Engagement Ice Breaking

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Welcome back.

So now we're going to take a look at engagement and this is so

important and I've been to so many workshops
so many conferences.

And I will tell you you need engagement if you don't have engagement
you're going to have people napping

in the back because they want to feel connected.

They want to feel like they're going to grow.

Not only that but with the information that you're giving them if they're
engaged in that information

they're going to be excited about the information they're going to

process that information more and

they're going to either they're going to be excited to tell other people

about the worship or they just

want to.

So again very important engagement.

So how do you create engagement.

Well first of all you have to start from the beginning.

So don't wait too like you're an hour in the then try to get people to

Usually doesn't work very well because you already set the tone.

So how do you get people engaged from the get go.

We're going to give you a couple of tools as we go along.

But I'm just going to give you a couple of pointers right now.

And the first thing is that you can do many different ways whether it's
asking people to introduce themselves

to each other.

You know we're going to take five minutes introduce yourself to the
person next to you just say your

name or where you're from.

Sometimes you might do something like if we know people are

traveling from far away where we have you

know let's see who traveled the farthest.

And some people my stories are had you know we had a conference
one time in Florida where people came

all the way from Japan.

So again people came from California.

This person came from New York.

This person came from Poland.

So it's like when you do that.

People also see that there's people different people there.

But if you're doing it in your town and it's only the same people from
the same town you can either

have them introduce themselves or you can ask a simple question like
What do you hope to get out of


Let's get some feedback and that now we know I'm on the same page
because I have a lot of information

I want to share but I don't just want to share information with you.

I want to make sure that I'm getting to what you want to learn.

So what do you hope to get out of this.

So let's take a couple of minutes.

You know raise your hand if you want and let's let tell me what you
want to get out of this.

And I'm going to try to make sure to get to that.

So again something simple like that is what I would say.

And usually I get people that raise their hand.

I want to improve communication.

I'm like I'm glad you brought that up because we're going to be talking
about communication strategies


I want to get this out of that and then I'm glad you brought that up.

I have a couple of good point is that we're going to be going over that.

So engage with them and once you get people raising their hands
asking questions or even doing something
else wethers going around and doing some stretches or whatever it is
they're going to feel more invested

in the information that you have to give.

And as you go on through the workshop it's not only at the beginning
RC one set the foundation from

the get go but as you go through the workshop you've got to maintain
that engagement you've got to continue

to ask questions.

For example I might say a statement like how many of you have ever
you know been angry or if we're talking

about emotional side of it.

How many of you have been saying angry and said something that you
didn't mean or did something that

you didn't think that you would do what you did because you were

Raise your hand.

And then I'll usually say something like.

Or you can blink really fast if you don't want people seeing you raise
your hand and don't know who

you are.

And usually people will laugh a little bit and some you can see some
people really squinting and doing


You know to let me know that they see me they don't want to raise
their hand but they're engaged.

So again it could be something as simple as that.

Some people might not feel comfortable talking or raising their hand
but by having them blink or do

something else it lets them know that they're still part of it at some

Another aspect of it is during activities and after activities so during

activities you might go around

and talk to people and see how they're doing and look at their work.

And even pat them in the back or say something pause about what
they're working on and what they've

That's a very great idea.

I'm glad you pointed that out.

You know that's a great area to improve it.

I truly see that you're committed because of this whatever you want to
tell them is going to empower

them to continue to work on that.

And after the activity you might say I just want to take a minute or two
for a couple of people want

to raise their hand and maybe give us an answer for this or an answer
for that or maybe some feedback

of what they thought of the activity.

And one thing I want to talk about initially and that I hope that you do
as well before we even talk

about the activity in the gecko you should talk about the power of the
community that we all learn from

each other.

And I always let people know you know when I do a workshop it's not
just about me giving information

I transform.

I grow with you when you share your journey with me I grow everyone
around you grows.

So it's not about saying who's got a better relationship or worse


It's about all of us growing together and that is the power of feedback.

So we're going to be doing activities and as we do activities after the

activities I want you to be

able to share that information with us.

Maybe a word or two or something else that might give somebody a

different idea.

And if it gives somebody a different idea they may be able to write it

down and maybe an area that they're

going to grow just because you shared your feedback and I would say
something like that.
And that usually tests that allow people to not only see themselves
sharing information but as a difference

when people see that their information might impact someone else's
life and if they can see that they

will be empowered to share that information with those persons around


Another aspect of engagement is also you sharing your vulnerability for

example you want to be able

to share maybe your own stories if you're talking about us some

communication technique and how it's

helped you in some way or another or in a situation or you might be

able to talk about your own patterns

growing up and how that's impacted you and how you are able to learn
from that experience and kind of

shift it because again as you share more an ability people want to

share theirs what they want to see

you as a human being they want to see you as another person that
might have good information but they

you share their journey with them.

On a side note if you're doing that you're sharing your information.

You might want to make sure that you are STILL is something that
you've gone through and are over it.

And I say this because I remember one conference or workshop we

invited many different speakers.

We used to do a lot more conferences were bringing like 15 different

speakers or something like that

and we have one speaker who is very well known.

She's in that field.

But as she was talking about an aspect of her relationship she started
talking about her divorce and

how that impacted her and how she grew from that.

But obviously she still wasn't through it because through that process
of talking through issues she

got very emotional I was crying and talked about the pain but it wasn't
a stance for is going to empower
other people through her pain.

Because there's a difference.

You know I've shed a tear when I talk about my brother Don and the
impact that has had on my life.

But then I use it to empower people to learn though that I'm human.

But to make them feel empowered.

So you're making sure that we are sharing information not sharing

information and say well that really

stuck bless.

Move-On you're sharing information where you say I share this and this
is how it transform our life.

This is how it impacted my life.

And this is how it's going to impact your life through this process.

Because if they can see ogen impact another person's life such as
yours they're going to be again more

invested in it.

So if you get anything out of this video is one you have to have

And I gave you a couple of examples how I would say it during a

workshop and you can use that verbatim

or do something similar.

But again if you get an engagement going I will guarantee that you're
going to be excited to be there

because you're going to feed other people's energy and other people
are going to feed off your energy

and the energy of those people around.

Well thank you.

I hope that helps.

I look forward to seeing the next video.

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