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”” Strictly as per the New Revised Syllabus of Y — Mumbai University w.e.t. academic year 2016-2017 | Linux with Ashwini Mane Nikisha Dakee coe 7196335°% ww TechKnowledge patsAPP pee Publications Linux (UscS203) F. Y. B. Sc. (Computer Science) Semester II (Mumbai University) Credit Based System Geena emia effective | Prof. Ashwini Mane Prof. Nikisha Dakee M.Sc. (Computer Science), MSc. (Computer science), M.C.A, Department of Computer Science, 3 partment of Computer Science, “BP College, a ee Asst Professor at K.B.P College, Lamar Vashi, Navi Mumbai Maharashtra, India e as ee MCE4A Price 230/- 2. (mh (Book Code : MCE4A) Syllabus —_—————_ comer] Linux uscs203 (Credits : 2 Lectures/Week : 3) ‘Objectives » 2 3) course it various tools and techniques commonly used by Linux programmer, Tire ie ring an irs cmon db Lis oat Itis designed for computer students who have limited or no previous exposure to Linux. Expected Learning Outcomes ' Upon completion of this course, students should have a good working knowledge of Linux, from both a graphical and command line perspective, allowing them to easily use any Linux distribution. ‘This course shall help student to learn advanced subjects in computer science practically ‘Student shall be able to progress as a Developer or Linux System Administrator using the acquired skill set. Details Introduction: History of Linux, Philosophy, Community, ‘Terminology, Distributions, Linux kernel vs distribution. Why lear Linux? Importance of Linux in software ecosystem: web servers, supercomputers, mobile, servers. Installation : Installation methods, Hands on Installation using CD/DVD or USB drive. Linux Structure : Linux Architecture, Filesystem basics, The boot Process, init scripts, runlevels, shutdown process, Very basic introductions to Linux processes, Packaging methods : rpm/deb, Graphical Vs Command li (Refer Chapters 1, 2 and 3) | 15 Graphical Desktop : Session Management, Basic Deskiop Operations, Network Management, Installing and Updating Software, Text editors: Bedt vi, vim, emacs, Graphics editors, Multimedia applications. Command Line : Command line mode ine ‘options, Shells, Basic Commands, General Purpose Utilities, Installing Software, User ‘management, Environment variables, Command aliases. po - Details ‘Linux Documentation : man pages, GNU info, help command, More documentation sources File Operations : Filesystem, Filesystem architecture, File types, File attributes, Working with files, Backup, compression. | (Refer Chapters 4, 5,6 and 7) ‘Security : Understanding Linox Security, Uses of root, sudo command, | 15, ‘working with passwords, Bypassing user authentication, Understanding ssh Networking : Basic introduction to Networking, Network protocols: http, fip etc., IP address, DNS, Browsers, Transferring files. ssh, telnet, ping, traceroute, route, hostname, networking GUL Basic Shell Scripting : Features and capabilities, Syntax, Constructs, Modifying files, Sed, awk command, File manipulation utilities, Dealing with large files and Text, String manipulation, Boolean expressions, File tests, Case, Debugging, Regular expressions. 1 (Refer Chapters 8, 9 and 10) 1 Season Linux Installation a. Install your choice of Linux distribution e.g. Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, ». Try different installation media like CD/DVD, USB Drive to install. c. Customize desktop environment by changing different default options like changing default background, themes, screensavers. Screen Resolution: Ascertain the current screen resolution for your desktop. b. Networking: Get the current networking configuration for your desktop. Are you ‘on a wired or a wireless connection? What wireless networks are available, if any? . Time Settings Change the time zone of your system to (or New York Time if you are currently in Indian time). How does the displayed time change? After noting the time change, change the time zone back to your local time zone. Installing