Formato Menu para Presupuesto AMALO

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Instructions for Using the Menu Engineering Worksheets

The purpose of the following menu worksheets is to help you to understand the relative profitability and popularity
of your menu items so that you can make better menu planning, design and pricing decisions.This process
allows managers, owners and chefs to recognize the itmes that they want to sell (the most popular and profitable o
and to eliminate those items that do not contribute to the restaurants bottom line. The process also allows for more
menu planning by revealing, for example, a popular but unprofitable item which can be "re-engineered" to provide m

Menu engineering places more emphasis on the concept of contribution margin as opposed to food cost percentag
magin or gross profit of a menu item is it's selling price less its food cost. A steak dinner that costs $8.00 and sell fo
gross profit of $14.00 and a food cost of 40%. Contrast that to a Pasta Dinner that costs $2.00 and sells for $10.00
profit of $8.00 and a 20% food cost. Which item would you rather sell? Food costs, while important, do not tell the w

Each worksheet is designed to evaluate a one of your menu categories: appetizers, soups & salads, entrees or des
and desserts. In order to use these worksheets you will need the following information for each menu item:

1. The standard recipe cost for each item

2. The total number of each item sold for the time period being evaluated
3. The selling price for each item

Use the "Sample" worksheet to see how the numbers are input, and derived columns are calculated. Some of the
that offer explanation of the use or purpose of the numbers generated in that cell. You will recognize a comment by
located in upper right corner of the cell.

Here are some additional notes and tips:

a) You will need to enter each menu item by name in Column A

b) The only other inputs are to be made in Columns B, D and E. The rest of the process is fully automated!

c) Column P "Profit Category", ranks each menu item relative to its profitability or "Item Profit" (Column F
result in a designation of "Low" have an item profit that is less than the average for the entire list of items (
while a profit category designation of "High" indicates that item proift is greater than the average.

d) Column R "Popularity Category" is based on how popular the item is relative to the other items on the menu. Ra
basing the decsion of "Low" versus "High" based on the average item popularity, the formula is designed to consi
as 80% of the average. This means that a menu item that sells less than 80% of the average number of units is des
that sell more than 80% of the average are indicated as "High" in the Popularity Category. This indicates the impor
a menu items realtive profitablity ranking as compared to its popularity.

e) Finally, the worksheet combines the profitability and popularity rankings to create one of four Menu Classes:
Workhorse and Dog

Star = High Profit and Profitability

Challenge= High Profit but Unpopular
Workhorse= Low Profit but Popular
Dog= Low Profit and Not Popular
The name of the game is to produce as many stars as possible and rotate your menu so as to reduce your
they provide an opportunity to take a profitable item and by redesign (recipe, ingredients, presentation) tur
Workhorese provide less than average item profit but are typically popular enough so as to keep them on t
to redesign an item to enhance its profit without hurting its popularity!

Use these results as a guide only! Common sense must always prevail!

Good Luck….

NOTE: The worksheets are all locked for your protection. Only those cells that are to be used for direct input of info
To unprotect a worksheet select Tools…Protection…Unprotect Sheet and use the desigated password "

For Additional Support Contact:

John Nessel, Restaurant Resource Group, Inc.

To View Other Restaurant Operations and Management Products Visit our Website:
profitability and popularity
cisions.This process
ost popular and profitable ones)
process also allows for more subtle
"re-engineered" to provide more profit.

osed to food cost percentage. The contribution

r that costs $8.00 and sell for $20.00 has a
s $2.00 and sells for $10.00 resulting in a gross
e important, do not tell the whole story!

ups & salads, entrees or desserts.

or each menu item:

are calculated. Some of the cells contain comments

will recognize a comment by a red "marking"

ss is fully automated!

Profit" (Column F). Those items that

e entire list of items (Column Heading O)

other items on the menu. Rather than

formula is designed to consider that brealk point
erage number of units is designated as "Low" and items
ory. This indicates the importance of

e of four Menu Classes: Star, Challenge,

menu so as to reduce your dogs. Challenges are named because
redients, presentation) turn it into a popular one as well.
gh so as to keep them on the menu. The challenge here is

e used for direct input of information or numbers are "unlocked"

esigated password "rrg"

sit our Website:

