Omg! Where Is My Passport? 2 A. Aims 1. Knowledge: - Pronunciation: Regular Verbs: - Ed Endings

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1. Knowledge 

- Vocabulary: holidays

- Pronunciation: regular verbs: -ed endings

2. Skills 

- Speaking: talking about your last holiday


- Materials: English File Pre-intermediate 4rd edition (SB and WB) 

- Facilities: chalk, board, draft paper 

- Methods: pair and group work, game, role play, presentation 


1. Class stabilization:  

- Check class attendance: ………………………… 

+ Absent students: ………………………………………………………………………

- Ask some questions:  

What day is it today? 

What is the weather like? 

How are you today? 

2. New lesson 

WARM-UP (books closed)

- Give Sts a minute to write five things they like doing when they’re on holiday, then
get them to compare their list with a partner.

- Focus on the instructions and the examples. Highlight that the verbs are in the -ing
form because they are things you like doing.

- Elicit some of the verb phrases Sts have used and write them on the board, e.g.
swimming, going to restaurants, seeing new places, etc.
Extra idea

Tell Sts to decide which activity on the board is their favourite and take a vote with a
show of hands.


Pronunciation notes

The regular past simple ending -ed can be pronounced in three different ways:

1. -ed is pronounced /t/ after verbs ending in these unvoiced* sounds: /k/, /p/, /f/,
/s/, /ʃ/, and /tʃ/, e.g. looked, hoped, laughed, passed, washed, watched.

2. After voiced endings, -ed is pronounced /d/, e.g. arrived, changed, showed. This
group is the largest.

3. After verbs ending in /t/ or /d/, the pronunciation of –ed is /ɪd/, e.g. hated, decided.

The difference between 1 and 2 is very small and rarely causes communication
problems. The most important thing is for Sts to be clear about rule 3.

* For information on Voiced and unvoiced consonants, see Pronunciation &

Speaking 1B on p.18.

1.a. Focus on the task and play the audio for Sts to listen to the three sentences from
Marta's story.

Check answers.

1.b. Focus on the three sound pictures. Elicit and drill the words and sounds: tie /t/,
dog /d/, and /ɪd/.

Play the audio once for Sts just to listen to the sounds and sentences.
Then play it again for Sts to listen and repeat.

Now focus on the Regular past simple verbs box and go through it with the class.

1.c. Give Sts a minute to practise saying the verbs in the list in the past and to decide
which ones have /ɪd/ endings.

Extra challenge

Draw three columns on the board for the sounds. Get Sts to write the verbs in the
correct column.

1.d. Play the audio for Sts to listen and check.

- Check answers. Remind Sts that you only pronounce the e in -ed endings when verbs
finish in a /t/ or /d/ sound, and then the -ed ending is pronounced /ɪd/.

Extra support

Play the audio again, pausing after each verb for Sts to listen and repeat.

Extra challenge

Elicit whether the other verbs are /t/ or /d/.


Tell Sts to go to Vocabulary Bank Holidays on p.238.

Vocabulary notes


• the difference between go out (at night) = leave your house / hotel, e.g. go to a
restaurant, a club, etc., and go away (for the weekend) = leave your town, e.g. go to the
country, to another town, etc.

• the difference between swim and go swimming (which applies to all the other
expressions, e.g. go walking, sailing, surfing, etc.). We use go + swimming, etc. when
we refer to it as an activity rather than an ability or way of moving. Compare I go
swimming every day and I can swim very well, and We went walking in the hills and
We walked to the shops.

2.1.a. Focus on 1 Phrases with go and get Sts to do a individually or in pairs. Some of
these phrases should already be familiar to them.

2.1.b. Now do b. Play the audio for Sts to listen and check.

Check answers.

- Now either use the audio to drill the pronunciation of the phrases, or model and drill
them yourself. Give further practice of any words and phrases your Sts find difficult to

2.1.c. Focus on c and get Sts to cover the phrases and look at the photos. They can test
themselves or their partner.
2.2.a. Focus on 2 Other holiday phrases and get Sts to do a individually or in pairs.

2.2.b. Now do b. Play the audio for Sts to listen and check.

- Check answers.

- Now either use the audio to drill the pronunciation of the phrases, or model and drill
them yourself. Give further practice of any words and phrases your Sts find difficult to

- Focus on the rent or hire? box and go through it with the class. You could tell Sts
that flat is British English and apartment is American English, although British people
use both words.

2.2.c. Now focus on c. Get Sts to test themselves by covering the verbs and
remembering the phrases.

2.3.a. Focus on 3 Adjectives. Elicit the meaning of the What was the…like? questions.
Then give Sts a minute to match the questions and answers.
2.3.b. Now do b. Play the audio for Sts to listen and check.

Check answers.

- Now either use the audio to drill the pronunciation of the sentences (It was warm, It
was sunny, etc.), or model and drill the adjectives (warm, sunny, etc.) yourself. Give
further practice of any words or phrases your Sts find difficult to pronounce.

- Focus on the General positive and negative adjectives box and go through it with
the class.

- Finally, focus on Activation. Put Sts in pairs to discuss which alternatives they

- Get some feedback.

- Tell Sts to go back to the main lesson 2A.

Extra support

If you think Sts need more practice, you may want to give them the Vocabulary
photocopiable activity at this point.


3.a. Focus on the task and make sure Sts understand what they have to do.

Play the audio once the whole way through.

Now play it again and get Sts to complete the gaps.

Check answers, making sure Sts understand the meaning of the phrases.

3.b. Now play the audio again, pausing after B’s responses for Sts to listen and repeat.
Encourage them to copy B’s intonation.

Extra idea

Say some positive or negative things that have happened to you recently, and elicit
responses from Sts.

3.c. Focus on the questions and elicit what the missing words are (did you in most
questions and was / were in others).

Drill the complete questions quickly round the class.

3.d. Give Sts time to think about their answers to the questions. Tell them that they can
talk about another holiday they remember well, not necessarily their last holiday.
Extra support

Give Sts enough time to make notes or write full answers to the questions.

3.e. Put Sts in pairs, A and B. A answers B’s questions. B must try to show interest
and ask for more information. Monitor and correct.

Sts swap roles.

Get some feedback from the class.

Extra support

You could get Sts to interview you first. Make sure they ask you for extra information,
and then give as much information as you can.

3. Homework

HOMEWORK: WB Ex.2 p.12; Ex.3 p.13

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