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Author: Egor Polusmak ( Translated and edited by Alena Sharlo,
Artem Trunov (, Anastasia Manokhina
(, and Yuanyuan Pao
( This material is subject to the terms and conditions of the Creative
Commons CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 ( license. Free use is
permitted for any non-commercial purpose.

You can also check out the latest version of this notebook in the course repository
(, and a corresponding video lecture (

Topic 2. Visual data analysis in Python

Part 2. Overview of Seaborn, Matplotlib and Plotly libraries

Article outline ¶
1. Dataset
2. DataFrame.plot
3. Seaborn
4. Plotly
5. Demo assignment
6. Useful resources

1. Dataset
First, we will set up our environment by importing all necessary libraries. We will also change the display
settings to better show plots.
In [1]:

# Disable warnings in Anaconda

import warnings

# Matplotlib forms basis for visualization in Python

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# We will use the Seaborn library

import seaborn as sns

# Graphics in retina format are more sharp and legible

%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'

# Increase the default plot size and set the color scheme
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 8, 5
plt.rcParams['image.cmap'] = 'viridis'
import pandas as pd

Now, let's load the dataset that we will be using into a DataFrame . I have picked a dataset on video game
sales and ratings from Kaggle Datasets (
Some of the games in this dataset lack ratings; so, let's filter for only those examples that have all of their
values present.

In [2]:

df = pd.read_csv('../input/video_games_sales.csv').dropna()

(6825, 16)

Next, print the summary of the DataFrame to check data types and to verify everything is non-null.
In [3]:

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 6825 entries, 0 to 16706
Data columns (total 16 columns):
Name 6825 non-null object
Platform 6825 non-null object
Year_of_Release 6825 non-null float64
Genre 6825 non-null object
Publisher 6825 non-null object
NA_Sales 6825 non-null float64
EU_Sales 6825 non-null float64
JP_Sales 6825 non-null float64
Other_Sales 6825 non-null float64
Global_Sales 6825 non-null float64
Critic_Score 6825 non-null float64
Critic_Count 6825 non-null float64
User_Score 6825 non-null object
User_Count 6825 non-null float64
Developer 6825 non-null object
Rating 6825 non-null object
dtypes: float64(9), object(7)
memory usage: 906.4+ KB

We see that pandas has loaded some of the numerical features as object type. We will explicitly convert
those columns into float and int .

In [4]:

df['User_Score'] = df['User_Score'].astype('float64')
df['Year_of_Release'] = df['Year_of_Release'].astype('int64')
df['User_Count'] = df['User_Count'].astype('int64')
df['Critic_Count'] = df['Critic_Count'].astype('int64')

The resulting DataFrame contains 6825 examples and 16 columns. Let's look at the first few entries with the
head() method to check that everything has been parsed correctly. To make it more convenient, I have listed
only the variables that we will use in this notebook.
In [5]:

useful_cols = ['Name', 'Platform', 'Year_of_Release', 'Genre',

'Global_Sales', 'Critic_Score', 'Critic_Count',
'User_Score', 'User_Count', 'Rating'


Name Platform Year_of_Release Genre Global_Sales Critic_Score Critic_Count User_Sc

0 Wii 2006 Sports 82.53 76.0 51

2 Kart Wii 2008 Racing 35.52 82.0 73

3 Sports Wii 2009 Sports 32.77 80.0 73

6 DS 2006 Platform 29.80 89.0 65

7 Wii 2006 Misc 28.92 58.0 41

2. DataFrame.plot
Before we turn to Seaborn and Plotly, discuss the simplest and often most convenient way to visualize data
from a DataFrame : using its own plot() method.

As an example, we will create a plot of video game sales by country and year. First, keep only the columns we
need. Then, we will calculate the total sales by year and call the plot() method on the resulting DataFrame .
In [6]:

df[[x for x in df.columns if 'Sales' in x] +


Note that the implementation of the plot() method in pandas is based on matplotlib .

