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Special Report

Imaging of osteomyelitis: the key is in the combination

An accurate diagnosis of osteomyelitis requires the combination of anatomical and functional imaging
techniques. Conventional radiography is the first imaging modality to begin with, as it provides an overview
of both the anatomy and the pathologic conditions of the bone. Sonography is most useful in the diagnosis
of fluid collections, periosteal involvement and soft tissue abnormalities, and may provide guidance for
diagnostic or therapeutic interventions. MRI highlights sites with tissue edema and increased regional
perfusion, and provides accurate information of the extent of the infectious process and the tissues
involved. To detect osteomyelitis before anatomical changes are present, functional imaging could have
some advantages over anatomical imaging. Fluorine-18 fluorodeoxyglucose-PET has the highest diagnostic
accuracy for confirming or excluding the diagnosis of chronic osteomyelitis. For both SPECT and PET,
specificity improves considerably when the scintigraphic images are fused with computed tomography.
Close cooperation between clinicians and imagers remains the key to early and adequate diagnosis when
osteomyelitis is suspected or evaluated.

KEYWORDS: computed tomography n hybrid systems n imaging n MRI n nuclear Carlos Pineda†1,
medicine n osteomyelitis n ultrasonography Angelica Pena2, Rolando
Espinosa2 & Cristina
Osteomyelitis is inflammation of the bone that osteomyelitis. The ideal imaging technique Hernández-Díaz1
is usually due to infection. There are different should have a high sensitivity and specificity; 1
Musculoskeletal Ultrasound
Department, Instituto Nacional de
classification systems to categorize osteomyeli- numerous studies have been published con- Rehabilitacion, Avenida
tis. Traditionally, it has been labeled as acute, cerning the accuracy of the various modali- Mexico‑Xochimilco No. 289, Arenal de
Guadalupe, Tlalpan, Mexico City
subacute or chronic, depending on its clinical ties in diagnosing chronic osteomyelitis [2–4] . 14389, Mexico
course, histologic findings and disease dura- Confirmation of the presence of osteomyeli- 2
Rheumatology Department, Instituto
tion, but there is no consensual agreement on tis usually entails a combination of imaging Nacional de Rehabilitacion, Mexico
City, Mexico
the temporal scale used or specific findings. techniques. Table 1 shows the main pathologic †
Author for correspondence:
As a result, some researchers have proposed findings of osteomyelitis assessed by diverse Tel.: +52 559 991 000 ext. 13229
more detailed classification systems, such as imaging techniques.
the Waldvogel classification system based on
etiology of the infection (hematogenous spread Conventional radiography
of an organism, direct inoculation of an organ- Plain films are usually the first imaging test
ism through trauma or contiguous spread from ordered by clinicians [5] . Conventional radio­
a soft tissue infection), and Cierny-Mader clas- graphy should not be used to exclude acute
sification, a descriptive system that takes into osteomyelitis in a patient who has experienced
account both anatomic factors and the host’s symptoms for less than 10 days. Nevertheless,
physiologic status [1,2] . deep soft tissue swelling, joint effusion or early
An inadequate or late diagnosis increases periosteal changes may be seen within days
the degree of complications and morbidity; for after onset of infection. Furthermore, conven-
these reasons, imaging techniques are essential tional radiography helps to exclude fracture
to confirm the presumed clinical diagnosis and or tumor.
to provide information regarding the exact site Destructive bone changes do not occur until
and extent of the infection process [1] . 7–10 days after the onset of infection. During the
Although a variety of diagnostic imaging first 2–3 days of symptoms, radionuclide bone
techniques is available for excluding or con- imaging may be particularly useful in showing
firming osteomyelitis, it is often difficult to a well-defined focus of increased uptake on the
choose the most appropriate technique to dynamic perfusion, as well as early blood pool
conclusively establish the diagnosis of osteo- and delayed images corresponding to the area
myelitis. Several imaging modalities have of hyperemia [6] . At this early stage, the main
been used in the evaluation of suspected utility of plain film is to provide a global view

10.2217/IJR.10.100 © 2011 Future Medicine Ltd Int. J. Clin. Rheumatol. (2011) 6(1), 25–33 ISSN 1758-4272 25
Special Report Pineda, Pena, Espinosa & Hernández-Díaz

Table 1. Imaging abnormalities in osteomyelitis.

