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21st Philippine Mathematical Olympiad

Mathematical Society of the Philippines

Department of Science and Technology - Science Education Institute

PMO Director: Ma. Nerissa Abara

Test Development Committee: Christian Paul Chan Shio, Richard Eden, Louie John Vallejo
Carlo Francisco Adajar, Gari Lincoln Chua, Russelle Guadalupe, Lu Christian Ong,
and Immanuel Gabriel Sin
21st Philippine Mathematical Olympiad
National Stage, Written Phase
26 January 2019

Time: 4.5 hours Each item is worth 7 points.

1. Find all functions f : R ! R such that

f (2xy) + f (f (x + y)) = xf (y) + yf (x) + f (x + y)
for all real numbers x and y.

Solution: The only functions are f (x) = 0, f (x) = x and f (x) = 2 x. It

can be checked that these are indeed solutions.
Substituting x and for x and y respectively yields
✓ ✓ ◆◆ ✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
1 1 1 1
f (x) + f f x + = xf + f (x) + f x +
2 2 2 2

On the other hand, substituting x + 12 and 0 for x and y respectively yields

✓ ✓ ◆◆ ✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
1 1 1
f (0) + f f x + = x+ f (0) + f x +
2 2 2

Subtracting the two equations then yields

✓ ◆  ✓ ◆
1 1
f (x) f (0) = 2xf 2xf (0) =) f (x) = 2x f f (0) + f (0),
2 2
which implies that f (x) is linear. Substituting f (x) = ax + b to the given
functional equation then gives the three answers. ⌅

2. Twelve students participated in a theater festival consisting of n di↵erent

performances. Suppose there were six students in each performance, and
each pair of performances had at most two students in common. Determine
the largest possible value of n.
Solution: We label the students by 1, 2, . . . , 12 and the performances by the
subsets P1 , . . . , Pn of {1, . . . , 12}. Then the problem now reduces to finding
the maximum value of n such that

(a) |Pi | = 6 for all 1  i  n, and
(b) |Pi \ Pj |  2 for all 1  i < j  n.
We make a 12 ⇥ n {0, 1}-matrix M whose entries are defined as follows:
1 if student i plays in performance Pj ,
Mij =
0 if student i does not play in performance Pj .
For each i 2 {1, . . . , 12}, let ri = nj=1 Mij be the number of times i appears
in the sets P1 , . . . , Pn . Then, by double-counting, we have 12 i=1 ri = 6n.
Let R be the set of all unordered pairs of 1’s that lie in the same row.
Counting by rows, we see P12thatri in the ith row, there are ri 1’s and thus
2 pairs. Thus, |R| = i=1 2 . Counting by columns, we note that for
any two columns, there are at most 2 pairs of 1’s among these columns, so
|R|  2 n2 = n(n 1). Thus,
12 ✓ ◆
X 12
X 12
X 12
 n(n 1) =) ri2 ri  2n(n 1) =) ri2  2n2 +4n.
2 i=1 i=1 i=1

By the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality,

!2 12
36n = ri  12 ri2 = 24n2 + 48n,
i=1 i=1

which implies that n  4. For n = 4, we have the following specific sets

P1 , . . . , P4 satisfying the conditions of the problem:
P1 = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}, P2 = {1, 3, 7, 8, 11, 12}
P3 = {2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10}, P4 = {5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12}.
Hence, the maximum value of n is n = 4. ⌅

3. Find all triples (a, b, c) of positive integers such that

a2 + b2 = n lcm(a, b) + n2
b2 + c2 = n lcm(b, c) + n2
c2 + a2 = n lcm(c, a) + n2

for some positive integer n.

Solution: We claim that the only triples that satisfy the system are those of
the form (k, k, k). It can be easily checked that all such triples are solutions,

where n = k. Conversely, suppose that (a, b, c) is a solution. We then need
to show that a = b = c.
Suppose that there exists some integer d > 1 such that d|a, d|b, d|c. From
any of the equations of the system, we also get d|n. Thus, by replacing
(a, b, c) with ( ad , db , dc ), we obtain a new solution, where n is replaced by nd .
Thus, WLOG, we can assume that a, b, c, and n share no common divisor
other than 1. By solving the system of equations for 2a2 , we get

2a2 = n(lcm(a, b) lcm(b, c) + lcm(c, a) + n).

