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Aviz șef de catedră, Aviz director,

Prof. Florina Bută Prof. Mihaela Șora

Școala gimnaziala nr. 30

Profesor- Mihaela Toma

Clasa Pregatitoare

Planificare calendaristica


Nr. Unitatea de Conţinuturi Competenţe specifice Nr. ore Săptămâna Observaţii

crt. invatare vizate
1 Hello! Greetings 1.1 1 1
2 What’s I am 1.1 1 2
your name? My name is 2.2
Boy, girl
3 Stand up! Stand up 1.1 1 3
Sit down
4 Meet the Colours 2.1 2 4
rainbow! 5
5 My blackboard, eraser, 1.1 2 6
classroom chalk, desk, toilet, 1.2 7
window, door, floor, 2.2
ceiling, carpet, chair
Show me the
6 My Pencil, pencil case, 1.1 2 8
schoolbag schoolbag, eraser, 1.2 9
scissors, coloured 10
pencils, ruler etc
What’s this?
It’s a/an
7 How many Numbers 1-10 1.1 1 11
pencils are
8 I have ten head, shoulders, 1.1 2 12
fingers! knees, toes, fingers, 13
Touch your head!
9 My face! Nose, ears, lips, 1.1 2 14
mouth, cheeks, chin, 2.1 15
10 Revision Guess what’s 1.1 3 16
missing! 2.3 17
11 Let’s drive! Means of 1.1 2 19
transportation 1.2 20
Drive, walk, ride 2.1
12 Let’s play! Toys 1.2 2 21
13 On the Domestic animals 1.2 2 23
farm 2.1 24
14 In the Wild animals 1.3 2 25
jungle 26
15 Weather 1.1 2 27
16 Sports Actions 1.1 1 30
17 Every day Wash, brush, take a 1.1 2 31
shower 2.1 32
18 My house Rooms, furniture 1.2 2 33
19 Revision Funny sentences, 1.1 2 35
Rhyming words 2.3 36
Miming: I’m a dog

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