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Why Build Green?

As our area landfills ap-

proach capacity, solid
waste disposal becomes ever
supports our regional economy.
The innovative practice of de-
construction diverts waste from
more challenging in Santa Cruz the landfill, and surprisingly can Introduction 1
County. Minimizing the flow of reduce costs to building owners Key to Benefits 1
waste to the landfill is critical through available tax incentives Deconstruction 2
to extending its useful life. This and by reducing material re- Passive Solar Design 2
booklet highlights materials and quirements.
Xeriscape 2
techniques which help reduce Eliminating or minimizing
Construction and Demolition waste is one important element Fly Ash Concrete 2
waste, which accounts for over of “green building,” a broad Pervious Concrete 3
20% of total waste volume. set of design and construction Insulated Structural Systems 3
In addition to environmen- practices that provide healthy Earthen Building Materials 3
tal benefits, waste reduction di- places to live and work while
Straw Bale Construction 3
rectly contributes to our financial reducing negative impacts to
well-being. When we extend the environment. Keep in mind Advanced Framing Techniques 4
the life of the landfill and delay that this booklet highlights only FSC Certified Wood 4
the expense of a replacement a small sample of greener mate- Engineered Lumber 4
solution, taxpayers save money. rials. Every option has strengths Oriented Strand Board (OSB) 4
Designing to use less material and weaknesses to consider, and Recycled Plastic Lumber 5
and minimizing construction no single material is ideal for all
Reclaimed Wood Siding 5
waste reduces the material cost applications. But do not let the
of a project, saving money for pursuit of perfection stand in the Fiber Cement Siding 5
homeowners, contractors, and way of doing something posi- Metal Roofing 5
developers. Using salvaged, tive for occupants, the environ- Recycled-Content Roofing 5
recycled, and remanufactured ment, the community, and our 50-year Composition Roofing 6
products helps the environ- economy.
Recycled Cotton Insulation 6
ment, and local manufacturing
Spray Foam Insulation 6
High-Efficiency Windows 6
Wall Board 7
Homasote 7
Minimizes waste through reuse, Recycled-Content Tile 7
recycling, and/or material reduction Reclaimed Hardwood 7
Bamboo 7
IAQ Promotes healthy indoor air quality Recycled-Content Carpet 8
Linoleum Flooring 8
Conserves natural resources and Cork Flooring 8
ecosystems Zero-VOC Paint 8
Natural Wallcovering 9
Reduces air or water pollution High-Efficiency Appliances 9
Solar Photovoltaics 9
Increases efficiency or conserves Radiant Hydronic Heating 9

Deconstruction/Construction & Passive Solar Design Xeriscape

Demolition Recycling Passive solar design is an Xeriscape is landscaping
Deconstruction is the IAQ effective
method of heating
cooling through
designed to reduce the
resources needed for
dismantling of a building
to preserve the useful value utilization of sunlight. maintenance (most notably
of its component materials. Proper building orientation, water,) and the waste
Consider requesting bids thermal mass, and insulation the landscape produces.
to deconstruct rather are specified in conjunction Successful xeriscapes match
than demolishing; the with careful placement local resources, soil, and
combination of tax breaks, of windows and shading. climate with the aesthetic
new tools, and increasing Thermal mass absorbs heat goals of the owner, and
local expertise are making during the day and radiates it back incorporate native California plant
it easier to keep materials into the room at night. The effect is species as well as exotic plants
out of the landfill, and a quiet, comfortable, energy efficient suited to our climate.
money in owner’s wallets. space with stable year-round PROS:
PROS: temperatures. • Reduces irrigation, saving money
• Reduces or eliminates unnecessary PROS: for the owner and conserving for our
waste – extends the life of our landfill • At little or no cost, passive solar common water needs.
and reduces the need for new design can easily be designed into • Reduces maintenance and green
materials as well as material costs. new construction, and can be waste, saving time and money.
