Fluid Mechanics Hydraulic Bench

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(a) To measure the volume flow rate of water supplied by the Basic Hydraulic Bench
(b) To determine the relation between flow rate and pressure of fluid flow

(a) Stopwatch
(b) Basic hydraulic bench


A: Flow control valve

B: Bypass valve
C: PVC coupling
D: Water pump
E: Fiberglass sump tank
F: Castor wheel
G: Sump tank level
H: Measuring tank's
level indicator
I: Fiberglass water
channel bench top
J: Pressure gauge
K: Ammeter
L: Voltmeter
M: Trip Indicator
N: Mains switch
O: Emergency stop
Safety Precaution:
(a) Ensure that the sump tank (E) is filled up to at least 3/4 full (G) to prevent dry-
running of the pump.
(b) Ensure that the flow control valve (A) and bypass valve (B) are fully
open before operating the pump. This is to prevent loading on the
pump and to enhance pump lifespan.
(c) If the ammeter (K) and voltmeter (L) show a reading but there is no water
flow in the pipe, switch off the pump (D) immediately by using the
emergency stop button (O). Check the water level in the sump tank.
(d) When in operation, always observe the pressure gauge (J) to
ensure that the maximum operating pressure of 2 bar (g) is not
(e) Ensure there is no water leakage from all the joints and fittings (C).

Pre-Experiment Procedure:
(a) The safety instruction given is read before conducting the experiment.
(b) The theory is read and understood the for flow measurement
before lab session.
(c) The apparatus are make sure in good condition
(d) A water hose is connected between the water supply source and
water inlet port of the sump tank.
(e) The water supply is opened and the sump tank (E) is filled with
water up to 3/4 full (G). (f) The power cable is plugged to a 240 V
single phase 13 A 50 Hz electrical supply (g). The desired
experimental apparatus is desired on the hydraulic bench.
(h) Water hose is connected from the outlet of the hydraulic bench to
the inlet of the experiment apparatus.
(i) The hydraulic bench is now ready for use.
(a) Before conducting the experiment, the flow control valve (A) is ensured
and bypass valve (B) of the hydraulic bench are fully open.
(b) Then, the mains switch (N) is switched on.
(c) The water channel (I) drain port is plugged with the stopper. By using a
stopwatch, the time is recorded and the total volume flow accumulated in
the water channel is measured by reading the level indicator (H).
(d) The flow rate and the water pressure (J) supplied to the experimental
apparatus can be varied by adjusting the flow control valve and the bypass
valve. The flow rate is adjusted and step (i) is read to obtain readings for 4
different flow rates.
(e) The delivery pressure is always ensured does not exceed 2 bar (g).


Run Water Time Discharge Pressure Volumetric Flow Rate Volumetric Flow Rate
Level (L) (s) (bar) (L/s) (m3/s)
1 5 22.01 1.6 0.2272 2.2717 x 10-4
2 7 33.02 1.6 0.2120 2.1199 x 10-4
3 10 51.01 1.6 0.1960 1.9604 x 10-4


Run Water Time Discharge Pressure Volumetric Flow Rate Volumetric Flow Rate
Level (L) (s) (bar) (L/s) (m3/s )
1 5 28.75 1.8 0.1739 1.7391 x 10-4
2 7 45.38 1.8 0.1543 1.5425 x 10-4
3 10 71.07 1.8 0.1407 1.4071 x 10-4


Additional Information:
(a) Water Collected = Final volume - Initial volume (Read from level
(b) Time Recorded = Time taken between initial & final volume
(c) Volumetric Flow Rate = Water Collected / Time Recorded

Discussion, Recommendation and Conclusion:

a) Calculation of the volume flow rate.
Calculation of volume flow rate can be obtained by using the following formula ;
Water level(L∨m3)
Volume flow rate=
Time( s)
After the volume flow rate of 3 water run were obtained, the average volume flow rate will
need to be determined by adding the 3 values and divide them by 3.

i. For Discharge Pressure of 1.6 Bar.

