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Perualila, Jonas R.


Inflammatory conditions of the Eye

1. Yo
u are caring for a child with chlamydial conjunctivitis. What would
you want to investigate if you had a patient with this diagnosis?
A. Presence of an allergy
B. Possible trauma
C. Possible sexual abuse
D. Presence of a respiratory infection

Answer: C - The nurse would want to investigate possible sexual abuse.

This diagnosis in a child who is not sexually active should trigger
suspicions in the nurse. Allergy, trauma and infection can all cause
conjunctivitis, but chlamydia is a sexually transmitted disease

2. A
patient of yours verbalized that the doctor said she has a bacterial
conjunctivitis. As a nursing student with adequate knowledge about
conjunctivitis, the following signs&symptoms you expect to observe

A. Redness, pseudomembrane and purulent discharge

B. Redness, papillary formation and purulent discharge.
C. Redness, pseudomembrane and watery discharge.
D. Redness, papillary formation and watery discharge.

Answer B - A conjunctivitis with bacterial etiology produces a purulent

or mucopurulent discharge, and pseudomembrane is a manifestation of
viral conjunctivitis. Redness and papillary is both bacterial and viral
conjunctivitis manifestations.
3. Yo
u are tasked in giving health teaching on your patient with a
conjunctivitis at his right eye, what statement should you give to
your patient to prevent infecting the left eye?

A. “It’s okay to rub your infected eye as long as you still have your
prescribed eyedrops. “
B. “Refrain from rubbing your infected eye with your hand, you might
infect the other eye when you touch it without washing your hands.”
C. “You can rub your infected eye, just use the other hand when you
need to touch the unaffected eye. “
D. All of the above

Answer: B - Infection of the other eye can result from touching the
infected eye most of the time. Letter prevent pt from touching it as well
as promoting hand washing.

4. A
5-year-old boy told his neighbor, a nurse, that his eyes were stuck
together when he woke up in the morning. The nurse notes that his
eyes are red ad conjunctiva is inflamed, what should the nurse
recommend to the mother

A. Tell the mother that his son has a contagious disease and should see a
doctor today.
B. Encourage the mother to schedule an appointment with an eye doctor.
C. Suggest to the mother to let his son go to the school but make an
appointment with the doctor if the condition does not clear up soon
D. Explain to the boy that he needs to use washcloth to damp his eyes
upon waking up.

Answer: A - This is a sign of conjunctivitis which is contagious. The

boy should not go to school and see a doctor already.
5. A
child has been brought to the clinic for the 4th time in as many
months for conjunctivitis. The mother stated that she and her
husband has it as well. In addition to care related to the prescribed
eye drops, what else should the nurse discuss to the mother?
A. Encourage frequent hand washing for the family.
B. Encourage the mother to let her child have an eye patch in the
affected eye.
C. Keep the child at home for two weeks.
D. Avoid washing the child’s hair until the infection has cleared.

Answer: A - It appears that the family is transmitting the infection back

and forth to one another. The best way to prevent the spread of infection
is hand washing

6. Th
e nurse is administering eyedrops to a child with conjunctivitis.
Where should the eyedrops be placed?
A. On the pupil
B. Conjunctival sac
C. On the sclera
D. Inner canthus

Answer: B- it should be placed on the conjunctival sac. Gentle pressure

should be apply to inner canthus to prevent drops to enter the tear ducts
cause it can cause runny nose.

7. A
patient has brought to the clinic with crust on the eyelid and very
red conjunctiva. The doctor prescribed antibiotic eyedrops. The
patient asked if he can go back to school this aftenoon. How should
the nurse respond?

A. Tell the pt not to touch his eyes and he can go back to school.
B. He should stay out of school but can go back tomorrow.
C. He should go back to school after a week because the medication
usually takes a week for the condition to clear.
D. This is very contagious. The pt should stay out of school for 2 days.

Answer: D - The condition described is probably pink eye and is very

contagious. Once antibiotic has started. The pt should be stay out of
school 24-48hrs.

8. A
patient manifests symptoms of orbital cellulitis with very severe
edema, as a nurse you know that it can cause compression of the
optic nerve and it will manifest as:

A. Decrease of visual acuity

B. Ptosis
C. Xanthelesma palpebrarum
D. Drooping of the face

Answer: A - Optic nerve is responsible for vision. A changes in vision

indicates optic nerve compression.

9. A
patient tell you, a nurse, that she had uveitis and as a result she
developed cataracts. You know that this type of Uveitis is
A. Non granulomatous
B. Granulomatous
C. Granulomatous with some degree of non granulomatous
D. All of the above

Answer: A - Non granulomatous can cause cataract while granulomatous

can cause retinal or choroidal hemorrhage

10. Yo
u are being asked as a nursing student by your CI, Which of the
following indicates that the pr uveitis is granulomatous?
A. Insidious, acute with minimal photophobia and pain.
B. Insidious, chronic with minimal photophobia and pain.
C. Insidious, blurry vision with minimal photophobia and pain.
D. Insidious, has precipitates on the posterior corneal surface with
minimal photophobia and pain.

Answer: B - Granulomatous uveitis is insidious chronic with minimal

photophobia and pain. Anything else indicates non granulomatous.

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