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Feature: enterprise resource planning

JEERP: Energy-
Aware Enterprise
Resource Planning
Dario Bonino, Luigi De Russis, and Fulvio Corno, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Gianni Ferrero, Proxima Centauri, Italy

Ever-increasing energy costs and new energy-saving requirements are

pushing the limits of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. The
authors describe Java Energy-Aware ERP, an application-oriented approach
for designing energy-aware ERPs, and demonstrate a prototype system.

nterprise resource planning plays a piv- factories). In this context, IT serves as an enabling
otal role in business operations, allowing technology to improve industrial processes from
the integration of internal and external both a green and an economic standpoint.
management information across entire Although current solutions, such as the SAP
organizations. ERP embraces finance and ac- Green IT initiative (
counting, manufacturing, sales and service, and it/software/green-it/index.html), support energy
customer relationship management. Although assets to some extent by considering aggregate
ERP efficiently handles the flow of information consumption (at the building or cost-center
between all business functions within an orga- level), increased granularity is needed to fully
nization’s boundaries, it mainly applies to tradi- evaluate the contribution of energy assets to the
tional assets such as feedstock (semiprocessed overall product economy. Because of changes in
materials), purchased items, operating machines, the energy sector (such as the upcoming smart
and personnel. Ever-increasing energy costs and grid), energy optimization should be considered
new energy-saving requirements, however, are as another key indicator for cross-layer optimiza-
encouraging ERP design and research1 to better tion. To achieve this optimization, energy must
account for energy assets in enterprise planning,2 be measured locally and in near real time. Manu-
especially in industrial sectors involving high facturing control activities should also be aware
energy consumption (for example, mechanical of the energy consumed.3

50 IT Pro July/August 2014 Published by the IEEE Computer Society 1520-9202/14/$31.00 © 2014 IEEE

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Java Energy-Aware ERP (JEERP) is our ap- There is also a need for persistent field-level
proach to integrating energy-consumption infor- information, which would let organizations ana-
mation at the asset level into classical ERP systems lyze business intelligence offline. Such an analy-
in real time. To illustrate the JEERP approach, sis could combine measures extracted from the
we’ve developed a real-world solution based on metering infrastructure with process-related
extensions of some of our previous work: the variables computed by the ERP system to help
Domotic OSGi Gateway (referred to as the Dog identify hidden correlations between costs and
gateway)4 and the Oratio open source ERP (www. consumption behaviors. This, in turn, could help optimize the production process, leading to tan-
gible savings in terms of time, cost, and efficiency.
IT Challenges To enable such analysis, however, data must be
Bringing detailed energy information into ERPs preserved and made available for offline process-
poses several IT research challenges. ing using advanced storage solutions, possibly
One challenge is identifying energy-greedy areas based on the NoSQL paradigm, such as Apache
and determining the tradeoff between pervasive Cassandra (
metering and cost-effective solutions. Pervasive Finally, ERP and Scada systems (that is, systems
metering (that is, one meter per device) approaches that monitor and control industrial processes that
support the energy characterization of all elements exist in the physical world) must be integrated.
in industrial production by drilling down measures Energy-consumption measures are more valu-
to single machine cycles, with the highest possible able if they can be correlated with a specific in-
granularity. Such solutions, however, are often un- dustrial process, or even with parts of the process.
feasible because metering costs in small and me- Although this information is typically available
dium industrial settings can easily overcome any at the process-control level, thanks to Scada sys-
possible savings. A suitable tradeoff must therefore tems, it’s usually confined in the control network
be found between measurement granularity and and seldom trespasses the realm of automation
cost, possibly exploiting pre-existing information toward the resource planning domain (Scada to
(such as machine cycles) at the supervisory control ERP). On the other hand, anomalies and alerts
and data acquisition (Scada) level. sensed, or generated, at the ERP level are usually
Another challenge is handling what might be handled by humans, whereas automatic reactions
huge amounts of data, with a time granularity using ERP-to-Scada communication would be
that is often too fine to be effectively exploited much more effective, in terms of both costs and
at the ERP level. Big data flows typical of smart plant safety.
metering are almost impossible to handle at the
ERP level, where completely different data rates Java Energy-Aware ERP
and behaviors are expected. Raw data (for ex- JEERP is a joint project of Proxima Centauri and
ample, power consumption) is seldom interesting the Politecnico di Torino. The project’s main goal
from the resource planning standpoint, whereas is to define and validate a software architecture
aggregate information (such as hourly, daily, and for integrating real-time consumption and as-
weekly energy consumption) is much more ap- set management in a ready-to-use open source
pealing. However, finer granularity is needed to ERP. This lets business managers and stakehold-
support analytics and quicker reactions to critical ers integrate traditional economic indicators with
situations (that is, to alerts). quantitative information about the energy costs
Organizations must also determine how to related to each single asset of the production
handle real-time alerts related to monitored as- system. As reported elsewhere, increased energy-
sets. Although most ERP processes work on a day consumption awareness, with asset-level detail,
or month scale, the availability of real-time energy can be directly related to improved performance
and process information lets organizations better of factories and companies, from a business
address machine failures to improve production viewpoint.2,3,5
scheduling and maintenance management. Such Figure 1 shows the logic architecture of the pro-
real-time information could also support the ear- posed solution. Its four main components are a
ly detection and solution of critical issues. modular Scada gateway (the Dog gateway, v. 2.3), 51

