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Spring 2019

Revolutionary War Historical Figure Wax Museum
Learning Experiences

Samantha Geer
Table of Contents

Lesson Overview.............................................................................................................................3
Learning Experience 1- Choosing a historical figure......................................................................5
Learning Experience 2- Creating the backdrop...............................................................................8
Learning Experience 3- Presentation.............................................................................................11

Lesson Overview
Age/grade 10-11/4th Grade
Specific Performance Indicators and Descriptors-
Social Studies

Students understand various major eras in the history of the community, Maine, and the

United States.

 Explain that history includes the study of past human experience based on available

evidence from a variety of sources

 Identify various major historical eras, major enduring themes, turning points, events,

consequences, persons, and timeframes, in the history of the community, Maine, and the

United States.



Integrate information from two texts on the same topic in order to write or speak about the

subject knowledgeably.


Explain events, procedures, ideas, or concepts in a historical, scientific, or technical text,

including what happened and why, based on specific information in the text.


Report on a topic or text, tell a story, or recount an experience in an organized manner, using

appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details to support main ideas or themes; speak clearly

at an understandable pace.


Add audio recordings and visual displays to presentations when appropriate to enhance the

development of main ideas or themes.

Visual Arts

Students select and make props, costumes, set pieces, and/or puppets, and present a rehearsed


Connected Content Areas-

Social Studies, ELA, and Visual Arts

Enduring Themes

Culture & People, Places, and Environments

Learning Experience 1- Choosing a historical figure

Specific Performance Indicators and Descriptors

Social Studies

Students understand various major eras in the history of the community, Maine, and the

United States.

 Explain that history includes the study of past human experience based on available evidence

from a variety of sources

 Identify various major historical eras, major enduring themes, turning points, events,

consequences, persons, and timeframes, in the history of the community, Maine, and the

United States.



Integrate information from two texts on the same topic in order to write or speak about the

subject knowledgeably.

A description of what two content areas have been selected and how they will be connected

to the learning experiences

This lesson will be focused on ELA and Social Studies. The ELA aspect is gathering information

from multiple sources for their research project. For Social Studies, students will be learning

about the Revolutionary War time period through the eyes of a historical figure. This information

will lead to completing research and presenting about that historical figure.

A description of what the students will be doing

Students will choose a historical figure from the time period of the Revolutionary War (there will

be a list of people that the students can choose from, or they can choose a person that they know

about and would like to do additional research on). After the students chooses their figure, they

will start doing basic research. The students will take out their research notebook and write down

what they already know about the person and what they would like to know about them. This

will give the students a place to start when they begin researching. After the students have

several questions that they would like to know, they can begin their research. This can be done

through books that will be available or by using the iPads.

A description of what the teacher will be doing to support learning

The teacher will be helping students make choices on who they would like to research by asking

questions to narrow their field (do they want to do a founding father? Do they want to do it from

the point of view of a loyalist? Would they like it to be a woman? Etc.). The teacher will also be

helping the students by prompting them will questions that they want to know about their figure

and asking how they would go about finding that information.

Materials required for these learning experiences

 Research Notebook

 Pencil/pen

 List of figures

 Revolutionary War reference books

 iPads

How will I know if the learner has met the expectation of the performance indicator?

Students will pass in their research notebook. This will show the teacher that they have chosen a

figure and has started deciding what it is that they would like to know more about for the person.

Learning Experience 2- Creating the backdrop

Specific Performance Indicators and Descriptors

Students understand various major eras in the history of the community, Maine, and the

United States.

 Explain that history includes the study of past human experience based on available evidence

from a variety of sources

 Identify various major historical eras, major enduring themes, turning points, events,

consequences, persons, and timeframes, in the history of the community, Maine, and the

United States.

Visual Arts

 Students select and make props, costumes, set pieces, and/or puppets, and present a

rehearsed scene.



Explain events, procedures, ideas, or concepts in a historical, scientific, or technical text,

including what happened and why, based on specific information in the text.

A description of what two content areas have been selected and how they will be connected

to the learning experiences

For this lesson, students will have standards from Social Studies, Visual Arts, and ELA. Social

Studies is represented through learning about their historical figure and the time period of the

Revolutionary War. Students will be completing a backdrop that will have visuals and important

facts about their figure, which is the Visual Arts aspect. Finally, ELA is represented by students

using their research so that the backdrop has relevant and accurate information.

A description of what the students will be doing

Students will gather their notes, research materials, poster paper, and art supplies. Previously,

students would have already created outlines and/or organized their information so that it is

ready to be added to the backdrop, so it will be ready to be used for the lesson. The students will

proceed to an open space where they will create a backdrop that will have a combination of facts

and photos that are relevant to the figure.

A description of what the teacher will be doing to support learning

The teacher will be walking around and helping students map out how they want the placement

of the information and prompting questions so that they put information on the poster that is

most relevant to the figure. The teacher will also help students who might still be finishing up

their research or still organizing their information.

Materials required for these learning experiences

 Research notes/outlines/materials

 Poster paper

 Art supplies (crayons, color pencils, markers, glue, scissors)

How will I know if the learner has met the expectation of the performance indicator?

Students will have important facts and images that are relevant to their historical figure

represented on their backdrop. This could be birthdate, where they grew up, what their

profession was, etc. It will also be neat and clear to read and understand.

Learning Experience 3- Presentation

Specific Performance Indicators and Descriptors

Students understand various major eras in the history of the community, Maine, and the

United States.

 Explain that history includes the study of past human experience based on available evidence

from a variety of sources

 Identify various major historical eras, major enduring themes, turning points, events,

consequences, persons, and timeframes, in the history of the community, Maine, and the

United States.

Visual Arts

 Students select and make props, costumes, set pieces, and/or puppets, and present a

rehearsed scene.



Report on a topic or text, tell a story, or recount an experience in an organized manner,

using appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details to support main ideas or themes;

speak clearly at an understandable pace.


Add audio recordings and visual displays to presentations when appropriate to enhance

the development of main ideas or themes.

A description of what two content areas have been selected and how they will be connected

to the learning experiences

For this lesson, students will have standards from Social Studies, Visual Arts, and ELA. ELA

will be connected through the reporting on their historical figure through a presentation, Visual

Arts through their background, props, and costumes, and social studies through the explanation

of their figure and historical era.

A description of what the students will be doing

Students will be dressed up as their historical figure and will have a speech prepared about that

figure. Other classes and parents will be invited to tour our wax museum and to learn about the

different people. The students will be expected to give their brief speech as well as answer

questions pertaining to their historical figure.

A description of what the teacher will be doing to support learning

The teacher will be observing the presentations and asking students questions about their figure.

The teacher will also be offering support to students who need additional prompting with their

speeches or need additional help. The teacher will also be taking photos to document the lesson

for the student’s portfolios.

Materials required for these learning experiences

 Individual student’s speech notes

 Costume

 Background visual

 Props

How will I know if the learner has met the expectation of the performance indicator?

The students will be observed giving their speech and asking questions. The students will be able

to explain important details and life events that are specific to the time period and their historical

figure. The students should also have a visual backboard and costume that reflects the historical

figure and the time period. At the end of the presentation, students will write a reflection on the

experience. They will reflect on the research, experience, and what they learned.


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