Technique Main findings
Acute Chronic
Conventional Radiolucent areas associated with periostitis Single or multiple radiolucent
radiography Cortical resorption identified as endosteal scalloping, abscesses (Brodie’s abscess)
intracortical lucent regions or tunneling Cortical sequestration
Lytic lesions New bone apposition
Focal osteopenia
Loss of trabecular architecture
Computed Blurring of fat planes Periosteal thickening
tomography Increased density of fatty bone marrow sequestra, Cortical erosion or
involucra and intraosseous gas destruction
Ultrasonography Soft tissue abscess (if present) Elevated periosteum
Surrounding fluid collection Fistulous tracts
Cortical discontinuity
MRI T1-weighted: low signal intensity medullary space T1- and T2-weighted: low
T2-weighted: high signal intensity contiguous to signal intensity areas of
inflammatory processes and edema devascularized fibrotic
Gadolinium: enhances areas of necrosis scarring in the bone marrow
Evidence of Brodie’s abscess, single or multiple
radiolucent abscesses
T1-weighted: central abscess cavity with low signal
T2-weighted: high signal intensity of granulation
tissue surrounded by low signal intensity band of
bone sclerosis (double-line effect)

of the suspect part of the skeleton and to provide does not exhibit the osteopenia of the adjacent
information regarding differential diagnosis in a living bone. A wide scope of bone lesions may
patient complaining of pain. present with an image suggestive of sequestrum
Structural bony changes and periosteal reac- including osteoid osteoma, e­osinophilic granu-
tion consist first of subperiosteal resorption or loma and primary lymphoma [7] .
scalloping, which creates radiolucencies within A lucent circumscribed lesion (Brodie’s
cortical bone that may progress to irregular abscess) in the metaphyses of long bones pre-
destruction with areas of periosteal new bone dominantly abutting the growth plate with
formation. However, hematogenous osteo­ well-defined dense margins is commonly seen
myelitis in children typically arises within can- in the tibia and femur of children with subacute
cellous bone, mostly in the vicinity of physeal osteomyelitis.
plates, and s­econdarily involves cortical bone Periostitis, involucrum formation and sinus
and periosteum. tracts are due to a subperiosteal abscess with
In general, osteopenia becomes evident lifting of the periosteum, new bone formation
on conventional radiographs after the loss of and soft tissue fistulas. All of these findings
approximately 30–50% of bone mineraliza- are indicative of the protracted nature of the
tion. Follow-up radiographs may be normal i­nfection process.
if therapy is successful, or in some instances
­periosteal new bone formation may be apparent. Special situations
The search for sequestra is a common and Diabetic foot
important diagnostic challenge in chronic In a recent meta-ana­lysis of the accuracy of
osteomyelitis. The presence of a sequestrum diagnostic tests for osteomyelitis in diabetic
may lead to a decision of surgery. A bone seques- patients with foot ulcers, the sensitivity of
trum manifests on conventional radiographs as plain radiography for diagnosis of osteomyeli-
a piece of calcified tissue within a lucent lesion. tis was highly variable, ranging from 0.28 to
The increased density of the sequestrum rela- 0.75. The wide variation may be attributable
tive to the surrounding bone is a consequence to the timing of performance of the radiograph
of its absence of blood supply. As a result of this in relation to the chronicity of the ulcer. The
devascularization, the sequestrum does not par- pooled sensitivity was 0.54 and the pooled
ticipate in the reactive hyperemia and therefore specificity was 0.68. The diagnostic odds ratio