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Feature: Enterprise Resource Pl anning

Oratio (ERP)


Time scale CMDBuild (Asset manager)

~1 h
No.of assets
~100 Energy manager

Aggregate measures ERP

by asset / asset group

Time scale (CEP)
~1 s
No.of sensors

Domotic OSGi Gateway (Dog)


Field data data

Figure 1. The Java Energy-Aware ERP (JEERP) logic architecture. The solution’s main components—a
modular Scada gateway, a data collection layer, an asset manager, and a traditional ERP system—
follow a strict open source distribution policy.

a data collection layer (collector) that exploits software driver bundles. (It currently supports KNX,
complex event processing (CEP),5 an asset man- Modbus, Echelon, and OpenWebNet technolo-
ager extended to deal with energy assets (CMD- gies.) The adoption of an ontology model of devices
Build), and a traditional ERP system (Oratio). All (DogOnt6), which describes the devices’ function-
components follow a strict open source distri- alities, possible states, and generated events (notifi-
bution policy, supporting the system spread at cations), lets Dog abstract the Scada and metering
virtually no cost and thus offering an option for layer protocols to a single, high-level, event-based
stakeholders of any sized business to start moni- and technology-independent language based on
toring energy use in their daily operation. XML messaging (either through XML-RPC or
These components each tackle a subset of the REST). Such an abstraction decouples the measure-
cited IT challenges. handling layer and the ERP systems from the actual
plants, thus supporting the architecture’s portability
Scada Gateway over different industrial settings.
The Dog gateway provides Scada-to-ERP and re-
verse communication. It exploits a modular struc- Data Collection Layer
ture based on the OSGi framework, and interfaces Measures extracted from the field are normalized,
both metering and Scada systems using suitable abstracted, and delivered to the upper layers as