Hence n|2a2 , and similarly, n|2b2 , and n|2c2 . But as a, b, c and n share no
common divisor other than 1, it then follows that either n = 1 or n = 2.
If n = 1, then we have a2 +b2 = lcm(a, b)+1, which implies that 2ab  ab+1.
This gives a = b = c = 1, which leads to the family of solutions (k, k, k).
If n = 2, then a2 + b2 = 2lcm(a, b) + 4  2ab + 4 so (a b)2  4, and
|a b|  2. Similarly, |b c|  2 and |c a|  2. Note that no two of a,
b, and c can be consecutive. To see this, suppose WLOG that a = b + 1.
Substituting this to the first equation gives 1 = 4. Contradiction.
Thus, at least two of a, b, and c must be equal. Without loss of generality,
assume that a = b. Substituting to the first equation, we obtain a = b = 2.
Thus, 4 + c2 = 2lcm(2, c) + 4, and so c is even. This is a contradiction
since we assumed that a, b, c, and n have no common divisor other than 1.
Therefore, the case n = 2 does not give any additional solution. ⌅

4. In acute triangle ABC with \BAC > \BCA, let P be the point on side BC
such that \P AB = \BCA. The circumcircle of triangle AP B meets side
AC again at Q. Point D lies on segment AP such that \QDC = \CAP .
Point E lies on line BD such that CE = CD. The circumcircle of triangle
CQE meets segment CD again at F , and line QF meets side BC at G.
Show that B, D, F, and G are concyclic.
Solution: Refer to the figure shown below. Since ABP Q is cyclic, we have
CP · CB = CQ · AC. Also, we have 4CAD ⇠ 4CDQ, so CD2 = CQ · AC.
This means that CE 2 = CD2 = CQ · AC = CP · CB, so 4CDP ⇠ 4CBD
and 4CEQ ⇠ 4CAE. Thus, \CBD = \CDP and, since QECF is cyclic,
\CAE = \CEQ = \QF D. Now, we see that
\EDC = \CBD + \DCB = \CBD + \ACB \ACD
= \CBD + \ACB (\CDP \DAC)
= \BAP + \DAC = \BAC.

Since triangle DCE is isosceles with CD = CE, we get \DEC = \BAC. It
follows that BAEC is cyclic, so \GBD = \CBD = \CAE. But \CAE =
\QF D, so \GBD = \QF D and therefore, BDF G is cyclic. The desired
conclusion follows. ⌅

Mathematical Olympiad Summer Camp 2019:

Karlo Karlo Karlo Richard Eden Karlo Christian Paul Chan Shio Karlo

Carlo Francisco Adajar Lu Christian Ong Hazel Joy Shi

Gari Lincoln Chua Albert John Patupat Timothy Robin Teng
Jerome Dimabayao Diane Christine Pelejo Mikaela Angelina Uy
Kyle Patrick Dulay Carl Joshua Quines Louie John Vallejo
Russelle Guadalupe Karlo Karlo Karlo Kerish Villegas



60th International Mathematical Olympiad
Bath, United Kingdom • July 11 to 22, 2019

Left to Right

1. Sean Anderson Ty, Zamboanga Chong Hua High School

2. Dion Stephan Ong, Ateneo de Manila Senior High School
3. Andres Rico Gonzales III, De La Salle University Integrated School
4. Bryce Ainsley Sanchez, Grace Christian College
5. Vincent Dela Cruz, Valenzuela City School of Mathematics and Science
6. Immanuel Josiah Balete, St. Stephen’s High School

Team Leader: Richard Eden, Ateneo de Manila University

Deputy Team Leader: Christian Paul Chan Shio, Ateneo de Manila University

Observer B: Russelle Guadalupe, University of the Philippines - Diliman


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