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Strategic Marketing

(Course Code)

Spring, 2020

Name of the Instructor: Dr. Kishore Kumar

Contact Details:


Strategic Marketing encompasses marketing strategy elements and their integration. This course focuses upon
applying various marketing principles and theories to specific problems. This course introduces competitive marketing
strategies and theories related to market orientation. By encouraging a practical approach to strategy, students engage
in interactive problem solving, research, and contemporary case analysis.


This class will explore concepts and practices related to Strategic Marketing. Students of this course will appreciate

• Strategic concepts and theories and applications in marketing environments;

• Development and critical assessment of marketing strategies;
• Identification of well-defined problems and solutions reaching substantiated conclusions;
• Strategic Marketing knowledge and outcomes in both written and oral contexts.


In addition to the specific course related objectives, this course is designed to achieve the following learning goals

1. Critical and Integrative thinking: Each student will be able to identify key issues in strategic marketing, develop
a perspective that is supported with relevant information and integrative thinking, to draw and assess
conclusions. This learning goal will be measured through assignments and submissions.
2. Awareness of Global Issues affecting strategic marketing Decisions: Each student will be able to identify key
relevant global issues and analyze the impact of the global environment on strategic marketing decisions, as
compared with domestic market related issues. This learning goal will be assessed through class discussion
on the impact of globalization on strategic marketing decisions.
3. Interpersonal Awareness and Working in Teams: Each student shall demonstrate an ability to work effectively
in a team, exhibiting behavior that reflects an understanding of the importance of individual roles and tasks
and the ability to manage conflict and compromise so that team goals are achieved. (e.g. The team-based
case presentation in the class and group assignment will be a major component for measurement of this
learning goal).
4. Effective Presentation Skill: Each student shall be able to communicate verbally in an organized, clear,
persuasive manner and be a responsive listener. (e.g. I will expect you to use case presentations to develop
your presentations skills. I also expect you to be active listeners when your classmates are presenting and to
give specific feedback and contribute to the overall learning of the class).

The course will be conducted in a highly collaborative manner. So, this course will be a combination of lectures, class
discussions, case presentations, and take-home assignments. For most sessions, students will have a list of pre-
readings, preassigned case studies, and a self-selected group of 4-5 students will initiate the case discussion. I believe
that the instructor’s role is to facilitate an active classroom learning environment. Hence, the onus of learning will be
with the student. Each student is expected to come to class prepared to learn, to participate, to be intellectually curious,
to act with high integrity, and to work collaboratively with the team.


As per JGU attendance policy


The course grade will be determined on the basis of:

Evaluation Weightage Nature Explanation

Assessment 1 30 % Individual Submission of an assignment as listed below
Assessment 2 30% Individual Submission of an assignment as listed below
Assessment 3 40% Individual Submission of an assignment as listed below
Please note that due to the uncertainty of the current scenario (Covid-19), course outline and the evaluation matrix
may change.

Assessment: 1

The deadly coronavirus worsened quickly this month, roiling the financial markets as investors fled risk assets amid
concerns the outbreak would disrupt the global economy. Meanwhile, a number of biotech companies have ramped
up vaccine or drug programs to battle the disease, causing investors to bid up their shares amid the market rout1,2.

“At least a dozen companies have informally or formally announced vaccine or drug development initiatives to address”
the virus, Needham’s analyst Alan Carr said in a note. “It appears at least a few programs will have moved into clinical
testing within a few months.”

One new company (XYZ) in the drug development process is a group of researchers and are completely unaware of
strategic marketing process. You are hired as a Strategic marketing consultant to help this group of researchers. You

are requested to explain the marketing strategy process to the group so that they can develop, produce and market
this drug in the most efficient manner. You are required to submit a written report mentioning the strategic marketing
process for the new drug.

Please submit your report* (for 30 Marks) including following sections:

1. Introduction: Introduce the topic and outline of the report (3)

2. Strategic Situation Analysis: Market vision, structure and analysis, segmenting the markets, continuous
learning about markets. (8)
3. Designing Marketing Strategy (5)
4. Marketing Program Development (4)
5. Implementing and managing marketing strategy (4)
6. Conclusion (4)
7. References (2)

*Assessment Start Date: 24th April 2020

*Assessment Submission Deadline: 5th May 2020
*Plagiarism Policy: As per JGU Guidelines

Assessment: 2

Once you have submitted the strategic marketing process for XYZ, this group of researchers want to know more about
the marketing strategy. Specifically, they want you to examine the nature and scope of the strategic relationships
among various stakeholders. As they are a startup and have expertise only in the research and development, they
want you to examine the potential for collaborative relationships. You are assigned the responsibility of shortlisting
important partners for prospering in the complex and rapidly changing business environment. Submit a detailed report
by 20th May 2020 for initial discussions. Your report** must include the following:

1. The need for partnership (5)

2. What are the important characteristics in selecting the partners for XYZ? (10)
3. Types of organizational relationships for XYZ? (5)
4. You also need to explain the potential process failures for XYZ alliances, so that management can avoid these
failures. (5)
5. Recommendations and conclusion (5)

**Assessment Start Date: 6th May 2020

**Assessment Submission Deadline: 15th May 2020
**Plagiarism Policy: As per JGU Guidelines

Assessment: 3

Being overly optimistic about the success of the new drug invention, CEO of XYZ wants a company specific
identification of XYZ’s drugs for treating Covid-19. In a company meeting he stated “The road ahead is neither smooth
nor certain. But we must follow it and so we shall go for strategic brand management”.

