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Is an English teacher trained to teach other subjects?

what do you think about it?

CLIL: Content and Language Integrated Learning

CLIL is simply the teaching of subjects to students in a language that is not their
own. So we have two elements to look at here:
 Content : is The subject: This can be anything from academic subjects
like science and history, to even life skills taught in a classroom context.
 Language is The medium of instruction: This is the language used
inside the classroom to explain the subject.
 Integrated a CLIL class hits two birds with one stone: the subject matter
and the target language.
 Learning is the acquisition of knowledge

CLIC has goals that are characterized by:

Multiple focus: integration of subject and language teching, blending subjects
and topics, out-of-class projects, analysis
Learning environment : typical tasks, lots of aids, overcoming fear, authentic
Authenticity: student is the speaker, topics related to their needs, everyday life
and interest; contacts with target language users; use of authentic materials.
Active learning: students talk more, help to rephrase the outcomes, assess
progress, co-operate, discuss. Teacher is a guide and provider
Support structure :learning is based on prior knowledge, skills, attitudes,
interests and experience; information is provided in student-friendly forms
paying attention to different learning styles; critical and creative thinking is
supported; new challenging tasks 
Co-operation: courses / classes / topics are planned in co-operation with
subject and language teachers; parents are informed and invited to support
students; learning reaches outside the common classroom.

a successful CLIL lesson should combine elements of the following:

 Culture - Exposure to alternative perspectives and shared

understandings, which deepen awareness of otherness and self. CULTURAL
 Environment: the environment or context helps to relate the language

 Content - Progression in knowledge, skills and understanding related to

specific elements of a defined curriculum

 Language: the Communication  is the focus, Using language to learn

whilst learning to use language

 Learning: is focused on cognition Developing thinking skills which link

concept formation (abstract and concrete), understanding and language
So for example, in a CLIL class could involve:
 Math
 science
 social study
 religion
 History
 Ethic

when gemima worked at the santa fe school she could teach science or social,
she uses her english level to impart a knowledge of the area but she teaches
english simultaneously, that is to say the leraning of content and the
simultaneous learning of a foreing language.
ok if Gemima is in science class and she is going to talk about bacteria or
viruses, she explains the general concepts and aspects but the students use
everyday language like “ make you sick” and academic language like basteria
to discuss a science lesson.
Student practice listening, writing, reading and speaking skills to discuss
information on video, reading and audio clips. also
Student read short informational texts and converse about them.

• Introduce the wider cultural context.
• Improve overall and specific language competence.
• Increase learner motivation

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