and Removing Software ‘a. Install gec package. Verify that it runs, and then remove it. os [omens cmt trteee amen Docu Fmt con ie: Wing ea the grep command. Bring up the usage section. Finding man pages From the command line: Bring up the man page ore command, Stoll down tothe EXAMPLES section. " Finding man pages by Topic What man pages are available that docunen ‘compression? Finding man pages by Section From the command line, bring up the man py forthe printf library function. Which manual page section are library function found? Command-Line Help List the available options for the mir comnan, How can you do this? 5. Command line operations Insall any newpackageon your systexn Remove the package insted Find the pass file in wsing id command Create symbolic ink othe file you found in ast step Create an empty file and move it in /imp directory using rele pathname f. Delete the file moved to mp in previous step using absolut path. 1. Find the location ofl, ps, bash commands. 6 File Operations 4 Explore mounted filesystems on your sytem. 3. What are itferen ways of exploring mounted filesystems on Linox? Archive and backup your home directory or work directory using & #7 commands. 4. Use dd command to creat files and explore diferent options to W. Use dif command to creat dif of two files. {Use pach command to patch fie, And analyze te pach wit command agnin 7. Use environment 4 Which account are you logged in? How do you find out? . Display /etc/shadow file using cat and understand the importance of How it's different than passwd fie. © Getyou curent working directory. 4. Explore diferent ways of getting command history, how to 1" executed command without typing it? © Create alas to most commonly wed commands lik. _ b Penge shadow pov ‘Linux Editors: vimvemacs a. Create, modify, search, navigate a file in editor. 'b. Learn all essential commands like search, search/replace, highlight, show line numbers. Linux Security ‘Use of sudo to change user privileges to root Identify all operations that require sudo privileges Create a new user and add it to sudo configuration file. Set password for new user. “Modify the expiration date for riew user using password ageing. Delete newly added user. Network Get IP address of your machine using ifconfig. If IPs not set, then assign an IP address according to your ne:work settings. Get hostname of your machine. Use ping to check the network connectivity to remote machines. ‘Use telnev/ssh to connect to remote machines and lear the difference between the two. ‘Troubleshooting network using traceroute, ping, route commands. Shell Seripting Searching with grep: Search for your username in the etc/passwd file. Parsing files with awk: Display in @ column a unique list of all the shells used for users in /ete/passwd, Which field in /etefpasswd holds the stell (user command interpreter in the manual page)? How do you make a lst of unique entries, that is, no repeated entries? ‘Searching and substituting with sed: Search all instances of the user command interpreter (shell) equal to /bin/false in etc/passwd and substitute with bin/bash using sed, Exit status: write a script which does,ts to a non existent file. Display an exit status of the previous command. Now create the file and again display the exit status, In each task send the Is output to /dev/null ‘Working with files: Write a shell script which will ask user for a directory, create that directory and switch to it and tell the user where you are using pwd command, Now use touch to create some new files followed by displaying the filenames. Environment variables: Write a script which displays all etvironment variables on the system. Write a script that asks user for a number (1,2 of 3) whieh j Fancions eee ‘number in its name. The function then di ae eras Is message with the fonction number within it, example: “This message ing function number 4.” o ; ic: Wri ich will work as arithmetic calcula Arithmetic: Write a script which will OF to subtract, multiply, divide. The