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Exploitation colonialism

Exploitation Meaning

Taking advantage , utilizing

It ‘definition the action or fact of treating someone unfairly in order to get benefit from their action
or work.

Exploitation Colonialism

Exploitation colonialism is the economic policy of conquering a country to exploit its population as
labor and its natural resources as raw material. The practice of exploitation colonialism contrasts
with settler colonialism, the policy of conquering a country to establish a branch of the metro
pole (motherland).

Features of exploitation colonialism

 Exploitation colonialism is the immediate financial gain produced by the low-cost

extraction of raw materials by means of a native people, usually administered by a
colonial government.
 Goal of colonial powers to exploit weaker resources of the country.
 Colonial powers wanted to extract as much wealth as possible.

Here the names of the country which were exploited by colonial powers .Southeast Asia was
exploited in 1500 , America in 1492 , Africa in 1652 . There were fourteen countries were included
in Oceania. But three countries were exploited by colonial powers Australia , New Zealand and
Pacific island (Fiji).

Major colonizers of southeast Asia

Europeans ,Japanese ,Spain , the Netherlands and France . Europeans power exploited in Asia from
1500 to the mid -1940.

Europeans powers exploited over Southeast Asia for some basic reasons cheap labor ,to collect taxes ,
seek mercantilist profit ,new consumers of Europeans goods and sea route to China.
Last one is basic reason to imposed over southeast Asia , because south Asia was back door to
china. Europe really wanted to trade with China but china was not interest at all. Therefore Europe
exploited china next door.


European interference has effected Southeast Asians on all major existential issues. Exploited by the
colonial economic system, robbed of the vast regional resources and subjected to racial and ethnic
discrimination on the one hand, yet witnessing the rapid transformation towards modernity, scientific
and technical progress. Colonial powers brought economic development in Southeast Asia,
demographical change. Exploitation colonialism changed the social structure .

Geographers such as Friedrich Ratzel suggested that the survival of empire relied on its ability to
expand its control and influence around the world. By implying a correlation between colonial
expansion and national success, geographers were able to produce a sense of nationalism within many
European nations. Their influence created a sense of pride that was able to reassure subjects that their
nation's activity abroad was beneficial to not only them, but that their presence was necessary within
the territories being occupied.

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