• Older structures may contain retrofitted into existing buildings in • Eliminates or reduces the
hardwoods and dimensional lumber some cases. expense of piping and trenching for
that are superior in size or quality to • It pays dividends over the life of irrigation.
virgin materials. the building through substantially • Requires less fertilizer, reducing
• The tax deduction from donating reduced or eliminated heating and pollution of air and water.
deconstructed materials to a non- cooling costs. • May allow collected rainwater to
profit organization can be more • Indoor air quality improved be concentrated on edible plants.
valuable than the additional labor through elimination of forced air CONS:
cost. systems. • Requires research (or at least asking
CONS: CONS: questions at the garden store).
• Deconstruction takes longer and • Not all building professionals • Existing landscapes usually require
initially cost more than demolition, are experienced with passive solar some plant replacement to maximize
but can reduce the overall project design. water savings.
cost. • Retrofitting is rarely as effective as
• Not all contractors are familiar initially designing for this method. Fly Ash Concrete
with the techniques, tools, and tax • Sites with limited southern Strong, inexpensive, du-
breaks. exposure may be less suitable. rable, and adaptable, con-
crete is the most widely
used construction mate-
rial in the U.S. Its envi-
ronmental impacts include
habitat disturbance from
extraction, and heavy en-
ergy use/pollution from the
manufacture and shipping
of cement. Manufacture of
portland cement accounts
for 90% of the embodied
energy of concrete, but fly ash, a
waste product diverted from coal
power plants, can replace more than
50% of the cement and actually im-
prove performance.
• Reduces waste, pollution, and
greenhouse gas emissions.
Reusable materials are sorted as they are removed from this Santa Cruz deconstruction site. • Performs as well as or better than
Photo courtesy of Deconstruction Industries, Inc. standard concrete, often at no addi-
tional material cost. PROS:
• Increasing popularity has made it • Reduced construction waste Straw Bale Construction
readily available. – panels are pre-cut at the factory. In straw bale construction,
CONS: • Reduced or eliminated structural
compressed bales of
• Curing time may be extended. wood use.
• Determining the best mix for an • Superior structural, thermal, and straw are stacked and
application requires some research. acoustic performance. covered by plaster, either
• Not all building professionals are • Excellent fire resistance IAQ as fill for a wall (non-load
familiar with fly ash concrete mixes. (particularly in the case of Rastra). bearing) or as a structural
• Rapid construction, some are component (load bearing).
Pervious Concrete suitable for do-it-yourself assembly. Both categories divert
CONS: agricultural waste from
Up to 75% of urban • Not all designers or builders are burning or the landfill, and
surface area is covered by familiar with these systems. use much less wood and/or
impermeable pavement, • Higher material costs -though
concrete than conventional
which inhibits groundwater typically offset by reduced labor
cost and accelerated construction construction.
recharge, contributes to PROS:
erosion and flooding, schedules.
conveys pollution to local • Straw is a plentiful waste
waters, and increases the complexity product and rapidly renewable.
and expense of storm water Earthen Building Materials • Provides excellent thermal and
treatment. Pervious paving contains acoustical insulation.
Beautiful, sculptural and
voids that allow water to percolate durable, common earthen • The small quantity of construction
through to the base materials below. building materials include: waste generated is compostable.
PROS: adobe bricks - made from • Walls are more resistant to fire,
• Reduces peak storm water flow mold, and vermin than conventional
and water pollution and promotes IAQ clay, sand, and straw;
rammed earth - compressed construction.
groundwater recharge. with fly ash and/or fibers • Reduced material cost, and
• May incorporate recycled for stabilization; and cob
aggregate and fly ash, reducing potential for lower labor cost.
