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Physics Education


Measuring the speed of sound in air using a smartphone and a

cardboard tube
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Made open access 17 May 2019
Phys. Educ. 54 (2019) 035015 (5pp)

Measuring the speed of sound

in air using a smartphone
and a cardboard tube
Simen Hellesund
University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway


This paper demonstrates a variation on the classic Kundt’s tube experiment
for measuring the speed of sound. The speed of sound in air is measured using
a smartphone and a cardboard tube, making the experiment very economical
in terms of equipment. The speed of sound in air is measured to within 3% of
the theoretical prediction.

Introduction Theory
In recent years, smartphones have become packed For a sinusoidal wave with constant frequency f 
with sensors; microphones, cameras, accelerom- and wavelength λ, propagating in a medium, the
eters, magnetometers, gyroscopes, thermometers, speed of sound in said medium is given by:
proximity sensors etc. Having become ubiquitous
c = λf .
in society, smartphones can provide economical
alternatives to expensive laboratory equipment in This means that if we can determine both the
physics education. frequency and wavelength of the wave, we can
Several papers have examined the use of measure the speed of sound in the medium. For
smartphones in acoustic experiments for edu- this experiment, the medium in question is air at
cational purposes [1–5]. A common experiment room temperature and atmospheric pressure.
in physics education is to measure the speed When an acoustic wave enters through the
of sound c in air, or other gasses, by observing open end of a half-closed tube and hits the closed
standing acoustic waves in a tube. August Kundt end, part of the wave is reflected back down the
first described this experiment in 1866 [6]. Such tube towards the open end. At specific wave-
an experiment is therefore often referred to as lengths, the incident and the reflected wave form
Kundt’s tube. a standing wave. In the antinodes of the stand-
Parolin and Pezzi have shown how the ing wave, the points on the standing wave where
experiment can be performed using two smart- the amplitude is maximal, the amplitude of the
phones [7]. Yavuz has shown how it can be standing wave is greater than the amplitude of
done using a single smartphone by partially the incident wave alone. The opening of the tube
submerging the tube in water [8]. The aim of will always be a displacement antinode of the
this paper is to attempt to perform the experi- standing waves. The wavelengths at which the
ment using only a smartphone and a cardboard standing waves occur are called the resonance
tube, offering an alternative method to the one wavelengths of the tube. For the half-closed tube,
outlined in [8]. the resonances occur when the length of the tube

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S Hellesund
equals an odd number of quarter wavelengths of and a recording app installed; a cardboard tube,
the incident wave: closed in one end; a thermometer; a tape measure;
a computer.
λn = , n = 1, 3, 5, .... The smartphone used is a Motorola Moto g6
Plus. There are several apps available both for
The number n is often referred to as the nth generating audio sine waves and for recording.
harmonic of the tube. L is the length of the tube. The function generator app must be able to per-
The resonance frequencies fn of the tube, the form a sweep over frequencies. The generator
frequencies at which standing waves occur in the app used in this experiment is called Function
tube, can be found by combining equations  (1) Generator and is available in the Google Play
and (2): Store [10]. The recording app must record audio
cn with a sampling frequency known to the user.
(3) fn = , n = 1, 3, 5, .... The recording app used for this experiment
We see that the resonance frequencies as a is called Smart Recorder, also available in the
function of n is the equation of a straight line. The Google Play Store [11]. For users of Apple prod-
slope a of this line is given by ucts, the recording app Voice Recorder Lite: HD
Audio Recording & Playback [12] and the sig-
c nal generator Audio Function Generator [13],
(4) a= .
4L both available from the Apple App Store, may
This means that if we can identify the reso- be used.
nance frequencies of the tube and fit a straight line The cardboard tube used is one intended for
to them, we can calculate the speed of sound as storing or shipping posters. One end is stopped by
(5) c = 4aL. a plastic plug. The length of the tube is measured,
using the tape measure, to be 47.6 cm. The inner
It turns out that the acoustic length of the diameter of the tube is measured to be 7.5 cm. The
tube is slightly longer than its physical length. The tube and the smartphone used in the experiment
position of the antinode at the tube’s open end will can be seen in figure 1.
be a small distance outside of the tube. A more The experiment is performed in an ane-
accurate measurement can therefore be performed choic chamber at the physics department at the
by adding a correction term δL to the length of the University of Oslo. Having access to such a room
tube. Levine and Schwinger found this correction is not critical to the experiment, although one
term to be δL = 0.61r , where r is the radius of the should aim to limit background noise as much as
tube [9]. Using this correction to the length of the possible.
tube, the speed of sound is given by The thermometer is not used in the measure-
c = 4a(L + 0.61r).
(6) ment directly but is used to measure the temper­
ature in the room during the experiment. This is
The theoretical speed of sound in air cT can
then used to calculate cT. The temperature in the
be calculated as
 anechoic chamber is measured to be 24 °C.
(7) cT = ,
where γ is the adiabatic index of air; R is the
We place the smartphone such that the micro-
molar gas constant; T is the temperature of the air
phone is located in the opening of the tube. This
in Kelvin; and M is its molar mass. Equation (7)
is shown in figure 2. The phone is set to record
is only valid for an ideal gas. At room temperature
audio with a sampling frequency of 44.1 kHz.
and normal atmospheric pressure, air behaves
While the phone is recording, the function gen-
close enough to an ideal gas for our purpose.
erator app emits a pure sine wave. The sine
wave sweeps from 50 Hz to 3000 Hz at a rate
Setup of 1 Hz s−1. The audio recording is stored in
The following equipment is used for this experi- .wav format. This format makes for easy data
ment: a smartphone with a signal generator app analysis later.

