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American University of Science and Technology

Faculty of Health Sciences

Department of Laboratory Science and Technology

NFS 361: Therapeutic Nutrition 1 Lab

Topic: Case 2

Yara Nahle
ID: 12180635
Mrs. Chakeh Hajjar Saade

1. The main problem in Jim’s eating pattern is that he has an unorganized

eating pattern because he skips lunch and sometimes dinner which leads to
an insufficient intake quantity to meet his activity needs since he is a
hairdresser standing on his feet all day and practices physical activities on
most days of the week.

2. Jim has to consume more food and meals by adding 500 to 1000 kcal
progressively to avoid gastric discomfort and this can be achieved by
keeping prepared sandwiches with him that he can eat in his 5 to 10 minutes
break, keep a drawer full of healthy snacks such as nuts, dried fruits, rice
cakes with peanut butter, protein bars, cereal or granola bars, and other
healthy snacks that he can eat in 5 minutes between customers even if not
hungry. Jim should not skip lunch nor dinner, so he can get prepared
sandwiches having carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy fats and eat it with
drinking fresh juices that add more calories to his meals. 30% of his energy
intake should come from fat with majority from MUFA and PUFA so he can
keep almond milk cartons to drink every morning when reaching his job
with some cereals, add olive oil to his food, eat nuts such as pistachios,
almonds, and cashews, add avocados to the salads or meals, and if not
possible have an avocado juice, add flaxseeds or pumpkin seeds to your
salads too. Having protein shakes may be necessary to increase the caloric
intake. And if he skipped any meal he should get a basic vitamin and
mineral supplement depending on his all day intake of energy.

3. The goal of his treatment is to let Jim eat enough to reach his nutrient and
activity needs since he is an active man, and to make him gain more wait to
reach 70kg since he feels best at this weight although he is not underweight
of BMI 19.9 (normal range 18.5 to 24.9) and gaining additional 10kg won’t
make him overweight (his BMI becomes 22.8).

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