Run 1 : Water level = 5L = 5 x 10-3 m3
Time = 22.01sVolume flow rate = 5/22.01 = 0.2272 L/s
Volume flow rate = 5 x 10-3/22.01 = 2.2717 x 10-4 m3/s

Run 2 : Water level = 7L = 7 x 10-3 m3

Time = 33.02s Volume flow rate = 7/33.02 = 0.2120 L/s
Volume flow rate = 7 x 10-3/33.02 = 2.1199 x 10-4 m3/s

Run 3 : Water level = 10L = 10 x 10-3 m3

Time = 51.01sVolume flow rate = 10/51.01 = 0.1960 L/s
Volume flow rate = 10 x 10-3/51.01 = 1.9604 x 10-4 m3/s

0.2272+0.2120+ 0.1960
Avg vol . flow rate= =0.2117 L/s
( 2.2717+2.1199 +1.9064 ) 10−4
Avg vol . flow rate= =2.1173 ×10−4 m3 /s
ii. For Discharge Pressure of 1.8 Bar.
Run 1 : Water level = 5L = 5 x 10-3 m3
Time = 28.75sVolume flow rate = 5/28.75 = 0.1739 L/s
Volume flow rate = 5 x 10-3/28.75 = 1.7191 x 10-4 m3/s

Run 2 : Water level = 7L = 7 x 10-3 m3

Time = 45.38s Volume flow rate = 7/45.38 = 0.1543 L/s
Volume flow rate = 7 x 10-3/45.38 = 1.5425 x 10-4 m3/s

Run 3 : Water level = 10L = 10 x 10-3 m3

Time = 71.07sVolume flow rate = 10/71.07 = 0.1407 L/s
Volume flow rate = 10 x 10-3/71.07 = 1.4071 x 10-4 m3/s

0.1739+0.1543+ 0.1407
Avg vol . flow rate= =0.1563 L/s
( 1.7191+1.5425+1.4071 ) 10−4
Avg vol . flow rate= =1.5562 ×10−4 m3 / s

b) Graph of Volume (L) vs Time (s)

Graph 1: For 1.6 Bar Pressure.

Volume (liter) against time (s)

10 y = 0.1719x + 1.2586

Volume (liter)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (s)

Graph 2 : For 1.8 Bar Pressure

Volume (liter) against time (s)


10 y = 0.118x + 1.6207
Volume (liter)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Time (s)

c) Relation between volume and time

From the graph plotted above, it can be clearly seen that the volume increase linearly as the
time increases. So, as the time increases, the volume also increases.

d) Application of Volume flow rate in daily life and in engineering world.

The concept of volume flow rate is undoubtedly very useful to mankind. The concept
of volume flow rate can assist everyone in their daily life. There are several applications of
volume flow rate that we can recognize in our daily life. Simplest application of volume flow
rate is the household faucet. We can adjust the rate of water flowing to either fast or slow
depending on our usage. It is easy because we just need to turn the tap and the water flow rate
will change to whatever level that you wanted. The system looks simple but there is actually
a principle behind it. It applies the concept of volume flow rate. From this experiment, we
can see that when the pressure is higher, the volume flow rate will decrease. Therefore, in the
household faucet, this concept was applied by increasing the pressure in the faucet itself by
controlling its area. When we reduce the area in the pipe by turning the tap, the volume flow
rate will decrease hence the speed of water will increase.
The volume flow rate also can be applied in engineering world. The most common
application in engineering world is in the manufacturing industry. The volume flow rate
concept was broadly use in casting. Casting flow rate has a big influence on the structure
flow and the steel turbulence intensity in the tundish where the higher the casting volume
flow rate, the lower the part of dead zones in the volume of liquid steel. It also influences the
kinetics of steel mixing in the tundish. To obtain a better steel mixing in tundish, the higher
casting volume flow rate will be used. By increasing the casting volume flow rate, the
percentage share of dead volume flow can be decreased and it also increase the well-mixed
volume flow.
e) Graph of Pressure (bar) vs Volume Flow Rate (litre/s)

Pressure against Volume Flow Rate


Pressure (bar)




1.6 y = -3.6101x + 2.3643

0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25
Volume Flow Rate (liter/s)

f) Relationship between pressure and volume flow rate

From the graph plotted above, we can deduce that the pressure is inversely
proportional to the volume flow rate. Thus, when the pressure increases, the volume flow rate
will decrease.

g) Conclusion
From this experiment, the volume flow rate of water supplied was successfully obtained by
using the Basic Hydraulic Bench. The relationship of flow rate and pressure of fluid flow is
the higher the pressure of fluid flow, the lower the volume flow rate of the water.

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