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Dog events. These events preserve the same tem- allowed by full CEP engines; instead, they focus
poral and cardinality features of field-level data— on providing a flexible, reusable, and easy-to-learn
that is, they’re delivered very quickly (1 event per processing facility for nonexperts, with a particular
second or faster) and they typically involve many focus on needs emerging from the energy man-
sensors (more than 1,000). To avoid overloading agement and ERP domains, while retaining CEP
the ERP and asset management systems, this big optimization in single block implementations.
data flow is aggregated, decimated, and persisted, Our spChains framework thus offers block-based
so higher layers of the architecture can work on CEP, based on Esper, to enable block-based pro-
more meaningful and actionable data. The col- gramming of stream elaborations while retaining
lector module tackles these issues by exploiting a satisfying processing capability (up to 170,000
two parallel information channels. One directly events per second).
delivers full-speed/full-granularity events to the Both aggregation (Figure 2a) and alerting (Fig-
persistent storage (typically a transactional data- ure 2b and 2c) are supported through two main
base) by applying suitable event bundling to avoid families of processing blocks, which respectively
overloading the underlying database manage- handle Boolean and real events. Blocks can be
ment system (DBMS). This provides support for mixed and connected according to well-defined
subsequent offline business intelligence applied composition semantics.
on field data and ERP variables. The second ex- Using spChains, complex elaborations can be
ploits CEP techniques to elaborate events fed by easily set up in the collector, without requiring
the Dog gateway in real time. any CEP knowledge and without binding the
solution to a specific stream-processing engine.
Complex event processing pros and cons. Ac- The Esper backend can in fact be easily replaced
cording to one of the earliest proposers of CEP, with other solutions such as Stream.
David Luckham, “Complex event processing is
a set of tools and techniques for analyzing and Asset Manager
controlling the complex series of interrelated The asset manager is the first ERP-side compo-
events that drive modern distributed information nent of the JEERP logic architecture. It deals with
systems.”5 Typical CEP engines effectively handle the systematic process of cost effectively operat-
data at rates of 1 to 100,000 messages per second, ing, maintaining, and upgrading enterprise as-
thus supporting both real-time data aggregation sets. An asset is a tangible or intangible resource
and alerting. capable of being owned or controlled to produce
Event-processing computations carried by the value and is held to have positive economic value.
collector, however, must be definable by energy/ In JEERP, asset descriptions are extended beyond
asset managers and by the ERP administrative economic indicators to include energy consump-
staff, depending on the actual analysis needs. tion. The latter information, in particular, can ei-
This prevents direct adoption of current CEP en- ther be represented as a new asset, subject to the
gines, such as Stream7 and Esper,8 which require same optimization mechanisms used for other
specific knowledge and custom programming enterprise assets, or as an additional element to
to operate. Moreover, direct writing of custom- evaluate the costs and to manage other existing
ized CEP queries (for example, in CQL) is seldom tangible and intangible assets.
suited for industrial settings, where the ability to Our proposed solution for asset configura-
reuse validated processes is a key factor in cost tion and management is based on Tecnoteca’s
reduction. We therefore adopted our stream-pro- CMDBuild open source system (www.cmdbuild.
cessing chains (spChains) framework. org). CMDBuild is a Web-based application de-
signed to define and manage the asset database
Stream processing chains. SpChains address of a given enterprise and to support full workflow
stream processing by composing elaboration management. It is distributed under the General
chains (Figure 2) on top of a set of standard yet Public License (GPL) v2.0 and strictly follows the
extensible stream-processing blocks, hiding the Information Technology Infrastructure Library
underlying CEP complexity.9 SpChains blocks (ITIL) best practices on IT service management.
don’t represent the complete set of elaborations It offers a modular, service-oriented architecture 53

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Feature: Enterprise Resource Pl anning


M1 Average

1 h batch


S4 x Threshold
Last Alarm

10 s 0.1 ˚C rising

5000 1000

out in
S5 Sum Range Alarm

1 h batch in range leaving


Figure 2. Stream processing chains for aggregation and alerting: (a) average of M1 (where M1 is
a generic measure of electric power or some other value) on a 1-hour chain composed of a single
block using a batch temporal window; (b) detection of sudden temperature changes, with alerts
for variations greater than 0.1°C in the past 10 seconds; and (c) notification if the sum of pieces
produced by a machine is out of the operative range (1,000 to 5,000 pieces per hour).

