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(BBA-2017 Section A, B & C)

(Spring, 2020)

(Managing Digital Business)

(Course Code)

(Name of the Instructor: Dr. Janardan Krishna Yadav)

Contact Details (, +91-9306752788)


This the age of internet and traditional marketing practices of advertising and distribution are not so
effective as they used to be. It may not be an exaggeration that we say traditional marketing is obsolete--
almost. Even if we say that a good blend of digital and conventional marketing is needed in which digital
platform is having upper hand. I find my students quite tech savvy these days, and I peer learning in
action in my class it is going to be a great learning experience.


In this course students will be familiarised about various online platforms and tools available for a
business to leverage upon e.g. Facebook, twitter and other forms of social media advertising, YouTube
ads, Google AdWord, search engine optimization, data mining and data based advertising, crowd
sourcing to kick start a good business idea and a way out to generate initial funds etc. This course focuses
more on the aspect of doing business in this digital world rather than mastering the tools. The students
will be able to understand various aspects of digital marketing mix and changes in the consumer behavior
patterns with digitization of the businesses.

By the end of the course one would be able to:

 Marketing Concepts from a Digital Marketing perspective.

 Choose the better mix of digital channels for advertising product or business idea
 Evaluate the actual outcomes of the advertising spending and the campaign
 Understand various challenges of advertising through non-owned media


In addition to the specific course related objectives, this course is designed to achieve the following
learning goals

1. Critical and Integrative thinking: Each student will be able to identify key issues related to
advertisement and digital channels available for various business settings and will be able to
develop a perspective that is supported with relevant information and integrative thinking, to
draw and assess conclusions through classroom discussions. This learning goal will be measured
through assignments and submissions
2. Awareness of Global Issues affecting digital advertising related decisions: Each student will be
able to identify key relevant global issues and be able to analyze he impact of the global
environment on digital content of the advertising, as compared with domestic market related
management issues. This learning goal will be assessed through class discussion on culture
specific, universally accepted sensitive content in digital media as well as data theft and data
security and ethical ways to use consumer data.
3. Interpersonal Awareness and Working in Teams : Each student shall demonstrate an ability to
work effectively in a team, exhibiting behavior that reflects an understanding of the importance of
individual roles and tasks and the ability to manage conflict and compromise so that team goals
are achieved. Student teams will have to analyze relevant business cases reflecting analytical and
critical thinking as well as supposed to provide creative marketing solutions.
4. Effective Presentation Skill: Each student shall be able to communicate verbally in an organized,
clear, persuasive manner and be a responsive listener. Meaningful class participation will carry a
corresponding weightage in aggregated evaluative score for student performance.


The course will have a mix of lectures, short videos and cases. The onus of learning will be with the
student and the instructor will be a facilitator, the students are encouraged to bring in their meaningful
conclusions based on the case analysis. Instead of learning ‘what to do’, the cases will also be used as
examples of real-world phenomenon where an issue or set of issues arises and good and bad practices are
seen. The key to learning this way is to see many examples and many situations and learning inductively
from the different experiences of student managers.

Some relevant research articles will also be provided in addition to the textbook, the students are
supposed to read them carefully, the instructor will help the students to understand the basis of various
present-day models as they appear in the textbook.


As per JGU attendance policy


The grading scheme has been changed to continuous assessment for this course.

There will be three assessment assignments given during 1 st week and 4th Week of May, and 2nd
week of June 2020 with weightage 35, 35 and 30% respectively. Please note that the online classes
are scheduled on these date as per the timetable.

Evaluation Item Weightag Nature Explanation

Assessment 1 35% Individual Submit the report within 10 days as per the
details given below
Assessment 2 35% Individual Submit the report within 10 days as per the
details given below
Assessment 3 30% Individual Submit the report within 10 days as per the
details given below

There will be a strict policy for plagiarism in all the assignments as well as group project reports
submitted, what is plagiarism and how the reports will be evaluated for that will be specifically discussed
in class during first week of the course. Each team will turn in a maximum ten-page report (1.5 spaced, 12
point font, Ariel Narrow; exhibits extra) and submit electronically on or before the mutually decided date.
This project report submissions are only in MSWORD format. Students are not permitted to copy from
websites, and they will be penalized if found copying/lifting from the website (There will be a plagiarism
check). However, they can quote the source and accession at the end of the text . Maximum permissible
words will be 50 words in a sentence on continuous basis.

All word documents should be in standard report formats with required headings to make for easy
reading. They should be as per the above guidelines and on an A4 paper with 1-inch default margin . In
general appendices and tables do not count towards the page limit. Please use the tables and appendices in
the report; to make it easy for the reader and evaluator both.