26 Int. J. Clin. Rheumatol. (2011) 6(1) future science group

Imaging of osteomyelitis: the key is in the combination Special Report
(OR) for radiography was 2.84 (the value of defines the course and extent of the sinus tract
a diagnostic OR ranges from 0 to infinity; and its possible communications with neighbor-
higher values indicate better discriminatory ing structures. Sinography or fistulography may
test p­erformance) [5] . be combined with CT for better delineation of
In summary, plain radiography is helpful as the anatomical relationships of the contrast-
a first step, as it is widely available and may filled track [8] . Sinography is not widely used in
reveal soft tissue changes and alternative diag- ­clinical practice.
noses (e.g., bone metastases or a fracture) can
be made; however, it is not a sensitive test for Ultrasonography
acute osteomyelitis. Radiographs, when posi- During recent years, ultrasonography has had an
tive, are helpful, but negative radiographic find- expanding role in the investigation of infectious
ings are unreliable to exclude the diagnosis of processes of the soft tissues and in early detection
o­s teomyelitis in patients who have violated of subperiosteal fluid collections that are seen in
bone [8] . acute osteomyelitis in childhood [11] .
A constellation of grayscale and color Doppler
Tuberculous osteomyelitis & arthritis ultrasound findings can be highly indicative
Tuberculous osteomyelitis can remain local- of bone infection including: fistulous tracts,
ized to bone or involve adjacent joints. In gen- periosteal thickening, cortical discontinuity,
eral, tuberculosis confined to bone is relatively soft tissue abscess and cellulitis, juxta-cortical
infrequent. Virtually any bone can be affected, fluid collections, distension of the pseudo­
including the pelvis, phalanges and metacar- capsule in arthroplasties and periosteal vascu-
pals, long bones, ribs, sternum, skull, patella, larity in patients with long-standing chronic
carpal and tarsal bones, although tuberculous post-traumatic/postoperative osteomyelitis  [12] .
osteomyelitis has predilection for the spine (tho- The presence of joint effusion may be a d­iagnostic
racic and lumbar segments) and weight-bearing clue to the existence of septic arthritis.
joints (i.e., hip and knee joints) [9] . Power Doppler ultrasonography detects the
When the joint is affected, monoarticular increased microvascular flow associated with
disease is the likely cause, although polyarticu- infectious collections [13] . Furthermore, ultraso-
lar disease is also reported. Multiple imaging nography has been demonstrated to be useful in
modalities, such as conventional radiography, assessing therapeutic response and as a guide for
computed tomography (CT), MRI and ultra- accurate aspiration of material for culture [14–16] .
sound, may play a role in suggesting the diagno-
sis and aiding in the recovery of culture material MRI
through directed biopsies (Figure 1) . MRI provides excellent delineation between
On radiographs, tuberculous arthritis is man- bone and soft tissue as well as abnormal and
ifested as soft tissue swelling, foci of osteolysis normal bone marrow. Furthermore, it can detect
accompanied by varying amounts of eburnation osteomyelitis as early as 3–5 days after infection.
and periostitis. Corner defects simulating the MRI is used to evaluate the extent of abnormali-
erosions of inflammatory noninfectious arthri- ties and in cases of surgical treatment, it is valu-
tides are reminiscent of this. The combination able for planning an accurate surgical strategy
of regional osteoporosis, marginal erosions and or clinical follow-up [8] .
relative preservation of joint space is suggestive MRI helps to detect early stages of osteomy-
of tuberculous arthritis. Other changes include elitis owing to its ability to identify bone and
bony proliferation, subcondral eburnation and soft-tissue edema. It is particularly useful for
periostitis generally parallel to the osseous con- detecting osteomyelitis of the spine and pelvic
tour. Sequestrum is less frequent than in pyo- bones. In addition, it is helpful for excluding
genic arthritis. The eventual result in tubercu- complications. It may be instrumental in dif-
lous arthritis is u­sually fibrous ankylosis of the ficult differential diagnosis (infection vs tumor).
joint [10] . Disadvantages of MRI are its occasional inability
to distinguish infectious from reactive inflam-
Sinography mation and its limited resolution in areas with
Opacification of a sinus tract can produce metallic implants, such as joint prostheses or
important information that influences the choice fixation devices.
of therapy. In this technique, a small flexible MRI has the potential to differentiate a true
catheter is placed within a cutaneous open- avascular sequestrum surrounded by necrotic
ing. Retrograde injection of contrast material tissue from a piece of residual vascularized