Copyright 2006 Restaurant Resource Group


Enter Your Restaurant Name Here Date Prepared: November 1, 2019

Period Covered: Enero a Dic 2020

Menu Item Name Enero Vr venta Febrero Vr Venta Marzo Vr Venta Abril Vr Venta Mayo Vr Venta Junio Vr Venta Julio Vr Venta Agosto Vr Venta Septiembre Vr Venta Octubre Vr Venta Noviembre Vr Venta Diciembre Vr Venta Number Popularity Item Food Item Sell Item Total Total Total Profit Popularity Menu
Sold % Cost Price Profit Cost Revenue Profit Category Category Item Class
PLATOS (E-D) (D*B) (E*B) (H-G)
PASTAS FARFALLE CON CAMARON 25 $ 671,296 28 $ 751,852 55 $ 1,476,852 49 $ 1,315,741 21 $ 563,889 39 $ 1,047,222 35 $ 939,815 22 $ 590,741 27 $ 725,000 28 $ 751,852 26 $ 698,148 34 $ 912,963 389 1.1% 8,493.00 26,852 ###$18,358.85 $3,303,777.00 $10,445,370.37 $7,141,593.37 High Low Challenge
BOLOGNESA CON CHAMPIÑONES 105 $ 1,944,444 71 $ 1,314,815 92 $ 1,703,704 72 $ 1,333,333 57 $ 1,055,556 95 $ 1,759,259 70 $ 1,296,296 77 $ 1,425,926 74 $ 1,370,370 70 $ 1,296,296 83 $ 1,537,037 119 $ 2,203,704 985 2.8% 4,536.00 18,519 ###$13,982.52 $4,467,960.00 $18,240,740.74 $13,772,780.74 High Low Challenge
RISONI FRUTOS DEL MAR 10 $ 259,259 14 $ 362,963 25 $ 648,148 27 $ 700,000 21 $ 544,444 39 $ 1,011,111 11 $ 285,185 22 $ 570,370 26 $ 674,074 22 $ 570,370 36 $ 933,333 35 $ 907,407 288 0.8% 5,464.00 25,926 ###$20,461.93 $1,573,632.00 $7,466,666.67 $5,893,034.67 High Low Challenge
PENNE EN SALSA PESTO CON CROTON DE POLLO Y 63 $ 1,633,333 40 $ 1,037,037 30 $ 777,778 57 $ 1,477,778 37 $ 959,259 60 $ 1,555,556 36 $ 933,333 58 $ 1,503,704 40 $ 1,037,037 37 $ 959,259 62 $ 1,607,407 60 $ 1,555,556 580 1.6% 5,495.00 25,926 ###$20,430.93 $3,187,100.00 $15,037,037.04 $11,849,937.04 High Low Challenge
MIXTA DE POLLO Y CARNE 61 $ 1,299,074 53 $ 1,128,704 92 $ 1,959,259 87 $ 1,852,778 76 $ 1,618,519 96 $ 2,044,444 81 $ 1,725,000 80 $ 1,703,704 42 $ 894,444 97 $ 2,065,741 23 $ 489,815 78 $ 1,661,111 866 2.4% 6,245.00 21,296 ###$15,051.30 $5,408,170.00 $18,442,592.59 $13,034,422.59 High Low Challenge
POLLO EN CREMA BLANCA 20 $ 407,407 43 $ 875,926 72 $ 1,466,667 67 $ 1,364,815 72 $ 1,466,667 84 $ 1,711,111 75 $ 1,527,778 66 $ 1,344,444 52 $ 1,059,259 70 $ 1,425,926 7 $ 142,593 $ - 628 1.8% 5,208.00 20,370 ###$15,162.37 $3,270,624.00 $12,792,592.59 $9,521,968.59 High Low Challenge
BOLOGNESA 63 $ 1,283,333 34 $ 692,593 64 $ 1,303,704 59 $ 1,201,852 42 $ 855,556 59 $ 1,201,852 53 $ 1,079,630 51 $ 1,038,889 43 $ 875,926 52 $ 1,059,259 $ - $ - 520 1.5% 5,986.00 20,370 ###$14,384.37 $3,112,720.00 $10,592,592.59 $7,479,872.59 High Low Challenge
LASAGNA 3 QUESOS Y POLLO 55 $ 1,120,421 35 $ 712,995 65 $ 1,324,134 60 $ 1,222,278 43 $ 875,966 60 $ 1,222,278 54 $ 1,100,050 52 $ 1,059,307 44 $ 896,337 53 $ 1,079,679 $ - $ - 521 1.5% 5,986.00 20,371 ###$14,385.30 $3,118,706.00 $10,613,445.37 $7,494,739.37 High Low Challenge
CANELONES POLLO Y TOCINETA 59 $ 1,256,481 43 $ 915,741 55 $ 1,171,296 44 $ 937,037 38 $ 809,259 64 $ 1,362,963 51 $ 1,086,111 59 $ 1,256,481 44 $ 937,037 47 $ 1,000,926 44 $ 937,037 51 $ 1,086,111 599 1.7% 6,137.00 21,296 ###$15,159.30 $3,676,063.00 $12,756,481.48 $9,080,418.48 High Low Challenge