user should pass an argument on the : line a letter (a.m or d) and two numbers. If wrong number of arguneny passed then display an error message. Make use of functions 10 pea" operations. Case Statements: Write a script that will be given a month number as argument and will translate this umber into a month name. The result wil | printed to stdout. Script Arguments and Usage Information: Write a script that takes exactly ox argument, a directory name. The script should print that argument back standard output, Make sure the script generates a usage message if needed ani that it handles errors with a message. Randomness: Create a script that takes a word as an argument from the user, tha appends a random number to the word and display it to the user. Put in a check make sure the user passed in a word, displaying a usage statement if a word wa not passed as an argument. Strings: Write a script that will read two strings from the user. The script will Perform three operations on the two s fone of the strings is of zero length and if the in the background, Finally, Kill the round job and verify its status. Scheduling a One-Time Backup: Create job using at to back up files it | Seon © another 10 minutes from now, oot cheduling Rey i . rectory to antag EaCkUPS: Set up a cron job to backup the Ales js "ery day at 10 am. Put the commands in file called ™ oo UNITI Chapter 1_: Introduction 141 to 1-14 Chapter : introduction CU Syllabus : History of Linux, Philosophy, Community, Terminology, Distribuions, Linux kernel vs Gistrbution, Why lear Linux? Importance of Linux in software ecosystem : web servers, supercomputers, mobile, servers. insane 7 Syllabus Tope: History of Linux — Ed LL History of Linux. i ¥ Syllabus Topic: Philosophy.. 12 1.2 Philosophy 12 ¥ Syllabus Topic : Community... 13 13 Community. 13 v Sys Tope Terie 14 14 14 ey 1s 1s AS ¥ Syllabus Topic 7 7 7 1.6 Linux Kemel vs Distribution. Y Syllabus Topic : Why Learn Linux... 1.7 Why Lea Linux. 7 sylabus Topi: Inportanceof Linx in Software Ezaeystem : Web Serves, ‘Supercomputers, Mobile, Servers... : 1.8 Importance of Linux in Software Ecosystem. 181 Servers. 1.8.2 Web Servers. 183 Mobiles. 1.84 Supercomputers. 1.9 University Questions and Answer... 7 a Chapter 2: installation 241102410 Chapter 2: Installation 00ND ‘Syllabus : Installation methods, Hands on Installation using CD/DVD or USB crive. Syllabus Topic: Installation Methods. 21 Installation Method... Syllabus Tope Hands on instalation xing CDIDVD or USB dive. 22 Hanson Intllaen wing CDIDVD or USB dive 221 : 222 22.3 Booting and Language Settings 22.4 Preparing to Install Ubuntu. 22.5 Allocate Drive Space 22.6 Installation Begins. aoe W tin (uu - 8. comp) Tt Chapter 3: Linux Structure Mtoay, Shllabus + Linux Architecture, Flenystm bases, The Boot poes,ii ent, nmi, yy proces, Very basic itoductions to Linux proestes, Packaging methods : rome, Crp ‘Command line. ‘Y Syllabus Topic : Linux Architecture. Bul Linux Architectute eooron 3.11 System Calls 312 Kemel.. BAB SRM ern ¥ Syllabus Topic : File System Basle 9 " ¥__ Syllabus Topic : The Boot Process.. 33 The Boot Process... Y Syllabus Topic = int Scripts 34 init Scripts : Y Syllabus Topic : Runlevels... 33 Runlevels.... ¥ Syllabus Topic : Shutdown Process... e 3.6 Shutdown Process... ns Y Syllabus Topic : Very Basic Introduction to Linux Process 3.7 Very Basic Introduction to Linux Process BTL The Shell Process enon 3.72 Parents and Child Process. 3.73 Process Status. ¥ Syllabus Topic : Packaging Method : RPM / DEB.... 3.8 Packaging Methods : RPM// DEB ... 3.8.1 RPM (Red Hat Package Manager... 3.82 DEB (Debian Package Management). Y Syllabus Topic : Graphical vs Command Line.. 39 GUI vs Command Line 3.10. University Questions and Answers. Chapter 4 : Graphical Desktop aA ins Syllabus : Session Management, Basic Desktop Operations, Network Management, Installing Updating Software, Text editor: gedit, vi vim, emacs, Graphics editors, Multimedia applicaom “ Syllabus Topic : Session Management. 