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ENGLISH 1st Year Time allowed: 1 hour Marks: 25

Tick the option that best matches the question

1) The doctor empowered the sick girl.
a) treated b) injected c) overestimated d) overcame
2) Who is “I” in the story (Use of force)?
a) The father b) the doctor c) the sick child d) the mother
3) At what age Gorgios came by his wild idea?
a) 14 b) 16 c) 18 d) 20
4) Her face was flushed.
a) Red b) gloomy c) bright d) flustered
5) She made a contemptuous noise.
a) Happy b) scornful c) loud d) pleasant
6) At court exhibiting physical fitness.
a) Claiming b) discarding c) aiming d) demonstrating
7) She shrieked terrifyingly, hysterically.
a) Strictly b) honestly c) madly d) happily
8) It is very damp here sometimes.
a) Arid b) suffocating c) dried d) humid
9) Gentle applause broke out from every hand.
a) Depreciation b) movement c) admiration d) motivation
10) Mr. Hubert continued claiming his innocence in the delirium of death.
a) Delight b) anger c) splendid d) babbling

Q# 2: Answer the following questions. (10)

a) What was the subject discussed at the club?

b) How did Jorkens convince that a man can become a Skating champion of Sahara?
c) What was the viewpoint of the parents of Gorgios?
d) What was the condition of the tonsils of the girl?
e) What was the behavior of the child with doctor?

Q# 3: Translate the following paragraph into Urdu. (5)

As I moved my chair a little nearer, suddenly with one catlike movement, both her hands
clawed instinctively and she almost reached them too. In fact she knocked my glasses flying
and they fell though unbroken, several feet away from me on kitchen floor.

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