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Creating Your Student Led Parent Teacher Conference

Conferences will be on March 24th & 25th

Goal- Create a student led parent teacher conference that has the student presenting and
informing parents or guardians of their current work in class.
Sub goals- Refresh how to write a formal letter, improve presentation and organizational skills

What you need to do

● Invite your parents to come to a conference
○ Write a letter to your parents explaining the purpose of the meeting

● Include the following;

○ 3+ pieces of work that show your strengths and work you are proud of
○ 2+ pieces of work that show areas you struggled in
○ 2+ pieces of work that show areas where you initially struggled but then
succeeded in
○ A reflection of each piece of work

● Reflect
○ If an item was an assignment you excelled on, tell your parents why you are
○ If an item was an assignment you did not do so well on, be prepared to tell your
parents why you did not do well

How to prepare your materials

● Create a folder that you will bring to the conference
○ Inside include your materials you wish to show to your parents
○ Reflections go at the back of the folder in the order of the work.
■ Reflections should also be labeled with a number matching the number
on the corresponding piece of work

In Preparation for Conference

We will have a work day today, and the 19th. On the 23rd, and 24th we will spend
around ten minutes presenting in groups of three to fellow classmates.

Today I will be teaching you how to write a letter.

I will be doing check points on each of these days to review your work and help you
with anything you need.

Students should wear business casual. Not acceptable; jeans, anything with holes,
crop tops, tank tops, anything skinny, tennis shoes, sweatshirts, sweats…

Refer to the link below for ideas of what IS appropriate

After the conference we will reflect as a class on the conferences as a

whole, what went well and what we can improve on for the future

Self Checklist:
____ 3+ pieces of work that demonstrate strengths and items you are proud of
____ 2+ pieces of work that demonstrate areas where you struggle
____ 2+ pieces of work that show areas where you initially struggled but have
succeeded in
____ Reflections for each piece of work explaining why you chose these pieces
____ Folder prepped and prepared for me to check and present to parents

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