, so
weekly Transactions can be satisfied. The same for Market Owners and Merchants. This will also need to
be reflected on each member’s Inventory, located on their Profiles. Transaction within both Market’s
and Shops are Immediate for Individual Resources and Created Wares, but will take a week to process
for Bulk Resources and Created Wares. Please, give the Faction Treasury time to verify and process your

The Resources and Created Wares Shops are only for the Individual Faction Commoners ONLY, not
Merchants, Market Owners or Phylarchs. From time to time, a Royal or Crowned Head may pop in to
make a purchase. This is very Rare. The size of each Shop is determined by Individual Renter. Payments
are to be made to the Faction Treasury. You can find a list of every Created Ware (Basic and Custom) in
the Recipes

Below is a list of Resources in all Regions, by category (For specific Regions, where meats, mines and/or
Farms are found, click on the Region’s tab and select the specific Region’s name for more information):


Fish Tilapia Blobfish Mackerel Goblin Angler

White Meat Hen Clam Bat Rabbit Alligator
Red Meat Buffalo Bear Deer Tiger Dragon
Meat Subs Soybean Lentil Jackfruit Mushroom Human

Huntable: Alligator, Buffalo, Deer, Bear, Dragon and Human

Trapable: Hen, Clam, Bat and Rabbit
Fishable: Tilapia, Blobfish, Mackerel, Goblin Shark and Angler

Soybean, Lentil, Jackfruit and mushrooms, can only be found in the Kingdom’s Farms or sold on the
Markets. These Items are not available in Shops. Dragon and Human meats are only Hunted on Kingdom
Hunting Grounds and only found in the Underground Market.


Metal Copper Iron Silver Tungsten Zinc

Gems Diamond Emerald Garnet Tanzanite Pearl
Stones Opal Onyx Lapis Lazuli Hematite Malachite
Ceramic Base Sand Clay Bone Rock Shell
Fuels Oil Wood Coal Manure Compost

Underground Mine: Diamond, Emerald, Silver, Tugsten, Zinc & Coal

Surface Mine: Tanzanite, Lapis Lazuli, Hematite, Malachite, Oil & Rock
Placer Mine: Pearl, Garnet, Sand, Shell, Oxyx, & Opal
In-situ Mine: Iron, Copper, Clay, Bone, Wood, Manure, Compost
Each Mine is subjective to the Region it is located in. To see the Mines available for each Region, click
the Regions tab and select the specific Region’s page.


Flour Wheat Corn Coconut Almond Chickpea

Rice Basmati Jasmine Camargue Bomba Arborio
Herb Clove Fennel Sage Tea Tobacco
Dry Ingredient Sea Salt Cane Sugar Red Chili Peppercorn Ginger
Wet Ingredient Lard Honey Milk Eggs Garlic
Fruit Mango Tomato Apple Orange Pomegranate
Veggie Potato Carrot Onion Spinach Cabbage
Nut Cashew Almond Pistachio Walnut Macadamia
Berry Cherry Blackberry Strawberry Blueberry Elderberry
Bean Coffee Kidney Lima Cocoa Fava

Each Faction is given 2 Farms each, when they start. As the Faction grows, so does the Farm size.

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