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Audio Tools

Lesson Idea Name: Anxiety Disorder

Content Area: Mental and Emo3onal Health

Grade Level(s): 9th
Content Standard Addressed: Standard 1

Technology Standard Addressed: Standard 3

Selected Technology Tool:

☐ Audio (list applica3on):
☐ Other: (list)
URL(s) to support the lesson (e.g., URL for your music clip, URL for Soundcloud):

Bloom’s Taxonomy Level(s):

☐ Remembering ☐ Understanding ☐ Applying ☐ Analyzing ☐ Evalua3ng ☐ Crea3ng

Levels of Technology IntegraGon (LoTi Level): (Select the best level)

☐ Level 1: Awareness ☐ Level 2: Explora3on ☐ Level 3: Infusion ☐ Level 4: Integra3on
☐ Level 5: Expansion ☐ Level 6: Refinement

Universal Design for Learning (UDL): I could extend it by providing a transcript that can be translated to
whatever language that the student understands.
Lesson idea implementaGon: The teacher will create the podcasts that will include informa4on about anxiety
and from there the students will create a public service announcement about the topic using a podcast
themselves. This will take roughly 30 minutes to complete and the students will be assessed when presen4ng
their PBS. This product could be used to inform learning by making sure that the students provide signs,
symptoms, and where they can find help if they suffer or know anyone suffering from depression. To conclude
the lesson the students will get audio feedback from using the Vocaroo website.

Importance of technology: Using an audio recording is cri3cal because the students will be crea3ng an audio
themselves when crea3ng their public service announcement. This can be completed without technology, but
if possible try to do it with.
InspiraGon (opGonal): The inspira4on came from asking the students topics that they would like to address.

Internet Safety and Student Privacy: For this lesson to minimize risks when it comes to internet safety
students will only use websites deemed appropriate by the school. When it comes to crea4ng the music to their
podcasts SoundCloud can be used but the teacher will create a group for the class. The group will be set to
private so that only students can view and use it.
ReflecGve PracGce: This ac4vity can impact student learning by allowing the students to share with others
even outside of the classroom their recording. To extend the lesson we can have the class pick which one they
thought was best and maybe take it to the principal to share with the en4re school.

ITEC 3300

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