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Publisher: Asian Economic and Social Societ y

ISSN: 2225 -4226

Volume 2 Number 8, August (2012)

Contribution of Brand Awareness and Brand

Characteristics towards Customer Loyalty (A
Study of Milk Industry of Peshawar Pakistan )

Shahzad Khan (Lecturer City University of Science &

I-T, Peshawar, Pakistan)

Citation: Shahzad Khan (2012) “Contribution of Brand Awareness and Brand

Characteristics towards Customer Lo yalty (A Study of Milk Industry of Peshawar
Pakistan)”, Journal of Asian Business Strategy, Vol. 2, No. 8, pp. 170-176.
Contribution of Brand Awareness and …..

Contribution of Brand Awareness and Brand

Characteristics towards Customer Loyalty
(A Study of Milk Industry of Peshawar Pakistan )


Each and every business firm of the world wants to

make their customer loyal to wards their company
product. But not only one factor is responsible for the
loyalty of custo mers. This r esearch is focused on
Peshawar region Customer loyalty to wards branded
Author(s) milk. For the purpose two dimensions taken under
consideration i,e Brand awareness and brand
Shahzad Khan characteristics. Brand awareness includes advertising,
Lec tu rer C it y Uni versit y of personal selling, sale promotion and public relation.
S ci en c e & I-T, P es h a wa r
P aki stan
While brand characteristics include product price,
Email: product quality, brand image and packaging. To find out which of these variables contribute how much
m towards customer loyalty a sample of 200 branded
milk users has been contacted from Pes hawar region.
On the basis of their responses a regression and
correlation analysis was conducted. Findings and
results of the study shows that brand characteristics
has more influence on customer loyalty. Within the
brand characteristics quality of the pr oduct and brand
image is the key factor which contributes more
towards customer loyalty. While in case of brand
awareness advertising contribute more in comparison
of other towards customer loyalty for branded milk.

K eyw ords: Brand awareness, Brand Characteristics, Customer Loyalty and Milk

Introduction characteristics influence customer

loyalty to wards branded milk in
Recent marketing need to make Peshawar Pakistan.
customer loyal towards their product in
order to joy long ter m profit. For the Literature Review
very same purpose companies try to
have competitive advantages in ter m of All over the world there are four ways
brand awareness and brand of promotion i.e. advertising, personal
characteristics. The brand selling, sale promotion and public
characteristics vary from product to relation. According to Nazia et al
product and to segment to segment. (2011) in daily life human watch
Important issue is that which factors billboards while crossing roads, in the
among them is more important and streets, watching TV, and going on
play vital role. This research is drive face a number of advertisements.
focused on very same issue tha t ho w Similarly read newspaper and listen
brand awareness and brand radio and came across different

Journal of Asian B usiness Strategy, Vol. 2( 8 ), pp. 170 -176

advertisements from different contribute towards customer retention

companies. Hossein Nezakati1 (2011) and loyalty and these factors can vary
Companies invest huge money on these from product to product and market to
advertisements and the purpose behind market.
these promotion is product sale and
customer loyalty. Keller, (1993) defined that brand
image refers to a particular frame of
According to Barton (1999) Personal reference by which the consumer is
selling carry personal contacts which associating a particular brand. A good
makes it is unique. Through personnel image enhances the value of the brand
selling awareness can be created in in the eyes of the consumer by
more effective manner as because increasing its likeability/desirability
questions can be answered through this and differentiating it from other
type of promotion method . According competing brands (Hsieh, Pan, and
to Jagdish (1995) the strength of Setiono, 2004). The outcome of the
personal selling is that it is fl exible & favorable image is the increase in
provides immediate feedback. The loyalty, equity, co nsumer buying
sales presentation can be personalized behavior and overall performance of
based upon the wants of customer. brand (Koo, 2003; Keller, 1993: Hsieh
Many custo mers don’t kno w what they et al., 2004, Roth, 1995). Brand image
want & it is through personal selling is measured in terms of benefits a
that marketer can help him out. brand is offering or some attributes the
brand is having or the usage of the
Kristof (2001) in his study descri be brand (et al., 2001; Malhotra's 1981;
that sale promotion is a short term Roth, 1995).
benefits offered by the company for
the enhancement of sale or attraction Packaging is used to communicate with
of consumers. Sale promotion can be in the consumer (Butkeviciene et al.
terms of extra quantity, coupons, buy (2008). Packaging is the only thing
one get one free, free sample etc. that communicate a message about the
Similarly public relation has also an product to buyer in the store”
impact on consumer buying behavior. (Gonzalez et al., 2007). It is used to
protect the product from damages
According to Hossein Nezakati (2011) during shipping and transferring
most of the companies not just only product from one place to another
emphasize on their promotion but there (Madiha et al, 2011). Consumers are
are also the brand characteristics sensitive and don’t want such
which can influence customer loyalty. packaging which carries germs or
Price and product quality becomes the infections as consume rs are used to
prior elements in customer loyalty in check/evaluate it by appearance of the
brand characteristics. Customer loyalty products and ensuring the quality of
develops on the basis of price and the product before making a purchase
quality as these are the initial factors decision (Grundvag & Ostli, 2009).
for considering a product for purchase
again and again. Waheed Akhter Theoretical Frame work of the study
(2011) Brand image is the important There are two variables discussed in
factor which contribute for a company this study, i.e. i ndependent and
in terms of brand equity and it also dependent variables. The below figure
play vital role in creation of customer sho ws the variables that customer
loyalty. Although it’s not necessary loyalty is dependent upon brand
that only because of brand image a awareness and brand characteristics as
customer can be retain. There can be sho wn in figure below.
too many other factors which can