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Special Report Pineda, Pena, Espinosa & Hernández-Díaz


Figure 1. Tuberculous arthritis. (A) Conventional radiography frontal view of the right knee
displaying diffuse soft tissue swelling, osteopenia, lateral joint space narrowing and medial and
lateral compartment ‘corner defects’. (B) Sagittal T2-weighted MRI demonstrates hypointense
thickened synovium covering the posterior aspect of lateral condile affecting the articular joint
space, tibial plateau and suprapatellar bursae. (C) Sagital T2 fat-saturation MRI with enhancement
of the liquid collection and cortical defects. (D & E) Anterior and lateral view of a
methoxyisobutylisonitrile-technetium-99m showing diffuse captation in the right knee.

normal bone. Nonenhanced and gadolin- Vertebral osteomyelitis

ium-enhanced MRI sequences are required In those patients with neurologic impairment,
to fully characterize a sequestrum in chronic MRI should be the first diagnostic step, to look
o­steomyelitis [7] . for spinal epidural abscess and to rule out a
The typical appearance of acute osteomyelitis herniated disk. MRI has a high accuracy (90%)
in an MRI scan is a localized area of abnormal for diagnosing spinal osteomyelitis [19,20] .
bone marrow with decreased signal intensity In a different scenario, the differential
on T1-weighted images and increased signal diagnosis between intervertebral degenera-
i­ntensity on T2-weighted images [17] . tive osteochondrosis and septic discitis is dif-
ficult. In degenerative disk-related inf lam-
Special situations
„„ matory end plates, the magnetic resonance
Diabetic foot pattern of bone marrow edema, including
One devastating complication in diabetic low signal on T1-weighted and high signal
patients is foot osteomyelitis; early diagnosis on T2-weighted images, reflects the develop-
is required in order to give adequate treatment. ment of a highly vascular fibrous tissue inside
Recently, a meta-ana­lysis examined the accu- end-plate bone marrow. Similarly, infected
racy of MRI as a diagnostic test in patients tissue presents increased vascularity reflected
with diabetic foot ulcers and osteomyelitis; the by substantial enhancement on gadolinium-
authors found the pooled sensitivity was 0.90 enhanced T1-weighted sequences. Gadolinium
(95% CI: 0.82–0.95) and the pooled specificity contrast agents, as markers of the extracellu-
was 0.79 (95% CI: 0.62–0.91). The diagnostic lar space, induce pronounced enhancement
OR was 24.36. The measurement of accuracy of tissues, presenting increased vascularity,
was the highest among all of the diagnostic and are therefore not specific to infection or
tests that were studied [5,18] . sterile inflammation.

