Develop and Deploy A Blazeds Application

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Before You Begin:

Step 1.

← Create a new directory for the workspace: BlazeTestDeploy

Step 2.

← Start Eclipse and select c:\BlazeTestDeploy

← Click OK
← Eclipse will open in the Main Screen
← Click Open WorkBench icon

Setting up the Project:

Step 1.

← Select File -> New -> Other

← Select Flex Builder -> Flex Project

Step 2.

← Project name: "BlazeTest"

← Use default location: checked
← Web application: selected
← Application server type: J2EE
← Use remote object access service: checked
← LiveCycle Data Services: selected
← Create combined Java/Flex project using WTP: checked
← Java source folder: src
← Click Next

Step 3.

← Target runtime: Click New

← Server's host name: localhost
← Select Apache -> Tomcat v6.0 Server
← Click Next
← Name: Apache Tomcat v6.0
← Tomcat installation directory: (Browse) c:\apache-tomcat-6.0.18
← JRE: Workbench default JRE
← Click Next
← Click Finish
← Select Apache Tomct v6.0 from dropdown
← Flex WAR file: (browse) c:\BlazeDS\blazeds.war
← Compile application locally in Flex Builder: selected
← Compiled Flex application location: bin-debug
← Click Next
← Click Finish

Resulting Directory Structure:

← BlazeTest
← .settings
← bin-debug
← flex_src
← data
← script
← BlazeTest.mxml
← html-template
← src
← gateway
← WebContent
 flex
 lib
 src
 web.xml
← .actionScriptProperties
← .classpath
← .flexproperties
← .project
← Servers
← .settings
← Tomcat v6.0 Server at localhost-config

Setting up the Server:

Step 1.

← Select Window -> Show View -> Other

← Select Server -> Servers
← Click OK

Step 2.

← Click tab on Servers pane

Step 3.

← To start the server in views pane

← Server pane: right-click Tomcat v6.0 at localhost
← Select Start
← (Server State will change to "Started" when successful)

Step 4.

← Start server
← Server pane: Double-click Tomcat v6.0 Server at localhost
← Click "Use Tomcat installation ..." (second radio button)
← CTRL-S to save
← Close Overview tab

Step 5.

← Stop Server
← Right-click Servers Tab
← Select Add and Remove Projects...
← Highlight BlazeTest
← Click Add >
← Click Finish

Step 6.

← Start server

Deploying and Running:

Step 1.

← Select Project -> Export Release Build

← Project: BlazeTest
← Application: All Applications
← Export to Folder: c:\BlazeTestDeploy\BlazeTest\bin-release
← Click Finish

Step 2.

← Select File -> Export -> Web -> WAR File

← Click Next

Step 3.

← Web module: BlazeTest

← Destination: c:\BlazeTestDeploy\BlazeTest\bin-release\BlazeTest.war
← Export source files: unchecked
← Overwrite existing file: checked
← Click Finish

Step 4.

← In Mozilla, goto

← Select Tomcat Manager
← user: ****
← pw: *******

Ask for User & Password

Step 5.

← Undeploy old version

Step 6.

← Goto WAR file to deploy

← Browse to c:\BlazeTestDeploy\BlazeTest\bin-release\BlazeTest.war
← Click Deploy

Step 7.

← To run, in Mozilla, goto

Labels parameters

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