Contribution of Brand Awareness and …..

Brand Brand
Awareness Characteristics

Advertising Price

Personal Product
Selling Quality

Sale Promotion Brand image

Public Packaging

Research Framework of the Study

The theoretical frame work of the milk companies were taken under
study includes all those variables that considerations i.e. Milk pack, Haleeb,
are identified from literature. Both
brand awareness and brand
characteristics and its factors are Olper and Good milk. The Likert scale
independent variables of the study. The questionnaire is designed for
brand awareness includes advertising, collecting the data from the mention
personal selling, sale pr omotion and sample. The number of participants
public relation. While brand who contacted was 200. For data
characteristics includes price, product collection among 200 consumers a
quality, brand image and packaging. research instrument was distribute d.
Study identified the relationship The response from respondent was
among above variables. On the basis of 96% and regression and correlation
these variables a conclusion and analysis is conducted on mentioned
recommendations is provided. sample size.

Methodology Reliability of Scale:

The table 1 below sho ws the reliability
As this research is focused on the Milk of the data collected from respondents.
industry. For the study purpose the The following table show that the data
branded milk consumer of Peshawar collected from mentioned sample is
region are targeted. A sample of 200 reliable and respondents answered
was selected for data analysis. The four accurately. Because the variables are

Journal of Asian B usiness Strategy, Vol. 2( 8 ), pp. 170 -176

exceeding from 70% which is the The below table calculations suggest
standard of acceptance for reliability. that the responses given by
respondents of the study are reliable.

Table 1: Reliability of the Scale of the study

S.No Variables Cronbach’s Alpha
1 Customer Loyalty 0.901
2 Advertising 0.892
3 Personal Selling 0.803
4 Sale Promotion 0.722
5 Public Relation 0.719
6 Price 0.883
7 Quality 0.898
8 Brand Image 0.892
9 Packaging 0.734

Hypotheses of the study and hypothesis of the study eight

Regression Analysis hypotheses are developed. Study sho ws
An overview of the hypothesis related that there is significant relationship
to the relationship of customer loyalty between the consumer loyalty and
with brand awareness and brand following hypothesis.
characteristics. In order to test th e

Objectives Hypothesis
There is a positive relationship between customer loyalty and
between Brand
Awareness and
Personal selling has an impact on customer loyalty.
There is a positive relationship between sale promotion and
customer loyalty..
Public relation has an impact on cus tomer loyalty.
Relationship Price has a significant impact on customer loyalty.
between Brand H:2
characteristics Quality influence customer loyalty.
and Customer H:3
loyalty. Brand image has a relationship with customer loyalty.
packaging can influence the customer loyalty

Table 2 below sho ws significance relationship with brand awareness and

relationship between the dependent and brand characteristics. Table 2 sh ow
independent variables. It explains that that the overall model is highly
the customer loyalty has a significant significant.

Contribution of Brand Awareness and …..