4.1 Session Management vn ¥__ Syllabus Topic : Basic Desktop Operations. 42 Basic Desktop Operations... 7, Slabar Topi: Network Managment 43. Network Management. 43.1 ifconfig command.. 43.2 PING Command, 433 434 435 43.6 ROUTE Command. 43.7. Host Command 438 ARP Command. 439 HOSTNAME Command.. Y Syllabus Topic : Installing and Updating Software. 44 Installing and Updating Software. : Syllabus Topic: Text Editors: gedit, vi, vim, emacs, Graphics Btos. 43. Text Editors . : 45.1 gedit: Simple Text Editor for GNOME... 452 vil vimBditor 453° emacs. 454 Graphics Editor... ¥ Syllabus Topic : Multimedia Applications. 4.6 Multimedia Applications. AGL Amat0k oon nn 462 Audacity. 463 Cheese. 464 OpenShot.. 465 Songwrite 466 VLC. 4.7 University Questions and Answers Chapter § : Command Line Syllabus : Command line mode options, Shes, Basic Commands, General Purpose Uulities, Installing Software, User management, Environment variables, Command aliases. Syllabus Tople : Command Line Mode Options es 5.1 Command Line Mode OPt0N5 nnn Sl Syllabus Topi : Shells 53 52 Shells : 53 52.1 Shell Architecture 34 55 55 55 Syllabus Topic : Basic Commands... 53 Basic Commands in Linux. 53.1 pwd Command 53.2 mkdir Command . 533 vi Command.. 33.4 cat Command... 53.5 1s Command. 53.6 cpCommand.. $3.7 1m Command. 53.8 my Command... 53.9 man Command.. 53.10 who Command. 53.11 groups Command. 53.12 id Command nos Syllabus Topic: General Purpose Uilites... 5.4 General Purpose Utilities. SAL 542 343 544 S45 546 347 548 349 54.10 $4.11 54.12 we (word count) Command. ¥ Syllabus Topic: Installing Software. 5S Installing Software Syllabus Topic : User Management, 56 User Management. o 56.1 562 563 7 5.64 (etcidefaulvuseradd. 56.5 Login Shel. 566 chsh... 5.6.7 letciskey ¥__Syllabus Topie : Environment Variables 57 Environment Variables... ¥ Syllabus Topic : Command Aliases. 58 Command Aliases. " 59° Univenity Questions and Answers W inc quy-8.5e. Comp Table of Contents Chapter 6 : Linux Documentation 611068 Syllabus : man pages, GNU info, help command, More documentation sources. Syllabus Topi : man Pages... 6.1 man Page. 6.1.1 User Commands. 6.1.11 Login. The Shell 6.1.13 Pathnames and Curent Directory. 61.14 Directories. Disks and File Systems. Getting Information. 6.12 System Calls. 6.1.3 Library Functions... 6.14 Special Files... 6.1.5 File Formats Syllabus Topic : GNU into. 62 GNUinfo. 62.1 info Command. Y Syllabus Topic : help Command. 63 help Command Syllabus Tople : More Documentation Sources. 64 More Documentation Sources. 64.1 Red Hat Enterprise. 642 Arch... 643 Ubuntu 644 FreeBSD Documentation and Handbook. 64.5 Bash Hackers Wiki : 65 University Questions and Answers. Chapter 7 : File Operations 7-1 to 7-26 67 67 8 Syllabus Filesystem, File sytem architecture, Fle types, File attributes, Working wih file, Backup, compression Syllabus Topic: File System TA File System... Syllabus Topic : File System Architecture 7.2. File System Architecture. ¥ Syllabus Topic: File Types... 13. File Type.. 731 Regular File Type 732 Directory File Type: 44 733, Linking Files 8 Y- Syllabus Topic: File Attributes. = 74 File Attributes. : Y Syllabus Topic: ‘Working with Files. i 75 Working with Files. — a Merkin ate an pty Fle using ouch Command = 7:52 Copy aPile using cp Command. ” 753 Rename aFile with my Command. ae 754 Delete File with rm Command... es Syllabus Topic : Backup... A 76 Backup. es F sytiabus Topi Compreson a 7.7 Compression: 13 78 University Question and Answer 1 ‘UNIT OT BA to6tt Chapter 8 : Security Syllabus Undertnding Linux Security, Uses of root, sudo command, working wit ssw 7 pi Tip in in i, Uae tine ey Reems a eects See ae 1 shana tone’ asf et wa “Uomotno gpa tnt as Gn give pe lng win Pave Fy creeper as Mer naa oroed ames ta paoweseony shame fone By oe pero eee © opiates trove is Gncunbneuh ea) neta Winx -8.Se. Comp) Authentication 863 ssh Tools 8.7 Univenity Questions and Answers ‘Chapter 9: Networking 91 t0917 Syllabus : Basic introduction to Networking, Network protocols: htp, fip ete, IP address, DNS, ‘Browsers, Transferring files. ssh, telnet, ping, traceroute, route, hostname, networking GUI. ¥ Syllabus Topic : Basic Introduction to Networking. 