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Final yearly exam

Computer Class: 7

Attempt any 5 questions. (Marks of each question is 5).

Qno1. What do you understand by Internet?
Qno2. What is the use of past command?
Qno3. What do you mean by DOS?
Qno4.What is a command?
Qno5. What is a spread sheet?
Qno6. How many internet command are there in DOS?
Qno7. What is the difference between Cut & Copy?

Fill in the blanks.

1. The ________ tool is used for drawing an ellipse.
2. The ________ tool will allow you to see your drawings.
3. For cut option first you to______ a portion of drawing
4. The undo command is used to ______ the last preformed action.
5. The text entries are called_______.
Write true false.
1. The command is used to copy one or more files.
2. The time command is used to display the current data .
3. The armament of time should be 14-27-42.
4. The information prepared in MS excels no impact or standard.
5. We can prepare colorful chart on MS Excel.

Write down the meaning of the following words: Global, Access, Owner, Hyper,
Internal, Prompt, Version, Column, Impact and Location.
Write down ANY ONE short note of the following: Introduction of MS Excel & The
Global World.

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