The maximum word limit for each assignment is 1600 words.

Assessment 1: The objective of this assessment is to check the understanding of the students about the
social media strategies that a company can follow. The company list provided by NIFTY index
( is to be followed as per their roll
numbers (e.g. Adani Ports and Special Economic Zone Ltd. Is allotted to roll no 1 and Asian Paints Ltd.
to roll no. 2 and so on) the report is supposed to trace the respective company’s social media strategy for
any one successful campaign.

The suggested components of the report with weightage are

1. Introduction: Introduce the topic and outline of the report (3)

2. Market situation of the company (10)
3. Strategy followed and implementation details (10 + 10)
4. References (2)

Note: The details for audience participation, interaction and sharing need to be provided. In case you are
not able to find details about the company’s social strategy, propose one based on the information
available about the company. Follow PRACE framework for structuring the details.

Starts: After session 8.

Assessment 2: The objective of this assessment is to check the understanding of the students about the
concept of digital/virtual experiences. The students have to follow the previous allocation of the
companies and check the efforts of creating user experiences (UX) through their digital interfaces e.g. the
company website and social pages/handles. The users can be B2B or B2C clients. Further details will be
provided at the end of session 10.

The suggested components of the report with weightage are

1. Introduction: Introduce the topic and outline of the report (3)

2. Observations about the website (10)
3. Comparison with the website of the competitor and suggestions (20)
4. References (2)

Note: The emphasis of the report should be on the content, ease of navigation and aesthetics of the
website. The difference between mobile and laptop versions of the website. A comparison with
competitor’s website is advised.

Starts: After session 10

Assessment 3

The objective of this assessment is to check the understanding of the students about traffic building for a
website. The report should contain the various evidences of search engine optimization of the website of
the company (the allocation remains the same) and online and offline communication strategies of the
company for example the kind of ads that you can notice on the website and various social handles of the

The suggested components of the report with weightage are

1. Introduction: Introduce the topic and outline of the report (5)

2. SEO evidences that you notice (10)
3. Various types of as that you notice and reputation score of the website (13)
4. References (2)

Starts after session 13


Compulsory Readings

1) Digital Marketing Excellence, (Planning, Optimizing and Integrating Online Marketing) by Dave
Chaffey & PR Smith; 5th Edition. ISBN- 97813849423.
Chapters from this book are assigned as required readings in the class schedule below- I will
assume that you have done those readings when you come to the class. The lectures will take the
book material as a starting point and probe deeper into the issues- it will not regurgitate the
book material. If something in the book is not clear to you, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Supplementary Readings:

1. e Marketing And the minds of Quirk by Rob Stokes (ISBN13: 9781936126330)

2. The Art of Digital Marketing by Ian Dodson (ISBN13:9788126564408)

Lecture Schedule

Session No-1, 2 Introduction to Digital Business

Objective of the At the end of this session you will learn
session  The Connected Market Place
 Digital B2B, B2C, C2B and C2C interactions
 Using internet to sell, serve, speak and cut the cost of business

Readings Chapter 1
Pedagogy Lecture/ class discussion

Session No. 3,4 Marketing Mix in Digital World

Objective of the At the end of this session you will learn
session  How the marketing mix is changing
 A new vision for 7Ps
 The 8th P of Partnership
Readings Chapter 2
Pedagogy Lecture/ class discussion

Session No. 5-6 Digital Models

Objective of the At the end of this session you will learn
session  Online Revenue Models
 Intermediary Models
 Attribution Models
 Communication Models
 Information Processing and Buying Models
Readings Chapter 3
Pedagogy Lecture/ class discussion

Online Class Schedule due to COVID- 19

Session No- 8-9 Social Media Marketing

Objective of the At the end of this session you will learn about
session  Key components of social media strategy
 Plan & Execute a social media strategy step by step
 Evaluate the effectiveness of social media strategy
 Social Media Optimization
Readings Chapter 5
Pedagogy Lecture/ class discussion
Session No 10-12 Designing and Managing Digital Experiences
Objective of the At the end of this session you will learn
session  Do’s and Don’ts in website designs
 Dynamic Personalization
 Content Strategy
Readings Chapter 6
Pedagogy Lecture/ class discussion
Session No. 13-15 Managing Digital Traffic
Objective of the At the end of this session you will learn
session  Offline Traffic Building
 Paid Media Strategies
Readings Chapter 7
Readings TBD
Pedagogy Lecture/ class discussion

*Additional readings will be given for search engine optimization and


The students are expected to be well behaved and non-disruptive during the online classes.

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