RICOTTA Y ESPINACA 25 $ 462,963 21 $ 388,889 27 $ 500,000 18 $ 333,333 19 $ 351,852 21 $ 388,889 28 $ 518,519 25 $ 462,963 23 $ 425,926 20 $ 370,370 18 $ 333,333 28 $ 518,519 273 0.8% 4,817.00 18,519 ###$13,701.52 $1,315,041.00 $5,055,555.56 $3,740,514.56 High Low Challenge
PIZZAS MAGARITA 43 $ 756,481 25 $ 439,815 45 $ 791,667 51 $ 897,222 46 $ 809,259 35 $ 615,741 42 $ 738,889 34 $ 598,148 39 $ 686,111 50 $ 879,630 31 $ 545,370 38 $ 668,519 479 1.3% 4,864.00 17,593 ###$12,728.59 $2,329,856.00 $8,426,851.85 $6,096,995.85 High Low Challenge
FRUTOS DEL MAR 10 $ 259,259 7 $ 181,481 30 $ 777,778 56 $ 1,451,852 46 $ 1,192,593 29 $ 751,852 18 $ 466,667 9 $ 233,333 12 $ 311,111 27 $ 700,000 10 $ 259,259 8 $ 207,407 262 0.7% 7,990.00 25,926 ###$17,935.93 $2,093,380.00 $6,792,592.59 $4,699,212.59 High Low Challenge
CHORIZO ESPAÑOL 38 $ 844,444 24 $ 533,333 32 $ 711,111 63 $ 1,400,000 44 $ 977,778 41 $ 911,111 30 $ 666,667 36 $ 800,000 45 $ 1,000,000 68 $ 1,511,111 $ - 26 $ 577,778 447 1.3% 4,428.00 22,222 ###$17,794.22 $1,979,316.00 $9,933,333.33 $7,954,017.33 High Low Challenge
DEL HUERTO 14 $ 285,185 5 $ 101,852 29 $ 590,741 29 $ 590,741 24 $ 488,889 24 $ 488,889 8 $ 162,963 6 $ 122,222 12 $ 244,444 22 $ 448,148 5 $ 101,852 6 $ 122,222 184 0.5% 4,606.00 20,370 ###$15,764.37 $847,504.00 $3,748,148.15 $2,900,644.15 High Low Challenge
4 QUESOS 20 $ 444,444 14 $ 311,111 13 $ 288,889 27 $ 600,000 33 $ 733,333 31 $ 688,889 20 $ 444,444 19 $ 422,222 28 $ 622,222 47 $ 1,044,444 20 $ 444,444 17 $ 377,778 289 0.8% 4,325.00 22,222 ###$17,897.22 $1,249,925.00 $6,422,222.22 $5,172,297.22 High Low Challenge
DE DULCE $ - $ - 2 $ 37,037 2 $ 37,037 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 4 0.0% 2,314.00 18,519 ###$16,204.52 $9,256.00 $74,074.07 $64,818.07 High Low Challenge
HAWAINAA 64 $ 1,120,000 37 $ 647,500 58 $ 1,015,000 92 $ 1,610,000 62 $ 1,085,000 57 $ 997,500 64 $ 1,120,000 52 $ 910,000 85 $ 1,487,500 117 $ 2,047,500 13 $ 227,500 37 $ 647,500 738 2.1% 4,055.00 17,500 ###$13,445.00 $2,992,590.00 $12,915,000.00 $9,922,410.00 High Low Challenge
POLLO Y QUESO 44 $ 810,741 42 $ 773,889 44 $ 810,741 48 $ 884,444 45 $ 829,167 47 $ 866,019 54 $ 995,000 46 $ 847,593 60 $ 1,105,556 99 $ 1,824,167 7 $ 128,981 34 $ 626,481 570 1.6% 3,925.00 18,426 ###$14,500.93 $2,237,250.00 $10,502,777.78 $8,265,527.78 High Low Challenge
JAMON Y QUESO 66 $ 1,093,889 47 $ 778,981 63 $ 1,044,167 114 $ 1,889,444 71 $ 1,176,759 114 $ 1,889,444 61 $ 1,011,019 65 $ 1,077,315 54 $ 895,000 128 $ 2,121,481 21 $ 348,056 60 $ 994,444 864 2.4% 3,681.00 16,574 ###$12,893.07 $3,180,384.00 $14,320,000.00 $11,139,616.00 High Low Challenge
ARMA TU PASTA 2106 $ 42,705,000 1811 $ 36,723,056 2332 $ 47,287,778 2221 $ 45,036,944 2249 $ 45,604,722 2249 $ 45,604,722 2033 $ 41,224,722 2214 $ 44,895,000 2109 $ 42,765,833 2048 $ 41,528,889 2057 $ 41,711,389 2663 $ 53,999,722 26092 73.3% 9,985.00 20,278 ###$10,292.78 ### $529,087,777.78 $268,559,157.78 Low High Workhorse

