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Danielle Henderson

Reflection Paper Assignment

EDT 180 2020 Spring

The first goal listed in the syllabus that I’ve chosen to focus on is number one, “approach new

computer-based tasks more easily and with greater confidence”, specifically for me, excel or

spreadsheets. When I first started this course, I was familiar with excel, I knew how to edit and

create lines, just basic things, but I would not say I was anywhere near confident nor proficient.

Thankfully, this class changed that. I now actually know how to use the formula side to excel

and I know how to do all of the math-based things that people mostly use excel for. I am so glad

that I was able to become confident in excel because it is something I use often in my job. In the

past I used it for graphs and charts, but now I am able to get the full use out of excel and that’s

great for me and what I do.

The second goal that I was able to achieve was goal number nine, “Analyze and discuss social

and ethical issues related to the increased use of technology in education, business, and society”.

I would say that I reached this goal through the analyzing apps project, although I already knew

what apps I used in my day to day at work, actually researching applications that people can use

for work really opened my eyes to how useful technology can be in the workplace. I was able to

find some apps that I didn't know existed that could be useful to me in my field. Shedding light

on how technology can help in all aspects of life is very important and I’m thankful to have

learned how to do that as well as found some useful applications that I can show to my


Danielle Henderson
Reflection Paper Assignment
EDT 180 2020 Spring

The third goal that I really found to be helpful and enlightening was number eleven, “create a

web-based personal portfolio showcasing learning over the semester”. Over the course of the

semester I have just been adding each project onto Weebly without really looking at the grand

scheme of things, but now that the semester is coming to an end and I need to double check my

work, I’m truly seeing how much I learned. I think that it is so interesting and beneficial to be

able to have an online portfolio showcasing everything we have done over the semester. It really

is so cool to be able to see what we have learned first-hand and how we’ve grown through each

project. This class taught me skills that I will continue to use even after this course has passed

and I am so thankful for everything I was able to learn.

My own personal experience for this class was truly enlightening, before having taken this class I

definitely considered myself a computer wiz, but this class really showed me how much I didn’t

know. At first it was frustrating, but now it’s something I am grateful for. Working in the project

management field and in an office daily, I will use almost everything I have learned. I believe it

is so liberating to be able to do things on your own and thankfully, this class taught me so many

skills that I will be able to use for the rest of my life, whether I stick with this profession or not. I

would say that I am one hundred percent now empowered to use new technology and it is all

thanks to this class and what I learned over the course of the semester.

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