9.1. Basic Introduction to Networking... 9.1.1 Goals of Computer Network... 9.1.2 Modes of Communication. 9.13 OSIModel... ¥ Syllabus Topic : Network Protocols : http, pete. 9.2 Network Protocols... ' 92.1 HTTP Cypertext Transfer Protocol. 922 FIP Ge Transfer Protocol)... 923° TCPAP... 924 UDP. 92.5 ICMP... n 9.2.6 Mail Protocols POP3 and SMTP... Y Syllabus Topic : IP Adres... 93 IP Address. Syllabus Topic : DNS. 9.4 DNS (Domain Name System)... ¥ Syllabus Topic : Browsers. 95 Browsers. : ¥ Syllabus Topic: Transfering Files... 9.6 Transfering Files... Syllabus Topie : ssh... 97 sh Y Syllabus Topic: telnet. 98 telnet. Y Syllabus Topic : ping 9.9 ping (Packet Internet Groper). ¥ Syllabus Topic : traceroute. 9.10 traceroute ¥ Syllabus Topic : route. 9.11 route... ¥ Syllabus Topic : hostname. 9.12 hostname. W tinux au 2.50. Comp) 8 Table of Contenss Chapter 10 : Basle Shell Scripting 10-4 to 10-97 Syllabus : Features and capabilites, Syntax, Constructs, Modifying files, Sed, awk command, File ‘manipulation utilities, Dealing with large files and Text, String manipulation, Boolean expressions, File tests, Case, Debugging, Regular expressions. 4 Bebe Tole Sal Sering ee a Capit, Spt, Cotto 101 ves YO 10.1 Features and Capabilities 10.1.1 Syntax.. 10.1.2 Constructs Syllabus Topic : Modifying Files 102 Modifying Files... ¥ Syllabus Topic : sed Command. 10.2.1. sed Command. ¥ Syllabus Topic : awk command, 1022 awk Command ¥ Syllabus Topic: File Manipulation Utilities. 103 File Manipulation Utilities... Syllabus Topic : Dealing with Large Files and Text 10.4 Dealing with Large Files and Text. z 10.4.1 To Display Specific Lines ofa File use sed Command». soon TOIT 10.42 To Display First N Lines of a File use head Command, ' 10:18 10.43. Ignore Last N Lines ofa File use head Command.. a 10:18 10.4.4 Display LastN lines of the File use tail Command... 10.18 ¥ _ Syllabus Topie : String Manipulation oes 1018 105 String Manipulation sn OB Syllabus Tope: Boolean Expressions eee ven 1022 10.6 Boolean Expressions ve : 1022 Y Syllabus Topie : File Test soso : ares 10.7 File Tests Z a 2 ties ¥ Syllabus Topic : Case a eas 108 Case. : : snes OQ ¥ Syllabus Topic : Debugging — 1031 10.8.1 Debugging. " +1031 Syllabus Topi: Regular Expressions i ssn OB 10,82 Regular Expressions 10.9 University Questions and Answers. > List of Practicals > Model Question Papers wm ean > Appendix A: Solved University Aveaton Papers of Nov. 2017 and April 2018 cel NAc) Introduction Syllabus History of Linux, Philosophy, Community, Terminology, Distributions, Linux kemel vs distribution. Why leam Linux ? Importance of Linux in software ecosystem : web servers, ‘supercomputers, mobile, servers. 1 ‘Syllabus Topic : History of Linux History of Linux a Explain the history of Linux in detail. In 1984, Richard Stallman's Free Software Foundation (FSF) started the GNU (GNU’s NOT UNIX) project to develop a Unix-compatible operating system called GNU. Its intention was to make the software free. Developers contributed many programs and utilities around the world and by 1991 most of components were ready. Kernel is the heart of an operating system was missing in this project. In 1991, Linus Torvalds a Finnish student started writing his own free operating system kernel. He started with the development of device drivers and hard-drive access. By September a basic design was made which he called version 0.01. Development was done on MINIX using GNU C Compiler. Linux (MU - B.Sc. Comp) 12 roducton * This kernel afterwards combined with the GNU system to produce complete free operating system. As Stallman’s concept of free means software thay could be freely read, used, modified and redistributed. + On October 5% 1991, Torvalds posted the release of version 0.02 to the comp.os.minix newsgroup. * Further numbers of volunteers communicating