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Aurora Macek

Grade Level: 8th

Lesson Title: Self Portrait


Given instructional materials on proportion and shading, students will successfully create a
proportional and detailed self portrait.

Given instructional materials on pattern symbology for emotions, students will apply a
background pattern to their self portrait that represents and aspect of their personality.

Evidence of completion:
Google Classroom question
Posting of progress photos
Completion of self-portrait including background

Day 1:
Set up a mirror, your webcam, or a front facing camera so that you can view your face as you draw.
Chose an expression that represents who you are as a person and make this expression in the mirror
as you draw
Watch this tutorial YouTube video that gives you step by step instructions on how to create a proportional
human face:
Begin mapping out the areas of your face using your expression in the mirror/camera and tips from
the instructional video
Post a progress photo

Day 2/Day 3:
Set up your mirror, webcam, or front facing phone camera up so that you can see yourself in the same
angle as the day before
Begin to define the details of your individual facial features. Some YouTube tutorials on how to do
this might be helpful, so watch these before you begin:
Hair: htt ps://

You can watch these videos as you draw your self-portrait, pausing as you need to.
If you don’t have a blending stump, you can use a q-tip or balled up napkin or paper towel.
Draw your self-portrait in the mirror.
Post progress photos for each day or every 30-40 min that you work

Day 4:
Finish your self portrait using shading with your pencil
Post a progress photo of your completed face

Day 5:
Look over the list of patterns.
Think about how the patterns make you feel. Associate the patterns with different emotions.
For each pattern on the sheet, name an emotion that it makes you feel or that you associate it with.
Chose a pattern or create your own that represents you or emotions that you feel.
Place this pattern as the background of your self portrait.
Post a photo of your finished self-portrait with a pattern background back ground.
Also post a comment that explains why you chose this pattern to represent you!!
Remember, the expression you make in your self portrait and the background that you choose should
represent you!

How do we associate pattern with emotion or personality?

Below are examples of possible emotions that I associate with each pattern.

You might associate different emotions with these patterns, that is okay!

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8
1. Calm
2. Waiting
3. Nervous
4. Tough
5. Excited
6. Stable
7. Secretive
8. Cute
1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15

1. Goofy
2. Motivated
3. Interconnected
4. Friendly
5. Cool
6. Groovy
7. Dainty
8. Unsure
9. Wisdom
10. Intelligent
11. Wonder
12. Neat
13. Mellow
14. Creative
15. Changing
Match these patterns to emotions before choosing your own for your background!
1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16 17 18

19 20 21 22 23 24

25 26 27 28 29 30

31 32 33 34 35 36

37 38 39 40 41 42

43 44 45 46 47 48
Maybe in your background you chose to interlock mutiple patterns to show your different
emotions or personality traits!
Facial proportion guide

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