Total 2891 $ 58,657,458 2394 $ 48,672,532 3225 $ 65,686,449 3243 $ 66,136,630 3046 $ 61,998,466 3244 $ 66,118,852 2824 $ 57,322,087 2993 $ 60,862,363 2859 $ 58,013,189 3102 $ 62,685,049 2463 $ 50,445,556 3294 $ 67,067,222 35578 100.0% ### $723,665,852.78 $413,783,978.78

42.8% $11,630.33
Food Cost % Ave Gross Profit

Q = (100% / Items) * (80%)

Menu Popularity Factor
Copyright 2006 Restaurant Resource Group


Enter Your Restaurant Name Here Date Prepared: November 1, 2019

Period Covered: Enero a Dic 2020

Menu Item Name Enero Vr venta Febrero Vr Venta Marzo Vr Venta Abril Vr Venta Mayo Vr Venta Junio Vr Venta Julio Vr Venta Agosto Vr Venta Septiembre Vr Venta Octubre Vr Venta Noviembre Vr Venta Diciembre Vr Venta Number Popularity Item Food Item Sell Item Total Total Total Profit Popularity Menu
ADICIONALES Sold % Cost Price Profit Cost Revenue Profit Category Category Item Class
Adicional Aceitunas Amalo $ - 3 $ 6,944 2 $ 4,630 8 $ 18,519 5 $ 11,574 3 $ 6,944 1 $ 2,315 3 $ 6,944 3 $ 6,944 3 $ 6,944 3 $ 6,944 2 $ 4,630 36 1.1% 400.00 $ 2,315 $1,914.81 $14,400.00 $83,333.33 $68,933.33 High Low Challenge
Adicional Calamar Amalo $ - 13 $ 54,167 20 $ 83,333 21 $ 87,500 15 $ 62,500 16 $ 66,667 17 $ 70,833 13 $ 54,167 15 $ 62,500 16 $ 66,667 17 $ 70,833 31 $ 129,167 194 6.1% 2,100.00 $ 4,167 $2,066.67 $407,400.00 $808,333.33 $400,933.33 High High Star
Adicional Camaron Amalo Extra $ - 21 $ 97,222 20 $ 92,593 32 $ 148,148 29 $ 134,259 19 $ 87,963 18 $ 83,333 21 $ 97,222 29 $ 134,259 16 $ 74,074 16 $ 74,074 31 $ 143,519 252 7.9% 2,800.00 $ 4,630 $1,829.63 $705,600.00 $1,166,666.67 $461,066.67 High High Star
Adicional Carne Amalo Extra $ - 12 $ 33,333 3 $ 8,333 4 $ 11,111 3 $ 8,333 1 $ 2,778 2 $ 5,556 1 $ 2,778 1 $ 2,778 3 $ 8,333 3 $ 8,333 2 $ 5,556 35 1.1% 1,725.00 $ 2,778 $1,052.78 $60,375.00 $97,222.22 $36,847.22 High Low Challenge
Adicional Cebolla Caramelizada $ - $ - $ - 1 3 $ 6,944 0 $ - 1 $ 2,315 3 $ 6,944 $ - 8 0.3% 110.00 $ 2,315 $2,204.81 $880.00 $18,518.52 $17,638.52 High Low Challenge
Adicional Champiñon Amalo Extra 8 $ 18,519 3 $ 6,944 10 $ 23,148 17 $ 39,352 15 $ 34,722 13 $ 30,093 11 $ 25,463 10 $ 23,148 12 $ 27,778 14 $ 32,407 8 $ 18,519 13 $ 30,093 134 4.2% 750.00 $ 2,315 $1,564.81 $100,500.00 $310,185.19 $209,685.19 High Low Challenge
Adicional de Espinaca 8 $ 18,519 22 $ 50,926 4 $ 9,259 $ - 4 $ 9,259 9 $ 20,833 4 $ 9,259 7 $ 16,204 1 $ 2,315 8 $ 18,519 8 $ 18,519 8 $ 18,519 83 2.6% 90.00 $ 2,315 $2,224.81 $7,470.00 $192,129.63 $184,659.63 High Low Challenge
Adicional De Pollo Amalo 26 $ 84,259 6 $ 19,444 34 $ 110,185 21 $ 68,056 18 $ 58,333 21 $ 68,056 20 $ 64,815 23 $ 74,537 22 $ 71,296 36 $ 116,667 24 $ 77,778 23 $ 74,537 274 8.6% 975.00 $ 3,241 $2,265.74 $267,150.00 $887,962.96 $620,812.96 High High Star
Adicional Jamon de Pavo Amalo Extra 8 $ 21,481 5 $ 13,426 7 $ 18,796 7 $ 18,796 12 $ 32,222 8 $ 21,481 14 $ 37,593 10 $ 26,852 5 $ 13,426 15 $ 40,278 16 $ 42,963 23 $ 61,759 130 4.1% 1,650.00 $ 2,685 $1,035.19 $214,500.00 $349,074.07 $134,574.07 High Low Challenge
Adicional Queso Mozarella Extra Amalo 12 $ 27,778 38 $ 87,963 15 $ 34,722 13 5 5 $ 11,574 7 $ 16,204 11 $ 25,463 3 $ 6,944 19 $ 43,981 8 $ 18,519 16 $ 37,037 152 4.8% 3,500.00 $ 2,315 -$1,185.19 $532,000.00 $351,851.85 -$180,148.15 Low Low Dog
Adicional Queso Parmesano Extra Amalo 58 $ 134,259 1 $ 2,315 58 $ 134,259 42 $ 97,222 41 $ 94,907 50 $ 115,741 53 $ 122,685 62 $ 143,519 44 $ 101,852 50 $ 115,741 36 $ 83,333 59 $ 136,574 554 17.5% 3,500.00 $ 2,315 -$1,185.19 $1,939,000.00 $1,282,407.41 -$656,592.59 Low High Workhorse