28 Int. J. Clin. Rheumatol. (2011) 6(1) future science group

Imaging of osteomyelitis: the key is in the combination Special Report
A study designed to evaluate cellular MRI for Nuclear medicine imaging
the differentiation of infectious and degenerative Early diagnosis of osteomyelitis and prosthetic
vertebral disorders using superparamagnetic iron joint infection is essential for successful ther-
oxide (SPIO) contrast (marker of macrophages apy and prevention of complications. Nuclear
that infiltrate the infected tissue), concluded medicine offers a variety of modalities for this
that MRI of the spine with SPIO injection dif- aim. Advantages and disadvantages of differ-
ferentiates infection from aseptic inflammation ent nuclear medicine and hybrid imaging sys-
on quantitative ana­lysis (signal-to-noise ratio) tems are shown in Table  2 . Nuclear medicine
where significant signal loss evokes the presence imaging techniques can detect osteomyeli-
of infection, but the use of SPIO makes direct tis 10–14  days before changes are visible on
visual evaluation less satisfactory. Further stud- plain radiographs. Several agents have been
ies are underway to determine whether this new studied, including technetium-99m-labeled
tool is useful for d­iagnosis in patients with spinal methylene diphosphonate (99mTc-MDP), gal-
infections [21] . lium-67 citrate ( 67Ga-citrate) and indium-111-
In addition, MRI is more sensitive than labeled white blood cells (111In-labeled WBCs).
CT for the early detection of osteomyelitis [8] . These techniques are highly sensitive [22] and
Therefore, CT is generally indicated only if the depending on the clinical situation have a
patient has a contraindication to MRI or if CT is ­moderate‑to‑high specificity [23] .
needed to guide a percutaneous biopsy. Neither
CT nor MRI has 100% specificity. „„ Three-phase bone scintigraphy
Bone scintigraphy is performed with 99mTc-
Computed tomography labeled diphosphonates, usually 99mTc-MDP and
Computed tomography provides a good defini- hydroxy-methylene diphosphonate, which are
tion of cortical bone damage, periosteal reaction the most commonly used ra­diopharmaceuticals
and soft tissue changes and is the best method for to image osteoblastic activity.
detecting small foci of gas within the medullary In three-phase bone scan, areas of bone
canal, areas of cortical erosion or destruction, turnover and increased osteoblastic activity
tiny foreign bodies, and to define the p­resence are detected using a radionuclide tracer (99mTc-
and extent of sinus tracts and sequestra [4] . diphosphonate). There are three phases to the
In chronic osteomyelitis, CT demonstrates test: nuclear angiogram or blood flow phase
abnormal thickening of the affected cortical (immediately after injection), blood pool phase
bone, with sclerotic changes, encroachment of (within 5 min after injection) and bone phase
the medullary cavity and chronic draining sinus. (~3 h after injection). Cellulitis is characterized
In a systematic review and meta-ana­lysis assess- by high uptake in the blood flow and blood
ing the accuracy of different imaging techniques pool phase with normal uptake in the osseous
for the evaluation of chronic osteomyelitis, CT phase, whereas osteomyelitis gives progressively
yielded a sensitivity of 0.67 (95% CI: 0.24–0.94), i­ncreasing uptake over the course of the study.
and a specificity of 0.50 (95% CI: 0.03–0.97) [3] . In patients with osteomyelitis and infected
CT is not recommended for routine use in diag- orthopedic prostheses, increased osteoblastic
nosing osteomyelitis; however, it is the imaging activity occurs. Detection of osteomyelitis
modality of choice when MRI is not available with 99mTc-MDP is highly sensitive (90%)
or contraindicated [8] . It is particularly useful in when the bone has not been violated. In post-
the evaluation of flat and irregular bones, such traumatic patients and after surgery, specificity
as vertebrae, the pelvis and sternum. is d­ramatically lower (35%) [23] .
Spiral CT with multiplanar reconstruction is
superior to standard CT. The currently available „„ Gallium scintigraphy
multidetector CT provides the best multiplanar Radiogallium attaches to transferrin and lacto-
reconstructions, and is particularly important ferrin, which leaks from the bloodstream into
in the diagnosis of sternoclavicular osteomyelitis areas of inflammation showing increased iso-
and its complications. tope uptake in infection, sterile inflammatory
The definition of soft tissue changes with CT c­onditions and malignancy.
is suboptimal. Contrast-enhanced CT is bet- Although 67Ga-citrate scintigraphy has a
ter, but still inferior to conventional MRI. A high sensitivity for both acute and chronic
major limitation of CT, as well as MRI, is the infection and noninfectious inf lammatory
artefact produced by the presence of orthopedic conditions, the technique has several limita-
h­a rdware [2] . tions: the need for delayed imaging (>48 h),

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Special Report Pineda, Pena, Espinosa & Hernández-Díaz