that’s easy to extend and integrate into larger planning, with a particular focus on the produc-
ERP systems. Proxima Centauri (the author of tion process optimization domain, according to
the Oratio ERP) and Tecnoteca (an Italian Web the Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP II)
Company) collaborated on integrating energy- system. The production planning should, in fact,
asset management and evaluation in the current depend on energy availability, the forecasted costs
release of CMDBuild. corresponding to the planned production time-
frame, and the type of energy to be used in a spe-
Enterprise Resource Planning cific process.
Economic values associated with energy con- Energy accounting must also be integrated in
sumption (taken from, for example, energy retailer the economic evaluation of production process-
invoices) are accounted for at the ERP layer. These es (process accounting), because the availability
values include all pricing-specific details, such as of energy information supports direct correla-
hourly and daily tariffs, financial penalties, and tion of energy costs and product lots, increasing
cost disaggregation (energy, taxes, and delivery). the  ­accounting granularity and precision in an
Given the energy figures associated with a par- unprecedented manner.
ticular asset, the ERP layer can extract all the oth-
er economic values that characterize the asset and Prototype
correlate them to evaluate the energy economy We deployed and tested all the architecture com-
balance for the given asset and, by induction, for ponents both separately and jointly, and we set
the entire enterprise. The bigger picture involves up a first complete installation at the Proxima
full integration of energy assets in enterprise Centauri premises. Figure 3 is a screenshot of the

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Figure 3. A snapshot of the JEERP system installed at the Proxima Centauri premises. The system provides
instantaneous and historical consumptions for both single (server) and aggregated assets (rooms).

running system. The JEERP project description handle from a stream-processing standpoint. Data
and a demo are available at persistence was implemented using a PostgreSQL
The installation involved several steps. First, the server instance running in the datacenter.
Proxima Centauri premises were profiled from an For each measured quantity, one aggregation
energy viewpoint, and critical consumption points— chain was defined, with a 15-minute timeframe
the datacenter and the HVAC system—were iden- (typical in the energy-management domain), and
tified. Monitoring granularity was then tuned to with computations depending on the monitored
achieve a suitable tradeoff between infrastructure physical quantity: average and peak for power
costs and gains due to forecasted savings. We agreed measures, difference (delta) for energy measures,
that we would install two three-phase meters and and peak values for voltage and current.
monitor six different channels. The entire monitor- Three alert chains were configured: two moni-
ing network is based on the KNX system, because toring the HVAC system consumption to pre-
it was the easiest to integrate in the existing prem- vent possible failures, and one on the total power
ises plant. The Dog gateway acts as a Scada gate- consumption to detect peak absorptions in high-
way thanks to its KNX driver, and it’s deployed on tariff hours.
an industrial-grade embedded PC equipped with a Events aggregated and filtered by the collector
1.6-GHz Intel Atom processor, 2 Gbytes of RAM, layer were delivered to the subsequent CMDBuild
and 320 Gbytes of mass storage. The same hard- layer through a Web-service connection, support-
ware also runs the collector module (exploiting the ing deployment of the higher level of the JEERP
spChains framework). The two software modules architecture on machines located in places typically
can, however, be distributed on several machines in distant from the field (the enterprise datacenter).
more demanding settings. Energy meters provide
measures for instantaneous power (active/reactive/

apparent), voltage, current, power factor, and ener- he first-prototype system was configured
gy. Each quantity is sampled at 1 Hz, resulting in an and tested on January 2012 and has been
overall data stream of 38 events per second, easy to running continuously since then with no 55