You are requested to identify the challenges in building a strong pharma brand and develop a strategic brand
management plan. Submit a detailed report for final discussion by 5th June 2020.

Your report*** must include the following:

1. Challenges in building a strong pharma brand (8)

2. Strategic brand analysis (10)
3. Brand identity strategy for XYZ (10)
4. Opportunities for leveraging the brand and introducing line extensions (6)
5. Recommendations and conclusion (6)

***Assessment Start Date: 16th May 2020

***Assessment Submission Deadline: 5th June 2020
***Plagiarism Policy: As per JGU Guidelines

General Guidelines for Assessments:

• Each Assessment preferably should not exceed a word count of 2000 words. However, if there is a pressing
need to do so, please go ahead.
• Word count excludes coverage, table of contents, citation and references, and annexure etc.
• Sentencing space - 1.5, 12-point font, font – Arial.
• Document format – Word/ pdf
• Referencing: APA


I will be following below mentioned textbook for the course

Cravens, David W., & Piercy, Nigel F. (Tenth reprint 2016) Strategic Marketing. Indian Edition. New Delhi:
McGraw Hill.
Chapters from this book are assigned as required readings in the class schedule below. Please read the chapters
before coming to class for an engaging classroom discussion. Cases and any other reading material assigned for
reading will be shared as the class progresses.

CLASS SCHEDULE # (Each session is of 90 minutes’ duration)

(Feb 3, 2020 to March 15, 2020) – PART- I

Session No-1 Introduction and the course overview; Market Driven Strategy
Objective of the session Characteristics of Market-driven strategies
Becoming market-driven
Creating value for customers
Readings Chapter 1
Readings Day, G. S. (1994). The capabilities of market-driven organizations. Journal of
marketing, 58(4), 37-52.
Day, G. S. (1999). Creating a market-driven organization. MIT Sloan Management
Review, 41(1), 11.
Case Title and Number -
Pedagogy Lecture and class discussion

Session No-2, 3 Corporate Strategy

Objective of the session Business and Marketing Strategy
Marketing Strategy Process
Internet as a major force for change and realignment of strategy
Readings Chapter 2
Readings Hamel, G. (1990). The core competence of the corporation. Harvard Business Review,
68(3), 79-91.
Case Title/ Number Nokia Corp. (Textbook case, page number 54-59)
Pedagogy Lecture, class discussion and case presentation

Session No- 4, 5 Analyzing markets and competition

Objective of the session Define and analyze product-markets
Describe and analyze end-users
Analyze competition and estimate market size;
Strategic vision: Thinking about the future
Readings Chapter 3, 4
Readings Why competition in telecom is key to the digital India dream
Lessons from Business School: How to Stay Competitive in Today’s Marketplace
Case Title/ Number Campbell Soup co. (Textbook case page number 159-161)
Pedagogy Lecture, class discussion and case presentation

Session No-6 Strategic Customer Management

Objective of the session Customer lifetime value
Value creation process
Ethics and social responsibility
Readings Chapter 7
Readings -
Case Title/ Number -
Pedagogy Lecture and class discussion

Class Schedule (Part -II) due to Covid- 19

Session No-7, 8 Strategic Relationships
Objective of the session Interorganizational Relationships, competitive strategy, Skills and Resource Gaps
Forms of Organizational Relationships, Supplier Relationships, Strategic Customers,
Strategic Alliances
Readings Chapter 7
Readings Matthew Schifrin, “Partner of Perish” Forbes, May 21, 2001
Case Title/ Number Samsung Electronics (Textbook case page number 250-253)
Pedagogy Lecture, class discussion and case presentation

Session No-9, 10 New product development

Objective of the session Innovation as a Customer-Driven Process
Types of Innovations
New-Product Planning
Culture and Strategy for Innovation
Product Development Process
Readings Chapter 8
Readings Zahay, D., Hajli, N., & Sihi, D. (2018). Managerial perspectives on crowdsourcing in the
new product development process. Industrial Marketing Management, 71, 41-53.
Cui, A. S., & Wu, F. (2016). Utilizing customer knowledge in innovation: antecedents
and impact of customer involvement on new product performance. Journal of the
academy of marketing science, 44(4), 516-538.
Case Title/ Number Cisco Systems Inc. (Textbook case Page number 258-263)
Pedagogy Lecture, class discussion and case presentation

Session No-11, 12 Strategic Brand Management

Objective of the session The Strategic Role of Brands
Strategic Brand Analysis
Brand Positioning Analysis
Brand Equity Measurement and Management
Readings Chapter 9
Readings Högström, C., Gustafsson, A., & Tronvoll, B. (2015). Strategic brand management:
Archetypes for managing brands through paradoxes. Journal of business research,
68(2), 391-404.
Case Title/ Number Planet Starbucks (Textbook case page numbers 380-384)
Pedagogy Lecture, class discussion and case presentation

Session No-13,14 Designing Market Driven Organisations

Objective of the session Trends in Organization Strategy
Strategic Marketing and Organization
Organizing and structuring Marketing Departments
Readings Chapter 14
Readings George Day on Market Driven Strategies, Organization and Building a Future on Data
Case Title/ Number -
Pedagogy Lecture, and class discussion
# This is a tentative course outline. I may modify the course outline, change the case study (based on class profile)
and add a few additional readings as the class progresses.
DELIVERY DEADLINES FOR Assessments/Assignments
As mentioned in the assessment details

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