Quantifiers: Many, Much, A Few, A Little, Some, Any

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many, much, a few, a little, some, any

1. We need ___________________ eggs to make the dough. Can you go to the supermarket
to buy half a dozen eggs?
2. My brother is overweight because he eats too ___________________
junk food.
3. I want ___________________ sugar. I’m trying to cut down on sugary
4. Sally doesn’t have ___________________ friends because she is shy.
5. I only ate ____________________ because I wasn’t feeling well.
6. ___________________ help, please?
7. I don’t have ___________________ homework to do. I only need to do a Maths
8. The park is quiet at night. There are only ___________________ people in the park.
9. How ___________________ toys do the twins have?
10. Not everyone supports the idea. Only ___________________ students
11. Would you like ___________________ tea, Madam?
12. At the weekends, there are ___________________ people shopping in
the mall. It is crowded with people.
13. Timmy is a shy boy and he doesn’t have ___________________ confidence in himself,
so he seldom takes part in the lessons.
14. I don’t have lots of rich friends. Only ___________________ of them are wealthy.
15. There isn’t ___________________ light in here. It’s so dark that I can’t even see my
own fingers.
16. There are ___________________ things that I would like you to do. It won’t take long.
17. Is that ___________________ sugar left? Do we need to buy ___________________ at
the supermarket?
18. In the past, not ___________________ children could play a musical instrument because
parents didn’t have ___________________ money to let their children take instrument
19. Please wait for ___________________ longer. Our manager is on his
20. The cake will look more colorful if you put ___________________ fruit

on its top.

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