- clay, sand and straw that CONS:
waste and embodied energy. is stacked and shaped while
• Compressive strength (4000 psi) is • Finished straw bale walls are 18”
suitable for parking and access. to 28” thick, potentially consuming
• Reduces problems with tree roots; • Plentiful materials, significant space on a small lot.
encourages roots to grow deeper. producing little or no • May require research or specialty
• Enhanced heat exchange with waste, requiring minimal contractor to construct.
the underlying soil can decrease energy use (if materials are
summer ambient air temperature by extracted locally), which can be
2-4°F. pulverized back into soil at the end
CONS: of its useful life.
• May require vacuuming every few • Historically very durable. The
years to keep the voids open. adobe Santa Cruz Mission, for
example, is over 200 years old.
Insulated Structural Systems • Provides excellent thermal
mass for passive solar buildings,
Insulated structural systems maintaining stable, comfortable
integrate a building’s indoor temperatures year round.
structure and insulation into CONS:
a single component. Rastra • Thick walls may comprise a high
and Insulated Concrete percentage of floor area on small
Forms (ICFs) consist of a site.
hollow shell that acts both • Construction is labor-intensive.
as insulation and a permanent form • Multi-story and cob structures
for concrete. Structural Insulated require post-and-beam designs.
Panels (SIPs) are factory-built walls/
roof panels consisting of rigid foam Most Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs) are
insulation sandwiched between two produced with EPS foam core laminated
between OSB sheathing. Factory built to custom
layers of structural facing (typically specifications, they are quick to assemble and
OSB). have excellent energy performance. Photo courtesy of Insulspan.
Advanced Framing Techniques FSC Certified Wood Engineered Lumber
Advanced framing tech- Wood is a renewable re- Engineered lumber con-
niques reduce the quantity source that requires rela- sists of oriented strips of
of wood required by up to tively little energy to pro- wood pressed together
20% over conventional with a binding agent. The
cess. However, logging,
framing, and include such strength and durability of
milling, transport, and disposal of engineered lumber allows it
methods as: framing with
wood have substantial environ- to displace the use of large,
2x6 studs on 24” centers (in
mental costs. These impacts can be mature timber. Using engineered
lieu of 2x4s on 16”centers);
reduced through minimizing wood lumber instead of large dimension
stacking roof rafters directly rafters, joists, trusses and posts can
over studs; framed-in and use (substitution with alternate
save money and reduce total wood
insulated headers in lieu of materials, reuse, design to reduce
use in a construction project by as
solid dimensional lumber; waste/redundancy), and by building much as 35%.
use of prefabricated trusses or wall- with certified wood. Forest Steward- PROS:
units. ship Council (FSC) certification is a • Longer, stronger, straighter, more
PROS: widely recognized and respected durable, and lighter than compa-
• Widely accepted by building standard for responsible forest man- rable solid lumber.
departments and code officials. • Wider spacing of members in-
• Deeper wall cavity allows addi- creases the insulated portion of
PROS: walls, reducing heat loss through the
tional insulation. The use of fewer
• Rough and finish materials are building frame.
studs reduces thermal bridging,
available. • Widely available and cost-effec-
improving the efficacy of insulation.
• FSC lumber is available from sev- tive.
• Reduces labor, waste and material CONS:
costs while saving natural resources. eral local suppliers (some harvest
• Uses petrochemical-based bind-
CONS: their wood locally, reducing the
ers, generally phenolic formalde-
• Buildings must be designed for environmental effects of transporta- hyde (which is vastly preferable to
2x6 construction, requiring consid- tion). urea formaldehyde, however).
eration early in the design process. CONS: • FSC certified options are very lim-
• Contractors may not be familiar • Materials costs are up to 10% ited.
with some techniques, requir- higher than non-certified lumber.
ing extra training or consulta- Oriented Strand Board (OSB)
• Pre-ordering may be necessary;
tion with experienced installers. selection of dimensional lumber Oriented strand board
• Installing drywall clips can be (OSB), an alternative to
and quantities in stock are variable.
