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A. AIMS     

1. Knowledge    

- Grammar: something, anything, nothing, etc.

2. Skills    

- Listening: understanding historical information

- Speaking: describing your weekend  


- Materials: English File Pre-intermediate 4rd edition (SB and WB)    

- Facilities: chalk, board, draft paper    

- Methods: pair and group work, game, role play, presentation    


1. Class stabilization:     

- Check class attendance: …………………………    

+ Absent students: ………………………………………………………………………

- Ask some questions:     

What day is it today?    

What is the weather like?    

How are you today?    

2. New lesson    

WARM-UP (books closed)

Tell Sts to look at all the questions in Did you have a good weekend?. They must think
about their answers, and they must tell the truth when answering all the questions
except for one. This ‘lie’ must make their weekend sound very exciting.

1.a. Focus on the instructions and make sure Sts know what a hashtag is (= a word or
phrase with the symbol # in front of it, included in some messages sent using Twitter
so that you can search for all messages with the same subject).

- You might want to point out that in tweets, words like articles, prepositions, and
subjects are often left out. Give Sts time to complete the hashtags. Check answers.

1.b. Focus on the instructions and give Sts a few moments to complete the rules.
Check answers.

1.c. Tell Sts to go to Grammar Bank 4C on p.218.

Grammar notes

Sts may have problems with the negative form. The typical mistakes are:

1) using nobody / nothing / nowhere with a negative verb, e.g. I didn’t see nobody.
Highlight that you cannot use a ‘double negative’ in English.
2) using anybody / anything / anywhere in one-word answers to convey a negative
meaning, e.g. Who did you see? Anybody.

3) using anybody / anything / anywhere as the subject of a negative verb, e.g. Anybody
didn’t invite him.

To talk about people there are two alternative forms: -body and -one, e.g. somebody /
someone. They are identical in meaning. You could point out that no one is usually
written as two words.

Something (like some) is also used in questions to make an offer or request, e.g. Would
you like something to drink? Could you ask somebody to help me? To avoid
overloading Sts, it may be best to focus on this rule only if Sts ask.:

- Focus on the example sentences and play the audio for Sts to listen and repeat.
Encourage them to copy the rhythm. Then go through the rules with the class.

- Now focus on the any, anything, etc. + positive verb box and go through it with the

- Then focus on the exercises for 4C on p.219. Sts do the exercsies individually or in
- Check answers, getting Sts to read full sentences in a and c.

- Tell Sts to go back to the main lesson 4C.

Extra support

If you think Sts need more practice, you may want to give them the Grammar
photocopiable activity at this point.


- Put Sts in pairs and get them to interview each other.

- Monitor and help when necessary. Before Sts swap roles, the student asking the
questions should try to guess the lie.

- Get feedback from the class.


3.a. Tell Sts they are going to watch a documentary The history of the weekend.

- Give Sts time to read questions 1–10, making sure they understand all the lexis.

- Tell Sts they will watch twice. The first time they just need to mark each sentence T
(true) or F (false).

- Now play the video once the whole way through.

- Get Sts to compare with a partner, and then play the video again for Sts to correct the
false sentences.
- Check answers.

Extra support

Read through the script and decide if you need to pre-teach any new lexis before Sts

Extra support

If there’s time, you could get Sts to watch again with subtitles, so they can see exactly
what they understood / didn’t understand. Translate / Explain any new words or

3.b. Put Sts in pairs or small groups and get them to discuss the questions. Make sure
they understand what a ‘four-day week’ is. Monitor and help if necessary.
- Get some feedback. You could tell the class what you think of the idea of a ‘four-day

Extra idea

Do the last question as a whole-class activity.

3. Homework

HOMEWORK: WB Ex.2 p.30

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