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Allen Baragar

EDUC 6343 Exploring Emerging Technologies

March 1, 2020

Evaluation of Emerging Technologies

The tool that I have chosen to research is called Skills Blocks. The developer of Skills

Blocks designed a system of interactive presentations and quizzes that would train new operators

on the various parts of the process plant and the science associated with it. The tool has 13

modules with several subsections for each module.

I first learned of this tool while teaching an industry course for a corporate partner. The

Center for Business and Industry Training (CBIT) loaned part of the material to me in order to

teach the students about reactors. I requested access to the remaining materials and received it.

The tool took the premise of the PowerPoint presentation and elevated it into an interactive

presentation where the students would be presented with information for a system and then given

a series of interactive activities. After speaking with CBIT, we were able to negotiate a no-fee

license for the software package. I have begun integrating the package into several of our courses

with the assistance of other instructors.

The premise of the tool is to build on the knowledge from the previous module. Skills

Blocks has a pyramid design with a strong foundation on Process Plant Science. From there, it

builds into individual categories such as Instrumentation and Troubleshooting skills. These

principles are the building blocks not only for our degree program but also for the industries that

our students go to work in after graduation. They can study the material for as long or as short a

period that they need in order to understand the concepts. All educators have heard the dreaded

“Death by PowerPoint” statement. I believe that this is more of an emerging technology because

it takes the dreaded PowerPoint and makes it interactive.

Allen Baragar
EDUC 6343 Exploring Emerging Technologies
March 1, 2020

The material can apply to not only our students at the college but to students at the high

school level (dual credit) when they are learning about chemistry and physics. While our focus in

our curriculum is an Associate’s Degree, future engineering students can take our courses and be

advanced in their studies in comparison to their classmates in the same course. As an ACE-IT

(personal student advisor) coach for our students, I am in a unique position that allows me to not

only direct students on how to get through our program but assist them in planning their transfer

path. By integrating this program into our curriculum, I feel that we are giving our students an

advantage that other engineering students will not have.

Locating technologies can be as simple as stumbling upon them, as I did this one, or as

tricky as researching and seeking for months to find one that meets the needs of the student and

the instructor. I think a key to finding a new tool is to ask one’s peers. As educators, we are

always researching and digging for a new toy (or tool) to make us better at our jobs, which

should be to help our students. If we reach out to our peers, the likelihood is that one or more has

found a new shiny object for us to use. I know that several of the tools that I have implemented

into my current courses have come from asking my cohorts in this very program.
Allen Baragar
EDUC 6343 Exploring Emerging Technologies
March 1, 2020

Instructions: Prior to completing this form, the requestor must check the list of approved
technology products to determine if the product is already in use by the district. Prior to any
purchases, several steps must be taken. This form must be filled out completely and returned to the
technology department.

Campus Name: Brazosport College

Technology Tool Name: Skills Blocks
Tool will be used by: Teacher Student Both

☐ ☐ ☒
Cost: $0.00 Are there any age restrictions or requirements for use? No

Content Area(s) Addressed: Process Technologies Grade Level:

This tool can be Computer/Laptops iPads Personal Devices Other
accessed through which
of the following
☒ ☐ ☐ ☐
(check all that apply)

Logistics in Using the Tool

Does this tool support your content TEKS? Yes No
How? ☐ ☐
Can the tool be adjusted to meet the needs of students at a variety of Yes No
instructional levels? Yes. Students in freshmen or sophomore level can use it.
☒ ☐

What will the tool be Application Analysis Synthesis Evaluation

used for?
☒ ☐ ☐ ☐
(check all that apply)
Allen Baragar
EDUC 6343 Exploring Emerging Technologies
March 1, 2020

Ease of Use
Is the tool easy to navigate and user friendly? Yes No
☒ ☐

Does the tool creator have a website that provides additional instructional Yes No
☐ ☒
If so, specify:
Are there any professional development opportunities offered by your Yes No
school/district to provide additional support if needed?
☐ ☒
If so, specify:
School Infrastructure
Will all students have access to the tool in your classroom? Yes No
☒ ☐

Can this technology be scaled based on classroom size? Yes No
☒ ☐

Can this technology be leveraged with other classrooms? Yes No

☒ ☐

Can this technology be leveraged across the district? Yes No

☐ ☒

Is this technology licensed Per Student Per Seat Per Device Unknown
per student, per seat, per
device or unknown? ☐ ☒ ☐ ☐
Based on your observations while using the tool, are there any improvements you would make? Explain.
Allen Baragar
EDUC 6343 Exploring Emerging Technologies
March 1, 2020

_____While easy to navigate, the tool can be clumsy to use in a few of the slides. There are
modifications that need to be made to the quiz sections. I am working with the support staff to get this

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