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American University of Science and Technology

Faculty of Arts and Sciences

Department of English and Translation

ENG202: Composition and Rhetoric 2


Topic: Pornography

Yara Nahle
ID: 12180635
Dr. Souad Khalaf
Violence is defined by the World Health Organization as “the intentional use of physical force or
power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community that
either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm,
maldevelopment, or deprivation.” Violence against women and children is a serious public health
concern, with costs at multiple levels of society. Although violence is a threat to everyone, women and
children are particularly susceptible to victimization because they often have fewer rights or lack
appropriate means of protection. There are several direct and indirect reasons that cause men to violet
women or girls such as discrimination, alcohol and substance use, some cultural and religious practices,
and lack of knowledge. Another indirect reason that most commonly people don’t shed light on is
watching porn and pornography.

Watching porn or even looking at porn pictures and other stuff related to porn can cause the increase
in the hormone testosterone in men. Elevated levels of testosterone in men, turns them on and all they
start thinking about is sex. Unlike women, if men don’t ejaculate when their hormone is increased, they
remain turned on, this causes men to try to rape girls or women they don’t know just to satisfy their
needs. Even married men, are likely to abuse their wife more when they watch porn since women
sometimes are not able to satisfy their man’s needs due to their period or being exhausted, thus men
tend to use violence in order to oblige their wife to have sex with them. Some people call it rape even if
it’s happening between married couple because violence was used, and saying that this man raped his
wife to satisfy his need is really annoying to hear.

Pornography or porn videos can contain images or scenes where sexual abuse is practiced on women.
In most men’s nature, being the dominant one in bed means a lot to them, so watching these kinds of
videos may cause men to think that sexual abuse may satisfy their needs more than having a normal sex,
thus they end up abusing their wives or girlfriends without their confirmation because some girls and
women may love being abused in bed. In addition to that, watching such things may turn men on more
than watching a normal porn scene and this can drive them to rape a girl, women, wife, or maybe a
friend too just to feel satisfied.

It is fairer to mention that not only men are affected by watching porn and practicing violence but also
women are affected too, but, since men are being the guilty ones in most spread and known cases, lights
are only being shed on them. Both men and women should learn since childhood that sex is not
everything in life, violence leads no were but to problems, and watching porn is not a hobby and has
side effects other than being violent, such as getting addicted to watching such things in free time rather
than doing something beneficial and important.

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