more labor-intensive than nailers. plywood sheathing, consists
The FSC Logo
of layers of wood bits
identifies prod- oriented for strength and
ucts which con- pressed together with a glue
tain wood from (or binder). In comparison
well managed
forests certified
to plywood sheathing, OSB uses
in accordance less wood and relies upon smaller,
the the rules of faster growing trees. OSB with an
the Forest Stew- MDI binder (diphenyl methane
ardship Council
FSC-US-0050 diisocyanate) is preferable to the
© 1996 Forest Stewardship Council
more common phenol formaldehyde
glue, because MDI does not emit
formaldehyde or VOCs. (Note
that formaldehyde emissions
from particleboard cabinets and
furnishings are far more likely to be
a concern because OSB is typically
sealed in the wall or roof cavity.)
Advanced framing techniques
reduce wood usage, minimize
• Made from more rapidly renewable
labor costs and increase the area
resources than plywood.
available for insulation.
• Typically less expensive than
Illustration © Building Science Corporation. Used with permission.
• Integrity can diminish with repeated • Finding salvaged siding in the Metal Roofing
and extended moisture exposure. • desired style and quantity usually Metal roofing is typically
As with any wood product, proper requires research, flexibility, and extremely durable, and
roof and wall assembly and finishing patience. many materials may be
is essential for longevity. • Older painted wood should be refurbished on-site when
• FSC certified options are very tested for lead contamination. Lead needed, drastically reducing
limited. contaminated wood should not waste of roofing over the
be sanded, and should either be life of a building. Products
Recycled Plastic Lumber professionally treated or disposed of with greater than 80% recycled
properly. content (largely post-consumer) are
Polyethylene grocery bags, available.
soda bottles, and pallet Fiber Cement Siding PROS:
wrap are remanufactured • Highly durable – some metal roofs
into dimensional “lumber” Fiber cement siding and
installed in the 1800s are still in
products. These may be shingles consist of wood
pure plastic, or incorporate fibers blended with cement.
• Recyclable, and available with
wood fibers to form a The result can be smooth
high post-consumer recycled
or embedded with a faux
composite. Both are widely available content.
wood grain or texture. It
alternatives to wood for outdoor • Low maintenance costs.
is available pre-primed
projects, such as decks. • Lightweight – useful for retrofits
and/or pre-finished. Because its
PROS: and seismic safety.
components are non-toxic, fiber-
• Very durable, immune to insects • Galvanized, painted, and coated
cement siding is a good alternative
and rot, and UV resistant. options are appropriate for rainwater
to vinyl siding.
• High recycled content, reducing collection systems or growing edible
waste and embodied energy. plants near downspouts.
• Very durable with little
• Reduces logging of mature trees, • Excellent fire resistance.
maintenance (50+ year rating).
particularly redwoods. CONS:
• Extremely resistant to pests and
• Requires virtually no maintenance, • Higher initial cost – but typically
eliminating the repeated use of offers favorable life cycle cost.
• Non-combustible.
solvent-based sealants commonly • Manufacture is energy intensive
• Can ultimately be crushed,
applied to wood. - partially offset by durability/
recycled, and coked back into
CONS: recyclability.
• Composites are not biodegradable CONS:
or currently recyclable, though • Currently not manufactured Recycled Content Roofing
remanufacturing options may be from domestic wood sources.
developed. Highly durable roofing
(Wood fibers must withstand the materials can be made
• Structural options are limited. manufacturing process and the
• Higher first cost, but lower life- from recycled rubber
alkalinity of cement.) and/or plastics, providing
cycle cost. • Cement has high embodied the appearance of slate or
energy. wood shakes/shingles while
• Requires specialized cutting tools. keeping waste materials
Reclaimed Wood Siding in productive use and out of the
Wood siding can often be landfill.
salvaged and refurbished. PROS:
In the process, virgin wood • Durable, available with a 50-year
use is reduced, a “waste” warranty.
is kept in productive use • Contains recycled post-industrial
and out of the landfill, and rubber and plastics.
owners can save money. • Attractive, and with integral color,
PROS: will retain its appearance over time.
