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Economical electrolyser solution

Article · January 2008


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2 authors:

Daniel Marcelo A. Dell’Era

Universidad de Piura Sapienza University of Rome


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I N T E R N AT I O N A L J O U R N A L O F H Y D R O G E N E N E R G Y 33 (2008) 3041 – 3044

Available at

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Economical electrolyser solution

Daniel Marcelo, Alessandro Dell’Era

CIRPS—Interuniversity Research Centre for Sustainable Development, University of Rome ‘‘La Sapienza’’, Via Eudossiana, 18, Rome, Italy

art i cle info ab st rac t

Article history: In the market there are conventional alkaline electrolysers and advanced polymer
Received 12 October 2007 membrane electrolysers, with higher performance, but they are both quite expensive.
Received in revised form Indeed, the materials commonly utilized for water electrolysis in alkaline electrolysers are
5 February 2008 those based on Raney nickel and their alloys, but these materials are expensive. Taking into
Accepted 21 February 2008 account those aspects, the following work aims, as other authors [Olivares-Ramı́reza JM,
Available online 5 May 2008 Campos-Corneliob ML, Uribe Godı́nezb J, Borja-Arcob E, Castellanosb RH. Studies on the
hydrogen evolution reaction on different stainless steels. Int J Hydrogen Energy 2007; 32:
3170–3. [1]; Henrique dos Santos Andrade M, Lima Aciolia M, Ginaldo da Silva Juniora J,
Carlos Pereira Silvaa J, Oliveira Vilarc E, Tonholoa J, Preliminary investigation of some
Alkaline electrolysis
commercial alloys for hydrogen evolution in alkaline water electrolysis. Int J Hydrogen
Cost analysis
Energy 2004;29:235–41. [2]], to highlight how it is possible to produce hydrogen in
economical ways using less advanced technologies. A conventional alkaline electrolytic
cell, ‘‘lab-electrolyser’’, has been built using economical material. It is composed of
electrodes of 5.0 cm  5.0 cm characterized by a current density of about 250 mA/cm2 and an
efficiency of about 65% at 55 1C; the cell produces about 2.7 Nl/h of hydrogen. The overall
cost of this devise has been compared with the cost of the electrolysers available on the
market, hypothesizing a linear dependence cost with the productive capacity. The
conclusion has been that there is a big margin for costs decreasing even taking into
account all the auxiliary systems for an electrolysis process.
& 2008 International Association for Hydrogen Energy. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights

1. Introduction using renewable resources generates power without produ-

cing refusals [5]. To size energetically the system the average
Hydrogen is the fuel for the future, and the future is ‘‘today’’. energy needs of an Italian family for 1 day has been taken into
The hydrogen economy is still at the beginning but the account. The assessment is about 9 kW h and 55% of this
society, innovation, and market push inexorably towards energy is supposed to be used during the daily hours directly
hydrogen, inspiring the idea of an energy integrated system from the photovoltaic system. The remaining energy to be
that can satisfy, in an independent way, the energy needs supplied is 4 kW h during the evening and the night. There-
of small-sized consumers. According to the ‘‘closed cycles fore, this amount of energy has to be produced and stored
philosophy’’ [3,4] of our research group (GEA—Energy during the day exploiting the sunshine or wind energy. How
and Environment Group—of CIRPS—Interuniversity Center can this be done? This can be achieved by producing
of Research For Sustainable Development, University of Rome hydrogen from water and accumulating it either in a normal
‘‘La Sapienza’’), the integrated system should perform a tank or in a special one containing a particular material able
closed cycle—ecologically neuter and sustainable because to adsorb and desorb hydrogen. To produce hydrogen, an