Adicional Salsa Napolitana Extra Amalo 1 $ 3,241 9 $ 29,167 3 $ 9,722 $ - 1 $ 3,241 $ - $ - 1 $ 3,241 $ - $ - $ - $ - 15 0.5% 3,500.00 $ 3,241 -$259.26 $52,500.00 $48,611.11 -$3,888.89 Low Low Dog
Adicional Tomate Amalo Extra 2 $ 4,630 1 $ 2,315 9 $ 20,833 $ - 2 $ 4,630 $ - 1 $ 2,315 2 $ 4,630 1 $ 2,315 $ - $ - 1 $ 2,315 19 0.6% 150.00 $ 2,315 $2,164.81 $2,850.00 $43,981.48 $41,131.48 High Low Challenge
Adicional Tomate Seco Amalo Extra 3 $ 6,944 2 $ 4,630 2 $ 4,630 5 $ 11,574 6 $ 13,889 6 $ 13,889 4 $ 9,259 4 $ 9,259 $ - 5 $ 11,574 2 $ 4,630 2 $ 4,630 41 1.3% 2,340.00 $ 2,315 -$25.19 $95,940.00 $94,907.41 -$1,032.59 Low Low Dog
Adicional Tostadas Extra Amalo 33 $ 58,056 30 $ 52,778 10 $ 17,593 47 $ 82,685 31 $ 54,537 36 $ 63,333 32 $ 56,296 32 $ 56,296 37 $ 65,093 40 $ 70,370 28 $ 49,259 38 $ 66,852 394 12.4% 40.00 $ 1,759 $1,719.26 $15,760.00 $693,148.15 $677,388.15 High High Star
Adicional Zuquini Amarillo 1 $ 2,315 1 $ 2,315 65 $ 150,463 2 $ 4,630 $ - 3 $ 6,944 1 $ 2,315 2 $ 4,630 1 $ 2,315 $ - 2 $ 4,630 1 $ 2,315 79 2.5% 150.00 $ 2,315 $2,164.81 $11,850.00 $182,870.37 $171,020.37 High Low Challenge
Adicional Zuquini Verde 2 $ 4,630 1 $ 2,315 2 $ 4,630 $ - $ - $ - 1 $ 2,315 3 $ 6,944 3 $ 6,944 2 $ 4,630 1 $ 2,315 1 $ 2,315 16 0.5% 150.00 $ 2,315 $2,164.81 $2,400.00 $37,037.04 $34,637.04 High Low Challenge
Brownie Con Helado 7 $ 57,685 6 $ 49,444 2 $ 16,481 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 15 0.5% 4,257.00 $ 8,241 $3,983.74 $63,855.00 $123,611.11 $59,756.11 High Low Challenge
Corona con Bocconcini 22 $ 71,296 20 $ 64,815 17 $ 55,093 27 $ 87,500 13 $ 42,130 21 $ 68,056 12 11 $ 35,648 19 $ 61,574 18 $ 58,333 29 $ 93,981 $ - 209 6.6% 3,500.00 $ 3,241 -$259.26 $731,500.00 $677,314.81 -$54,185.19 Low High Workhorse
Corona con Mozarella 19 $ 61,574 27 $ 87,500 24 $ 77,778 18 $ 58,333 14 $ 45,370 22 28 29 $ 93,981 16 $ 51,852 17 $ 55,093 39 $ 126,389 $ - 253 8.0% 3,500.00 $ 3,241 -$259.26 $885,500.00 $819,907.41 -$65,592.59 Low High Workhorse
Corona con Ricotta 19 $ 61,574 8 $ 25,926 17 $ 55,093 18 $ 58,333 13 $ 42,130 10 10 17 $ 55,093 20 $ 64,815 19 $ 61,574 29 $ 93,981 $ - 180 5.7% 350.00 $ 3,241 $2,890.74 $63,000.00 $583,333.33 $520,333.33 High High Star
Adicional Salsa 3 Condados Extra Amalo 1 $ 3,241 $ - 1 $ 3,241 $ - $ - 3 $ - 1 $ 3,241 1 $ 3,241 $ - $ - 7 0.2% 800.00 $ 3,241 $2,440.74 $5,600.00 $22,685.19 $17,085.19 High Low Challenge
Adicional Salsa Alfredo Extra Amalo 1 $ 3,241 $ - 1 $ 3,241 3 $ 9,722 11 $ 35,648 3 2 4 $ 12,963 2 $ 6,481 $ - 1 $ 3,241 1 $ 3,241 29 0.9% 700.00 $ 3,241 $2,540.74 $20,300.00 $93,981.48 $73,681.48 High Low Challenge
Adicional Salsa De Albahaca Extra Amalo 1 $ 3,241 $ - 1 $ 3,241 $ - 1 $ 3,241 1 $ 3,241 1 $ 3,241 $ - $ - 1 $ 3,241 6 0.2% 1,330.00 $ 3,241 $1,910.74 $7,980.00 $19,444.44 $11,464.44 High Low Challenge
Adicional Salsa Napolitana Extra Amalo $ - $ - 3 $ 9,722 $ - $ - 1 $ - 1 $ 3,241 $ - 1 $ 3,241 1 $ 3,241 7 0.2% 840.00 $ 3,241 $2,400.74 $5,880.00 $22,685.19 $16,805.19 High Low Challenge
L Adicional tocineta extra Amalo $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 9 8 12 $ 38,889 3 $ 9,722 14 $ 45,370 3 $ 9,722 49 1.5% 1,645.00 $ 3,241 $1,595.74 $80,605.00 $158,796.30 $78,191.30 High Low Challenge
- - - - - 0 0.0% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Low Low Dog
- - - - - 0 0.0% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Low Low Dog
- - - - - 0 0.0% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Low Low Dog