Using the kind parameter, you can change the type of the plot to, for example, a bar chart. matplotlib is
generally quite flexible for customizing plots. You can change almost everything in the chart, but you may need
to dig into the documentation (
docs/stable/generated/pandas.DataFrame.plot.html) to find the corresponding parameters. For example, the
parameter rot is responsible for the rotation angle of ticks on the x-axis (for vertical plots):

In [7]:

df[[x for x in df.columns if 'Sales' in x] +

['Year_of_Release']].groupby('Year_of_Release').sum().plot(kind='bar', rot=45);

3. Seaborn
Now, let's move on to the Seaborn library. seaborn is essentially a higher-level API based on the
matplotlib library. Among other things, it differs from the latter in that it contains more adequate default
settings for plotting. By adding import seaborn as sns; sns.set() in your code, the images of your plots
will become much nicer. Also, this library contains a set of complex tools for visualization that would otherwise
(i.e. when using bare matplotlib ) require quite a large amount of code.


Let's take a look at the first of such complex plots, a pairwise relationships plot, which creates a matrix of
scatter plots by default. This kind of plot helps us visualize the relationship between different variables in a
single output.

In [8]:

# `pairplot()` may become very slow with the SVG format

%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'png'
sns.pairplot(df[['Global_Sales', 'Critic_Score', 'Critic_Count',
'User_Score', 'User_Count']]);

As you can see, the distribution histograms lie on the diagonal of the matrix. The remaining charts are scatter
plots for the corresponding pairs of features.

It is also possible to plot a distribution of observations with seaborn 's distplot() . For example, let's look at
the distribution of critics' ratings: Critic_Score . By default, the plot displays a histogram and the kernel
density estimate (

In [9]:

%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'



To look more closely at the relationship between two numerical variables, you can use joint plot, which is a
cross between a scatter plot and histogram. Let's see how the Critic_Score and User_Score features are
In [10]:

sns.jointplot(x='Critic_Score', y='User_Score',
data=df, kind='scatter');


Another useful type of plot is a box plot. Let's compare critics' ratings for the top 5 biggest gaming platforms.

In [11]:

top_platforms = df['Platform'].value_counts().sort_values(ascending=False).head(5)
sns.boxplot(y="Platform", x="Critic_Score",
data=df[df['Platform'].isin(top_platforms)], orient="h");

It is worth spending a bit more time to discuss how to interpret a box plot. Its components are a box (obviously,
this is why it is called a box plot), the so-called whiskers, and a number of individual points (outliers).
y p ) p ( )
The box by itself illustrates the interquartile spread of the distribution; its length determined by the 25%(Q1)
and 75%(Q3) percentiles. The vertical line inside the box marks the median ( 50% ) of the distribution.

The whiskers are the lines extending from the box. They represent the entire scatter of data points, specifically
the points that fall within the interval(Q1 − 1.5 ⋅ IQR,Q3 + 1.5 ⋅ IQR) , where IQR = Q3 − Q1is the
interquartile range (

Outliers that fall out of the range bounded by the whiskers are plotted individually.


The last type of plot that we will cover here is a heat map. A heat map allows you to view the distribution of a
numerical variable over two categorical ones. Let's visualize the total sales of games by genre and gaming

In [12]:

platform_genre_sales = df.pivot_table(
sns.heatmap(platform_genre_sales, annot=True, fmt=".1f", linewidths=.5);

4. Plotly
We have examined some visualization tools based on the matplotlib library. However, this is not the only
option for plotting in Python . Let's take a look at the plotly library. Plotly is an open-source library that
allows creation of interactive plots within a Jupyter notebook without having to use Javascript.

The real beauty of interactive plots is that they provide a user interface for detailed data exploration. For
example, you can see exact numerical values by mousing over points, hide uninteresting series from the
visualization, zoom in onto a specific part of the plot, etc.