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (A. Dell’Era).
0360-3199/$ - see front matter & 2008 International Association for Hydrogen Energy. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
3042 I N T E R N AT I O N A L J O U R N A L O F H Y D R O G E N E N E R G Y 33 (2008) 3041 – 3044

electrolyser that splits distilled water into hydrogen and electrolyser. In the future, as the cost of the fuel cell
oxygen has been taken into account. The main unit is the approaches $50/kW, the cost of an electrolytic cell to
electrolysis stack where the electric energy from the photo- electrolyse water is also expected to approach a low number
voltaic or eolic system is converted into chemical energy (about $125/kW).
producing hydrogen [6]. This hydrogen has to be stored and
the two main options under consideration are a conventional
cylinder tank or a special one inside which a particular 2. Discussion
material adsorbs and desorbs hydrogen [5]. There are several
kinds of materials capable of receiving and releasing hydro- In this context and with the intention to improve the
gen due to their own crystalline structure, which hosts the hydrogen economy, this work aims at demonstrating how,
hydrogen atoms. All of the current methods and the projected without losing a substantial percentage of efficiency, it is
technologies of producing hydrogen from solar energy are possible to build a low cost electrolyser using a simple
much more costly (greater than a factor of 3) when compared technology and conventional material. However, the produc-
with hydrogen production from coal or natural gas plants. tion of low cost hydrogen can help the introduction of solar
This high difference puts enormous pressure on the need of energy storage in the market. The effective cost of an
reducing the cost of a solar energy recovery device. Nowadays electrolytic cell has been analysed and the proportional cost
all system components are very expensive as well as the of an electrolyser stack estimated much more productive, on
the basis of the material that we used. Other authors, with
the same focus, studied the hydrogen evolution reaction on
different stainless steels (AISI 304, 316, 430) [1]; in this work
the stainless steel AISI 310 has been tested in a conventional
alkaline electrolytic cell. It is composed of net shape electro-
des of 5.0 cm  5.0 cm (mesh ASTM ¼ 70; AISI 310—composi-
tion: 0.25%C–25%Cr–21%Ni–2%Mn–1.5%Si (UNI4047)), char-
acterized by a current density of about 250 mA/cm2 with an
efficiency of 65% at about 55 1C, producing about 2.7 Nl/h of
hydrogen, using economical material. To measure the hydro-
gen and oxygen volumes produced, a laboratory system was
used, consisting of two burettes full of water connected with
the cathodic and anodic compartment, respectively. In this
way, it was possible to measure the variation of level of water
and to establish that there was a perfect correspondence
between the hydrogen volume measured and the current
passed through the cell and that the faradic efficiency is very
close to 100%. Durability test has been accomplished to test
the electrochemical stability and the material degradation. In
Fig. 1a the voltage cell as function of time is shown; it can be
Fig. 1 – (a) Durability test. (b) Polarization curves of noted that also after 300 h the voltage does not suffer
electrolytic cell at 20 and 55 1C and comparison between appreciable changes. In Fig. 1b the polarization curves of the
the polarization curves of a commercial electrolyser at 55 1C.

Table 1 – Electrolyser parameters P1, P2, P3, Vrev, Vdec, Vw

Lab-electrolyser Commercial electrolyser Lab-electrolyser Commercial electrolyser

Fitting Experiment

T (1C) 20 55 55 55 55
P1 (O cm2) 1.57 0.87 0.66 – –
P2 (V) 0.12 0.13 0.14 0.21 0.2
P3 1.15  106 1.71  105 5.8  103 1.3  105 5.8  103

Lab-electrolyser Commercial electrolyser

T (1C) 20 55 55
Vrev (V) 1.23 1.19 1.19
Vdec (V) Cathodic process 1.4 1.24
iffi0 Anodic process 0.57 0.52
Vw (V) Cathodic process 1.56 1.41
i ¼ 250 mA/cm2 Anodic process 0.73 0.63
I N T E R N AT I O N A L J O U R N A L O F H Y D R O G E N E N E R G Y 33 (2008) 3041 – 3044 3043

electrolytic cell at 20 and 55 1C are reported. Comparing the depend on quality of the manufacturing procedure. The
performance at 55 1C with a commercial electrolyser, the following relation has been used to make the fitting [7,8]:
performances are not so different, considering that they also
V ¼ Vrev þ P1  i þ P2 logðP3  iÞ (1)

where Vrev is the thermodynamic potential that depends on

the temperature T, P1 is the ohmic specific resistance. P2 is
RT 1 1
P2 ¼ 2:306 þ (2)
F a1 a2