Table 2. Advantages and disadvantages of different nuclear medicine and hybrid

imaging systems.
Nuclear medicine Advantages Disadvantages
Bisphosphonates Highly sensitive (~90%) Low specificity (~35%)
Tc-MDP, 99mTc-HDP
Gallium scintigraphy Reasonable sensitivity (73%) for both acute and Low specificity (61%)
Ga-citrate chronic infection Need for delayed imaging
Limited spatial resolution
Bowel excretion
High radiation dose [23]
Radiolabeled High sensitivity and specificity (~95%) Laborious preparation
leukocytes ( 99mTc- Provides excellent localization of Requires special
WBC)/radiolabeled inflammatory focus equipment
specific antigranulocyte Sensitive for detecting infection in patients with Sensitivity decreases when
metallic implants infection is located closer
FDG Adequate discrimination between osseous and to the spine
soft tissue infection
Hybrid imaging systems
Tc-HDP-SPECT/CT Increases specificity (~85%) Availability
Better anatomical localization
Sensitivity (~84%), higher specificity near 100%
Tc-MDP Sensitivity 94–100%
Specificity 87–100%
FDG-PET/ Useful to discriminate osteomyelitis in diabetic
FDG-PET/CT feet with ulcers
Ga: Gallium-67; 99mTc: Technetium-99m; CT: Computed tomography; FDG: Fluorine-18 fluorodeoxyglucose;
HDP: Hydroxymethane diphosphonate; MDP: Methylene diphosphonate; WBC: White blood cells.

limited spatial resolution, low specificity, Today, labeled leukocyte imaging is the pro-
physiological bowel excretion and the high cedure of choice for diagnosing prosthetic joint
­radiation dose [23] . infection [25] .
Gallium scans may reveal abnormal accumu- The main disadvantages of 111In-WBC and
lation in patients who have active osteomyelitis 99m
Tc-WBC are their laborious preparation,
when technetium scans reveal decreased activ- requirement of specialized equipment, and the
ity (‘cold’ lesions) or perhaps normal activity. handling of potentially infectious blood [23] .
Ga-citrate has been used with reasonable sensi-
tivity (73%) and relatively low specificity (61%). „„ Radiolabeled specific
Ga-citrate is now less frequently used owing to antigranulocyte monoclonal antibodies
the availability of more favorable compounds Considerable effort has been devoted to
and techniques [23] . the search for in  vivo methods of label-
ing leukocytes, including peptides and
„„ Radiolabeled leukocytes antigranulocyte antibodies.
White blood cell scan was performed originally Radiolabeled antigranulocyte antibod-
with 111In-WBC and more recently with 99mTc ies have been developed for in  vivo labeling
hexamethylpropyleneamine oxime-labeled white of white blood cells. Antibodies accumulate
cells. The principle is that the labeled WBCs in infectious and inflammatory foci mainly
concentrate in areas of inflammation, and the by nonspecific extravasations, because of the
specificity of the study is improved to 80–90% enhanced vascular permeability in combi-
compared with bone scans, particularly when nation with specific targeting of infiltrated
complicating conditions are superimposed. granulocytes. Overall sensitivity for infec-
In a review and meta-ana­lysis, the sensitivity tion detection with radiolabeled antibodies
for extra-axial chronic osteomyelitis was 84% is approximately 80–90%. Peripheral bone
compared with 21% for the detection of chronic infections are adequately visualized; however,
osteomyelitis in axial skeleton [3,8] . Combined sensitivity decreases when the infections are
In-WBC and bone marrow imaging with located near to the spine. 99mTc-anti-CD15
Tc-sulfur colloid demonstrated a 100% sen- IgM and 99mTc-anti-NCA-95 IgG are some of
sitivity and 98% specificity in 50 patients with the most effective antibodies to diagnose bone
suspected infected total-hip arthroplasty [24] . and joint infections.

