CS8651 2nd QP PDF

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CS8651 – Internet Programming

Date : 09/04/2020 Total Marks : 60


1. Differentiate internet and intranet.

2. Why we use XHTML?

3. List any two Rich Internet Applications.

4. How exceptions are handled in JavaScript?

5. Define JDBC.

6. What are Servlets?

7. What is the use of XMLHttpRequest Object?

8. What is XSL?

9. Describe AJAX Control Extender Toolkit.

10. State the significance of WSDL document.


11. Write a HTML code for creating a feedback from as shown below. Include
comments in code to highlight the markup elements and their purpose. The
HTML form should use POST for submitting the form to a program

12. (i)Write a HTML program to display no of 5 student details in table

(ii) Explain the three ways of inserting a CSS to a document in detail.

13. Use CSS and JavaScript to create a program that allows you to drag and drop
multiple images (including one with mouse) as thumbnails. When the user clicks
the image with mouse, it should follow the cursor until the mouse button is
released. When the other images are clicked, the larger version should grow
from top-left corner of the main image area till it reaches its full size. Allow the
user to select the page’s background color and whether the page should use serif
and sans serif fonts. Then change the body element’s style attribute accordingly.

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