Asterix and The Chieftans Daught

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Wey Worn ond the CHIEFTAINS daughter Written by Jean-Yves FERRI Illustrated by Didier CONRAD GOSCINNY AND UDERZO PRESENT An Asterix Adventure ASTERIX AND THE CHIEFTAIN’S DAUGHTER by EAN-YVES FERRI IDIER CONRAD With heartfelt thanks to Anthea Bell for her wonderful translation workon ASTERIX over the years. Les Editions Albert René and Orion Children’s Books Asterix titles available now 1 Aster the Gaul 20 Asterix in Corsica [38 Asterix and the Chieftains Daughter 2 Asterix and the Golden Sickle 21 Asterix and Caesar’ Git Where Asterix? 3 Asterixand the Goths 22. Asterixand the Great Crossing Wheres Dogmatic? 4 Asterix the Gladiator 23 Obelix and Co. Asterix and the Vikings 5 Asterix and the Banquet 2 Asters in Belgium “Asterix atthe Olympic Games (fm tie-in) 6 Asterix and Cleopatra 25. Asterix and the Great Divide How Obelix Fell nto the Magic Potion 7 Asterix and the Big Fight 26. Asterix and the Black Gold Asterix Omnibus | (Books 1-3) 8 Asterix in Britain 27 Asterixand Son Asterix Omnibus (Books 4-6) 9 Asterix andthe Normans and the Magie Carpet ‘Asterix Omnibus 3 (Books 7-9) 10 Asterixthe Legionary and the Secret Weapon, Asterix Ommibus4_ (Books 10-12) Asterix andthe Chieftains Shield 30 Asterix and Obelix Allat Sea Asterix Omnibus (Books 13-15) 12. Asterix t the Olympic Games 31 Asterixand the Actress Asterix Omnibus (Books 6-18) 15 Aster and the Cauldeon 32 Asterix and the Clas Act Asterix Omnibus? (Books 19-21) 14 Asterix in Spain 33 Asterix and the Falling Sky ‘Asterix Omnibus 8 (Books 22-24) 15 Asterixandthe Roman Agent 34 Asterixand Obelix’ Birthday ~ Asterix Omnibus) (Books 25-27) 16_Asteriin Switzerland the Golden Book ‘Asterix Omnibus 10 (Books 8-30) 17 ‘The Mansions of the Gods 35 Aster and the Picts Aster Omnibus 11 (Books 31-33) 18 Astericand the Laurel Weeath 36 Asterix and the Missing Seroll ‘Asterix Omnibus 12 (Books 34-36) 19 Asterixandthe Soothssyer 37-Asterixand the Chariot Race ORION CHILDREN’S BOOKS. Fist published in Great Britain in 2019 by Hodder & Stoughion “This ek ist published in 2019 by Hodder and Stoughton, ASTERIX"-OBELIX’-IDEFIX"-DOGMATIX" ‘Original edition © 219 Les Fations Albert Rene “Engh tansation © 2019 Les tons Albert René ‘Original tle La Fille de orcingstoric Exclsivelicensee: Hachette Childrens Group “Transhtor: Adena Hunter “Typography: Arvind Shah The right of Jean-Yves Fert be Menified as the author of this work and the right of Dide Conta to be dented asthe lutatr of this woke havs ben sere by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 888, All eights eserved [ACIP catalogue record for this book s aval from the British Libary 59x 978.1-s101-0720%5 (ebook) ‘Tis ebook ction has ben erste using Chculr FLO from Circular Software, ‘Orhan Chiko Books| An imprint of Hachett Childers Group Pt of Haier & Stoughton ‘Carmelite House, 0 Vitoria Embankment London ecqy opz {An Hochette UK Company swvechachette.couk wwwastencem, swmohacheteshirens. co. Hi aseacantoven: aredasteris: GAULISH VILLAGE re COMPENDIUM ‘@LUTETIA ROMAN CONQUEST Pd