• Salvaged wood siding can offer • Lightweight, potentially reducing
unsurpassed beauty and quality the necessary size of roof rafters.
that may no longer be available,
Wood-plastic composite lumber may contain
frequently at a lower cost than new up to 35% recycled plastic, combined with
siding. 65% wood fiber--which may be post-industrial
recycled content or virgin fiber.
• Reduces waste sent to the landfill.
• Reduces virgin wood usage. Photo courtesy of U.S. Plastic Lumber, Ltd.
• Products made from a mix of Recycled Cotton Insulation • Thermal performance per inch is
plastic and rubber (including this Exposure to common better than fiberglass insulation.
example) may reduce waste, but • Acts as both insulation and vapor
cannot be recycled again at end of IAQ fiberglass insulation can
barrier, making walls resistant to
irritate skin and lungs.
use. Recycled cotton insulation, condensation and mold. Approved
• Some recycled rubber products made primarily from for insulating unvented roofs.
made from tires can leach small • Does not offgas once installed.
post-industrial denim, is
amounts of contaminants (such as Blowing agents do not damage
one benign alternative.
metals) into rainwater, which is not ozone or contribute to greenhouse
Cellulose is a common alternative
desirable for rainwater collection effect.
insulation material made from
or growing edible plants near a • Good fire resistance
downspout. recycled newsprint.
PROS: • Durable, and can increase shear
• No post-consumer recycled resistance values.
content • Thermal performance per inch is
as good as fiberglass insulation. CONS:
• Better sound insulation per inch • Hazardous during installation;
“50-Year” Composition Roofing than fiberglass. requires trained professionals.
• Non-irritating to skin/respiratory • Some SPF is partly made from
Durable, 50-Year rated renewable soybeans, but this
composition shingles system; cotton may be installed with
bare hands. example is derived from petroleum
are made primarily from products.
asphalt and gravel. A light • Higher recycled content than most
fiberglass. • Not recyclable – but can be
color reduces heat gain compacted.
during summer months • Cotton and cellulose both have
by reflecting more solar good resistance to fire, mold,
radiation than dark colors. insects, and rodents because of High Efficiency Windows
PROS: borate treatment.
• Reduces waste and saves money CONS: Windows and skylights
over the life of the roof by delaying • Walls with poor moisture provide light, views,
or eliminating re-roofing. protection may result in a portion ventilation, and can help
• Saves resources - it takes about of the borate treatment leaching capture solar heat. Look
the same materials and labor to out. However, proper wall design
for Energy Star labeled
manufacture and install a 50-year and assembly is essential with any
insulation. windows and windows
rated shingle as a 30-year shingle.
• Readily available and familiar to with an NFRC rated U-Factor of 0.4
or less for windows and 0.6 or less
any local roofing contractor. Spray Foam Insulation for skylights. Consider fiberglass
• Composition roofs are difficult to Sprayed Polyisocyanurate/ window frames, which offer a good
recycle and typically end up in the IAQ Polyurethane Foam (SPF) is combination of low maintenance,
landfill. insulation that is sprayed durability, and insulation.
• May leach minute quantities of directly into wall or roof PROS:
noxious chemicals, which is not cavities, expanding to fill • High quality windows last for
desirable for rainwater collection cracks and voids. Sprayed decades, help maintain comfortable
or growing edible plants near a temperatures, and save energy.
cementious foam (i.e. Air
• Higher initial cost than 30-year Krete) has many similar • Superior acoustical insulation
shingles. properties. improves comfort.
• Wide variety of architectural
High efficiency windows may styles.
be constructed with wood, • Single-pane windows being
metal, fiberglass, or vinyl sash
materials. They will have replaced may be reused for
double or triple pane glazing
with special coatings or gas unheated spaces such as solarium or
fill for increased efficiency, greenhouses.
which is especially important
when glazing an entire wall, CONS:
as shown in this photo. These
windows also incorporate • Few new windows incorporate
some FSC certified wood. significant recycled content.
