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Alexander the Great and the conquest of the Persian Empire

Last time I presented in a more simplistic way Philip's second ascent of Macedonia to the
Hellenic world and how Macedonia became its protector with the establishment of the
Corinthian law which it set itself, in addition to protecting the Greek world and punishing the
Persian empire for their invasion into the Greek world that had taken place two centuries ago.
Filip was not able to achieve this goal until the end, being killed, as I said in the previous text.
Following the leadership of Alexander, one of Philip's sons, in 336 BC
After ascending to the throne of Macedonia, it leads to battles of recognition in both Dacia
and Illyria for stabilizing the borders. In Greece he fights with Athens and Theba to regain
the status of protector of the Greek world, this status not recognized after the death of Philip.
In these battles, Theba is completely destroyed and the citizens of this city are sold as slaves.
Once regained the position in Greece and the stability of the borders, Alexander begins the
expedition to the Persian empire in 334 after stabilizing and suppressing the revolts in
It leads important battles to Granicos, Issos conquers Syria today and Egypt, crosses the
Tigris and the Euphrates without major problems, meeting greater resistance in the
Babylonian area. Then comes a hunt to capture the Persian fugitive emperor but he is
eventually killed by his own emperor, who is crowned emperor himself.
After his death, in 323 BC, caused by a malaria on his way to Babylon, a fight for power
between the generals remained followed by a period of war of the diodes.
At his death he had a minor son, who is sent to Macedonia until he reaches maturity, along
with his wife Alexandria, Roxana (Darius' third daughter). Unfortunately, due to the wars of
the diodes and the desire to control the former generals of Alexander, when Alexander's son,
Alexander the second and his mother Roxana, are killed.

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