GELTICA \ ‘THE YEAR IS 50 BC. GAUL IS ENTIRELY OCCUPIED BY THE ROMANS. WELL, NOT ENTIRELY ... ONE SMALL VILLAGE OF INDOMITABLE GAULS STILL HOLDS OUT AGAINST THE INVADERS. AND LIFE IS NOT EASY FOR THE ROMAN LEGIONARIES WHO GARRISON THE FORTIFIED CAMPS OF TOTORUM, AQUARIUM, LAUDANUM AND COMPENDIUM ... ASTERIX, THE HERO OF THESE ADVENTURES. A SHREWD, CUNNING LITTLE WARRIOR, ALL PERILOUS MISSIONS ARE IMMEDIATELY DROP EVERYTHING AND GO OFF ON A NEW ADVENTURE WITH ASTERIX ECOLOGIST, WHO HOWLS WITH DESPAIR WHEN A TREE IS CUT DOWN. HAS OTHER RECIPES UP HIS SLEEVE. _ ai ae Pi ra MAJESTIC, BRAVE AND HOT-TEMPERED, THE OLD WARRIOR IS RESPECTED BY HIS MEN AND FEARED BY ‘ONE FEAR, HE IS AFRAID THAT THE SKY MAY FALL ON HIS HEAD TOMORROW. BUT AS HE ALWAYS SAYS, THe MEMBERS OF Rae SiaLare Fou! HAVE BEEN SHEARCHING FOR HER: “SHINSHE. “2 WaaTeVER, Set OUT WHERE SHAEIAR WONT TINE OF LOOKING F sail AF A) aed LY ICO ON, GO! AND DON’T TAKE YOUR EYES OFF HER JAGAINE | 3-5 — NA GIRLS! CLOTIES ARE RUBEISHIYD WAY 10 } aly BUT... BUT! BY BELENUS! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO THAT HELMET?! ‘HA! HA! HA! WEARING HELMETS: | BACKWARDS!! THE BOY ’S AS VISIONARY MiNE’S ALREADY A DAB HAND AT PREPARING I‘M GUTTED FOR HiM! MiNE’S FORGING HIMSELF A PROPER CAREER! 9 YOU, SELFIPIX, BACK TO WORK! YOU CAN HAMMER THAT HELMET BACK OUT FOR MEI! eS Sy AND YOU, BLINIX, STOP BAITING ME AND GET YOUR SKATES ON! DO,, WE UNDERSTAND] |YOUR CENTURION WiLL BE RETIRING ON 2_THE IDES AND THAT MEANS DON’T Go PROVOKING ALESIA| ‘SO WHETHER OR NOT SHE'S TuiNGy‘s DAUGHTER, WE DON’T KNOW ABOUT HER, HAVEN'T HEARD A THING, DO A BiT OF PATROLLING AND LET ‘THE OTHERS DEAL WITH 7 ‘CAPEESH? mI ‘NFORNED SHE CANT GET AWAY FROM AE NOW! LOOPS IN SESOCRIBATIM HAVE BEEN ! MENHiRS ARE PANTS! UGH 7 wuat Do You “| __MEAN THE | POTION MAKES > YOU OBESE!?! NO, BLiNiIX! YOU'RE NOT GOING OFF WITH LiTTLE Miss TiLL YOU'VE THI MEKKOW ABOUT BRINGING alt au coupui= ne oot GUT OF Boe aoe coer ee Z “vaT's Wp \ sora’ || % > aL x ste paces TY Leen. Semen [KARMA xaRMAK RHA Kagan AR, CAN A 7 gs I 1 Otone A WeneGO, SILENC! E SHES DONE A RUNNERS - “SOUND THE HORN | (FOR A GATHERING! Se MusteT oer wT THE J THE FOREST! SPLIT iNTO TEAMS! #00 TWO THERE, WITH Us! 2 22 vir Vreomocss ly BROWATCHELIY YoU WERE THE BEST OF US AT THE WORLD HAS CANGED, AND 40 (CHANGE MEANS. 24 Light signals to starboard, Daddorinsus a Can 3 commant t That's — Daaaaay: st ig Uo, vou rem’ guus!!! Let's push the boat out! ga < ‘TAKE HER HOSTAGE?!? WHEN WE’RE A MENHIR’S ‘THROW FROM THE GAULISH ViLLAGE?IP VERCNGETORIT A OH, AND HE’S ececcemomesro: || A GENERAI ROMANS BUT IM NOT SURE L? TOO RiSKY! REMEMBER WHERE. THROW HER OVERBOARD! ‘TAKE ME WITH YOU! CAN'T HANDLE | THE ARVERNI! Ue ou THEM ANYMORE, DON’T YOU GET IT? THEGAULS! — sicir>s AND LNGED SOME ran THE ROMANS! =" __ Cae) ~— eeiZ EQ THAT’S ENOUGH! LET’S THROW HER GET DOWN FROM THis || NOPES 22". WELL, I’LL BE BLOWED! LET’S MAKE A GAULISH EXIT! EVERYONE TO YOUR POSTS! RAISE THE SAILS! 28 =) ADRENALIN! THEY'VE KIDNAPPED HER!| SS BUT iT WASN’T ME. iT WAS CRABSTIX WHO HA 30

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