• Highly efficient options with the
lowest life-cycle cost tend to have a
Photo courtesy of Loewen Windows
higher purchase cost.
formaldehyde, or fiberglass.
Recycled-Content • Resists termites, rot, and fungi. Reclaimed Hardwood
Gypsum Wall Board • Reduces solid waste, helps
conserve trees. Reclaimed wood may be
Gypsum board (commonly CONS: used for flooring, trim,
referred to by its proprietary • Environmental impacts from siding, furniture, or, in
names “drywall” or transportation. some cases, as structural
“sheetrock”) is nearly pure members. Consider
gypsum covered by paper. It reusing wood from an
is the most common interior Recycled-Content Tile existing building on site,
wall finish due to its price, or look to salvage yards and on-site
familiarity, and ease of installation. Beautiful glass and ceramic deconstruction sales for a portion of
The paper facing is commonly tiles are made from waste your materials.
made from recycled newsprint, and materials such as glass PROS:
manufacturers are now offering from automobiles or • Salvaging or reusing wood reduces
products incorporating recycled IAQ bottles, reducing waste solid waste, saves forest resources,
gypsum (derived from coal ash,) and requiring less energy to and can save money.
PROS: manufacture than standard • Reclaimed wood is frequently
• Identical to standard gypsum ceramic tile. Like standard available in dimensions, species,
board at no extra cost. tiles, recycled glass and and with old-growth-quality that is
• Clean cutoffs can be pulverized ceramic tiles last several no longer obtainable from virgin
and used as a soil amendment. times as long as laminate forests at any price.
• Recyclable at the end of its useful countertops or vinyl CONS:
life. (But, this is rare due to the low flooring, reducing waste • Planning and research are
cost of virgin gypsum.) through durability. For necessary as available species,
CONS: improved indoor air quality, dimensions, and lumber quality can
• West coast manufacturers tend install with low-VOC grout vary considerably.
to offer lower recycled-content and adhesive or thin-set. • For structural applications,
products (<10%) because coal ash is PROS: inspection/approval or regrading by
less available in this region. • Recycled glass tile is extremely a certified professional is typically
• Shipping recycled gypsum board durable. Its hardness and scratch required.
from the Eastern U.S. is energy- resistance make most products
intensive. suitable even for commercial high- Bamboo
traffic areas.
• Some regional manufacturers Bamboo is a perennial
Homasote incorporate our waste glass into their grass, of which some spe-
products cies produces hard, strong,
Homasote panels consist of • Cost and performance is dimensionally stable wood
100% recycled newspaper comparable to standard ceramic which has been used as a building
combined with a paraffin tile. material for millennia. Bamboo
binder for water resistance. CONS: grows much more rapidly than hard-
• Recycled-content tile is not yet
IAQ The material is primarily
used as an acoustical barrier carried by all retailers; research may
wood, maturing in as little as one
year (compared with 80 to 100 or
behind gypsum board or be required.
under floor finishes, but
can also be used for vertical Reclaimed Wood Flooring is
made from timbers salvaged
sheathing. Other Homasote from old buildings, bridges,
fiberboards are used as or other timber structures. It
an insulating nail base for may also be manufactured
roofing, roof decking, sub from logs salvaged from
river bottoms, or from trees
flooring. Prefinished panels with being removed in urban
decorative cork or fabric coverings is and suburban areas. White
suitable interior wall paneling. pine, longleaf yellow pine,
PROS: cypress, oak, walnut, and
chestnut may be available
• Effective acoustical barrier, and from Eastern and Mid-
can add shear strength to a structure. western suppliers. Western
• 100% recycled, and suppliers commonly stock
recyclable (except when Douglas fir and redwood.
coated by paints or adhesives).