30 Int. J. Clin. Rheumatol. (2011) 6(1) future science group

Imaging of osteomyelitis: the key is in the combination Special Report
„„ Nonspecific IgG PET systems are relatively novel techniques
Radiolabeled nonspecific human IgG also accu- that are being applied in several medical fields.
mulates in infectious and inflammatory foci by It has been demonstrated that FDG-PET has
nonspecific extravasation facilitated by enhanced the highest diagnostic accuracy for confirming
vascular permeability [23] . 111In-IgG has demon- or excluding the diagnosis of chronic osteomy-
strated excellent performance in the localization elitis in comparison with bone scintigraphy,
of musculoskeletal infection and inflammation. MRI or leukocyte scintigraphy; FDG-PET is
also superior to leukocyte scintigraphy for
„„ Antibodies detecting chronic osteomyelitis in the axial
BW 250/183 (Granuloscint; CISBio Interna­ skeleton [18,23,29] .
tional, Gif sur Yvette, France) is a murine Nawaz et al. assessed the diagnostic perfor-
monoclonal IgGI immunoglobulin that binds mance of FDG-PET to diagnose osteomyeli-
to the nonspecific cross-reacting antigen-95 tis in the diabetic foot, and compared it with
(NCA-95) present on leukocytes. Sensitivity that of MRI and conventional radiography in
for osteomyelitis ranges from 69% in the hips 110  patients with diabetic foot disease. They
to 100% for the lower leg and ankle, probably found that FDG-PET had a sensitivity, speci-
reflecting easier detection with decreasing mar- ficity, positive predictive value (PPV), negative
row distally [19] . Today, labeled leukocyte imag- predictive value (NPV) and accuracy of 81, 93,
ing is the procedure of choice for diagnosing 78, 94 and 90%, respectively; while MRI had
prosthetic joint infection [25] . a sensitivity, specificity, PPV, NPV and accu-
Sulesomab is a 50-kDa fragment antigen- racy of 91, 78, 56, 97 and 81%, respectively.
binding (Fab) portion of a murine monoclonal Conventional radiography had a sensitivity,
antibody of the IgGI class that binds to the specificity, PPV, NPV and accuracy of 63, 87,
NCA-90 antigen on leukocytes [26] . Reported 60, 88 and 81%, respectively. They concluded
sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of the test that MRI is more sensitive and has the ability to
were 90–93, 85–89 and 88–90%, respectively. provide anatomical details in addition to detect-
Immunoscintigraphy with 99mTc-fanole- ing abnormalities within the bone marrow, joint
sumab, a murine M-class immunoglobulin that spaces and surrounding soft tissue; however, it
binds to the CD15 antigen expressed on human is relatively less specific than FDG-PET. They
neutrophils, eosinophils and lymphocytes. propose to perform MRI first and if this results
Sensitivity reaches 91% with a lower specificity in a ‘positive’, then complete the follow-up of
of 69%; nevertheless in 2004, it was withdrawn osteomyelitis in diabetic foot patients by per-
from the US market as a result of serious reports forming FDG-PET imaging owing to its high
of cardiopulmonary events [27] . specificity [18] .

„„ Fluorine-18 fluorodeoxyglucose-PET Hybrid imaging systems

Fluorine-18 f luorodeoxyglucose (FDG) is It is well known that nuclear medicine images
transported into cells via glucose transporters, demonstrate function, rather than anatomy.
and phosphorylated by hexokinase inside the Planar scintigraphy used to be the standard
cell to form fluorodeoxyglucose-6-phosphate. technique used to establish the diagnosis of
The phosphorylated deoxyglucose cannot be osteomyelitis. However, the need for improved
further metabolized and, thus, FDG accumu- localization and precise definition of the
lates in activated lymphocytes, neutrophils and infectious process extent has been facilitated
macro­phages with minimal decrease over time. by the recent development of hybrid systems
FDG therefore concentrates in sites of infection, (SPECT/CT and PET/CT devices), capable
although it is a nonspecific tracer that also accu- of performing functional and morphological
mulates in regions of aseptic i­nflammation, as images by exploiting the features of both tech-
well as in malignant lesions [28] . niques in the same scanning session. These sys-
This technique has several potential advan- tems allow more detailed 3D localization com-
tages: results are available within 30–60 min of pared with planar imaging, and also provide
tracer administration, imaging is not affected by useful information in both patients with osteo-
metallic implant artifacts, and it has a distinctly myelitis and in those with infected joint pros-
higher spatial resolution than images obtained theses [23] . The process of image acquisition and
with single photon-emitting tracers. This imag- fusion is of importance in accurately localizing
ing modality is highly specific for the diagnosis radiopharmaceuticals, accumulation, detect-
of osteomyelitis in diabetic foot [18] . ing occult pathological sites, characterizing the