over the Internet were increased and kernel was rapidly improved by Torvalds and by December ity functional standalone Linux system was released as version 0.11. * On January 5% 1992 version 0.12, an improved and stable kernel was released, Torvalds published version 0.11 under a freeware license of his own invention, further released the version 0.12 under the GNU’s (General Public License). ‘Syllabus Topic : Philosophy 2_ Philosophy ;ophy of Linux. * Linus Torvalds being the head, Linux is constay maintained by a network of developers from all over th over the Internet. It throws out the entire concept of or source control systems, structured bug reporting, '¢ world collaborating "ganized development, oF statistical analysis, + The concept that we call Open Source Software is ce philosophy. Open Source is a term that applics to soft source codes the inner workings of the program is freely to download, modify, and redistribute. inter of the Linux ‘ware for which the evailable for anyone * Linux takes most from the UNIX operating systom an it w, ‘aH written to free and open source of version of UNIX. be © The top node of the system is root or simply *” an flow ang hierarchical file system. stored in W uouxau 2.82. Comp) 13 trirason Linux make its components available, processes, devices and network sockets are represented by objects. Single organization is not responsible for development of Linux. Anyone with knowledge has opportunity to help develop and debug the kernel, write documentation and help new users. + Linux is multiuser operating system and multitasking. «Linux has multiple virtual terminals which one can access with altectrl + (F1 to F7] keys. Also GUI console allows to have multiple terminal sessions which is useful in remote login. ‘The Linux software is generally released as a distribution, which is a set of prepackaged software making up an entire system. Sec Syllabus Topiey Community 1.3 Community @._ Explain Linux community in detail. ‘The largest part of the work on Linux is performed by the community ice. thousands of programmers use Linux and suggest the developments to the maintainers. ‘The Linux community is an ecosystem which consists of developers, system rent forums to connect with administrators, users and vendors, who use diffe one another. For Example 1. Linux User Groups Internet Relay Chat (IRC) software Online forums and discussion boards Newsgroups and mailing list, Community events 28 ep 14 Introduction ine (MA © Most popular user community is which serves over one million unique visitors every month and is active on news, tutorials, user tips ete. ‘Syllabus Topic : Terminology 1.4 Terminology Q. Explain different terms of kernel in detal. © Understanding Linux operating system there are some basic terms which ‘are frequently used such as, Sr. Name Funetion No. 1 | Kernel Tt connects the application software to the hardware of ‘a computer. It's the central core of a computer | operating system which controls hardware and make the hardware interact with application. For eg. : Linux Kernel Te’s a collection of application which is combined to make an operating system. For e.g-: Ubuntu Tis a program that puts the operating system into memory. For e.g : ISOLINUX, 2 | Distribution 3 | Bootloader 4 | Service Tes a program that runs on background process. For e.g. : http, fipd File System | ls a method for storing and organizing of files ext3 (3% Extended filesystem), FAT ( File ion Table) LET — qh provides GUI ( Graphical User Interface)on top of © [DeOD ane | heating te For eg. : GNOME (GNU Network Object Model Eevivooment) | _-o interface for typiny | _—4 es an interface for typing commands on top of 7 aa ratingsystem WF iow (uu -8:50. Com) 1. Introduction Sr] Name Function No. 8 | Shell It interprets the command line input and instructs operating system to perform tasks and commands. For eg. : bash ‘Syllabus Topic 1.5 Distributions Q. Explain Linux distributions in detall @._Explain the distribution family structure