• Non-toxic; contains no asbestos, Photo courtesy of Duluth TImber Co.
more). Vertically laminated plywood improved air quality, install with
and flooring products consist of lay- Linoleum Flooring low-VOC adhesives or as a floating
ers of bamboo compressed with a floor. If properly maintained, cork
binder, creating a durable, resilient Linoleum is a natural flooring may be used in any room
finish material. flooring material made of a house. Beautiful cork wall
PROS: from linseed oil, pine coverings are also available.
• Very rapidly renewable resin, and wood flour on a PROS:
- conserves forest resources. IAQ natural jute-fiber backing.
It comes in a wide variety
• Very durable - can last for
• Strong, hard, and di- decades.
mensionally stable. of colors and styles to suit • Highly renewable.
• Very durable - can last de- applications from home to heavy- • Biodegradable at the end of its
cades when well maintained. traffic commercial uses. Linoleum useful life.
CONS: has been used for decades and is • Thermal and acoustic insulator.
• Cost can be high (though regaining popularity in contemporary • Comfortable to walk on.
comparable to hardwoods). homes. • Floating floors now available,
• Harvested/processed overseas; PROS: eliminating the need for adhesives.
shipping increases embodied energy. • Very durable, often lasting for CONS:
• Some products use urea formal- decades, which reduces waste • Less desirable in wet areas such as
dehyde binders, which release small associated with relatively frequent bathrooms.
quantities of formaldehyde. replacement of flexible vinyl • Imported from the Mediterranean
flooring. region – currently no local
• Quiet, comfortable, and easy to producers.
Recycled-Content Carpet maintain.
• Made from non-toxic components,
2.5 million tons of carpet, and biodegradable at the end of its Zero-VOC Paint
typically manufactured useful life.
from virgin petroleum, is • Low emissions of VOCs when Volatile Organic Com-
discarded each year. By installed with appropriate IAQ pounds (VOCs) in building
recycling polyethylene adhesives. materials are associated
(PET) into polyester carpet CONS: with headaches, nausea,
fiber, common plastics are • More expensive than vinyl, its respiratory problems, eye/skin irrita-
diverted from the landfill. typical alternative (vinyl lasts approx. tion, and can even damage the liver
IAQ Carpet with Nylon 6 ten years, generates toxic pollution and kidneys. These toxic compounds
fiber and backing is also in manufacturing, and is neither can be emitted at room temperature
repeatedly recyclable into new biodegradable nor recyclable). for days or months after painting.
carpet. For a natural, biodegradable VOCs are not the only ingredients
option, consider wool, jute, sisal, or Cork Flooring of concern; paints may also contain
coir. solvents, vinyl and other chlorinated
PROS: Cork flooring is made organics, and heavy metals. Look
• Costs and available colors of from the bark of cork oak for paint certified by Green Seal, an
recycled and/or recyclable carpets trees, which is harvested independent environmental stan-
are comparable to standard carpets. approximately every 9 dards organization.
• Low-emitting carpets and padding
years - without harm to the PROS:
certified by GreenGuard and/or the
Carpet and Rug Institute (CRI Green tree it is harvested from. • Minimal odors, dries quickly, and
Label), and installed with tack-strip By comparison, hardwood washable once dried.
or low-emitting adhesives, can IAQ timber requires decades • Interior zero-VOC paints are
improve indoor air quality. or centuries to mature. For widely available with a comparable
• Selection of environmentally cost and performance to standard
preferable carpets is increasing. products.
• Recycled content may be <20%. • Limited options for zero-VOC ex-
• All carpet tends to harbor terior paints.
more dust, allergens and other • Though there are economical
contaminants than flooring such as low- and zero-VOC options, high-
natural linoleum, tile, or cork. end non-toxic paints, including sili-
cate paint, can command premium
Recycled polyethelene from commonly land-
filled materials like these beverage bottles, may prices.
be remanufactured into very durable and stain-
resistant carpets available in a wide variety of
colors. Photo courtesy of Ecology Action.