May 2019 2 Phys. Educ. 54 (2019) 035015

Measuring the speed of sound in air using a smartphone and a cardboard tube
Measuring frequency
We need to know the frequencies at which the
resonances occur. The function generator does
not store any information on which frequency is
emitted at which time. Thus, the frequency has to
be inferred from the recording.
Frequency cannot be instantaneously meas-
ured. The signal must be monitored over some
period of time to count how many times it oscil-
lates per second.
Figure 1.  The smartphone and the cardboard tube used
In this case, where we are trying to identify in the experiment.
a pure sine wave in a high signal to noise ratio
environment, we can use the method known as
L = 47.6 cm Microphone
the zero crossing method (ZCM) [14]. The ZCM
works by determining the points in time where the

d = 7.5 cm
waveform of the recording crosses from negative
Tube Smartphone
to positive values (or vice versa). These points are
approximated by identifying the points on either
side of such a crossing and drawing a straight Speaker
line between them. The zero crossing point of the
signal is approximated as the point at which this
Figure 2.  Schematic illustrating the placement of the
straight line becomes zero. The distance from one tube and smartphone during the experiment.
such zero crossing point to the next is an approx­
imation of the period of oscillation of the signal. Data analysis
The inverse of this period is the frequency of The start of the audio recording proves too noisy
the signal. The ZCM procedure is illustrated in to be of use. The low frequencies emitted by the
figure 3. function generator are perhaps causing the smart-
The samples of the audio recording are split phone to vibrate. This region of the recording is
into one-second intervals. In each of these inter- therefore cut before the analysis.
vals, the ZCM is used to find all the zero cross- The data analysis is performed in Python.
ings. The measured frequency in each interval is The SciPy python library contains the packages
taken to be the mean of all the frequencies meas- needed for reading the .wav file, as well as for
ured from these zero crossings. These frequencies signal processing and curve fitting [15].
are plotted as a function of time in figure 4. We need to identify the points where the
Looking at figure 4, we notice that there are sound intensity of the recording is maximal, as
a few points where the ZCM clearly fails to iden- these maxima will occur at the resonance fre-
tify the frequency emitted by the function genera- quencies of the tube. First, the recording is split
tor. In our case, these points can be ignored, as into the same one-second increments used to
they are far away from the points where the sound measure the frequency. The absolute value of the
intensity of the recording peaks. digital samples is taken in each of these intervals.
The results obtained using the ZCM are The peaks in the resulting signal are identified
cross-checked by measuring the frequency in the using the find_peaks function of the SciPy sig-
recording using a fast fourier transfer (FFT) in nal processing package. The mean height of the
each second interval. The most prominent fre- peaks found in each second increment is taken to
quency in the FFT spectrogram of each interval be the sound amplitude. The resulting distribution
is taken to be the frequency of the signal. This is shown in figure 5.
method yields identical results to those obtained Next, the find_peaks function is used once
by the ZCM. However, the FFT method is signifi- more to identify the peaks in the sound ampl­
cantly slower and is therefore not used in the final itude distribution. These peaks are also shown in
analysis. figure 5. The frequencies measured at the times of

May 2019 3 Phys. Educ. 54 (2019) 035015

S Hellesund
Table 1.  Frequencies at peak amplitudes.
Sampling points
Zero crossings n Frequency (Hz)
1 544
3 867
5 1130

7 Unknown
Time 9 1865
11 2247
13 2594
15 2906

Line of best fit
Figure 3.  The ZCM illustrated. The black line is the
pure sine wave signal. The red points are the points 2500
sampled by the smartphone. The yellow points are the

Frequency (Hz)
zero crossing points used to approximate the frequency 2000
of the signal.

Amplitude maxima 1000


1 5 9 13
Frequency (Hz)


1500 Figure 6. Resonance frequencies of the cardboard

tube with line of best fit.

500 these peaks are the resonance frequencies of the

cardboard tube. These frequencies are recorded in
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 table 1 in the results section. It seems one reso-
Time (s) nance frequency fails to give a peak in the sound
amplitude distribution. The reason for this is
Figure 4.  Frequencies measured using the ZCM. unknown. The frequencies at n  =  7 and above are
therefore shifted up by one.

5000 Maxima Results

The resonance frequencies identified in the previ-
ous section  are listen in table  1. A straight line
Sound amplitude

3000 is fitted to these frequencies as a function of n

using the polyfit function of the Python mod-
2000 ule NumPy [16]. The frequencies as well as the
line of best fit is shown in figure 6. The slope of
1000 the straight line is used to calculate c using equa-
tion (6). The speed of sound in air at 24 °C is mea-
0 sured to be c  =  335 m s−1.
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Using equation  (7), the theoretical speed of
Time (s)
sound in an ideal gas at 24 °C is calculated to be
cT = 345 m s−1. The measured value of c is thus
Figure 5.  Sound amplitude of the audio recording. within 3% of the theoretical prediction.

May 2019 4 Phys. Educ. 54 (2019) 035015

Measuring the speed of sound in air using a smartphone and a cardboard tube
Conclusion anwendung derselben zur bestimmung der
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