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Research Activity 1: Finding a topic and writing the “Statement of the Problem” (SOP)

1. Find a topic

How to Find a Topic 

• Talk to your chosen content adviser, or the program chair.
• Scan refereed journals for their recommendations (most preferred way in finding a
• Consult industry practioners  
• Read current trends and innovations, or visit the site below for sample published
research papers and may choose a paper that interests you. (preferably mathematical

General Rule:
• Choose a topic that is remarkable and something new.
• Topic is neither too broad nor too narrow
• Do preliminary checking for potential sources before you decide on your topic.


Statement of the Problem - is an intellectual stimulus that calls for an organized response in the
form of scientific inquiry and should express a relationship between two or more variables.

Two Parts of the Statement of the Problem

1. Main Objective - provides the focus of research. This will give the readers the clear
output of the research;
2. Specific Objectives – statements that will address the realization of the research
objective. It should start with verbs (Blooms Taxonomy). Choose the red colored verbs
in the table below. (At least 2 from analysis, 2 from synthesis and one from evaluation,
total of at least 5 specific objectives).
Sample Statement of the Problem (the underlined words are keywords):
The underlined words (keywords) at least five, will guide you in writing the “REVIEW OF RELATED

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