Total 232 $ 646,481 229 $ 693,889 330 $ 951,019 285 $ 801,481 239 $ 690,926 255 $ 584,352 251 $ 510,556 282 $ 802,593 240 $ 710,926 297 $ 836,111 277 $ 818,148 254 $ 729,537 3171 100.0% $6,294,795.00 $9,170,000.00 $2,875,205.00 0

68.6% $906.72
Food Cost % Ave Gross Profit

Q = (100% / Items) * (80%)

Menu Popularity Factor
Copyright 2006 Restaurant Resource Group


Enter Your Restaurant Name Here Date Prepared: November 1, 2019

Period Covered: Enero a Dic 2020

Menu Item Name Enero Vr venta Febrero Vr Venta Marzo Vr Venta Abril Vr Venta Mayo Vr Venta Junio Vr Venta Julio Vr Venta Agosto Vr Venta Septiembre Vr Venta Octubre Vr Venta Noviembre Vr Venta Diciembre Vr Venta Number Popularity Item Food Item Sell Item Total Total Total Profit Popularity Menu
ADICIONALES Sold % Cost Price Profit Cost Revenue Profit Category Category Item Class
Agua Botella 500 $ 2,083,333 389 $ 1,620,833 520 $ 2,166,667 510 $ 2,125,000 398 $ 1,658,333 548 $ 2,283,333 506 $ 2,108,333 491 $ 2,045,833 477 $ 1,987,500 553 $ 2,304,167 500 $ 2,083,333 597 $ 2,487,500 5989 89.3% 1,690.00 $ 4,167 $2,476.67 $10,121,410.00 $24,954,166.67 $14,832,756.67 Low High Workhorse
Aguila Light 4 $ 18,519 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 19 $ 87,963 23 0.3% 1,979.00 $ 4,630 $2,650.63 $45,517.00 $106,481.48 $60,964.48 Low Low Dog
Club Colombia $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 15 $ 76,389 15 0.2% 2,196.00 $ 5,093 $2,896.59 $32,940.00 $76,388.89 $43,448.89 Low Low Dog
Coca Cola 12 Onz 3 $ 9,722 3 $ 9,722 12 $ 38,889 8 $ 25,926 5 $ 16,204 13 $ 42,130 29 $ 93,981 6 $ 19,444 9 $ 29,167 3 $ 9,722 5 $ 16,204 2 $ 6,481 98 1.5% 906.00 $ 3,241 $2,334.74 $88,788.00 $317,592.59 $228,804.59 Low Low Dog
Coca Cola 16 Onz 151 $ 559,259 106 $ 392,593 121 $ 448,148 136 $ 503,704 107 $ 396,296 114 $ 422,222 61 $ 225,926 100 $ 370,370 89 $ 329,630 133 $ 492,593 74 $ 274,074 101 $ 374,074 1293 19.3% 1,195.00 $ 3,704 $2,508.70 $1,545,135.00 $4,788,888.89 $3,243,753.89 Low High Workhorse
Coca Cola Botella 762 $ 2,819,259 628 $ 2,323,484 896 $ 3,315,035 852 $ 3,152,243 645 $ 2,386,381 971 $ 3,592,521 800 $ 2,959,852 805 $ 2,978,351 841 $ 3,111,545 877 $ 3,244,738 864 $ 3,196,640 1171 $ 4,332,484 10112 150.8% 1,396.00 $ 3,700 $2,303.82 $14,116,352.00 $37,412,532.28 $23,296,180.28 Low High Workhorse
Copa Lambrusco $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 10 $ 194,444 21 $ 408,333 $ - $ - 31 0.5% 6,144.00 $ 19,444 $13,300.44 $190,464.00 $602,777.78 $412,313.78 High Low Challenge
Copa Vino Mix Chardonay Che 7 $ 77,778 6 $ 66,667 7 $ 77,778 8 $ 88,889 4 $ 44,444 9 $ 100,000 4 $ 44,444 8 $ 88,889 6 $ 66,667 10 $ 111,111 7 $ 77,778 13 $ 144,444 89 1.3% 6,144.00 $ 11,111 $4,967.11 $546,816.00 $988,888.89 $442,072.89 Low Low Dog
Copa Vino Mix Trivento Syrah 18 $ 200,000 8 $ 88,889 6 $ 66,667 18 $ 200,000 16 $ 177,778 7 $ 77,778 11 $ 122,222 7 $ 77,778 11 $ 122,222 12 $ 133,333 2 $ 22,222 14 $ 155,556 130 1.9% 6,144.00 $ 11,111 $4,967.11 $798,720.00 $1,444,444.44 $645,724.44 Low Low Dog
Kola Roman 12 Onz 1 $ 3,241 1 $ 3,241 5 $ 16,204 5 $ 16,204 2 $ 6,481 5 $ 16,204 10 $ 32,407 2 $ 6,481 3 $ 9,722 3 $ 9,722 2 $ 6,481 1 $ 3,241 40 0.6% 906.00 $ 3,241 $2,334.74 $36,240.00 $129,629.63 $93,389.63 Low Low Dog
Kola Roman 16 Onz 57 $ 211,111 28 $ 103,704 31 $ 114,815 40 $ 148,148 30 $ 111,111 29 $ 107,407 35 $ 129,630 55 $ 203,704 27 $ 100,000 45 $ 166,667 24 $ 88,889 40 $ 148,148 441 6.6% 1,195.00 $ 3,704 $2,508.70 $526,995.00 $1,633,333.33 $1,106,338.33 Low High Workhorse
Lambrusco Rose 750 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 1 $ 19,444 $ - $ - $ - 1 0.0% $ 19,444 $19,444.44 $0.00 $19,444.44 $19,444.44 High Low Challenge
Manzana 12 Onz 1 $ 3,241 $ - $ - 3 $ 9,722 $ 4
- $ 12,963 1 $ 3,241 $ - 3 $ 9,722 $ 1
- $ 3,241 $ - 13 0.2% 906.00 $ 3,241 $2,334.74 $11,778.00 $42,129.63 $30,351.63 Low Low Dog