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Special Report Pineda, Pena, Espinosa & Hernández-Díaz

functionally active area of a known lesion and in Ultrasound represents a noninvasive method to
precisely drawing regions of interest to perform evaluate the involved soft tissues and cortical
quantitative studies [30] . bone and may provide guidance for diagnostic
Nevertheless, data are still very limited, espe- or therapeutic interventional, drainage or tis-
cially for PET/CT in patients with arthroplasty, sue biopsy. PET and SPECT are highly accu-
and further prospective studies are required rate techniques for the evaluation of chronic
to fully verify the clinical role and the added osteomyelitis, a­l lowing ­d ifferentiation from
value of SPECT/CT and PET/CT in the soft tissue infection.
diagnosis of osteomyelitis and prosthetic bone
infection [31–33] . Future perspective
Some examples of these hybrid techniques An ideal imaging technique should demon-
include SPECT/CT 67Ga- and 111In-labeled leu- strate functional and anatomical definition,
kocyte scintigraphy; a study by Bar-Shalom et al. excluding inflammatory or tumoral patholo-
demonstrated that this combination is useful to gies. Currently, there is no perfect imaging
define the anatomical localization of foci and its technique for the diagnosis of osteomyelitis.
extent [34] . The hybrid imaging systems are able to acquire
Filippi et  al., using SPECT/CT and 99mTc- functional and structural data in the same scan-
hexamethylpropyleneamine oxime-labeled leu- ning session and, therefore, to limit the prob-
kocyte scintigraphy, suggested that this hybrid lems often observed with software approaches
device could also improve localization and for image registration and fusion. Hybrid imag-
d­efinition of the infection extent [35] . ing systems represent the present and future of
diagnostic imaging in osteomyelitis. However,
Conclusion technical improvements, widespread avail-
Osteomyelitis frequently requires more than ability and lower costs in this computer-aided
one imaging technique for an accurate diag- imaging techniques are encouraged.
nosis. Conventional radiography still remains
the first imaging modality. MRI and nuclear Financial & competing interests disclosure
medicine are the most sensitive and specific The authors have no relevant affiliations or financial
methods for the detection of osteomyelitis. A involvement with any organization or entity with a finan-
CT scan can be a useful method to detect early cial interest in or financial conflict with the subject matter
osseous erosion and to document the presence or materials discussed in the manuscript. This includes
of sequestrum, foreign body or gas forma- employment, consultancies, honoraria, stock ownership or
tion; it is generally less sensitive than other options, expert testimony, grants or patents received or
modalities for the detection of bone infection. p­ending, or royalties.
MRI provides more accurate information No writing assistance was utilized in the production of
regarding the extent of the infectious process. this manuscript.

Executive summary
Conventional radiography
ƒƒ First imaging technique used to gain an overview of the anatomy and pathology of bone.
ƒƒ Changes are visible after several days from the beginning of the process.
ƒƒ Main findings include osteopenia, lytic lesions, periosteal thickening and loss of trabecular architecture.
ƒƒ Useful to define the course and extent of the sinus tract and its possible communications with neighboring structures.
ƒƒ Allows identification of early soft tissue changes: fistulous tracts, fluid collections, cortical discontinuity and abscess.
ƒƒ Ultrasonography is accessible, low cost and noninvasive.
ƒƒ Provides excellent delineation between bone and soft tissue as well as abnormal and normal bone marrow. Detects osteomyelitis as early
as 3–5 days after infection. Used for the evaluation of the extent of the abnormalities.
Computed tomography
ƒƒ Provides a good definition of cortical bone abnormalities, sequestra, involucra, intraosseous gas, periosteal reaction and blurring of
fat planes.
Nuclear medicine
ƒƒ Various modalities detect osteomyelitis 10–14 days before changes are visible on plain radiographs. These techniques are highly sensitive
and depending on the clinical situation have a moderate-to-high specificity.

32 Int. J. Clin. Rheumatol. (2011) 6(1) future science group

Imaging of osteomyelitis: the key is in the combination Special Report
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