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Home schooling UNIT 9 Young people today

• Open your SB on p. 9, 10 – U9 Young people today

• Have a quick look onto the two pages to find out what you
Step 1 learn in this unit.
THU, April 16th • Open your WB on p. 74
• Read and translate the WORD FILE Teen activities
• Read and learn the words and phrases 2b and 3.
• Do Exercises 1 and 2 from your SB p. 92 (Use your Mobile!)
• Do Exercise 3 and 4 SB p. 93 (also with help of your Mobile!)
Step 2 • Go on working in your WB p. 71/15, 16 as well as p. 72/17
FRI, April 17th • Check your answers (you know already where to find the
Answer key.)

• SB p. 94/6, 7 Crossing borders

• Look up the words of Exercise 6 in your WB.
Step 3 • Since you can’t “listen” to Diego’s story, you must “read” it.
MON, April 20th I’m going to send the Tapescript (Hörübung kopiert).
• Then do Exercise 7 A and B. Send a photo of that page.
• You will get the Answer key as soon as you’ve sent it.
• WB p. 68/4, 5
• Work with your Mobile!
Step 4 • Send a photo of that page.
TUE, April 21st • Do the Cyber HW 25. If it works, do it on the computer,
otherwise use the copies.

be allowed to/not allowed to (see: SB p. 99 GRAMMAR)
= etwas dürfen, nicht dürfen
Bildung: Person + am/is/are (not) + allowed to + verb

Step 5 Example: I am (not) allowed to dye my hair.

He is (not) allowed to get a tattoo
THU, April 23rd
We are (not) allowed to come home after 10.

SB p. 95/8 →Mobile!
SBp. 96/10
WB p. 96, 70 Check your answers with help of the
answer keys!
GP p. 39 – 41

Step 6 WB p. 74 Learn the rest of the words

FRI, April 24th WB p. 67/1 Reading (about an Australian teenager)
WB p.68/2,3 Tasks

ABGABETERMIN jeweils um 16:00, am FREITAG um 12:30

Erledigte Arbeiten in den Büchern fotografieren und schicken!
Schriftliches in einem Word Dokument!
KEINE Rückmeldungen am Wochenende!

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