Website Review - SEOptimer PDF

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2/10/2020 Website review - SEOptimer

Audit Results for

Your page could be better

Number of recommended improvements: 13

Report Generated: 10 February 7:26AM Refresh Results Now 1/21
2/10/2020 Website review - SEOptimer








Security 2/21
2/10/2020 Website review - SEOptimer

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Improve Your Site With Our DIY SEO Tool

Review unlimited pages. Crawl your whole site for problems and get clear, easy to follow
recommendations with guides for your CMS. Monitor your keyword rankings and get regular updates on
your site's performance.

Helping Business Owners promote their websites the affordable way.

Learn More - DIY SEO (/diy-seo/)

Review Child Pages


/Contact-us/banking-ombudsman (/

/aadhaar-update (/

/about-us (/

/about-us/awards-and-recognition (/

/about-us/corporate-profile (/

/about-us/gallery (/

/about-us/press-releases (/ 3/21
2/10/2020 Website review - SEOptimer


/about-us/vision-and-values (/


/agri-and-rural/financial-inclusion (/

/agri-and-rural/financial-inclusion/business-correspondents (/

/agri-and-rural/loans (/

Show me more

SEO Results


Your SEO could be better

Your page has some level of optimization but could be improved further. SEO optimization is
important to ensure you can maximize ranking potential and drive traffic to your website from
search engines. You should ensure your page fulfils common recommended improvements
outlined here before moving onto more advanced SEO strategies.


Title Tag
You have a title tag, but ideally it should be shortened to between 10 and 70
characters (including spaces).

Personal Banking | Internet Banking | Corporate, NRI Banking Services Online - Axis
Bank | 4/21
2/10/2020 Website review - SEOptimer

Length : 90

Meta Description Tag

Your page has a meta description of optimal length (between 70 and 320 characters).

We are third largest private sector bank in India offering entire spectrum of financial
services for personal & corporate banking.

Length : 134


Header Tags
Your page is making good use of header tags.

HTML header tags are an important way of signaling to search engines the important
content topics of your page, and subsequently the keywords it should rank for.

Header Tag Frequency

H1 0

H2 16

H3 35

H4 9

H5 1

H6 0

Show details

Keyword Consistency
Your page's main keywords are not distributed well across the important HTML tags.

Your page content should be focused around particular keywords you would like to
rank for. Ideally these keywords should also be distributed across tags such as the
title, meta and header tags.

Individual Keywords 5/21
2/10/2020 Website review - SEOptimer

Description Headings Page
Keyword Title Tag Tags Frequency

calculator    17

loan    13

emi    9

axis    7

personal    7

bank    6

account    5

all    4


Description Headings Page
Phrase Title Tag Tags Frequency

emi calculator    7

loan emi    7

loan emi    5

axis bank    3

personal loan    3

home loan    3

offer validity    3

savings account    3

Amount of Content
Your page has a good level of textual content, which will assist in it's ranking

Word Count: 575 6/21
2/10/2020 Website review - SEOptimer

Image Alt Attributes

You have images on your page that are missing ALT attributes.

We found 46 images on your page and 20 of them are missing the attribute.

Show details


Number of Backlinks
You can see information about your page's backlinks within this report by signing up
to one of our premium plans.

Signup - Free Trial (/signup/?add-to-cart=4155&trial)

On-Page Link Structure

We found 348 total links. 28% of your links are external links and are sending
authority to other sites. 12% of your links are nofollow links, meaning authority is not
being passed to those destination pages.

Show details

Broken Links
We have not detected any broken links on your page.

Please note, we were not able to crawl all links in the given time window. Only 16 of
311 total links found were able to be crawled.

Friendly URLs
Some of your link URLs do not appear friendly to humans or search engines. We
would recommend making links as readable as possible by reducing length, file
names, code strings and special characters.

Show details

2/10/2020 Website review - SEOptimer

Noindex Tag Test

Your page is not using the Noindex Tag which prevents indexing.

Noindex Header Test

Your page is not using the Noindex Header which prevents indexing.


Your website appears to have a robots.txt file.

XML Sitemaps
Your website appears to have an XML sitemap.

Your page is using an analytics tool.

Google Analytics Structured Data

Your page is using structured data. 8/21
2/10/2020 Website review - SEOptimer


Your usability could be better

Your page is OK but could be more usable across devices. Usability is important to maximize your
available audience and minimize user bounce rates (which can indirectly affect your search engine

Device Rendering
This check visually demonstrates how your page renders on different devices. It is
important that your page is optimized for mobile and tablet experiences as today the
majority of web traffic comes from these sources. 9/21
2/10/2020 Website review - SEOptimer

Use of Mobile Viewports

Your page specifies a viewport matching the device's size, allowing it to render
appropriately across devices.

Flash Used?
No Flash content has been identified on your page.

iFrames Used?
Your page appears to be using iFrames. iFrames are discouraged as they can
complicate navigation of content in mobile and have historically been harder to index
for search engines. There are particular coding libraries however such as Google Tag
Manager that require iFrames as part of their functionality. 10/21
2/10/2020 Website review - SEOptimer

Your page has specified a favicon.

