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Learning activity 4

Desarrollar esta evidencia sin haber desarrollado el contenido del link Activity 4, es equivalente a
hacer el examen sin haber estudiado o haber leído el contenido del curso. Esta es una evidencia de
aprendizaje, como tal es evaluada. Esta evidencia es evaluada con calificaciones que determinan
si aprueban o no el curso. Por lo tanto, se invita al aprendiz desarrollar el contenido del Learning
Activity 4 del link en mención ANTES de desarrollar esta evidencia de manera cuidadosa.

Esta evidencia califica y evalúa el uso correcto de las siguientes estructuras:

 Todas las estructuras vistas en el curso.

Read Carefully
BEFORE you develop this activity, you need to take a look, review, and analyze
the multimedia content in the “Material: I’ve been doing my best” in the
Activity 4 link. This activity evaluates your knowledge on the use of the
structures seen in this course, whenever you use them in a sentence.
Remember that previous topics seen in this level have been: present simple,
present progressive, “would like to”, future (will), past simple, past progressive,
adverbs and “used to”. It is NOT necessary to use ALL of these topics in your
sentences, however, whenever you do, you will be evaluated on how you use

Instructions: this activity has two (2) stages

Stage 1: The person I admire the most

A. What to do?

Think of the person you admire the most. This person can be, for example, a
public figure, a celebrity, a politician, a world leader or someone close to you.

I admire the people of the country a lot, my parents are farmers, but it is very
pleasant to consume products from the countryside, which fight every day to
bring food to a whole nation. Without them we are nothing, they take care of
the field of nature.

B. How to do it?
You need to carry out some research in order to collect the necessary
information for writing an outline of their biography. If the person chosen is a
public figure, you can browse the web in order to get the details you are going
to include. On the other hand, if the person you chose is someone you know
personally, you can set up an interview in order to ask the person the
questions you may have about his / her life.

Here is an outline we suggest following for writing about the person’s life. We
have chosen Charles Darwin (public figure), an influential scientist of the
nineteenth century, as example for the outline.

Remember that an outline of a person’s biography is like writing down the

important stages of that person’s life, his or her milestones or
accomplishments, and significant events. Please, feel free to review how to
compose an outline before developing it.

Suggested outline
1. Early life and education.
2. Voyage of the Beagle.
3. Darwin's evolutionary theory.
4. Overwork, illness, and marriage.
5. Writing about the concept of natural selection.
6. Geology books, barnacles, evolutionary research.
7. Publication of the theory of natural selection.
8. Responses to publication.
9. Writing about the concept of descent of man, sexual selection, and
10. Death and funeral.

Your outline: __el campo____ (Name of the person you admire)

__Pablo diaz______
1. Don Pablo, I only study until the second grade of primary school
2. He has traveled to Bogota for fertilizers for his products
3. Take care of the creek Caring for animals.
4. Read books to update.
5. He married at 19, had two daughters and a son
6. for the earth
7. At four in the morning he drinks coffee
8. Don Pablo likes to share with the family
9. He meets with the townspeople to help with whatever they need
10. Work hard, to get good quality products
Stage 2: My admiration for…

A. What to do?

In this section, you will write a paragraph in which you present the person you
chose in Section 1. For this part of the evidence you do not need to present
the biography of this person. You will explain and illustrate the reasons why
you admire this person so much. Do not exceed 15 lines.

NOTA: En esta evidencia no se solicita hacer una biografía del personaje que
admiran. Se solicita expresar las razones por las que admiran a esta persona.
Ejemplo: Yo admiro a mi mamá porque es una muy buena persona, detallista,
colaboradora, fuerte, guerrera y amorosa. Ha generado 15 empleos en su
empresa independiente y no ha permitido que las circunstancias la detengan.
Esto es muy diferente a hacer una mini-biografía como: Mi madre nació el
1949 en Bogotá, y ha sido la presidente del país en varias ocasiones. Ha
ganado varios premios por creatividad y otros más por manejo de finanzas…
Esta mini-biografía NO es lo que se solicita, se solicita decir las razones por la
que se admira a la persona o personaje como en el ejemplo anterior.

Your presentation should include the following aspects:

1. A very short introduction.

2. Arguments and illustrations supporting your admiration for this person. (use
vocabulary seen in Learning Activity 4 and its material)
3. A conclusion.
Sources (In the event you consulted any articles, the web, journals, etc.)

In addition, your composition should have sentences using the structures used
in this course. It doesn’t necessarily have to have all of them, but a significant
amount of sentences should use said structures. You can take a look at the
structures seen in this course at the beginning of this file.
Don Pablo was born in 1943, the townspeople admire him very much, he has always lived
in the countryside, he likes to work the countryside, produce good quality products. take
care of it with the rest of the town, they help each other to have a quiet life.

In December, everyone does activities as a family and they collaborate.

gifts for children and food together with their sibling parents of all families living in the
countryside. Don Pablo and his family always collaborate in the festivities

Stage 3: Submitting my evidence

When you finish your work, send the file to your instructor through the platform as

1. Click the title of this evidence.

2. Click Examinar mi equipo and look for the file in your computer. Make sure
the file is attached.
3. Leave a comment for the instructor (optional).
4. Click Enviar.

Important: The platform will only allow you to submit your file once. Please,
make sure you upload the necessary file when submitting your evidence.
Note: This evidence is an individual activity. Remember to check the learning
guide in order to know if you have done all the assigned activities, know how to
develop them and deliver them correctly.

Criterios de evaluación
 Expresa ideas sobre una tercera persona usando el vocabulario requerido.

 Prepara presentaciones haciendo uso del vocabulario y las diferentes

estructuras gramaticales requeridas.

 Combina diferentes tiempos verbales para expresar ideas, usando la

estructura y el vocabulario requerido.

 Usa expresiones idiomáticas teniendo en cuenta el vocabulario y contexto


 Expresa reflexiones críticas sobre el pasado en el contexto requerido.

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