Lesson One

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ED 345 Calvin University Teacher Intern Observation Template

Teacher Intern: Sharon Kim Date: April 1st

Grade Level: Grade 3 Subject/ Topic: Government
Approx. time spent planning this lesson:      *The template will expand as text is
Main Focus/Essential Questions: Students will learn about why people need a government. 
Brief Context: In second grade, students have learned about what a local government does. In third grade,
students dive deeper into the function of a state government, specifically in the state of Michigan. Students have
been building up to this unit, as they have previously learned about the early history of Michigan, economics,
geography, manufacturing, push/pull factors, and the development of Michigan. This will naturally lead to why
there has to be organized leadership for a large population. 
Prerequisite Knowledge/Skills:
Students will need to have an understanding of what a local government does, and why people need leadership
on a local scale. In this lesson, students will learn why there needs to be a government in a bigger scale. 

Lesson Objectives/Learning Targets Aligned Assessments

Consider formative & summative tools

Please number objectives and the aligned assessment measures. 

The learner will: I will assess learning by:

 Students will understand that  Having students work in pairs to identify the purpose of
people need governments for government being fulfilled. 
many reasons.   Providing a summative assessment that checks
 Students will be able to draw and understanding for the purpose of government, and how
explain why the government is Michigan carries out the purpose. 
important.   Students will draw a poster of what a community looks
like without a government. 

Standards Addressed in Lesson:  (Include full standard.)

Give an example of how Michigan state government fulfills one of the purposes of government (protecting individual rights, promoting the
common good, ensuring equal treatment under the law)

Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 3 topics
and texts, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly.

Instructional Resources:
Michigan Citizenship Collaborative Curriculum 3rd Grade Social Studies 
Student Paper handouts: Graphic Organizer, Purpose of Government worksheet, Assessment paper
Projector to show Powerpoint slide

Consideration of Learners:
How have you responded to your diverse learners?  Consider UDL (Multiple means of Engagement,
Representation, Action & Expression) & principles of differentiation.  If appropriate, identify individual
accommodations you will make in response to needs or interests of students. 
 During both Language Arts and Math time, the students who are “higher-level” students and need
enrichment activities are pulled out from the classroom, and students who are “lower-level” students
who need extra support are also being supported by other teachers. However, during Social Studies, there
are no pull-outs with support teachers, and all the students are inside the classroom. So in order to
differentiate the material appropriately, I have assigned students into two different groups. Each student
will receive both a color and a number. The students in the same colors will be students who have similar
reading abilities, and they can do activities together in a small group when the teacher releases them for
individual work. When the teacher asks students to group together according to the same color, then this
will mostly be for group work. When the teacher asks students to group according to their number, then
those groups will be mixed ability groups where the students will discuss questions together, and the
higher-level students can assist and help the lower level students if they need support.
 For the first group discussion, students will be in colored groups because the assignment is a more open-
ended activity with multiple answers available. Allowing mixed-ability groups to work on this assignment
together would be appropriate.  
 In order to accommodate the different abilities of students, I will provide multiple methods of expression
that students are capable of. At the end of the lesson, the students are asked to create a poster
independently and will draw and write down why they think the government is important. Students who
are at a higher reading level will be given a poster sheet with more lines for writing, and will be asked to
write down more information. The students who are at a lower reading level will be given a poster sheet
with less lines for writing and can focus more of their attention on drawing their thoughts and providing
 Students will have multiple media types to understand the content. There will be a powerpoint slide with
visual images to help the student’s understanding, and they will also follow along using their own paper

* Supervisor’s Comments: Objectives are clear and tied directly to instruction. Assessment evidence
provided for each objective as well. Sharon prepared materials for all students to support their
learning. She considered various ways to group her students according to the task. She also provides
multiple ways for students to demonstrate their learning through drawing and writing at the end of
the lesson.


BUILDING RESPECTFUL RELATIONSHIPS: (Note any specific ways in which you plan to establish rapport, build
mutual trust, monitor & maintain relationships.  Consider student-teacher & student-student relationships.)
 When I have to correct a child’s behavior or the comments that they make, I will provide one on one
feedback to students and pull them out later on, rather than announcing it in front of the classroom. I
think students would feel like they are respected more if they are told how to improve privately.
 I will also attempt to build respectful relationships by recognizing the student’s skills. Everyone wants to
hear the things that they are good at, or what they are doing well, and so throughout the lesson, I want to
make sure to acknowledge the student’s strengths that I observe.
 Students will be divided into groups that are divided up and taken into consideration the different factors
that exist, such as gender, reading ability, friendships, and race. 

ORGANIZATIONAL ROUTINES: (Identify ways that you have intentionally organized time, space, materials, &
students to minimize disruptions and maximize learning.)
Students are familiar with Mr. Helder’s style of a reading lesson, in which the teacher tells a short 5 or 10
minute mini-lesson/ story-telling time in which the teacher goes over the concept and then are released
to practice the skill by themselves. I want the students to be familiar with the routine that they have gone
through, and so the lesson is similar to what the students are used to.
Mr. Helder provided a list of students who are unable to work well, along with students who are pulled
out and in need of enrichment. Taking this into consideration, I have divided the students into groups
where they will be able to work well and each student has someone who is in a pullout group.