Manzana 16 Onz 19 $ 61,574 14 $ 45,370 22 $ 71,296 12 $ 38,889 17 $ 55,093 24 $ 77,778 13 $ 42,130 7 $ 22,685 12 $ 38,889 19 $ 61,574 13 $ 42,130 31 $ 100,463 203 3.0% 1,195.00 $ 3,241 $2,045.74 $242,585.00 $657,870.37 $415,285.37 Low Low Dog
Michelada $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 3 $ 1,389 12 $ 5,556 5 $ 2,315 1 $ 463 1 $ 463 $ - $ - 22 0.3% 58.00 $ 463 $404.96 $1,276.00 $10,185.19 $8,909.19 Low Low Dog
Old Parr 12 Años 750 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 1 $ 18,519 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 1 0.0% 8,374.00 $ 18,519 $10,144.52 $8,374.00 $18,518.52 $10,144.52 High Low Challenge
Sprite 12 Onz 2 $ 6,481 $ - $ - 1 $ 3,241 1 $ 3,241 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 4 0.1% 906.00 $ 3,241 $2,334.74 $3,624.00 $12,962.96 $9,338.96 Low Low Dog
Sprite 16 Onz 22 $ 81,481 16 $ 59,259 17 $ 62,963 12 $ 44,444 13 $ 48,148 17 $ 62,963 9 $ 33,333 18 $ 66,667 28 $ 103,704 36 $ 133,333 5 $ 18,519 16 $ 59,259 209 3.1% 1,195.00 $ 3,704 $2,508.70 $249,755.00 $774,074.07 $524,319.07 Low Low Dog
Sprite Botella 58 $ 241,667 71 $ 295,833 104 $ 433,333 104 $ 433,333 68 $ 283,333 115 $ 479,167 90 $ 375,000 106 $ 441,667 81 $ 337,500 96 $ 400,000 91 $ 379,167 125 $ 520,833 1109 16.5% 1,393.00 $ 4,167 $2,773.67 $1,544,837.00 $4,620,833.33 $3,075,996.33 Low High Workhorse
Te Coca Cola 433 $ 1,795,833 316 $ 1,310,585 441 $ 1,829,013 445 $ 1,845,602 390 $ 1,617,494 509 $ 2,111,037 444 $ 1,841,455 428 $ 1,775,096 419 $ 1,737,769 446 $ 1,849,750 366 $ 1,517,956 548 $ 2,272,787 5185 77.3% 1,690.00 $ 4,147 $2,457.42 $8,762,650.00 $21,504,378.37 $12,741,728.37 Low High Workhorse
Trago Buchana Master 5 $ 115,741 3 $ 69,444 1 $ 23,148 $ - $ - 3 $ 69,444 4 $ 92,593 1 $ 23,148 1 $ 23,148 12 $ 277,778 $ - 19 $ 439,815 49 0.7% 4,639.00 $ 23,148 $18,509.15 $227,311.00 $1,134,259.26 $906,948.26 High Low Challenge
Trago Buchanan'S 12 Años $ - $ - 1 $ 18,519 $ - 9 $ 166,667 5 $ 92,593 $ - 14 $ 259,259 1 $ 18,519 4 $ 74,074 $ - 2 $ 37,037 36 0.5% 4,719.00 $ 18,519 $13,799.52 $169,884.00 $666,666.67 $496,782.67 High Low Challenge
Trago Old Par 12 años $ - $ - 1 $ 18,519 $ - 2 $ 37,037 $ - 2 $ 37,037 $ - $ - 11 $ 203,704 $ - $ - 16 0.2% 4,558.00 $ 18,519 $13,960.52 $72,928.00 $296,296.30 $223,368.30 High Low Challenge
Trago Buchanas 18 $ - $ - $ - 1 $ 25,926 $ - 12 $ 311,111 4 $ 103,704 1 $ 25,926 $ - 3 $ 77,778 $ - $ - 21 0.3% 9,481.00 $ 25,926 $16,444.93 $199,101.00 $544,444.44 $345,343.44 High Low Challenge
Vino Mix Chardonay Che x 750 2 $ 101,852 1 $ 50,926 $ - 1 $ 50,926 $ - $ - 3 $ 152,778 1 $ 50,926 1 $ 50,926 1 $ 50,926 2 $ 101,852 $ - 12 0.2% 33,989.00 $ 50,926 $16,936.93 $407,868.00 $611,111.11 $203,243.11 High Low Challenge
Vino Mix Trivento Syrah Malb x 750 1 $ 50,926 2 $ 101,852 $ - $ - 4 $ 203,704 1 $ 50,926 1 $ 50,926 1 $ 50,926 $ - $ - $ - $ - 10 0.1% 33,989.00 $ 50,926 $16,936.93 $339,890.00 $509,259.26 $169,369.26 High Low Challenge
Vino Torres Sangre Toro x 187 5 $ 92,130 $ - 2 $ 36,852 $ - 4 $ 73,704 $ - 6 $ 110,556 4 $ 73,704 4 $ 73,704 $ - $ - 7 $ 128,981 32 0.5% 6,733.00 $ 18,426 $11,692.93 $215,456.00 $589,629.63 $374,173.63 High Low Challenge
0.0% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Low Low Dog
0 0.0% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Low Low Dog
0 0.0% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Low Low Dog
0 0.0% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Low Low Dog
0 0.0% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Low Low Dog
0 0.0% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Low Low Dog
0 0.0% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Low Low Dog
0 0.0% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Low Low Dog
0 0.0% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Low Low Dog

