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Student Teacher:_____ Cecilia Firpo__________ Date:____________

Subject: Math Lesson Topic: Intro to Measurement (conversion)

Grade: 10th-12th Length of class: 1h 10 min

Learning Objective (performance, conditions, criterion):

Students will be able to understand why we have a standard unit of measurement and how to
convert between Inch, Foot, Yard and Mile.

Student Friendly Objective:

I can convert length into its smaller components.

State Core Standard Alignment:

Standard SI.MP.6
Attend to precision. Communicate precisely to others. Use explicit definitions in
discussion with others and in their own reasoning. They state the meaning of the
symbols they choose. Specify units of measure and label axes to clarify the
correspondence with quantities in a problem. Calculate accurately and efficiently,
express numerical answers with a degree of precision appropriate for the problem

Core and Supplemental Materials:

Teacher Materials: Student Materials:
White board, markers, ruler Ruler, non-standard object, object to measure,
pencil, piece of paper, scissor, calculator, white
board and markers

Context for Learning:

Organization of the
students (e.g., small Whole group
groups, whole group,
Pre-Lesson Assessment
Data None (this is an intro lesson)

IEP Goal Links

(Also describe individual To many students to connect to students. There are peer tutors to help.
student modifications &

Pre-Instructional Set: (Approximately 3 minutes)

Gain students’ attention #/minutes
(Activity and Script) I will give everyone a different object to measure and
either a small paper clip or large paper clip to measure (30 seconds
to 1 minute)
I have given all of you a paper clip and an object to ~10
measure. I want you to take your Paper clip and count the minutes
length of the object with it. For example, I have a paper
clip. I am going to measure the length of this line. (Model
on the board with a line I drew) This line in ____ paper
clips long. On my paper I am going to write Line in the
object and ___ paper clips long. Remember to put your
units. After measuring your object, trade your object with
the person next to you and measure theirs. Write down
that object and the length that you found. Then compare
your answer with your partner. In this column write what
they found with the units. Look at the first object you
measured. Did anyone get the same length? (The answer
should be no) But why not? Because what you are using is
different sizes right. Let’s say Rose order a 1 Direction
cardboard cutout 10 hands tall. Well my hands are bigger
then here. So, if I do 10 hands tall in would be this tall and
that’s not what Rose ask for right. ( I would ask Rose if I
can used her as an example and have her count 10 hands
up on the board before we started (if she says no. I will
ask another student and change the story problem to better
suit what they enjoy).

Inform students of This will be first. #/minutes

learning objective(s) Today we are going to be look at why we have 30 Sec
standard measurement and how we can convert to (30 seconds
to 1 minute)
different units.

“This is important to (this is after the Roses question) That is why it is #/minutes
know because…” important to have a standard measurement which is a 3 minute
(Informed instruction) widely used measurement like inch, centimeter, lbs. (30 seconds
to 1 minute)
When you use anything that does not have inches,
centimeter, or another widely use unit it is called a
non-standard unit. Using a non-standard like paper
clip or a tooth pick is not a bad to measure if you don’t
have a ruler, but you have to remember to use the
same paper clip every time and measure in the same
way every time. We are going to talk about one group
of standard measurement called the U.S. standard.

Preparing students for instructional content: (Approximately 6 - 15 minutes)

Pre-requisite skills to N/A #/minutes
review, if applicable
(2 to 5
Review of prior N/A #/minutes
knowledge, if
applicable (2 to 5
Vocabulary to pre- #/minutes
teach, if applicable Non-Standard unit, Standard unit, Conversion
I am not going to pre teach I am going to teach during (2 to 5
the lesson

Instruction: (Approximately 20 to 40 minutes – depending on length of class)