Colored Groups
Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Violet

Christina Rory Hannah Ramona Hazel Kamryn

Lilly Helen Eli Jesse Camden Kellan
Oliver Pabegg Judah Ed Marek Jeremiah
Jack Reuben

Leveled Groups
1 2 3 4 5

Eli Karlie Christina Rory Hannah

Camden Kamryn Helen Ed Allan
Jeremiah Lilly Pabegg Oliver Marek
Karlie Reuben Jesse Hazel
Jack Kellan Judah

SPECIFYING & REINFORCING PRODUCTIVE BEHAVIOR: (Note how expectations are specified, productive
behavior is reinforced and disruptive behavior is redirected.)
  I will layout the expectations that I have for the students before I start the lesson. (No talking
while the teacher is talking, eyes on me, hands to yourself…etc)
 Before the students are launched out to complete the poster assessment, I will provide clear
expectations about the things that I expect from students. Before I pass out the assignment, I will
explain that the students can spread out across the classroom and can sit anywhere but it must
be a location where they will not be distracted and they aren’t able to see their peer’s work. 
 During the activities, the teacher will explain how much time the students will have to complete
an assignment, and will show a timer on the board so that the students can keep track of how
much time they have left. When there are about 2 minutes left, the teacher will ask the students
to wrap up what they are doing. 

*Supervisor’s Comments: N/A

Motivation/Opening/Intro: [Think creatively about how to recruit learning.]
Development: [It may help to number your steps with corresponding times.]
Closure: (Be creative and consider authentic audiences for the work.  Think beyond giving an assignment or
independent practice.)
Introduction Activity
 Teacher will read aloud the group activity sheet on the screen powerpoint
 Once the teacher is done reading, then the teacher will show the questions on the
3 mins.  board. 
o How would you describe the main problem on the island of Frowns?
o What could be done to solve the problem? 
 Teacher will ask the students to get into their colored groups and to discuss
the 2 questions. Each person should talk at least once, and when a person is
talking, then everyone else should listen. 
5 mins.  Each question should have 2 reasons.  Once they are done discussing, then
each student can write down their answers on their worksheet. 


Class discussion
 Students will come back to their seats to discuss about their group’s
o #1 Possible answers: Nobody is in charge on the island, there are no
laws on the island. 
5 mins. o #2 Possible answers: People could elect a leader to be in charge. The
people together could make some laws. 

 Frown is a place without a government. 
 Nobody is in charge, and there are no laws so people do whatever they want. 

Discussion Questions:
o  What are some laws that the island needs right away?
5 mins.  o What would it be like if our school had no one in charge? (Students
would get hurt, school is unsafe, arguments…)
o Who are in charge of different things at school?
(Principal, teachers, bus drivers)

Graphic Organizer
 Teacher will go through a graphic organizer with students. 
5 mins.  Teacher will show it on the powerpoint slide, and students will follow along
using their graphic organizer. 
 Talk about the different purposes of government.
1. Make and enforces laws. (Parking tickets) 
2. Help solve problems. (sewage and trash, providing safe water)
3. Provide safety. (Support for flood or tornado, speed limits, red light)
4. Look out for the common good. (Fixing roads)
5. Protect individual rights. (The right to own property, the right to speak
6. Provide services. (It can be an object, like having a post office, food
stamps for poor people, or it can be an action like building new roads,
checking electricity, State police and road repair)

 Pair Activity
 Teacher will model how to solve the first question.
 Teacher will explain expectations:
10 mins.  o Students will work in pairs. 
o Refer back to the graphic organizer and write down what you think the
purpose is. 
o It shouldn’t be: one person solves one question and the next person
solves the other question. It should be a discussion where both
students share their thoughts. 
o There can be more than one answer, so write down all the purposes
that you and your partner think it applies. 
o Everyone should fill out their own papers. 
o Students will have 10 minutes to work on this. Look at the timer on the
board. Make sure you are checking the time so that you can complete
the task on time, and not get distracted. 

2 mins.
 Teacher will go over student answers, and will ask students to explain their
answers or to add onto their peer’s opinions.
 Ask other ways in which the Michigan government helps and supports people. 

Closure Assessment:
 Teacher will provide expectations of assessment. 
10  Show timer to students. 
mins.  Once students are done with the front page of the assessment, then they can turn
the page and can draw what they imagine a community would look like without laws
and a government. 

*Supervisor’s Comments: (Communication with students, questioning strategies, student engagement,

assessment in instruction, flexibility & responsiveness) The beginning of the lesson pulled students in
and got them thinking about the purpose of government immediately. The fictional story was a great
way for students to understand why a government and sets of rules are necessary for people to
function well in community. The visual outlining the different reasons people need a government was
helpful for students to see the various purposes and government areas. Next, students are brought
into an activity where they apply their learning to various actions, and categorizing which purpose
they fulfilled. Students work collaboratively in groups and Sharon models how to complete the page.
She also provides opportunities for students to have their own ideas, stressing that there might be
more than one correct answer for each category. Students are engaged through discussion,
collaboration with peers, and opportunities to apply the information to things that really matter
to/affect them. Informal assessment evidence is gathered through discussion, but also through
collecting students’ packets and their final exit slip. Sharon demonstrates flexibility as she listens
intently to students’ responses, affirms their thinking, and is willing to offer additional explanations if
needed for support.


EVIDENCE OF PROFESSIONALISM:  Please note recent evidence of your efforts as a professional.


*Supervisor’s Comments:
Confidence/Teacher Presence: Sharon is confident and has developed a strong teacher presence
among her students.
Enthusiasm/ Energy Conveyed: Sharon teaches with confidence and brings energy and excitement to
her teaching. She demonstrates genuine interest in the content.
Pace & Flow: Pace/flow was appropriate for the lesson
Professional Appearance: N/A

*Supervisor’s Summary Comments: This introductory lesson to the government unit

provided students with a strong understanding of the purpose of government. Students had the
opportunity to understand how having rules and structure is beneficial for them in their classrooms,
schools, and lives. This helps students see the value of the content and how the various purposes of
government do affect their own lives. Tying the content to examples they understand also creates
relevancy and authentic engagement among students.

FUTURE FOCUS: None at this time

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