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Feature: Enterprise Resource Pl anning

failures or downtimes. Energy consumption in- 8. O.S., “Esper Complex Event Processing Engine,” Em-
formation integrated into the Proxima ERP sys- bedded System Eng., vol. 16, no. 2, 2011, pp. 28–29.
tem has already triggered increased awareness 9. D. Bonino and F. Corno, “spChains: A Declarative
of related costs from a business standpoint. Framework for Data Stream Processing in Pervasive
The availability of such information, distributed Applications,” Proc. 3rd Int’l Conf. Ambient Systems, Net-
at the single asset granularity, is in fact foster- works, and Technologies (ANT 12), 2012, pp. 316–323.
ing a migration of the datacenter facilities to
less powerful (Intel Atom-based servers) but Dario Bonino is a research assistant at the Politecnico di
more energy-efficient hardware and software Torino, Italy. His research interests include Semantic Web
architectures. technologies; domotics and semantic-aware, home-related
The JEERP architecture is currently in its first technologies; distributed systems; and multiagent systems.
stable release and supports building-wide in- Bonino is now leading the semantic modeling subteam of
stallations involving hundreds of sensors. In the the Dog gateway development team and he is currently
current release, the presented architecture is in- pursuing research (and development) on stream process-
tegrated with business intelligence features to ing applied to domotic and industrial automation systems.
better support cost analysis and identification of Contact him at
related factors in decisional processes. In particu-
lar, we are involved in a France-Italy cooperation Luigi De Russis is a research assistant in the e-Lite re-
project (Alcotra) in which two educational build- search group at the Department of Computer Science and
ings are monitored for energy consumption, and Automation of Politecnico di Torino, Italy, advised by Ful-
economic indicators are extracted to drive more vio Corno. His research focuses on human computer inter-
informed d ­ ecisions for building management. action, with a particular interest in interaction techniques
applied to smart environments. De Russis received his PhD
Acknowledgments in computer engineering from Politecnico di Torino. He was
The JEERP project has been funded by Regione Piemonte under a department editor for the ACM student magazine XRDS
the Structural Funds Regulation 2007–2013 (POR-FESR, Mis. until December 2013. Contact him at luigi.­ derussis@
I.3.1 ICT).

References Fulvio Corno is an associate professor in the Depart-

1. P. Ranganatha and N. Jouppi, “Enterprise IT Trends ment of Computer Science and Automation at Politecnico
and Implications for Architecture Research,” Proc. di Torino. His research interests include the application
11th Int’l Symp. High-Performance Computer Architecture of Semantic Web technologies to information systems en-
(HPCA 05), 2005, pp. 253–256. gineering, the conception and design of intelligent domotic
2. K. Bunse et al., “Integrating Energy Efficiency Per- environments, and advanced multimedia and multimodal
formance in Production Management—Gap Analysis interfaces for alternative access to computer systems. Corno
between Industrial Needs and Scientific Literature,” J. is an editorial board member of IT Professional. Contact
Cleaner Production, vol. 19, nos. 6–7, 2011, pp. 667–679. him at
3. S. Karnouskos et al., “Towards the Energy Efficient
Future Factory,” Proc. 7th IEEE Int’l Conf. Industrial In- Gianni Ferrero is manager of the Research & Develop-
formatics, 2009, 367–371. ment branch of Proxima Centauri, Italy. Proxima Centauri
4. D. Bonino, E. Castellina, and F. Corno, “The DOG is a small enterprise whose specialties include Web applica-
Gateway: Enabling Ontology-based Intelligent tion design and development for supporting enterprises in
Domotic Environments,” IEEE Trans. Consumer Elec- “measuring” their produced “wealth.” Ferrero is the man-
tronics, vol. 54, no. 4, 2008, pp. 1656–1664. ager of the JEERP project, funded by Regione Piemonte.
5. D.C. Luckham, The Power of Events: An Introduction to Contact him at
Complex Event, Addison-Wesley Longman, 2001.
6. D. Bonino and F. Corno, “DogOnt—Ontology Model-
ing for Intelligent Domotic Environments,” Proc. 7th Int’l
Conf. the Semantic Web (ISWC 08), 2008, pp. 790–803.
7. T.S. Group, “Stream: The Stanford Stream Data Man- Selected CS articles and columns are available
ager,” tech. report, Stanford Info Lab, 2003. for free at

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