Natural Wallcovering • Sometimes costs a little more • High initial cost – but prices are
than comparable, less efficient increasingly competitive.
Common vinyl-based wall appliances.
covering (e.g. “wallpaper”)
can be a significant
• Appliances that are “efficient” will Radiant Hydronic Heating
still waste energy and water if they
source of Volatile Organic are oversized. Look for the right- In radiant hydronic heating
IAQ will produce both (VOCs),
sized option. IAQ systems, hot water is piped
through the floor, warming
and hydrochloric acid in Solar Photovoltaics the room from below.
the event of a fire, and can leach They are particularly
phthalate plasticizers, which can Photovoltaic (PV) materials, effective when combined
disrupt hormonal functioning. such as the thin-film with passive solar design,
Natural wall coverings, composed product laminated directly and help maintain steady,
primarily of plant-derived fibers, are onto this metal roofing comfortable interior
a beautiful alternative. sample, convert sunlight temperatures when installed
PROS: into electricity. By adding in floors with high thermal mass.
• Durable and generally readily photovoltaics to the roof PROS:
cleaned with non-toxic cleansers. of your home or office • Highly efficient, may reduce
• Breathable and low or no building, you can generate heating costs by more than 30%.
emissions, reducing the likelihood of clean, renewable energy Solar water heating can further
mold, and helping indoor air quality and enjoy protection from rising reduce energy use.
when applied with appropriate electricity costs. • Improves indoor air quality by
adhesives. PROS: eliminating ducts and fans that
• Made from non-toxic components, • Reduced use of electricity from the accumulate and distribute dust and
and typically biodegradable at the grid directly reduces greenhouse gas other allergens.
end of their useful life. emissions. • Provides excellent comfort,
CONS: • PV panels can provide most or all and keeps concrete or tiled floors
• More expensive than vinyl, of the electricity needed for most comfortably warm to the touch.
but better indoor air quality can homes, often even in fairly foggy CONS:
potentially yield a much lower life- microclimates. • May be more expensive than
cycle cost. • Durable – many panels installed in forced air, depending on design.
the 1970’s are still operating today. • Durable piping is essential because
High-Efficiency Appliances • State and federal incentives can repairing leaks can be difficult.
offset the initial cost to install. • Knowledgeable design is critical to
The cost of energy and • Excess electricity produced by performance.
water an appliance uses your PV system can be fed back into • Electric radiant systems are
is typically many times “the grid” – the utility company bills typically less desirable than
its purchase cost. When only for net amount of power used. hydronic.
buying new appliances,
look for the EPA Energy Star A wide range of finish flooring materials
seal, or refer to American Radiant heat-
ing systems may be installed, including tile, carpet,
Council for Energy provide stable,
wood, cork, or linoleum.
Efficient Economy’s free comfortable
independent buyers guide and will keep
( typically cold
concrete or
PROS: tiled floors
• Energy efficiency not only saves warm to the
touch. They
money, it reduces pollution and can also help
greenhouse gas emissions. improve in-
door air qual-
• Efficient models perform as well or ity over forced
better than standard models. air systems.
• Reduced water consumption helps
stretch supplies and saves additional Protective paint
energy by reducing the amount of
pumping, treatment, and/or water Aluminum layer conducts 1/2” PEX tubing
heat and allows for lower at 12” centers
heating per load of dishes, laundry,
water temperatures. transports heated
etc. water through
• Utilities frequently offer rebates for APA-rated tongue & groove plywood
Photo courtesy of
base also acts as structural subfloor. the system.
efficient products. Warmboard, Inc.
© 2005, Ecology Action of Santa Cruz.
Content may be modified or reproduced by the County of Santa Cruz and the City of Santa Cruz.
Content may be reproduced by others, with permission.
Printed on recycled paper.

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