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Instructions: Prior to completing this form, the requestor must check the list of approved technology
products to determine if the product is already in use by the district. Prior to any purchases, several steps
must be taken. This form must be filled out completely and returned to the technology department.

Campus Name:
Technology Tool Name:
Tool will be used by: Teacher Students Both

Cost: Are there any age restrictions or requirement for use?

Content Area(s) Addressed: Grade Level:

This tool can be accessed

through which of the Computer/Laptops iPads Personal Devices Other:
following platforms: ____________
(check all that apply)

Logistics in Using the Tool Yes/ No

Does this tool support your content TEKS?
Can the tool be adjusted to meet the needs of students at a variety of instructional levels?

What will the tool be used for? Application Analysis Synthesis Evaluation
(check all that apply)

Ease of Use
Is the tool easy to navigate and user friendly?

Does the tool creator have a website that provides additional instructional information?
If so, specify:
Are there any professional development opportunities offered by your school/district to
provide additional support if needed?
If so, specify:

School Infrastructure
Will all students have access to the tool in your classroom?
Can this technology be scaled based on classroom size?

Can this technology be leveraged with other classrooms?

Can this technology be leveraged across the district?

Is this technology licensed per student, Per Student Per Seat Per Device Unknown
per seat, per device or unknown?

Based on your obersvations while using the tool, are their any improvements you would make?

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