Before we start, import all the necessary modules and initialize plotly by calling the
init_notebook_mode() function.
In [13]:

from plotly.offline import download_plotlyjs, init_notebook_mode, plot, iplot

import plotly
import plotly.graph_objs as go


Line plot

First of all, build a line plot showing the number of games released and their sales by year.

In [14]:

years_df = df.groupby('Year_of_Release')[['Global_Sales']].sum().join(
years_df.columns = ['Global_Sales', 'Number_of_Games']

Figure is the main class and a work horse of visualization in plotly . It consists of the data (an array of
lines called traces in this library) and the style (represented by the layout object). In the simplest case,
you may call the iplot function to return only traces .

The show_link parameter toggles the visibility of the links leading to the online platform in your
charts. Most of the time, this functionality is not needed, so you may want to turn it off by passing
show_link=False to prevent accidental clicks on those links.
In [15]:

# Create a line (trace) for the global sales

trace0 = go.Scatter(
name='Global Sales'

# Create a line (trace) for the number of games released

trace1 = go.Scatter(
name='Number of games released'

# Define the data array

data = [trace0, trace1]

# Set the title

layout = {'title': 'Statistics for video games'}

# Create a Figure and plot it

fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout)
iplot(fig, show_link=False)

As an option, you can save the plot in an html file:

In [16]:

plotly.offline.plot(fig, filename='years_stats.html', show_link=False);

Bar chart

Let's use a bar chart to compare the market share of different gaming platforms broken down by the number of
new releases and by total revenue.

In [17]:

# Do calculations and prepare the dataset

platforms_df = df.groupby('Platform')[['Global_Sales']].sum().join(
platforms_df.columns = ['Global_Sales', 'Number_of_Games']
platforms_df.sort_values('Global_Sales', ascending=False, inplace=True)
In [18]:

# Create a bar for the global sales

trace0 = go.Bar(
name='Global Sales'

# Create a bar for the number of games released

trace1 = go.Bar(
name='Number of games released'

# Get together the data and style objects

data = [trace0, trace1]
layout = {'title': 'Market share by gaming platform'}

# Create a `Figure` and plot it

fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout)
iplot(fig, show_link=False)

Box plot

plotly also supports box plots. Let's consider the distribution of critics' ratings by the genre of the game.
In [19]:

data = []

# Create a box trace for each genre in our dataset

for genre in df.Genre.unique():
go.Box(y=df[df.Genre == genre].Critic_Score, name=genre)

# Visualize
iplot(data, show_link=False)

Using plotly , you can also create other types of visualization. Even with default settings, the plots look quite
nice. Additionally, the library makes it easy to modify various parameters: colors, fonts, captions, annotations,
and so on.

5. Demo assignment
To practice with visual data analysis, you can complete this assignment (
demo-analyzing-cardiovascular-data) where you'll be analyzing cardiovascular disease data. The assignment is
just for you to practice, and goes with solution (

6. Useful resources
The same notebook as an interactive web-based Kaggle Kernel (
"Plotly for interactive plots"
- a tutorial by Alexander Kovalev within (full list of tutorials is here (
"Bring your plots to life with Matplotlib animations"
- a tutorial by Kyriacos Kyriacou within
"Some details on Matplotlib"
- a tutorial by Ivan Pisarev within
Main course site (, course repo (, and YouTube
channel (
Medium "story" (
visual-data-analysis-in-python-846b989675cd) based on this notebook
Course materials as a Kaggle Dataset (
If you read Russian: an article ( on with ~ the
same material. And a lecture ( on YouTube
Here is the official documentation for the libraries we used: matplotlib
(, seaborn ( and pandas
The gallery ( of sample charts created with seaborn is a
very good resource.
Also, see the documentation ( on Manifold Learning in
scikit-learn .
Efficient t-SNE implementation Multicore-TSNE (
"How to Use t-SNE Effectively", (

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