where R is the gas constant, T is the temperature, F is

Faraday’s constant and a1 and a2 are the transfer coefficients
for the cathodic process on the cathode and for the anodic
process on the anode. Finally, P3 is
 a2 =ða1 þa2 Þ  a1 =ða1 þa2 Þ
1 1
P3 ¼ (3)
i01 i02

where i01 and i02 are exchange current density for the
cathodic and anodic processes.
By the fitting it was possible to estimate only the global
parameters P1, P2, P3, reported in Table 1, but not the values
that appear inside, as the exchange current densities or the
transfer coefficient ai (i ¼ 1; 2), while by a cyclic voltammetry
Fig. 2 – Cyclic voltammetries (20 mV/s) of lab and (EG&G Princeton Applied Research model 273 potentiostat/
commercial electrolyser electrodes at 55 1C. galvanostat) those parameters and the voltage decomposition
Vdec of the anodic and cathodic processes, for all electrodes,
have been evaluated and reported in Table 1. In Fig. 2 the

Fig. 3 – (1) Tafel curve for cathodic process of lab-electrolyser

electrode; (2) Tafel curve for anodic process of commercial
electrolyser electrode; (3) Tafel curve for cathodic process of Fig. 4 – (m) Electrolytic cell efficiency at 55 1C (’); electrolytic
lab-electrolyser electrode; (4) Tafel curve for cathodic process cell efficiency at 20 1C; (J) cost to produce an electrolysis
of commercial electrolyser electrode. stack of 1000 Nl/h as function of the efficiency.

Table 2 – Current exchange density i0, Tafel slope b and charge transfert coefficient a at 55 1C

T ¼ 55 1C Lab-electrolyser Commercial electrolyser

Current exchange density i0 (A/cm2) Cathode 7.5  106 9  103

Anode 7.5  106 1.3  104
Tafel slope b (V/Dec) Cathode 0.145 0.136
Anode 0.07 0.07
charge transfer coefficient a Cathode 0.45 0.48
Anode 0.95 0.93
3044 I N T E R N AT I O N A L J O U R N A L O F H Y D R O G E N E N E R G Y 33 (2008) 3041 – 3044

Table 3 – Lab-electrolyser materials and costs

3. Conclusion
Electrodes Stainless steel net AISI 310 h0.2
(mesh ASTM ¼ 70)
By this work, a cost analysis of an alkaline electrolysis process
Current collectors Stainless steel net AISI 310 h0.2 has been presented. There is a good agreement between
(mesh ASTM ¼ 18) parameters i0, b and a recorded by experiment and by fitting
Bipolar plates Stainless steel plate AISI 310 h0.8 as results from Table 1. For an efficiency of about 65%, the cost
Membrane Polypropylene, Plexiglas h0.3 of the materials for an electrolysis stack of 1000 Nl/h can be
Gasket Polyisoprene h0.2
h740 (Fig. 4), thus about 140 h/kW, much lower than the actual
Electrolyte Water, KOH 30% weight h0.3
alkaline electrolyser stack. Nowadays the price of an alkaline
electrolyser stack is about h12.500 and the technology for this
kind of process is, by this time, developed and acquired.
Despite the commercial electrolyser, performances are better
tangent method for the voltage decomposition evaluation is than lab-electrolyser and despite a difference of 0.6 kW, the
illustrated and the values are reported in Table 1, while the diversity between costs is too high; only the stack of an
Tafel curves (from Butler–Volmer equation) have been plotted electrolyser costs as two utility passenger cars, approaching
in Fig. 3 to calculate the current exchange density and the close to the price of four cars considering the overall alkaline
charge transfer coefficient for both processes and for all electrolyser. In conclusion, the comparison results depicted
electrodes, reported in Table 2. The parameters P1, P2, P3 vary demonstrate that there is a high margin to diminish the
with the temperature as expected: the global transfer present alkaline electrolyser costs.
coefficient [1/a1+1/a2] and the exchange current densities
increase, and the overall ohmic specific resistance decreases. R E F E R E N C E S

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