Explicit Modeling of I am going to give everyone a foldable and model how #/minutes
Skill (what cognitive to cut and fold the foldable. I am also going to give
steps should the every student a ruler. 22
students be using to Everyone go to the inch flap. (I am going talk about
successfully perform the abbreviations first.) This the smallest unit in US
the skill?) standard at least when measuring length. Everyone
(10 to 15
(I DO IT) look at your ruler how many little marks are between minutes)
0 and 1? (16) I am going to have everyone draw an
estimated example of an inch with the 16 lines and to
make life a little easier label ¼, ½, ¾. Then I would show
an example of measuring a line that is not exactly an inch.
I would also model how I would say and write down to
show what it would look like. I would then have each
person tried with a partner a have them draw a line in the
foldable for the other person to measure and label.
Open the Foot section (I am going talk about the
abbreviations first.). A ruler is one foot, how many
inches or on the ruler? 12 So if I have 1 foot, I have 12
inch (I will be write on the board what they should be
writing in their foldable 1ft =12in inches) Let’s say I have
piece of paper that is 2 feet long how many inches is the
piece of paper? If we have 2 feet, which is 2 rules if we
put these together, we are going to figure out how inches
we will have. What are the four operation? (+,-,x,÷) which
two of these operation will get you a bigger number if you
use whole numbers? (+,x). Which of these operation do
thing we are going to use if we have 2 groups of 12
inches. (x) So what is 12x2? (depending on the student
knowledge of multiplication the student could either use a
calculator or help me with the multiplication on the board)
What did everyone get? 24. 24 inches. Let’s fill out the
arrow on our foldes we went from feet to inches. What
operation did we do? X. Right we multiplied so if we are
going from a bigger unit to a smaller, we are going to
multiply. What is the opposite of multiplication? (÷) So if
when we when for bigger to smaller we multiply so when
we go from smaller to bigger we are going to divide.
Let’s do one more. If I need 36 inches of string how many
feet is that? What do we know? Inches. Are inches bigger
or smaller then a foot? Smaller. We are going for smaller
to bigger. If we look our arrows going from inches to foot,
we are going to divide. So, 36/12 = what 4 feet.

Move to yard (I am going talk about the abbreviations

first.). (I am going to hold up a yard stick) This is one
yard. (I am going to hold it in front of one student and ask
how many inches the yard stick said.) 1 yard is 36 inches.
Guess what we already know how many feet 36 inches
makes. Look at the second example on feet how many feet
does 36 inches make? 3 feet so there are 3 feet in a yard.
Ex. If I have 9 feet how many yards would I have?
9/3=3 yd. what about if I have 2 yards how many
inches would I have? 2x36=72in.

Now miles (I am going talk about the abbreviations

first.) . It is not highly likely that you will need to
convert to or from miles. But is still important to know
especially if any of you want to drive or like to go on
road trips. A Mile is 1760 yards. Using your calculator
figure out how many feet that is 1760x3=5280ft When
you go on the highway you will see mile markers these
are placed 100 ft apart. When my brother and I where
younger would count these to entertain ourselves and
to see how close we were to our destination. (If I have
the time I will talk about this) So how many inches are
in 5280ft? 5280x12=63,360.

Guided Practice
(WE DO IT) I will give out a work sheet, we did the first 5 in the
foldable so I will ask students to finds the answer then
I will do the next 2 questions with them. I will check
for understanding if they still need help, I will do one
more example I might pull a small group if needed.
5 minutes
for we do
(5 to 25

Strategies to check for 30

understanding I am going to check for understanding as we do the 2 minutes
questions together for you
Independent Practice They will do the rest of the work sheet and if they finish I
(YOU DO IT) will have a bonus sheet that they can try. I will be
collecting the first work sheet.

If needed, how will you address re-teaching of specific skills.

I will pull a small group and see we are the students are confused. I would show a new way of
writing that might make more sense. If everyone is confused, I would see where they are getting
confused and I would slow down and explain the connection in more depth.

Concrete and tangible
assessment to know
whether students have I am going to take an informal assessment at the end to see if
met learning objective students understand way, we have standard measurement and
how confident they are with conversion.

Closure: (1 – 5 minutes)
Organization/transition #/minutes
routines (e.g., put I am going to have one person put away the
assignments in folders, calculators, one person put away the white boards, one 4 minutes
prepare for bell, person put away the markers, one person put away the
transition to next scissors. (1 – 5
lesson/activity minutes)
Your Measurement Your Partners

Item 1:

Item 2:

Your Measurement Your Partners


Item 1:

Item 2:

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