in Linux. + Linux users usually obtain their operating system by downloading distributions, which are available for a wide variety of systems such as embedded systems, personal computer, supercomputers. * Atypical Linux distribution contains Linux Kernel, GNU tools and libraries, additional software, documentation and desktop environment. * The family and representative distribution are : Linx Kemel Debian (Other Distbuions ‘Ubur RHEL SLES (ed Hat} | (SUSE Linux Enric | | Enero tinny | | Sener | Linux Mint ContOS Oracle Open Unux SUSE Fig. 15.1 Linux (MU, Se. 16 Introduction Debian Family System + The Debian distribution is upstream for several other distributions including Ubuntu and its upstream for Linux Mint and others. * Commonly used on servers and desktop computer. * Open source project which provides stability. * Ubuntu is widely used for cloud deployments. + Linux Mint, a distribution based on and compatible with Ubuntu. ‘Supports multiple desktop environments. 2. SUSE Family System * SUSE Linux Enterprise Server is upstream for openSUSE. * Linux Kernel 3.11 used in openSUSE 12.3. + Includes YaST (Yet another System Tool) application for system administration purpose. + SUSE Family System used in retail sectors, 3. Fedora Family System * Fedora family is upstream for CentOS, RHEL and OracleLinux * RHEL used by enterprises which host their own systems. + Fedora contains more software than Red Hat's enterprise because it’s a diverse community used to build Fedora. 4, Mandriva Family System + Ibis also known as mandrake earlier was one of the great user-friendly Linux distributions now has business Linux server projects only. © PCLinuxOS, a derivative of Mandriva, which grew from packages into a community-spawned desktop distribution, © ROSA Linux, another former derivative of Mandriva, now developed independently. version, @ group of 5. Slackware Family system + Itis highly customizable distribution that stresses ease of maintenance and reliability. Generally considered a distribution for advanced wane it is often suggested to those who want to learn the inner workin ; a igs of a Linux operating system. F Linux (wu -8:50. cone 1 Invecucon ‘Syllabus Topic : Linux Kernel vs Distribution 1.6 Linux Kernel vs Distribution Q._ Distinguish between Linux Kemel and Distributions. Sr. No. Linux Kernel Distribution 1. | Kernel manages input, output, memory and processing but it useless by itself. Kernel is bundled with bunch of useful utilities and interfaces called as distribution. 2._| Fore.g., Linux Kernel For eg., Ubuntu distribution 8. | Linux is just the kernel which comes just above the hardware Ubuntu is an operating system which is built over the kernel. Kernel is core of operating system Linux distributions assemble various software like command-line shell, GNU shell utilities, a graphical desktop etc from different developers As for instance, Kernel is an engine Ubuntu is a vehicle 1.7_ Why Learn Linux Syllabus Topic : Why Learn Linux Q. What is the need to learn Linux ? Q. Explain the features of Linux in detail ‘The features are as follows : software is available free of charge. jnux is known for the fact that all the distribution and most of the W ious au -8:50, Comp) 18 Introsution a Be (MU BS CN 1 1 Linux around forever : Build on UNIX tradition, most of the old traditional part is applicable to a modern distribution today. Easy to build programs : Easy to build complex programs without much effort and easy to send output from one program to the other. Customizable : It is customized to run on any hardware platform, Diversity : As its open source, projects can be of various types. Credibility : Great career in software developer. Verifiable : As it is an open source anyone ean check code to find and fix the bugs if any. Seeurity : More secure than any other operating system. Robust : It is rare to see system crashes caused by a user program ‘Syllabus Topic : Importance of Linux in Software Ecosystem : Web ‘Servers, Supercomputers, Mobile, Servers 