Ingles Daza

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Hello everybody! My name is Arlerson Daza Ortiz, I am

a kind, service, honest person and with good
disposition to do the things. I live in in Carmen de
Apicala and my whole life long my parents have taught
me values from my parents and teachers, and today
these values are in my present and my future. I
currently study at the Uniminuto University, I am a fifth
semester student of public accounting, I have projects
to finish my university studies and then I will study a
specialization or master, I work as administrator in a
farm, I have lived with my mother for 7 years, We have
always travelled to new places, people and cultures,
about my family I want to give all the time that I have
not always could give to my son and mother, because
they are people very important in my life. I want to find
a good job in which can learn and give my knowledge
as a future counter give everything of me as a father,
son, worker, and as a person that I am and that will
always be with principles and duties towards a future
full of prosperity and abundance, I thank to many
people for the opportunity to learn daily.

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