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Level 2 Writing 1 (Average)

Replace the underlined words with the words given to complete the story.

- passed by - toilet - warned - inform - scolded – boys

- saw - smoking - felt – scared - advised – smoke
- boys - rudely - walked away – place - praised - bravery
- went – teacher
- told - incident
One morning, Nita was on her way to the canteen. She passed by the library. She saw some girls were
throwing rubbish next to the library. The girls were also talking very loudly.
The girls warned Nita not to inform the headmaster. Nita was afraid. She ran away to a safe place. She
went to her headmaster and told him the incident.
The headmaster went to the library and scolded the girls. He advised them not to throw rubbish on the
floor. Then, the headmaster complemented Nita for her bravery.

Level 2 Writing 1 (Average)

Make sentences based on the examples given.

1. Some boys were throwing rubbish on the floor.

(a) were plucking / flowers/ Some girls/ in the garden
(b) –smoking – toilet

2. Peter told the headmaster.

(a) John / the prefect / told
(b) - told – teacher

3. The headmaster scolded the boys.

(a) scolded / the girls / The prefect
(b) – teacher – scolded

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