Table 2: Regression Results for Variables of the study

S. Dependent Independent Adjusted F B St. T P.
No Variables variable R square Error Value
Customer Advertising
1 0.81 17.107 0. 720 0.286 27.213 0.000
2 Personal Selling 0.79 21.169 0.321 0.212 33.620 0.000
3 Sale Promotion 0.73 18.304 0.401 0.271 17.411 0.000
4 Public Relation 0.693 32.453 0. 173 0.252 28.841 0.000
1 Price 0.834 31.412 0. 383 0.293 39.112 0.000
2 Quality 0.782 27.987 0. 732 0.413 33.230 0.000
3 Brand Image 0.801 13.120 0. 671 0.610 17.113 0.000
4 Packaging 0.620 11.981 0. 297 0.231 45.146 0.000

Table 2 above shows significance = 33.230 and P-value= 0.000). There

relationship between customer loyalty is significant relationship exist
and brand awareness. There is a between customer loyalty and Brand
significant relationships exist between Image (t-statistic = 17.113 and P-
Customer loyalty and advertising (t- value= 0.000). There is a significant
statistic = 27.213 and P -value= 0.0 00) relationships exist between custome r
which mean advertising has an impact loyalty and Packaging (t-statistic =
on customer loyalty. There is 45.146 and P-value= 0.000) which
significant relationship exist between mean packaging has an impact on
customer loyalty and personal selling customer loyalty.
(t-statistic = 33.620 and P-value= Hence the above result sho ws that the
0.000). There is significant customer loyalty is dependent upon
relationship exist between customer above mentioned variables .
loyalty and sale promotion (t-statistic
= 17.411 and P-value= 0.000). There Correlation Analysis
is a significant relationships exist
between customer loyalty and public As sho wn in table 3 below, there is
relation (t-statistic = 28.841 and P- strong association between customer
value= 0.000) which mean that public loyalty and Brand awareness and brand
relation has an impact on customer characteristics.
Survey demonstrates that there is a
Table 2 above shows that there is a strong relationship between customer
significant relationships exist between loyalty and advertising with
customer loyalty and Price (t-statistic Correlation coefficient (r = 0.749). For
= 39.112 and P-value= 0.000) which customer loyalty and Personal selling
mean price has an impact on customer correlation coefficient is (r = .541).
loyalty. There is significant Which mean that Personal selling has a
relationship exist between custom er moderate influence on customer
loyalty and Product Quality (t-statistic loyalty. As sho wn in table 3, there is

Journal of Asian B usiness Strategy, Vol. 2( 8 ), pp. 170 -176

strong association between customer between customer loyalty and public

loyalty and sale promotion wit h relation with correlation coefficient (r
correlation coefficient (r = .698). = .332).
There is a significant relationship exist

Table 3: Correlation Analysis for Var iables of the study

S. Dependent Independent
No Variables variable R R Square
Customer Advertising
1 0.749 0.561
2 Personal Selling 0.541 0.292
3 Sale Promotion 0.698 0.487
4 Public Relation 0.332 0.110
1 Price 0.714 0.509
2 Quality 0.903 0.815
3 Brand Image 0.819 0.670
4 Packaging 0.523 0.273

In case of Brand characteristics there purchase of branded milk. But findings

is a significant relationship exist of research show that brand
between custome r loyalty and Price characteristics contribute more toward
with correlation coefficient (r = .714). customer loyalty for milk purchases in
Which mean that Price has greater comparison of brand awareness. In
impact on customer loyalty. There is a case of brand awareness advertising is
relationship exist between customer the dominant factor which contributes
loyalty and product quality with more towards customer loyalty with
correlation coefficient (r = .903). correlation (r = .749), in comparison of
Which mean that p roduct quality can other three variables of brand
strongly influence the customer awareness.
loyalty. Brand image is another brand
characteristics that can influence the While in case of brand characteristics
customer loyalty with correlation product quality is the key player with
coefficient (r = .819). Packaging has correlation (r = .903) which
an influence on the customer loyalty contribute more toward the customer
with correlation coefficient (r = .523). loyalty for branded milk. The second
variable from brand characteristics
Conclusion which contribute more towards
customer loyalty for branded milk is
Research finds that customer loyalty brand image with correlation
has a significant relationship with coefficient (r = .819). Over all between
Brand awareness and brand all variables of brand awareness and
characteristic. Both factors play a vital brand characteristics the vital role is
role in customer loyalty to wards from the brand characteristics. Hence

Contribution of Brand Awareness and …..

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