Total 2051 $ 8,533,148 1592 $ 6,542,402 2187 $ 8,737,844 2156 $ 8,712,197 1715 $ 7,285,449 2390 $ 9,929,484 2045 $ 8,565,103 2060 $ 8,583,170 2025 $ 8,364,684 2286 $ 10,009,766 1956 $ 7,828,485 2721 $ 11,375,456 6706 100.0% $40,506,694.00 $104,467,188.42 $63,960,494.42

38.8% $9,537.80
Food Cost % Ave Gross Profit

Q = (100% / Items) * (80%)

Menu Popularity Factor
Enero Febrero Marzo Abril Mayo
Platos fuertes $ 58,657,458 $ 48,672,532 $ 65,686,449 $ 66,136,630 $ 61,998,466
Adicionales $ 646,481 $ 693,889 $ 951,019 $ 801,481 $ 690,926
Bebidas $ 8,533,148 $ 6,542,402 $ 8,737,844 $ 8,712,197 $ 7,285,449

Total $ 67,837,088 $ 55,908,824 $ 75,375,311 $ 75,650,308 $ 69,974,841

Venta Neta 2019

Pres % incremento #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
Diferencia $ 67,837,088 $ 55,908,824 $ 75,375,311 $ 75,650,308 $ 69,974,841

Proyeccion Final 2020

Propuesta por meses

Junio Julio Agosto Septiembre Octubre Noviembre
$ 66,118,852 $ 57,322,087 $ 60,862,363 $ 58,013,189 $ 62,685,049 $ 50,445,556
$ 584,352 $ 510,556 $ 802,593 $ 710,926 $ 836,111 $ 818,148
$ 9,929,484 $ 8,565,103 $ 8,583,170 $ 8,364,684 $ 10,009,766 $ 7,828,485

$ 76,632,688 $ 66,397,746 $ 70,248,125 $ 67,088,799 $ 73,530,926 $ 59,092,189

#DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0!

$ 76,632,688 $ 66,397,746 $ 70,248,125 $ 67,088,799 $ 73,530,926 $ 59,092,189
Diciembre YTD
$ 67,067,222 $ 723,665,853
$ 729,537 $ 8,776,019
$ 11,375,456 $ 104,467,188

$ 79,172,215 $ 836,909,060

$ -
#DIV/0! #DIV/0!
$ 79,172,215

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