8 _ Importance of Linux in Software Ecosystem 8.1 Servers Q. Explain the importanes of Linux in server High level of security : Linux servers offers high level of security as they have efficient firewall and strict file access system which avoid unauthorized access. Great stability and durability : Linux servers don't need periodic reboots ‘and updates if configured properly . It's highly durable and can run for years without service interruption. Reliable : As they offer consistent services without any failures they are very reliable. WF sux mu -2.8e, com) 19 Inroguction 1.8.2 Web Servers Ce Q._Explain the importance of Linux in Web servers. + Economical : Linux being open source operating system, its various are available at lesser price than other web server. + Multitasking : Linux servers enable the programs to run continuously in background while the user works on other programs 1.8.3 Mobiles fee ZL @. Explain the importance of Linux in Mobiles, * Android is a mobile operating system developed by Google based on Linux Kernel. + Android is designed to manage processes to keep minimum power consumption 1.8.4 Supercomputers Q._Explain the importance of Linux in Supercomputers. Bi Esp iin the i aT OE Sa Le TEESE pages Slo Ss AN] * Scalability : Linux has the ability to take the new and higher loads easily. * Open source Nature : Linux is open source and free software with complete source code available, thus the supercomputer administrators can customize the operating system to any level, * Community support : It has great community support. * Cost : Making supercomputers is cost effective, thus Linux is totally free. .1 Explain the history of Linux in deta. Q.2 Write about the philosophy of Linux. ©.3 Explain Linux community in detail, in deta 2.4 Explain ditferent terms of kern W inve nau -8.50. Comp) 1:10 Inotucen 8 Se Comp) rte ©.5 Explain Linux distributions in deta ©.6 Explain the distribution family structure in Linux Q.7 Whats the need to loam Linux ? 0.8 Explain ho features of Linux in dota 2.9 Explain ho importance of Linux in Web servers, supercomputers and mobiles 2.10 Distinguish between Linux Kemel and Distributions. 1.9 University Questions and Answers Q. 1(@)(1) Original creator of Linux is__ (1 Mark) (@) Richard Stallman _(b). Dennis Ritchile (©) Ken Thompson (@) Linus Torvald Ans.: (4) Linus Torvald @. 1(02) Linux is a (1 Mark) (@) open source system (©) open source software (©) open server system (0) open server software ‘Ans. : (b) open source software 2.1 (ax3) is not one of the Linux Distibtuion, (1 Mark) (@) Ubuntu (0) Fedora (6) Microsoft Windows (4) Kali Ans. : (¢) Microsoft Windows . 1(a)(5) GNOME desktop stands for (1 Marky (a) GNU Network Object Model environment (©) GCC Netowrk Object Model Enviroment (c) GNU New Object Environment (2) GCC New Object Environment Linux (MU- 8 Se. Com) 1 Introduction ‘Ans. : (a) GNU Network Object Model Environment @. 1(0X1) ‘Ans. : Bootloader {Q. 4(¢X(1) Write short note : Role of Linux kemel. (Ans. : Refer section 1.4) (1 Mark) _puts the operating system in memory. (1 Mark) Ans, Role of Linux kernel ‘The kernel is a computer program that is the core of a computer's operating system, with complete control over everything in the system. It is the first program loaded on start up. It handles the rest of start-up as well as inpu/output requests from software, translating them into data-processing instructions for the central processing unit. It’ handles memory and peripherals like keyboards, ‘monitors, printers and speakers. @. 2(a) List Linux Distributions. Discuss any four of them. (Ans. : Refer section 1.5) (1 Mark) . 2(b) Write any five features of Linux operating system, (Ans. : Refer section 1.7) (6 Marks) @. 2(¢) Write a note on Linux Community. (Ans. : Refer section 1.3) (5 Marks) Q. 5(a) Give the improtance of Linux in software ecosystem as Web Servers and Mobiles, (Ans. : Refer sections 1.8.2 and 1.8.3) (6 Marks) goo

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