Legible Font Sizes

The text on your page appears to be legible across devices.

Tap Target Sizing

Some of the links or buttons on your page may be too small for a user to easily tap
on a touchscreen. Consider making these tap targets larger to provide a better user

Show details

Performance Results


Your performance could be better

Your page's performance has some issues and room for improvement. Performance is important
to ensure a good user experience, and reduced bounce rates (which can also indirectly affect your
search engine rankings). We recommend addressing the highlighted factors below.

Page Speed Info

Your page's server response time is reasonably low which is good for load speed and
user experience.

Server Response 11/21
2/10/2020 Website review - SEOptimer

All Page Content Loaded

All Page Scripts Complete

Page Size Info

Your page's file size is quite large which, regardless of other optimizations, can
reduce load speed and impact user experience. A general rule is to keep your page
under 5MB in total file size.

Total Page Size 12/21
2/10/2020 Website review - SEOptimer

Page Size Breakdown

Number of Resources
This check displays the total number of files that need to be retrieved from web
servers to load your page. As a general rule, having more files to retrieve increases
the number of server requests and can subsequently increase page load time. It is a
good idea to removing unnecessary files or consolidate files like styles and scripts
where possible. 13/21
2/10/2020 Website review - SEOptimer

192 18 47 13
Total Objects Number of HTML Number of JS Number of CSS
Pages Resources Resources

90 24
Number of Images Other Resources

JavaScript Errors
Your page is reporting JavaScript errors during load. This could indicate that some
required functionality on your page is failing or scripts may have coding problems.

Show details

GZIP Compression
Your website is using GZIP compression.

Optimize Images
All of the images on your page appear to be optimized.

All your JavaScript and CSS files appear to be minified.

Deprecated HTML
No deprecated HTML tags have been found within your page.

Inline Styles
Your page appears to be using inline styles. Inline styles are an older coding practice
and discouraged in favor of using CSS style sheets, due to their ability to degrade
page load performance and unnecessarily complicate HTML Code.

Show details 14/21
2/10/2020 Website review - SEOptimer

Social Results

Your social could be better

You do not appear to have a strong social presence or level of social activity (or we may just not be
able to see your profiles!). Social activity is important for customer communication, brand
awareness and as a marketing channel to bring more visitors to your website. We recommend that
you have all of your profiles listed on your page for visibility, and work to build a following on those

Facebook Connected
Your page has a link to a Facebook Page.

Facebook Open Graph Tags

We have not found Facebook Open Graph Tags on your page.

Facebook Open Graph Tags are a type of structured data that can be placed on your
page to control what content is shown when a page is shared on Facebook.

Facebook Pixel
Your page has a Facebook Pixel installed.

Twitter Connected
Your page has a link to a Twitter profile.

Twitter Activity
You have a strong following on Twitter. 15/21
2/10/2020 Website review - SEOptimer


Twitter Cards
We have not detected Twitter Cards on your page.

Twitter Cards are a type of structured data that can be placed on your page to control
what content is shown when a page is shared on Twitter.

Instagram Connected
Your page has a link to an Instagram profile.

YouTube Connected
No associated YouTube channel found linked on your page.

LinkedIn Connected
Your page has a link to a LinkedIn profile.

Security Results


Your security looks very good!

We haven't identified obvious security problems on your website. Security is important to ensure
your website protects user data, doesn't become compromised or experience downtime or data 16/21
2/10/2020 Website review - SEOptimer

loss. We recommend ongoing patching and the continuous use of protective monitoring tools.

SSL Enabled
Your website has SSL enabled.

HTTPS Redirect
Your page successfully redirects to a HTTPS (SSL secure) version.

Malware Check
Your website has been flagged as safe by popular malware scanners

 

Email Privacy
No email addresses have been found in plain text on your page. 17/21
2/10/2020 Website review - SEOptimer

Technology Results

Technology List
These software or coding libraries have been identified on your page.

Technology Version

Adobe DTM



Google Analytics

Google Tag Manager




Microsoft ASP.NET


( PU


Windows Server

Server IP Address 18/21
2/10/2020 Website review - SEOptimer

DNS Servers

Web Server

text/html; charset=utf-8


Toggle: SEO Mobile & UI Social Performance

SEO High Priority

SEO Low Priority

Reduce length of title tag (to between 10 and 70 characters).

Performance Medium Priority

Reduce your total page file size

SEO Low Priority

Update URLs to be more human and Search Engine readable

SEO Low Priority

Add ALT attributes to all images 19/21
2/10/2020 Website review - SEOptimer

SEO Low Priority

Use your main keywords across the important HTML tags

Mobile & UI Low Priority

Improve the size of tap targets

Social Low Priority

Please add Facebook Open Graph Tags

Social Low Priority

Add Twitter Cards

Performance Low Priority

Remove inline styles

Performance Low Priority

Resolve JavaScript errors

Mobile & UI Low Priority

Remove iFrames

Social Low Priority

Create and link an associated YouTube channel 20/21
2/10/2020 Website review - SEOptimer

Embed an Audit Tool into your Agency's Site 21/21

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